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5901 | Consideres quasiprofessional activities organized in the framework of contextual learning, as the possibility of formation of professional pedagogical competence of students. Shows the place of quasiprofessional activities in gradual professional training of future specialists. Points out the tasks of the Cabinet of quasiprofessional activities for pre-school children. Consideration of these tasks is explained by the belief of the author that quasiprofessional learning model can fully be realized not only in classrooms but also in other practice-oriented educational spaces. As a result of gradual inclusion of future specialists in the context quasiprofessional activity the students of pedagogical university form the necessary basic competence. Keywords: pre-school education, quasiprofessional activities, modeling, contextual learning, professional pedagogical competence | 983 | |||||
5902 | The article offers a brief description of one of the most significant concepts for the English culture – “hobby”. The research of the content of the modern concept “hobby” in the English lingua-culture is based on the study of the English Dictionaries. The study also reveals the features of the formation of “hobby” as a lexical unit of the English language. At the present time English hobby is considered to be one of the types of “serious leisure” and the English concept “hobby” is getting a feature of usefulness and importance, and represents a certain model of life as pleasure, being engaged in not just a favourite routine, but necessary and useful. Keywords: concept, lingua-cultural concept, English lingua-culture, leisure, serious leisure, hobby | 983 | |||||
5903 | Health factor is the priority value in society, and its preservation depends largely on drug supply, the pharmaceutical market of the state. The French pharmaceutical market is one of the largest in the world, it has more than 22.5 thousand pharmacies. The article deals with French pharmaceutical discourse as one of the kinds of institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized multicomponent formation, an interaction of legislative (legal) pharmaceutical discourse (in the field of drug production and trade of medicines), advertising and pharmaceutical discourse, scientific and pharmaceutical discourse, academic (educational) pharmaceutical discourse, media pharmaceutical discourse, commercial pharmaceutical discourse, pharmaceutical proper discourse. The leading role belongs to pharmaceutical proper discourse in the field of professional communication. Within the subgroup of French pharmaceutical discourse, one can find the polyphonic inclusions of historical, medical, chemical, encyclopedic, botanical, social discourses. The complex nature of pharmaceutical discursive discourse gave rise to the variety of genre forms. Keywords: pharmacy, pharmacist, pharmaceutical discourse, speech genre, drug, drug-store | 983 | |||||
5904 | Introduction. The article describes the changes in ideas on the family and the role of woman in public consciousness at the end of the nineteenth century. The aim and objectives. The aim of this work is to study the reflection of female emancipation process in Russian and German society at the end of the nineteenth century. Material and methods. The material for research is the novel by L. N. Tolstoy “Anna Karenina” and the novel by Th. Fontane “Effi Briest”. The analytical and descriptive, comparative, cultural and historical methods are used in this work. Results and discussion. In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, European and Russian society faced the crisis of the family institution. The global historical, political, socioeconomic and ideological changes had their influence on the understanding of the role and place of women. The problem of women emancipation is widely represented in the works of the European and Russian writers of the given period. L. N. Tolstoy in the novel “Anna Karenina” gives a critical eye to the state of the “family matter”. The writer indicates the discredit of the traditional ideas on marriage in the society of Moscow’s and Petersburg’s nobility. L. N. Tolstoy exposes the hypocrisy of nobles, vicious in all spheres of life (official, family, economical spheres) but advocating for decency. In “Anna Karenina” we see how inequitable social gender roles are. The heroine of the novel was rejected not due to the adultery, but because of the aspiration to live openly. The conflict of the emancipated person against the ossified society becomes a plot engine in “Effi Briest” novel by the German writer. We found the coincidence of the key personality traits of the Th. Fontane and L. N. Tolstoy protagonists. The unifying quality is the ambition, based on the undisclosed emotional potential of a woman from noble society. If the social ground of Anna Karenina’s tragedy in the Tolstoy novel is the hypocrisy of the high society, the Effi Briest catastrophe is due to (in Fontane’s opinion) misconception of honour in the German noble society. Similar features are found in the male characters of the novels. However, there is a moral superiority of Karenin over Instetten that can be explained by peculiarities of the mentality. Conclusion. The comparative analysis of L. N. Tolstoy’s and Th. Fontane’s works allows us to conclude that there is coincidence of the created social and psychological situation and the characters’ emotional reactions to similar collisions without proven interference of the texts. In both works, developing women’s emancipation is portrayed as a complicated and dramatic process, which testifies to the epoch’s crisis. Keywords: L. N. Tolstoy, Th. Fontane, novel, emancipation, adultery | 983 | |||||
5905 | Introduction. The purpose of this research is to develop the concept of a dictionary of gender-marked vocabulary, which reflects the concepts of male and female in the Middle Ob region dialects. The study is novel in that it shows the creation of a dictionary that reflects the male and female spheres in their complex sociocultural interaction and regional specifics for the first time in Russian lexicography. The dictionary includes dynamic parameters of gender vocabulary, and as a result their informative capabilities are expanded. The applicabiliry of creating a dictionary of gender-marked vocabulary is coming from the nesessity to form a source study base for studying Siberia as a structure of steadfast development. At the same time, it can be used to identify factors contributing to the preservation of the traditional Siberian culture. Material and methods. Autobiographical texts recorded from 1946 to 2016 on the territory of century-old traditional dialects distribution in the Middle Ob region are used as the source. The study is carried out using the lexicographical method, the advantage of which is that one can study in detail the objects of lexicography, as well as their features and functioning in the language. Results and discussion. The dictionary includes gender lexical units that are part of the gender conceptual sphere. The dictionary includes both direct nominations of concepts (the core of the nominative field) and the nominations of individual cognitive features of a concept (periphery of the nominative field). The dictionary is formed according to the thematic principle and contains the following groups of gender-marked vocabulary: general denomination of a person depending on gender; nominations indicating age and marital status; units reflecting family hierarchy status; denominations representing biological features that are specific only to a certain gender individuals; nominations reflecting traits of character, appearance; ones that call men and women by professional activities, labor processes; ceremonial words; nominations, characterizing the female and male spheres. The structure of the dictionary entry consists of three main parts: headword part, interpretation part of the capital lexical unit, illustrative part. Conclusion. The dictionary supplements the multifaceted description of the Middle Ob dialects. At the same time, it contributes to the new aspects’ identification in gender analysis. The concept of the dictionary is based on the theoretical provisions of gender dialectology and dialect lexicography. All components of a dictionary entry (headword, definitions, notes, illustrative material) reflect the richness of folk speech, testify to a more fragmented division of the world, carried out on other grounds than in the literary language, and reflecting the specifics of rural society and traditional culture. Keywords: dictionary, dialect, gender, gender dialectology | 983 | |||||
5906 | The article represents the study on nominations of a hand in the Selkup dialects. The linguistic research reveals the sacred and secular visions of a hand in the Selkup culture. The idea of the former vision was found out during the analysis of derivatives of a dialectal variant of somonim ud. This motive is connected with the belief that a hand can be a cause of illness or even death if not covered. It means that a hand is associated with underworld in Selkups’ mentality. The secular motive was revealed during the study of derivatives of another dialectal variant of somonim od which comprises meaning ‘a hand as a tool of work’. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, somonym, nominations of a hand, hand, arm | 982 | |||||
5907 | The article considers evaluation of professional competences of teachers in educational organizations. Voluntary certification of teachers’ competences is presented as a tool. The authors offer the model of certification of teachers’ professional competences according to the professional standard of a teacher. The given model defines conceptual, informative, technological, and procedural aspects of certification of teachers’ professional competences in educational organizations of the Russian Federation. The model of teachers’ certification includes three stages: a starting stage, a basic stage, and an expert stage. The stages are defined according to progressive changes of the requirements to the teachers’ professional competences. The authors set directions of certification subject to every stage. These directions specify the requirements to the minimum education degree, the teaching experience, the certification form, the field of use, the results, and the duration of a certificate. Keywords: competence, certification exam, certification, evaluation of teacher’s professional competences | 982 | |||||
5908 | The history of volunteer practices in prerevolutionary Russia is among the major problems that attract increasing attention of researchers. The need to study them is caused not only by scientific, but also by the practical need for a deeper consideration of volunteer activity in the system of charitable institutions and public organizations. The statutes and reports of these organizations are valuable sources, significantly broadening and refining our understanding of the history of volunteerism in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Reflecting the nature of society itself, they contain information about their composition (quantitative and personal), organizational structure, subordinate organizations and activities, as well as practices of public volunteers. Thanks to the availability of such a document as the charter, members of the society first got an idea of the procedure for using the rights granted to them and the sphere of application of volunteer efforts and free labor. The article analyzes statutes and reports of the Tver Charitable Society for the Promotion of Women’s Labor, the Orenburg Slavic Charitable Society, the Arkhangelsk Sobriety Society, the Odessa Society for Combating Drunkenness, the Charitable Society for the Publication of Useful and Cheap Books, the Society for the Improvement of National Labor in Memory of the Tsar Liberator Alexander II, the Charitable Society for the Protection of Animals, the St. Petersburg Slavic Charitable Society, and others. Keywords: charitable institutions, volunteers, volunteer activity, report, public organizations, charter, membercompetitors | 982 | |||||
5909 | Since the very beginning of goldmine industry in Siberia its workers were on their own in issues of healthcare, insurance and support of families of the deceased laborers. Changes came in the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century. They became possible because of new imperial legislation. According to new laws, entrepreneurs became responsible for their worker’s health and were obliged to compensate work-related injury or death claims of employees. However, it caused debates among people of industry. They made several projects, concerning the creation of insurance association and the society of mutual insurance for workers. Some projects were quite promising, supposing that accessible health insurance funds would be created even in Siberian taiga. But conferences of gold industry entrepreneurs tended to support the moderate ones. Even the duration of operational season was disputed since it had effect on payments size. However, even these efforts were made without great effect and failed to create a stable insurance system. As seen from the study it was the consequence of entrepreneurs’ effort to share responsibility for insurance with the state institutions and workers themselves. The problem of health insurance was a part of the labour issue, which appeared to be unmanageable. Keywords: history of Siberia, labour issue, insurance, pensions, gold industry | 982 | |||||
5910 | The article considers the problem of effectiveness of the process of military training, which is especially important today in the preparation of command and engineering staff for the Russian Federation air force. The internship is designed to consolidate the positive motivation of cadets in their chosen profession, understanding its importance for strengthening the country’s defense capability, growing cadets’ initiatives, will, resourcefulness, a sense of personal responsibility. Independent work during the military internship is a specific pedagogical means of organization and management of independent activity of cadets. For effective implementation of independent work, you must observe certain conditions, which are an important prerequisite for influencing the effectiveness of independent work of cadets. Analysis of literary sources, regulatory materials, as well as studies that define the pedagogical conditions, the effectiveness of the organization of students’ independent work in the process of military construction internships: the professional competence of internship managers who are appointed from teachers and cadets’ commanders; effective methodical organization of work; providing cadets with the necessary educational materials; quality control of independent work of students in the course of their professional formation. Monitoring the results of independent work of cadets is carried out simultaneously with the current control and in the implementation of the outcome of the military control of an internship. The same evaluation criteria are considered in the article results of independent work. The educational process of organizing independent work of students in the course of military internships implied the realization of the pedagogical conditions selected by us. The results of experimental work showed positive implementation of the pedagogical conditions and attitudes towards improving the quality of the professional activities of the cadets. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, independent work, cadets, military training | 982 | |||||
5911 | The interrelation and interaction of volunteer and educational organizations in the field of vocational education currently remains insufficiently studied. The analysis of the problem shows that in the process of learning students may acquire experience in professional activities in the activities of volunteer organizations if these are professionally adequate communities of practice. This type of volunteer organization can be created by the educational institution in cooperation with the social partners – the municipality, state and private organizations. Students can get professional experience by being involved in volunteer activities, especially if these activities are provided by professionally relevant communities of practice. This type of volunteer organizations can be established by an educational institution in cooperation with social partners. The aim of the research is to study the educational potential of volunteer organizations to provide vocational experience for university and college students during their studies. The paper presents an example of establishing and operating a volunteer organization for students with the aim of widening the curriculum and providing students with an opportunity for getting vocational experience. The anonymous survey method has been used for investigating the influence of students’ involvement in volunteer activities on their professional identity. Changes in students’ motivation levels have been revealed by comparing their academic performance in general educational and in special disciplines. The results of the anonymous survey showed both the positive shift in the professional identity of students participating in the activity of the volunteer organization as well as increased motivation to study vocationally relevant academic disciplines. Keywords: professional education, practice communities, volunteer organizations, professional tests, professional competencies | 982 | |||||
5912 | Introduction. The need for the formation of grammatical skills associated with the competent construction of statements, determines the communicative activity approach in teaching the Russian language as a foreign. In most cases, it is the predicate that constitutes the core of the minimal syntactic unit – a phrase, which in turn serves to build the basic communicative unit of speech ‒ the sentence. Therefore, the study of grammatical forms of the verb as a part of speech plays a very important role already at the initial stage of learning the Russian language as a foreign. The aim of the article is the systematization of theoretical information and patterns of the studied linguistic phenomenon and the creation of a system of exercises aimed at understanding the linguistic foundations and automating the skill of forming verb forms of the present tense category. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the work is the concept of intensive teaching of foreign languages, based on the communicative-activity approach and on the general didactic principles. The focus of the research is a comparative analysis of the ways of presenting theoretical and didactic material in the formation of grammatical skills at the initial stage of teaching Russian language as a foreign, as well as qualitative analysis of the results of pedagogical activity. Results and discussion. For the successful formation of the skill of using verbs in speech, not only minimal theoretical information about the distribution of this part of speech by conjugation type is necessary, but also familiarity with such a morphological phenomenon of the Russian language as historical alternations of final consonant sounds of root morphemes in the formation of personal verb forms in the present tense. Analysis of the research results shows that in the process of teaching the language, the most effective is the practical application of theoretical knowledge due to their conscious assimilation, which contributes to the development of a stable skill of reproducing the information laid on a conceptual basis, which is necessary for solving specific communicative tasks. The result of the study of this issue and pedagogical experience are summary tables that ensure the implementation of the general didactic principle of use of visual methods in studying new material and contribute to the systematization of theoretical knowledge, as well as specific exercises that can find practical application both in forming the ability to create a paradigm of the present, and in automating skills correct use in speech of verbal forms. Conclusion. One of the most pressing issues in Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language is the formation of personal forms of verbs in the present tense. Thus, the system of linguistic and speech exercises, which is based on general didactic principles taking into account linguistic phenomena caused by the history of language development, and can be used at the initial stage of training, has a special practical significance. Keywords: the Russian language as foreign, methodics of teaching, principle of use of visual methods, conjugation, verbal forms, the present tense, historical rotation | 982 | |||||
5913 | Modern period of development of education makes us search the ways of optimizing the whole system, taking into consideration actual needs of society. This article provides the analysis of teacher training in managerial activities in the education system of Great Britain.The author considers the main tasks of pedagogical departments of Universities at different stages of development during the XXth century, the peculiarities of development of educational programs and cooperation between Universities, secondary schools and pedagogical colleges. To author’s mind the research of experience of Great Britain will be useful for training of pedagogical personnel in managerial activity both in Ukraine and other countries. Keywords: pedagogical personnel, managerial activity, training, programs, advanced training | 981 | |||||
5914 | The paper is devoted to studying speech acts in the situation of parting in the German culture. The subject of the scientific analysis is a communicative pragmatic situation of realization of the acts represented in dialogic fragments of literary works of art of Germany. The objects of the research are verbal means of formation of speech acts and expressions of pragmatic components of the communicative situation ABSCHIED in German language. The aim of the paper is to reveal illocutionary goals of the communicative situation ABSCHIED. The author finds out that situation of parting is related to the concept of etiquette and includes various illocutionary goals. Speech acts of parting assume the interaction of at least two subjects – the sender and the recipient. Farewell speech formulas can serve either for creating distance or for the rapprochement of interlocutors. For successful communication, native German speakers use a variety of communication moves. Keywords: parting, German culture, theory of speech acts, communicative situation, illocutionary goals, speech formulas, communication moves | 981 | |||||
5915 | An important instrument of the increase of educational activity is its logistization. In the article we offer a logistic model, where an educational institution is considered as a micro-logistic system, and educational activity – as a set of various flows of useful resources, which interact, influence each other, depend upon the current market conditions and evolve, corresponding to the change of inner and outer conditions. Using the logistic approach, we bring out the research of structure of the basic element of the system – the flow of human resources. The flow is represented as a certain function, having two components: scalar W0– the concrete appearance of useful resources and vector 0 W (t,z) – the orientation of the flow in space (z) and time (t). Thus, the flow is W =W0 ⋅W0(t,z). The special attention is paid to the process of forming the human resources flow and to its providing components. We show that in an educational establishment the educational activity results the conversion of the input flow of human resources (claimers for getting some educational services) into the output flow (specialists of various levels). Besides, for stable functioning of the conversion process the educational establishment requires the following vector components: material, financial, informational, of power (energetic), of manpower (personnel) and of service. We work out the mathematical expressions, describing this process. They give us the opportunity to define the sources of expenses and to optimize the total costs in order to minimize them. Keywords: education, educational process, logistics, useful resources flows, logistization of educational activity | 981 | |||||
5916 | The article presents the data obtained during studying of features of attention of employees, the providing the state protection (PSP). By means of Hardware and Software Psychodiagnostic Complex (HSPC) “Multipsikhometr” we studied the features of stability of attention of employees of PSP and Department of Internal Affairs. Stability of attention was investigated with the help of technique of readiness for the emergency action (REA). We analysed the following indicators: efficiency, latency of reaction, accuracy, stability. In the study it was found that latency of reaction and indicators of the volume of physical activity have no statistically significant intergroup distinctions while in experimental group (PSP) indicators “efficiency” and “stability” are statistically more significant than the results of the control group. It is possible to assume that the processes of attention of PSP employees (readiness for the emergency action) proceed more effectively than those of the ordinary staff of Department of Internal Affairs. Most likely, the formation of the identity of employees of PSP are influenced by some factors: professional activity in the conditions of extreme situations which create difficulties in the solution of professional tasks, affect success of actions and demand high professional stability from employees, special psychological readiness, ability to work harmoniously in special conditions. Keywords: attention, personal protection, staff, providing state protection | 981 | |||||
5917 | The article considers main provisions of the concept of nature-oriented education, the approaches and principles of development and preservation of the health of the individual of learners within the framework of realization of Federal state educational standards of new generation. These include: development, self-development of the personal and adaptive potential of students; maintaining their health; taking into account individual psychophysiological and age characteristics of students when planning the educational process; development of professional competence of teachers, improving the quality of education and quality of preparation of specialists for the implementation of Federal state educational standards of new generation. The account of these features is the basis for effective development of mental cognitive processes – memory, imagination, perception, attention, thinking, speech, which, in turn, develop talents and personal potential in general. Keywords: concept, principle of nature-oriented education, personality development and the preservation of its health, professional competence, Federal state educational standard | 981 | |||||
5918 | The purpose of this publication is to state the main results and conclusions of the study on identification of methodical training level of future and practicing teachers of foreign language. Research objectives included not only discovering the differences in the levels of their methodical training, but also identifying certain difficulties in methodological activities, methodological knowledge and skills and priority ranking (recognition of efficiency) of fundamental principles behind methodical training. Level of methodical training, defined according to the ability to address educational methodological tasks and problematic situations, was graded in three levels: low, medium, high. The criteria for successful implementation of these tasks are: independence, criticism, productivity, the usage of examples. Besides, some more aspects were taken into account: the knowledge of methodological terminology; the validity of methods, forms and tools of education; objectiveness of professional work analysis and introspection, and others. Keywords: methodical training, level of methodical training, foreign language teacher, practicing teacher, future teacher | 981 | |||||
5919 | Introduction. The use of poetic texts as didactic materials is an effective method of teaching Russian as a foreign language. This study aims to describe the methodological and linguistic aspects of interpreting perceptual semantics in poetic works by Marina Tsvetaeva. The interpretation of literary works in perceptual terms facilitates understanding these works’ messages and provides an opportunity for studying and applying units with the meaning of perception in communicative practice. Material and methods. The material for the study was poems by Marina Tsvetaeva with a pronounced semantics of perception (270 poems, 547 contexts). The main research methods were the linguo-stylistic analysis of the texts, the conceptual and semantic analysis of the keywords, and a linguocultural commentary. Results and discussion. When selecting poems for lessons in a foreign-language audience, it is essential to take into account the students’ cognitive interest, the principle of accessibility, and the principle of the methodological value of the poems for studying. When interpreting texts and analyzing perceptual images, foreign students encounter lexical, grammatical, stylistic, and linguocultorological difficulties. By successfully overcoming the difficulties, students perceive the messages and the emotional tonalities of the poems. The titles of certain poems set “perceptual dominants” conceptually expressed in the further semantic development of the text (“V Sumerkakh” [At Dusk], “Luch Serebristyy” [Ray of Silver], “Nochnye Shepota: Shelka . . .” [Night Whispers: Silk . . .], etc.). Tasks on the analysis of perceptual images and the linguo-poetic analysis of poems must be formulated in accordance with the main stages of the lesson. The actualization of skills and abilities involves the use of individual perceptual experience and information available to students about literary texts. Pre-reading tasks aim to capture the readers’ interest and encourage them to be creative (conceptual guess and comparison). Reading tasks aim to analyze the means of expressing perceptual images at the lexical, grammatical, and stylistic levels of the poem. The focus is on keywords with perceptual semantics. Post-reading tasks aim to generalize and interpret the material. Conclusion. The linguo-stylistic analysis of poems by Marina Tsvetaeva in terms of perception allows foreign students to present one of the options for interpreting the texts using their linguistic and sensory experience. The students understand the functions perceptual units perform, observe the implementation of direct and figurative meanings of keywords, and see how the author expresses her intention at all the levels of the texts. Keywords: poetic text, Russian as a foreign language, perceptual semantics, linguistic analysis | 981 | |||||
5920 | The article deals with the analysis of the processes in the educational institution from the logistic point of view. We show, that almost any educational institution conforms to the requirements and can function as a logistic system. Naturally, the problem of optimization of all processes in the educational institution occurs. An important instrument of the problem’s solution is logistization of educational activity. The basis of educational activity is a high potential of increasing its efficiency by means of implementation of scientific methods of regulating the various flows, which occur not only in the educational institution structure, but also in interacting of the educational institution and its external environment (labor market). Logistization of educational activity is a process of consequential implementation of devices, methods and techniques of logistic science. At the same time, educational activity logistization can be considered as a complex technological and management innovation and its implementation into real practice of educational istitutions should be considered as a necessary factor. We analyze the principles, paradigms and requirements, related to forming the educational institution as a logistic system: integration of departments into a united logistic system, orderliness and clarity (transparency) of logistic systems and so on. We reveal the difficulties of forming this system. They are caused by the specificity of “production” of the educational logistic system. That is why the approaches, traditionally applied to the sphere of material production, may be not effective in this case. Keywords: education, educational process, educational establishment, educational system, logistics, logistization of educational activity | 980 | |||||
5921 | A prerequisite of personality development as a priority goal of modern education is modeling of the integrative processes in metalinguistic educational space of school. The article presents a comparative analysis of two educational policies – teaching language as a subject and language development of the individual. As grounds for comparison serve objective, conceptual approaches, content and competence system. Proposes the model of educational process, approved in experimental activities of the Tyumen region schools in which integration is implemented on the basis of actualization of pedagogical and psychological mechanisms of language development of the individual, using cognitive resources and microstomatidae humanitarian and natural-science paradigms, opportunities of conceptual and creative thinking. Keywords: metalinguistic educational environment, language development of personality, integration of humanitarian and natural-science education, conceptual and creative thinking | 980 | |||||
5922 | Formation of primary schoolchildren’s citizenship allows to build common spiritual and moral values, primary value orientations and civil ideology. Civil education is considered as the direction of the educational activities associated with the formation of the social role of personality, its public face. Creation of the student’s experience of the social group and individual behavior of the civil nature goes through a joint analysis, solution of the group social problems, joint social action in the framework of non-recurrent separate social actions as well as long-term projects. Concept and methods of implementing social actions and projects arise and are discussed in the student community and implemented with the support and supervision of parents, class teacher, and public organizations. Preparatory work for inclusion in social planning is done with students by means of educational and extracurricular activities, educational work with parents – through thematic parent-teacher meetings, collective creative works. The results are stability of citizenship, including cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the evaluation, the constancy of socially approved behavior patterns with a strong civil position of primary school children, the positive experience of their civil action. Keywords: primary school, civil education, cognitive, emotional evaluation, behavioral components of citizenship, experience of civil action, children-invalids, children with disabilities, parents, family, joint social action | 980 | |||||
5923 | Introduction. The article describes the prerequisites for addressing the Krasnoyarsk anthology, which is the phenomenon of two-address literature (for schoolchildren and adults). Aim and objectives. The purpose of the survey was to examine the key motifs of poetic and prose works included in the “Anthology for children” of Krasnoyarsk Territory (2017). Materials and research methods. The author uses the method of motive and thematic analysis. The author analyzes the key motifs of the poetic and prose works, included in the “Anthology of literature for children” of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (2017). The anthology includes poems and prose of 58 authors. The compilers of the anthology included texts of various genres: prose (for example, M. Koryakin), fairy tales (V. Nesterenko, L. Rychkova), prose miniature (E. Zharikova), lyrical poetry (A. Dudin, N. Iva), excerpts from the poem (M. Tarkovsky, O. Aksenova), poetic alphabet (N. Anishina), puzzles (K. Eremin, M. Radkevich). The texts were written during the second half of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the XXI century. At present, regional studies have a high scientific value. The author turns to the anthology, published in 2017. The study reveals an auto-reference of Siberia in poetry and prose of both the Soviet and the post-Soviet period. Results and discussion. Writers of the mid-twentieth century reproduce in their works an ontological model of the world. In different texts, one can see the mythological model of the world as a repeating cycle. The main motives organizing this model of the world are such as the model of an anthropomorphic, creative taiga and the motive of an ideal, free childhood. Conclusion. The key conflict in the texts of the middle of XX century is the conflict between nature and urban civilization. However, in the texts of the early 21st century, the ontological picture of the world gives way to the game perception of the world. Keywords: contemporary literature for children, writers of Krasnoyarsk, Siberian poetry, Siberian prose, analysis of motives | 980 | |||||
5924 | The article considers the mechanism of working out competitive strategy of an enterprise, directed toward securing competitiveness. The approaches towards the formation of competitive advantages are regarded as the basis of securing competitiveness | 979 | |||||
5925 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the plots of Selkup folklore texts with Itya and his opponent – Eater. Analytical review covers one of the identified subgroups of texts in the corpus under study. The subgroup comprises stories with the active role of the bride of the hero, who shows her magical qualities. The result of the analysis suggest that initially, these texts were not included in the narrative repertoire of Itya-tales, but were integrated by storytellers in the process of compiling this folklore series, the process which had yet not been completed by the mid-twentieth century. Keywords: Selkup folklore, texts with the hero Itya, Samoyedic epos, classification of subjects | 979 | |||||
5926 | The image of Arkhangelsk given by I. Kazakov in his work “Northern Diary” is analyzed from the perspective of N. Antsiferov’s study of urban texts. The narrator is looking for a spirit of Arkhangelsk and it corresponds to Antsiferov’s classification of parts of any city: anatomy, physiology and spirit. Classical analysis of chronotope is used as well. Perception of the city by the author-narrator is regarded according to the soviet idea of building of a new society on the one hand and traditional mythopoetics of Russian Literature on the other hand. As well as interaction of production sketch of the Soviet Literature and the unique artistic point of view of Yuriy Kazakov is analyzaed. Keywords: urban text, supertext, soviet literature | 979 | |||||
5927 | Reading as a leading process of initiation to knowledge is one of the main skills needed for educational activities, but also requires more time and cognitive costs from the learner. Information habits and needs of a new generation pose serious challenges for educational practices and require new solutions within the organization of the textual activity. In response to these challenges in practical field appear curious, successful experiments requiring review and synthesis. We consider the example of a successful gamification of the process of textual activity on the example of USATODAY project with the aim to identify the pedagogical potential of these technologies. Keywords: gamification, education, textual activity, reading, information | 979 | |||||
5928 | The basis of the article is formulation of the results of an experimental study which involves the development of models of tolerance formation of future social workers in terms of their professional training at the University. In the work clarified and analyzed the main structural components of the model, stages and pedagogical conditions of its implementation. In developing the model is the underlying didactic principles of formation of tolerance. Development and implementation of the model is achieved through the following educational approaches that contribute to the effectiveness of the training of future social pedagogues with a high level of tolerance. Keywords: model of tolerance formation, professional preparation of social teachers, stages of formation of tolerance, levels of tolerance, factors of formation of tolerance, diagnostics of development of tolerance, evaluation criteria of levels of development of t | 979 | |||||
5929 | The article deals with the problem of selection of active special vocabulary minimum for teaching German to the students of bachelor programmes studying Law. It gives the reason for usage of methodological and a number of linguistic principles of selection of active special lexical units taking into account the specifics of the subject and interdisciplinary language training, linguistic and extra-linguistic features of judicial language. The choice of special vocabulary is based on the analysis of domestic and foreign terminological research in the field of law. The methodical principles are determining in case of the choice of the corresponding types of the original German legal texts acting as a source of basic special vocabulary of the studied branches of law. In case of selection of active special lexicon, first of all, of all-legal, law branches related and interrelated legal terms the linguistic principles are fundamental: semantic, word-formation value and polysemy of lexical units. Keywords: language of law, special vocabulary, legal terms, legal texts, branches of law | 979 | |||||
5930 | The paper analyzes Nina Berberova’s narrative experimentations in her short stories written in 1930s. They are connected with theatricality used both as a method of characters’self-reflection and as a mode to represent the émigré reality on behalf of the author. Berberova’s interest to theatricality started with extended attention to means to represent dialogical character of communication without dominating narrator. Her work on Madame (staged in 1938) influenced narrative structure of some of her prosaic texts as well. Several ideas find their way into the text in connection with theater and theatricality as a quality of reality. One of them is lack of independence on behalf of an actor; the other is interference between the actor and their part in a play. Depiction of theatricality is not static and its function develops from oppressing a character and forcing him out of life for non-conformance, through theater as an asylum from perils of life, to a global power, which is while alien, is not antagonistic but indifferent to human endeavors. Aesthetic principle serves as uniting the reality and the author hails its understanding as an important distinction of a character. Characters of latter stories are trying to enjoy the spectacle instead of rebelling against it. Putting aesthetic in the center of the world pushes Berberova from her earlier associations with writers in the style of human document closer to Vladimir Nabokov. Keywords: émigré prose, short prose of Nina Berberovа, narration, theatrics | 979 | |||||
5931 | Introduction. The object of this article is represented by Tomsk realionims, which are specific, meaningful elements of national, cultural, historical plan. The need for their description is dictated by the expansion of cooperation in the field of tourism, education, science and the associated need for translation into German and English. Tomsk realionims are endemic units used in the given historical environment of the Russian community and unknown in other communicative environments. As adequate and equivalent realionims transmission often becomes a difficult task, there appears a need to analyze locally-specific units in different aspects for the further development of criteria for the translation of the specified onomastic segment. The aim of this article is to propose selection criteria and approaches to the description of Tomsk realionims, and to determine the aspects of corpora analysis. Material and methods. The methodological basis of the work is the nexus of two approaches – onomasiological and environmental. The onomasiological approach provides an opportunity to examine the content side of Tomsk realionims and implement thematic, structural segregation; the environmental approach limits the distributive radius of the studied phenomena to a specific communication area, which is represented by Tomsk and Tomsk region. During the analysis of material corpora the following logic methods are used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, generalization; quantitative methods, grouping method, component analysis method. Results and discussion. Scientific novelty is determined by the developed criteria for the selection of endemic units of Tomsk and Tomsk region, as well as by the allocation of structural classes of realionims for subsequent translation needs. This article presents the results of the onomastic analysis of Tomsk realionims (Tomsk realionims analyzed corpora contains 925 units, selected by the continuous sampling method and the structural systematization method); the importance of functional aspect in the criteria development for the translation of Tomsk realionims. The article lays about a comparative analysis of the study results of the Russian-language corpora including realionims of Tomsk and Tomsk region with the study results by V. E. Tuzova, which showed different results. For example, in the corpora of Tomsk realionims, assembled by V. E. Tuzova, the most numerous group is the onomastic segment of state administrative apparatus and of public life. It is obvious that the different results of compared studies were influenced by the different criteria for material selection. The quantitative parameters of the corpora are given here, the groups of realionims with onomastic segment are presented in detail, since this segment as a percentage is 62 % of the total number of selected units. Conclusion. The obtained data of Tomsk realionims corpora analysis can be used to develop some criteria for the translation of endemic units and the subsequent parallelization of different languages corpora. Keywords: environmental approach, onomasiological approach, structural classes of realionims, Russian corpora of Tomsk realionims, onomastic segment, endemic vocabulary | 979 | |||||
5932 | We present a strategy to get axially symmetric solutions in f(R) gravity by starting from spherically symmetric space-times. To do so, we assume the validity of a complex coordinate transformation, which acts on the spherically symmetric metric and permits one to infer the corresponding f(R) modification. The consequences of this recipe are here described, giving particular emphasis to define a class of compatible axially symmetric solutions, which fairly well describe the motion in cylindrical geometries in the field of f(R), in two different classes of coordinates. We demonstrate that our approach is general and may be applied for several cases of interest. We also show that our treatment is compatible with the standard approach of general relativity, evaluating the motion of a freely falling particle in the context of our metric. Keywords: complex coordinate transformations, axially symmetric solutions, f(R)-gravity | 978 | |||||
5933 | In this paper we consider massive spin 3/2 field and study its gravitational interaction. We use frame-like formulation for higher spin fields (s ≥ 3/2) in terms of gauge invariant field strengths. It is shown that as for massless higher spin field the gravitational interaction for massive spin 3/2 field can be constructed as strength deformation procedure. Keywords: frame-like formalism, higher spins, gauge symmetries | 978 | |||||
5934 | Popularization of the olympic and paralympic education in educational organizations today is a heritage of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014. The article summarizes the results of theoretical analysis and practical experience on the organization of in-class and out-of-class activities with olympic and paralympic themes at elementary school. Essential factors of efficiency of the olympic and paralympic education at elementary school is introduction in practice of the author’s program for the younger schoolchildren which is submitted in the methodical textbook «Fundamentals of the olympic and paralympic primary schoolchildren education». Purposeful work on training of future teachers of physical culture is important at faculties of physical culture and sport of pedagogical higher education institutions for promoting of the olympic and paralympic education. Keywords: olympic education, paralympic education, younger schoolchildren, elementary school, physical culture | 978 | |||||
5935 | The article presents the analysis of the major factors and conditions providing the neoindustrial growth of economy in Russia. The authors conclude that the main factor influencing neoindustrialization is the inclusion of Russia in the global trends described on the basis of the concept “technoscience”. The condition for neoindustrialization serves the expansion of borders of network community the elements of which are already available in Russia and in its regions and within which economical and strictly scientific activity will be able to come to full agreement. Keywords: neoindustrialization, technoscience, society of knowledge, global trends, social and cultural modernization | 978 | |||||
5936 | The prosecutor’s office in the Tuva National Republic (TNR) has been formed in 1935. Formation of bodies of prosecutor’s office took place during the difficult historical period: very low educational level of the population and total absence of legal personnel. The legislation only arose and was imperfect. The work of prosecutor’s office was provided by only four persons. “To guard legality” was not only difficult, but also life-threatening. So, the first prosecutor Kara-Sal Pirinley has been shot for refusal to approve arrest of a number of heads of the Tuva state due to the lack of the sufficient bases. Voluntarily TNR was a part of the USSR in 1944 as the autonomous region. Bodies of prosecutor’s office should not just construct the work according to new Soviet laws, and to provide their uniform application in all its territory and by that to promote its economic development. Tuva was agrarian area. In this regard activity of prosecutor’s office has been directed generally to check of a state and storage conditions of agricultural stock in state farms and collective farms, in machine and tractor stations and the tozhzemakh (associations on joint processings of the earth). At detection of cases of the thriftless relation to their storage, damage and plunder, measures were taken: disciplinary character on the party line and criminal prosecution. Quality of work of prosecutors and investigators were checked by «audits» during which were studied the conditions of work, «political qualities» of the worker, the positive and negative sides of work of employees, thier mistakes came to light. The prosecutor of the region personally checked the compromising materials for workers, implementation of separate orders, carried out complex inspections of regional prosecutor’s offices. As archival documents testify, there was severe criticism, but in prosecutor’s office, and in the public the management tried to keep authority of both the institute of prosecutor’s office, and his workers. The mission of prosecutor’s office owing to features of the Tuva statehood has initially been connected with a number of the problems connected with a social and economic development of the region, insufficient financing and providing material resources of bodies of prosecutor’s office, shortage of qualified personnel, poor quality of work of employees, the rights caused by weak knowledge of branches. However historical experience of Tuva shows that the need for such government body as prosecutor’s office, with inherent only to it tasks, functions and powers, was especially sharp and was applied as the effective tool of the adoption of development of the public relations, as an indispensable development tool of the Tuva statehood. Keywords: prosecutor’s office, Tuva Autonomous Region, Constitution, Procurator General of the USSR, regional prosecutor, district attorney, regional prosecutor, agriculture, surveillance | 978 | |||||
5937 | Study of traditional consciousness and peculiarities of popular culture bearers’ worldview on the material of textual dialect speech corpora is an urgent task of linguistic culturology and cognitive linguistics. Representative textual collections of everyday dialect speech only recently became a source of reconstruction of traditional worldview. The purpose of this work is a study of religious knowledge and ideas role and content in the worldview of dialect speakers. The analysis of religious subjects discourse fragments, picked out of a general speech flow, has shown that the religious component is a significant part of a general world picture and of popular culture bearers’ linguistic consciousness. Reflections on God, Christian saints, orthodox holidays and memorable dates of Church calendar, church services and rituals, religious writings, religious figures, trends and heterodox people, plots of Christian mythology occupy an important place in dialect speakers’ narratives. The notions of religious sphere often become the objects of dialect speakers’ reflection in their conversations with dialectologists. The religious subjects discourse fragments often contain such means expressing reflection as explanatory constructions, repetitions, periphrasis, generalizing (often evaluative) remarks, addresses to interlocutors with the purpose of checking up the degree of speech understanding, rhetoric questions. The communicative peculiarities of religious thematic fragments – increased metalinguistic reflection against a background of a feeble, in general, speech awareness of popular speech culture bearers – show that the elements of religious worldview are an important constituent part of dialect speakers’ cultural identity, occupying a central place in the popular tradition bearers’ value system. Keywords: traditional popular culture, dialect, world picture, language consciousness, metalinguistic reflection | 978 | |||||
5938 | The heterogeneity of the category of possessiveness conditioned the emergence of different points of view on its structure. There is a vision of the category of possessiveness as a binary opposition. According to the semantics of the name of the possessor, his person, animacy, the degree of his concreteness or abstractness, and the semantics of the object of possession, many linguists distinguish such oppositions as alienable/unalienable appurtenance, internal/external possession, temporary/permanent possessiveness, absolute/relative appurtenance, actual/virtual possession, legal/somatic appurtenance. In the context of the gradual opposition possessive relations can be represented in the form of absolute/relative appurtenance, inalienable appurtenance, relatively inalienable possession, occasionally inalienable and properly alienable appurtenance. According to another interpretation, the object can be inalienable, semi-alienable and alienable. Onomasiological approach proponents describe the possessiveness using as a basis the extra linguistic reality: they describe eventual types of possessors, potential types of objects of possession, try to anticipate their potential relationship. Semasiological approach supporters take as a basis specific language and speech facts – various possessive constructions. They analyze the influence of the form of possessive constructions (presence/absence of noun determiners, verbs) on its semantics. Keywords: opposition, unalienable possession, alienable possession, internal possession, external possession, temporary possession, permanent possession, actual possession, virtual possession, onomasiological approach, semasiological approach | 978 | |||||
5939 | Introduction. At present, the study of integration of education, its types and forms is relevant both for the development of the entire educational system and its part, – vocational education. The goal of integration in the system of vocational education is the goal of achieving international standards for the training of specialists in accordance with the international standards of Worldskills. For the vocational education system, integration and mentoring are essentially the real mechanisms that will lead the vocational education system to achieve the targeted results planned in the national project. As shown by many years of experience in implementation, it brings great benefits for such professions of paramedical workers as a nurse, paramedic, and midwife. In the formation of future medical workers, the role of a mentor, his personal and professional portrait plays one of the leading roles for the formation of a holistic image of a future medical specialist and the formation of the further professional path of a young specialist. After all, a medical professional must possess not only professional skills, be able to perform medical manipulations, but also possess professionally essential personality traits. Material and methods. The content of the article reflects a theoretical analysis of the scientific problem posed, the empirical data of experimental activities on the modernization of the mentoring system and its use to integrate the activities of Tomsk Basic Medical College and several enterprises interested in highly qualified graduates are summarized. Conclusion. The revival and development of the mentoring institute in the context of integration processes allows us to logically complete the process of forming the professional identity of a mid-level medical specialist and fix it at the workplace. The integration of vocational education and production allows us to diversify the types of educational, production and research activities of students; as a result, a person receives versatile training as an individual, as a person and as a subject. Keywords: integration processes in education, vocational training, quality of education, mentoring system | 978 | |||||
5940 | Introduction. Researching of different informational and media language personalities is of great interest in connection with intensive role of new information technologies and their influence on thinking, world picture and speech behavior of up-to-date person. The relevance of this study is connected with it. The research points to detection of different types of modern political essays writers. The aim of the article – determination of typical and individual peculiarities of up-to-date political essays writers as informational and media language personalities subject to different models of their speech behavior and reaction to topical informational reasons. Material and methods of research are based on discursive, semantic and stylistic, comparative analysis usage supported by regulative theory as one of communicative stylistic of text trend. Results and discussion. Peculiarities of modern political essays writers as a syncretic information and media language personality with critical thinking, a desire and the ability to prove and argue his opinion, polemic approach in understanding various informational issues relevant for society, strongly pronounced rhetorical competence, a lively media image and a special idiostyle, mainly oriented to nonconformism. The types of modern political essays writers on basis of their speech behavior and aims are revealed. They are the following: 1) hyperrealist (distinguishing capacity of this type is naturalism, factuality, demonstrativity); 2) political essays writer-enlightener (he can be an expert or moral authority, be engaged in educational or enlightening activity); 3) political essays writer-enlightenerromantic (passionate about his own picture of the world, his principles, harmonious, has his own rich experience, positive attitude); 4) political essays writer-enlightener-ideologist (a fanatic-propagandist, faithful to a definite ideology, which he passionately upholds and imposes, builds a dichotomy or antinomy, is paradoxical). Common and individual regulative means, structures and ways of regulativity, which are typical for media discourse of modern political essays writers and for individual discursive practices of media personalities are revealed. Individual peculiarities of political essays writers are the following: difference in intensions, scale of informational reasons for controversy; choice of means and ways of influence on mass audience, availability of author’s regulative means and structures, logical and/or rhetorical argumentation in media discourse. Conclusion. The proposed approach to studying a modern political essays writers’ media discourse from the point of view of typical and individual manifestations of these information and media language personalities revealed that detected types of language personalities which show themselves in speech behavior are different in their aim, means and effect of influence, which is due not only to objective factors, but individual copyright features of these individuals, but individual and author’s peculiarities of these personalities. These findings are of interest for media linguistics, linguistic personology, theory of speech influence, speech conflict study, communicative stylistics of text. Keywords: media discourse, informational and media language personality, types of informational and media language personalities of political essays writers, communicative stylistics of text, regulative theory | 978 | |||||
5941 | This article is written in the diachronic approach and is devoted to the development of modal semantics of possibility. The comparative analysis of formation of the modal verbs expressing various shades of modality of potentiality is based on Gothic, Old and Middle High German texts. On the basis of this analysis and the use of statistical methods of research the process of decategorization – transition of the functions of expression of possibility from morphological category, i. e. moods, to lexical-grammatical means, i. e. preterite-present verbs – was shown. The use of the lexical-grammatical means allows to express the potential internal modality more differentially. Keywords: modality of possibility; Gothic, Old, Middle High German; preterite-present verbs; optative; decategorization; the verbs kцnnen and dьrfen | 977 | |||||
5942 | The article deals with the problem of formation of diagnostic competence of future physicians in the process of learning physics. Provides a composition of diagnostic competence expressed by the authors. Noted the need for extensive use of devices for the diagnosis. It is proved that when teaching physics it is possible to obtain knowledge necessary for competent understanding of the readings, develop the ability to encode and provide information. For the formation of diagnostic competence there was developed an elective course where one can master diagnostic knowledge, based on the physical material the skills in the use of diagnostic tools are developed, the experience of their use is formed. The training uses active methods, developing an interest in the diagnosis. Keywords: diagnostic competence of the physician, the composition of competencies, methods of formation, tools for diagnosis, physics – the basis of the formation | 977 | |||||
5943 | 977 | ||||||
5944 | In this article the subject of comprehensive study of regional (local) history of the considerable region of Western Siberia – Priishimya from a position of economy, public administration, culture, sociology is touched. On the basis of the studying of a wide range of reference books of the pre-Soviet past and archival sources which are earlier not introduced into scientific circulation connection between emergence of the capitalist relations in the Russian Empire is established with their experience in the Siberian remote place. Work has interdisciplinary character, is written on a joint of history, sociology, economy, ethnography and covers cultural and community and economic preferences of peasants in one of the important directions of work – butter manufacture. The author traces formation of such phenomenon as collective butter manufacture which served one of the reasons of intensive stratification of rural society. Uniting in cooperatives and agricultural artels, peasants could improve the welfare, there was an opportunity to rise on a social ladder, to join cultural values of mankind (through education, opening of joint ventures with foreign businessmen, etc.). The practical importance of the received results of research consists in the use of new contemporary records and conclusions by drawing up scientific and methodical grants and editions, possibility of inclusion in information references of local history and public character, and also will allow to eliminate gaps in the social, historical, economic description of pre-revolutionary Siberia. Keywords: Siberia, Priishimye, butter manufacture, peasantry | 977 | |||||
5945 | This article contains critical analysis of Alexander Bogdanov’s scientific theories’ and political positions’ interpretation formulated by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev in historical monography called “Stalinism”. Methodological and source-studying aspects of Velm's and Alekseev's views are considered in a context of world and Russian political mind of XXth century. Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko made analysis of extremely versatile proofs’ base which offered by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev for acknowledgement of their research basic hypothesis about genetic relations between “social-organized experience (SOE) concept” with Alexander Bogdanov’s scientific and political views, on the one hand, and social and political practice of Stalin’s Soviet Union, on the other hand. I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev are thinking that the “SOE concept” is concentrating Bogdanov’s political philosophy and practice. This concept is based on the idea of allocation the special figure of personal organizer from the society. Organizer concentrates in his hands the power over all parties and branches of social life, including ideology. Velm and Alekseev are writing that organizer’s role in Soviet history was taken by Stalin whose political practice is presented in critically-publicistic style. The given feature of the sights statement of I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev is estimated by Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko from the scientific research methodology point of view and also from the source study analysis quality point of view. For this reason the special attention in the article is directed at the specific “additional sence method” used by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev for original interpretation of Bogdanov’s views. Russian Marxist scientist and revolutionary is shown by Velm and Alekseev as “dark hero” who made for Stalin the totalitarian ideology on “SOE concept” base and who worked very hard for introducing this ideology into Soviet society life. For acknowledgement of this thesis I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev are broadly interpreting the involved materials (Bogdanov's texts, their critical analysis in works of V. I. Lenin and other contemporaries of the scientist), and they put in these used works their own sense which not always coincides with a position of primary sources authors. All materials of “Stalinism” are grouping not on their genetic relation, but on the basis of the emotionally-shaped associations, and it is methologically doubtful as attribute of belletristic literature, not of scientific research. Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko proved insufficient argumentation to position of I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev concerning communication between “SOE concept” and Bogdanov's scientific views. Keywords: Alexander Bogdanov, tectology, Marxism, Stalinism, empiriomonism, Machism, ideology, social organization | 977 | |||||
5946 | This article is an excerpt of the analysis of the derived dialect semantics of verbs with the aim of studying the pragmatic aspects of linguistic meaning. Defines how estimating vocabulary relates to the expressive one and subjective modality relates to expressiveness. It was found that expressive word always implies the meaning of the emotional component. Assessment is contained in the derived verbs formed from estimating nouns, may occur in the process of word formation based on metaphor. Emotional assessment may be caused not only by figurativeness but also by intensity. Investigation of deep semantics of the derived words, including subjective components within the meaning of the concept makes it possible to understand the world of media negotiations of Baikal and Irkutsk region. Keywords: expressiveness; pragmatics; semantics; derivative of the word; evaluative vocabulary; subjective modality; emotional assessment | 977 | |||||
5947 | The article presents an overview of rationales for euphemisms usage. We consider the problem from the point of psycholinguistics, social psychology, evolutionary biology and ethology. Biological researchers believe that a need for euphemisms could be one of the earliest linguistic imperatives imposed by disgust, thus euphemisms present a verbal hygiene strategy. Psychologists state that it is a distancing strategy, a means to manage human terror at the prospect of death. The article also considers the central role of politeness and cooperation principle in euphemistic and off-record indirect speech generation. From the perspective of the theory of strategic speaker indirect communication does not always involve pure cooperation between speaker and hearer but a mixture of cooperation and conflict and euphemising can be used to negotiate this uncertainty. Therefore, euphemism as a form of indirect proposition can allow for plausible deniability and has a strategic rationale. Keywords: euphemism, indirect speech, instinct, theory of strategic speaker, principle of cooperation, politeness | 977 | |||||
5948 | The author talks about the importance of system description of linguistic phenomena to the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The basic thesis is that the professional foreign language is impossible without studying the systemic organization of language. Successful communication in science requires not only general language competence, but also the knowledge of lexical and grammatical features of scientific style of speech. These features are called, but not insufficiently explained in the modern practice of teaching. To teach students to use scientific language capabilities and eliminate errors in their speech, must submit a linguistic features of scientific style as a systemic phenomenon. The author offers a description of verbal nouns as an example of the system description of one of the characteristic phenomena of scientific speech. Keywords: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, scientific style, language competence, language system, verbal nouns | 977 | |||||
5949 | The object of the study is the scientific and pedagogic ground for developing the translation competence of technical students under the professional retraining program «Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication». The focus on stylistic figures shows how the competence-oriented approach can be applied in translation teaching. The work aims at formulating theoretical and practical principles of a competence-oriented methodology in translation teaching. The competence-oriented approach to translation teaching proves to be rational. The communicative functional translation model is the scientific basis of the complex pedagogic technology under consideration. This target technology is pragmatic and involves such pedagogic technologies as communicative training, problem-based learning, development of critical thinking, information and communications technologies, pedagogic games, individualization of education, training in cooperation, modular technology. Stylistic figures represent one of the typical translation difficulties and form a separate training module. Covering this module required formulating the aim, objectives and developmental stages, as well as the list of principal figures of speech. Some illustrative examples given prove the dependence of the translation strategy on the type of the source text. Keywords: competence-oriented methodology in translation teaching, communicative functional translation model, stylistic figures, case-studies, translation strategy, translation transformations | 977 | |||||
5950 | The article deals with one aspect of the organization of children’s lives in the Great Patriotic War - summer health campaigns. Despite the hard times, the lack of finance, the Soviet state during the war managed to organize summer recreation for children. The subject of the study of this article is the scale of summer health campaigns in West Siberian region in the years of the war, the difficulties in its organization. The article analyzes the changes in the country’s life because of the beginning of the war, considers the number of evacuees among adults and children in the West Siberian region. Particular attention is paid to the study of the organizational activities of the state, the party and Komsomol organizations and the public in addressing the problem of rehabilitation of children during the war. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the children’s summer recreational facilities before the Great Patriotic War, during the war, on the areas of the West Siberian region. The author comes to the conclusion that despite the lack of finance, the concentration of attention on the leadership of the country addressing the organization of military production, providing the necessary military, development and conduct of military operations, yet found time and resources to address social issues in the rear area. Children were not forgotten and neglected. People’s Commissariat of Health constantly held monitoring of the health of children in schools and child care centers. As soon as it became apparent that the significant deterioration of children health had taken place, they sounded the alarm. The problem was discussed at a national level, at the same level binding decisions were made. Currently criticized centralized government system enabled to organize summer health campaigns rapidly and ubiquitously. It also helped to maintain the health impaired children, giving them a chance for life. Keywords: children, the Great Patriotic War, children’s health improvement, children’s summer vocation, summer camps, Pioneer camps, children’s health camps, children’s playgrounds | 977 |