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4802 | In this article there is reflected the influence of education on the economic development bin the modern situations and efficacy of investations into the sphere of education. The theory and the main tendencies of development of human being conceptions. The principles of management of economic development of educational factors are summarized and perfected in this article. Keywords: educational complex, innovations, the innovational development of economy, educational approach, human capital, economic increase, educational process, labour resources | 1064 | |||||
4803 | O-H bonds dissociation energy has been appraised in molecules of ortho-unreplaced and 2,6-di-tert-butylreplaced thio(amine)alkylphenols. The calculation was carried out according to phenols’ oxidation potentials on the base of correlated-regressive analysis as well as to kinetic data (constants of interaction speed between phenols and cumilperoxide radicals) by means of crossed parabolic method. Keywords: phenol, thio(amine)alkylphenol, oxidation potential, bonds dissociation energy, reaction speed constant, correlated-regressive analysis, crossed parabolic method | 1064 | |||||
4804 | In the article the author considers feature of forecasting in the humanities, first of all in psychology. There are some contradictions influencing the development of the person and as the major way of their permission serves forecasting. The forecast in psychology should be based, except well-known classical principles, on alternative, caused by specificity of the process of forecasting. Keywords: the forecast, principles of forecasting, the contradiction, internal and external factors | 1064 | |||||
4805 | The article deals with regulative possibilities of different stylistic methods (repeat, contrast, personification, string of epithets, etc.) in textual fragments and whole poetic text on the basis of experimental data. The factors, which determine the impact of stylistic methods on readers, were detected. The research is done in line of communicative stylistics of the text on the material by A. A. Akhmatova, M. I. Tsvetaeva, B. L. Pasternak verses. Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, stylistic method, regulativity, regulative structures, regulative potential, regulative effect | 1064 | |||||
4806 | In this article the teaching personnel among ethnic Belarusians and descendants from Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic who worked in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute (TSPI) in 1930s-1950s are being characterized according to the archives records. Their personal information and the number of teachers, their positions and departments they worked in are being determined; their professional occupation in TSPI is being described as well. It is given some brief biographical information. Keywords: Belarusians, higher education teaching personnel, Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, history of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, records of TSPU archives | 1064 | |||||
4807 | The article involves analysis of water categorization based on the dialect material of the Selkup language. The paper considers the role of the water in the worldview of Selkup ethnic group, relevant water characteristics. Keywords: the Selkup language, language worldview, categorization, conceptual feature, water | 1064 | |||||
4808 | In this article we are discussing the issue of teacher training for vocational education system – a professional field that under present-day conditions is not limited to educational institutions. In the context of networking cooperation, employersponsored education and dual vocational training system, a person who trains future specialists to implement various types of professional activities can act as a career educator. Responsibilities of such an educator are, among others, to manage the process of an individual student’s professional development, to encourage their self-identification during the training and within their professional field, to help them find their own individual learning paths. Competencies required to perform such tasks cannot be formulated neither within the chosen field’s subject content, nor within a traditional pedagogical program. In present conditions we also see that the focus of a career educator’s job is shifting. In the traditional sense the job of an educator is focused on the learning process, with special attention paid to determining patterns in this process. The job of a career educator, however, is closely connected with types of professional activities for which students prepare during the course of non-university level higher education, vocational training, or supplementary vocational education. The specifics of this job determine the distinctive criteria needed when selecting content for career educator training programs. Consequently, established principles of creating the contents for “Vocational education (for different fields)” programs should be augmented with principles that reflect the specific content of educational activities. These principles must be carried out for both undergraduate and graduate programs. The principles for developing an educational program that we propose in this article are instrumental in selecting the content for a career educator training program, they reflect the specifics of the job, and they also take into account the challenges that educators face on the current stage of vocational training system development. Keywords: non-university level higher education, vocational training, career educator, principles of creating the contents for career educator training programs | 1064 | |||||
4809 | The article discusses social entrepreneurship as a new phenomenon in the field of studies of educational activities. Theoretical appeal to the capabilities of the network approach to the development of socio-entrepreneurial competence as an educational outcome is urgent. The author proves the point of view that the forms of educational support of young people during the process of entering social and entrepreneurial activities become forms that accompany formation of the community in the social network. These forms provide both preparation of a person for this type of activity and formation of social entrepreneurship as a special value that unites and determines forms of the community members’ life. The article considers possibilities of the project approach and anthropological content of the network model of education for establishing subjects of social entrepreneurship, and youth communities as subjects of development of social and entrepreneurial activity of the region. Discusses the possibility of the project approach and the anthropological content of the network model of education for the development of the subjects of social entrepreneurship, youth communities as subjects of development of socio-entrepreneurial activities in the region. The practical value of the research is in identification of the stages of development of socio-entrepreneurial competences of young people as well as in the study of social networks as a unique condition for formation and existence of a community network of young people, which solves the tasks aimed to implement local social and business communities. These stages underlay the program of educational support aimed to develop social and entrepreneurial competence of young people. Keywords: education, network approach, social entrepreneurship, competence | 1064 | |||||
4810 | The paper presents the historical and analytical review of the original idea of creation “Peer Coaching” technology (historical, political and social circumstances, educational needs of the society, etc.), it offers variants of its effective implementation in the work of high school teachers, shows some difficulties they might face while working with the technology and offers some practical guidelines of the most appropriate and efficient ways how to implement it in the teaching process of higher education. The study proves that “Peer Coaching” is one of the most successful high school teaching staff development technology that has as its purpose to advance the professionalism of teachers by training them to promote frequent, informal, helpful observations by one professional educator to another, to give necessary rationale feedback and coach each other. The article shows that this is the simple, nonthreatening structure designed for peers to help each other to recognize their professional needs, improve instruction, learning situations or other teachers’ professional activity including even scientific research. “Peer Coaching” technology promotes not just the culture of collegiality among higher school teaching staff, it also offers many opportunities for their own professional development, which will do much to improve the quality of university education, restore friendly classroom environment and contribute to their own professional success. Keywords: educational technology, professional development, university teaching staff, Peer Coaching | 1064 | |||||
4811 | Introduction. Considering the problems with graphical training and formation of graphical culture of secondary school students is timely and relevant due to reducing the number of teaching hours devoted to the study of graphic disciplines. In this regard, to search for new opportunities and develop educational-methodical support for improving the quality of graphics education of students in high school is of high interest now. The aim of this study is to identify the general level of students’ graphical culture, importance of the graphical training course in the secondary school, as well as to identify ways and means to enhance the graphic education of the students. Material and methods. Research materials, used in this study, are the data collected from the literature on graphic culture and graphical preparation of students, and education process in secondary school. In this study we used general scientific analysis methods: synthesis, comparison, surveillance and questioning, interrogating and performing graphic assignments by the students. Results and discussion. We defined the term “graphic culture” in the context of this study, determined the structural components of graphic culture, the stages of graphic education of high school students, examined the ways and means of improving the quality of graphic preparation, in particular, by studying the “Technology” course. We have provided detailed information on pedagogical and psychological counseling and the implementation of graphic assignments by students. Conclusion. We have proposed the following strategies for better accumulation of graphic knowledge and skills during secondary school studying. First, to use the structural-logical schema when studying different subjects. Second, to include the graphic disciplines to the list of complementary courses, elective courses, and as additional education of secondary school students. Third, to pay a special attention to graphic education at the classes on technology, purposefully forming students’ knowledge and skills in reading and making of drawings, sketches, diagrams, as well as of a general aesthetic perception of the objects of surrounding world. Keywords: graphic culture, graphical preparation of students, graphic disciplines, teaching-methodical maintenance, computer technology | 1064 | |||||
4812 | Introduction. The theme of Memory is a key one in culture and thus it is studied in history, sociology, semiotics, philology and other domains. The “Mnemonic Code” retains its significance throughout the entire career of M. I. Tsvetaeva as a poet. Material and methods. The aim of the article is to study semantic and stylistic features of the word-image “Memory” in M. Tsvetaeva’s lyrics of 1920 through the analysis of the lexical structure of the corresponding poetic text. The semantic-stylistic analysis is based on the theories of the imaginative speech substantiation by M. N. Kozhina and of the text paradigms by N. S. Bolotnova. Referring to both linguistic and textual paradigms goes within the textocentric approach in modern linguistics and the linguistic analysis of the literary text itself. Results and discussion. Semantic lexical paradigms present associative pairs and fragments of associative series of words and superword units within the lexical system of the text, already existing in the linguistic consciousness of the reader on the one hand and formed by the text on the other hand. Analysis of M. Tsvetaeva’s poems revealed semantic lexical paradigms based on semic recurrence, isotopic chains actualized due to such type of foregrounding as repetition, and semantic lexical paradigms based on semantic contrast. In 1920 M. Tsvetaeva wrote 4 poems containing the word-image “Memory”: “Good Night to a Stranger in a New Cell...”, “Psyche” (“Punch and Midnight ...”), “Running from Home…”, “How They Drink in Long Drinks... ” (Excerpt). They are written at the end of the third period of the poet’s creative work, they precede the new features of her idiostyle. The word-image “Memory” is associated with the main themes of M. Tsvetaeva’s works – the lost world, creativity, love. In the verbal associative network of M. Tsvetaeva’s poems of 1920, the word “memory” is accompanied by the usual lexical representatives “remember”, “forget”, phraseological unit meaning “without memory”. It actualizes in the locative “in memory”, in the spoken syntactic structure “what a memory” and it is accompanied by the epithets and descriptive adjectives as “bad”, “female”, “all”. Conclusion. The contextual meaning of the word-image “Memory” is based on a rich usual background and is explained in M. Tsvetaeva’s lyrics of 1920 through the themes of the vanishing old world, creativity and love. This further develops the trends outlined in the earlier poems, but they are expressed more clearly, expressively and deeply. Keywords: cultural memory, M. I. Tsvetaeva’s idiostyle, M. I. Tsvetaeva’s lyric poetry, communicative stylistics, lexical structure of the poetic text, semantic lexical paradigms | 1064 | |||||
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4814 | Loyko O. T. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 6-9 . | 1063 | |||||
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4817 | The paper gives material about Director of the Tomsk Teacher's Institute Mitrofan Alexeevich Vodyannikov in 1906-1907. He was an honored teacher of the West Siberian educational region, and a leader of teacher's seminary. The basic teaching staff of the Institute has been formed under the guidance of M.A. Vodyannikov as a Director of higher school. | 1063 | |||||
4818 | Evolution-sinergetical paradigma, as the basis post-nonclassic of the strategy of knowledge, is included into the program of the course "The Concepts of Modern Natural Sciences". The description of computer laboratory work is devoted to the important phenomena and concepts, connected with this paradigma. Ferhjust's dynamics, giving submission about a possible character of the dynamic behaviour of complicated systems circumscribed by the nonlinear equations is investigated and visually emerging in such systems of periodic oscillatory processes passing in an unpredictable random behaviour is demonstrated. | 1063 | |||||
4819 | The mathematical model consists of two equations of balance for dislocations and dislocation walls are used for analysis of the possible scenarios of the defect subsystem evolution during plastic deformation in FCC metals. All possible variants of phase space structure of the model depending on the mutual location of stationary points and gluing boundaries are defined (a gluing boundary is determine by the condition of dynamic formation of dislocation walls during plastic deformation). The parametric analysis of the model was done. The model parameters limit is typical for copper and nickel | 1063 | |||||
4820 | The article analyzes the services continuum in logistic systems. It shows that the priority of the logistics of the latest years is the services continuum management. However, in spite of the service importance, the efficient ways of its quality estimation are still not found. It can be explained by a number of service peculiarities. The authors of the article offer the mathematic model, which describes the process of services continuum formation | 1063 | |||||
4821 | A mathematical model of the institute of higher education activities is presented in the article. On the basis of this model a program system, so-called institute administration simulator, is built. The simulator is designed to be applied in education and management training. Great attention is paid to the model of infrastructure development of Russian institute of higher education, where basic business processes associated with infrastructure development (such as building and taking areas on lease, library stock institute informatization) are shown. Keywords: modelling of higher school infrastructure, mathematical model, higher education, simulator, management training, business processes, infrastructure development | 1063 | |||||
4822 | Informational society has got new educational requirements to the quality of the foreign professional-orientated training of the adult learners. This given requirements could be satisfied via implementation into praxis of the modern multimedia aid. The tool and practical approach are described in this given research paper. Keywords: multimedia, multimedia aid, adult learners, professional-orientated communication, exercises. | 1063 | |||||
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4824 | The article is devoted to the relations between the regional and national components in the structure of russian linguistic individual onomastic knowledge. The results of regional associative experiment, which were compared with data from all-Russian onomastic project stated in the book “The Name is Russia. The historical selection 2008” served as the material for the research. The used approach gives an idea about the place of the exact regional onomastic material in the system of the national onomastic knowledge. Keywords: proper name, antroponim, regional and national background knowledge, associative-cultural background, associative experiment | 1063 | |||||
4825 | The article is devoted to the study of health-culture and background of the formation of the modern industrial enterprise. A defi nition of health-culture, and its levels are marked. An author’s scheme of resource company focused on maintaining the health of employees. There analyzed health resource of a company. Keywords: health-culture, the levels of formation of health-culture, mental models, corporate health | 1063 | |||||
4826 | On the basis of the analysis of historical and pedagogical concepts of additional vocational teacher education and practices of additional vocational teacher education of the Siberian Federal District the methodological apparatus of the individualized and personalized training educators’ research is justified. Keywords: models of personalized and individualized training of educators, national and regional approach, continuing education, methodology, research | 1063 | |||||
4827 | The peculiarities of communicative universals are examined on the basis of the two most prominent poets’ poetic discourse of the early XX century – symbolist K. D. Balmont and ego-futurist I. Severyanin. The communicative universals include the law of aesthetically orientated notional “excessiveness” and the law of aesthetically provided “economy” of language means. The correlation between these laws and lexical regulative actions is established, the latter being significant for the reader’s cognitive activity organization on the level of the utterance, utterance unit and the whole text. This correlation reflects the close interrelation of system, functional and system-language qualities of the belles-lettres text such as regulative, structural and expressive properties. The article reveals the cross points and differences in verbal and artistic structuring by the well-known wizards of artistic word who have a lot of common not only in their lives but also in the poetic but also in the poetic work. Keywords: poetic discourse, theory of regulativity, communicative universals, symbolism, ego-futurism | 1063 | |||||
4828 | This article examines a partwork as a peripheral media genre and a product of mass culture which is functioning in the modern media system, the series «Dolls in Folk Costumes» is characterized according to the typology of partworks. The incentive, cognitive and didactic functions of this type of publication are described by the example of the «Dolls in Folk Costumes» partwork, as well as communicative strategies which are realized in the typography of the partwork. The authors pay particular attention to the verbal component of the communicative strategy aimed to create a complex image of the collection of dolls in folk costumes. It includes the image of the area, the image of the national culture and, finally, the image of the doll which can personify a representative of the people, a carrier of the national culture, and a resident of this area. Keywords: partwork, linguistics of media, ethnolinguistics | 1063 | |||||
4829 | This talk provides a brief account of the construction of the 2n-extended supersphere S^( 3|4n), with n = 1, 2, . . . , as a homogeneous space of the three-dimensional Euclidean superconformal group OSp(2n|2, 2) such that its bosonic body is the three-sphere S^3. Keywords: superconformal group, N -extended super three-sphere | 1063 | |||||
4830 | The article briefly reviews the background and highlights in the pre-revolutionary period of Krasnoyarsk section of the East Siberian department of the Russian Geographical Society. Noted its important role in the development and popularization of science on the territory of the Yenisei province. Shows the main directions of research work of the Section in the Yenisei region: naturalistic, ethnographic and archaeological expeditions and excursions, observation of local archive documents, preservation of historical monuments, socio-economic studies, etc. Mentioned the leading role of Krasnoyarsk section of the East Siberian department of the Russian Geographical Society in the development of the Krasnoyarsk city museum. Keywords: the Yenisei province, the Krasnoyarsk section of the East Siberian department of the Russian Geographical Society, the scientific study of the Yenisei province, Krasnoyarsk city museum | 1063 | |||||
4831 | In the twentieth century the literature for children creates its own tradition of using of crocodile image. Korney Chukovskiy pioneered the use of this image. His version of the character has become very well known, researchers have linked it with the manifestation of the spirit of St. Petersburg. In the second half of the century, the authors repeatedly use the image of crocodile. It makes sense to refer literary works that explore this type, such as a book by K. A. Bogdanov “About crocodiles in Russia. Sketches from the history of borrowing and exoticisms” (2006). This animalistic exoticism reflects the intention of poetry to express the absurd, paradoxicalness. The latest Siberian literature for children also uses this exotic image. We explore texts of poems by several autors of contemporary Siberian poetry for children such as Bergelson, Sirotin, Eroshin, Olear in order to illustrate changes in the mythology of crocodile, and in the deployment of this icon. Conflict of friend-or-foe is developing in the regional literature. Rare animal loses its naturalistic features. In poems this monster is able to evolve constantly. This paper presents the typology of the different animalistic signs, describes the process of image formation. It is an attempt to develop a theoretical basis for the perception of this image. The study concludes that the image of crocodile expresses many symbolic meanings of particularly convincing way, with preservation of artistic and emotional integrity. Keywords: contemporary poetry for children, Siberian poetry, animist traditions, image of crocodile | 1063 | |||||
4832 | In recent decades, the internationalization of higher education has become one of the main trends influenced by the development of globalization processes. Market environment in Russia sets a new goal for Russian higher education – training of highly qualified specialists in engineering and technology which are able to change the economic situation, to design and operate modern products and engineering systems. In this context, the internationalization is becoming one of the key components for the development of higher education, which is essential to hold leading positions in world university rankings. The article is focused on the influence of internationalization on the modern higher school, defines the relevant competencies of university research and teaching staff, connected with the ability to collaborate with other universities in international context, to develop and conduct joint research and educational projects, to design and implement unique educational programs. The experience of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) in the field of faculty professional development focused on the development of this set of competencies is presented. The connection between the competencies and the indicators of TPU “road map” is stated. Research relevance is explained by the need of educational institutions to engage high-skilled faculty members, which are able to collaborate effectively in international context, to make research projects with international partners, to contribute to university higher positions in world rankings. Keywords: internationalization of higher education, competency-based faculty development, educational development, global competitiveness of higher education | 1063 | |||||
4833 | The issue of forming a dialogue in a consistent work, based on the construction of correctional programs in preschool educational establishments, is considered. In our content, the stages of dialog formation are carried out by means of the Lego constructor and simultaneous display of the positive and negative characters in comparison. Logopedic work includes a corrective stage, containing in its composition three blocks: motivational, lexicalgrammatical, dialogical. The criterion of the motivational block was dialogic skills: coming into contact with a familiar, unfamiliar person; overcoming a sense of insecurity; stable emotional contact. Criteria of dialogical skills of the lexico-grammatical block: the ability to select words, their variation (based on real actions, images – without support); the ability to ask questions (based on real actions, images – without support); the ability to quickly compose a phrase sentence; variations by them. Criteria of dialogical skills of the third block: the level of drawing up dialogues in various situations with the support of the formed skills: the ability to ask questions, to ask questions again; the level of initiative in communication (the ability to make decisions independently, to prove one’s point of view). Each block is disclosed by methods and techniques of working with this category of children. Keywords: dialogue, lexical and grammatical system of speech, motivation, delay of speech development, construction set Lego | 1063 | |||||
4834 | Lebedev V. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 6-8 . | 1062 | |||||
4835 | Sidorov V. Yu. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 23-25 . | 1062 | |||||
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4837 | In the article the essence of a personally-oriented education is reviewed from the point of a creative psychology connected with music. The article states that musical activities in a secondary school must be based on the principle of an active creation reflected in its all the forms beginning from the musical perception to getting the musical habits and reaching the original emotionally-important results during the simple types of musical improvisation and creation | 1062 | |||||
4838 | This article is devoted to analysis of possibility of implementation of optimization approach to organization of research activities of a pedagogue. The author presents own position in respect of identification of criteria of optimization, specified with riscological factors taken to account. Keywords: optimization, optimization criteria, research activities, riskology factors | 1062 | |||||
4839 | The analogy of application as a link between various sections of mathematics for the purpose of development of students’ mathematical thinking is studied in the article. Keywords: analogy of application, algebra, geometry, systems of linear inequalities, polyhedrons. | 1062 | |||||
4840 | The article is the result of experiment to create Resource Center at System advanced training. The Experiment conducted on the basis of innovation (modern) school. Keywords: Resource Center, advanced training, System advanced training, innovation (modern) school, municipality. | 1062 | |||||
4841 | The aim of this article is the research of transformation`s peculiarities of the Russian society sexual way of life in the 16th century. The author singles out two tendencies in this process: archaizing (authoritarian) and modernizing (humanistic). Keywords: State of Russia, history, 16th century | 1062 | |||||
4842 | Eddy current high frequency pulse action were investigated by electron beam on titanium alloys at an energy density of 15 to 25 J/cm2, power (3 ч 6) 104 W/cm2. The authors demonstrate the possibility of layer determination of hydrogen in the materials treated with an electron beam. The shows the results of calculation of diffusion effects in the hydrogenation of titanium plates. Keywords: hydrogen, titanium, eddy currents, high frequency | 1062 | |||||
4843 | The article considers some issues of organization and content of practical components of theoretical disciplines for training bachelors (designers), it indicates possible ways of realization of interdisciplinary links; there are examples of some practical tasks, it presents conclusions. Keywords: bachelor, design, methods of vocational training, theoretical preparation, practical tasks | 1062 | |||||
4844 | We propose a method for integrating the right-invariant geodesic flows on Lie groups based on the use of a special canonical transformation in the cotangent bundle of group. We also describe an original method of constructing exact solutions for the Klein-Gordon equation on unimodular Lie groups. Finally, we formulate a theorem which establishes a connection between the special canonical transformation and irreducible representations of Lie group. This connection allows us to consider the proposed methods of integrating for classical and quantum equations in the framework of a unified approach. Keywords: geodesic flow, the Klein-Gordon equation, canonical transformation, irreducible representation, integrability | 1062 | |||||
4845 | The article deals with all the most important pre-requisites to the process of education in the developed countries, gives the definition to the educational model and innovative educational model, describes innovative educational models of school education in the kingdom of Sweden: blended learning model, children are people model (CAP) and content and language integrated learning model (CLIL), analyses the innovative models according to the realization of the most important pre-requisites of the school education in the modern world, concludes the idea of potential application of the Swedish experience in the innovative educational models’ implementation in the process of the development (modernization) of the system of school education in the Russian Federation. Keywords: innovative educational model, blended learning, content and language integrated learning, usage of the latest achievements of technologies in the process of education, equality, interactive educational process, minimax principle, principle of psychologica | 1062 | |||||
4846 | The article focusses on the means of expression of modality of potentiality and wish in Gothic and a tendency that developed in its system has been determined. The tendency shows the function of expressing the meanings of possibility, necessity and wish from grammatical means, i. e. moods, transferring to the lexical ones, i. e. verbs. To explain this process, the “weakest” parts of the modal subsystem of Gothic are being established. They are involved in changes: these are optative, imperative and preterite-present verbs. The analysis of various “shades” of meaning of potentiality and wish, verbalised by the contemporary lexical and grammatical means allowed to establish semantic relations of variability between grammatical and lexical means as well as within the former ones thus it allowed to define the status of preterit-present verbs involved in the process of appearing modal verbs in Gothic as means expressing the internal modality. Keywords: preterite-present verbs, optative, imperative, possibility, necessity, wish, variability, internal modality | 1062 | |||||
4847 | The paper analyzes the system of personages in the first and the most widely known novella of Nina Berberova, as it reflects her idea on a multitude of ways of life building in emigration. The author holds, that the system of personages in the novella is based upon the principle of binary oppositions, namely, creative – uncreative, adapted – misfit, comprehensive – incomprehensive person. The attitude towards creative side determines the choice of the route of life on behalf of a personage. However, Symbolist concept of life as a work of art is reconsidered by Berberova in accordance with her idea of self-determination of Russian émigrés, and so adaptability to changing conditions of life is also held by Berberova in high esteem, in contrast to the common notion of beggar artists. The personages embody different strategies applied to survive their situation in emigration. Giving precedence to the ways of creative persons (Travina and Ber), Berberova gives her critical account of other survival strategies. Cooperation with the Communist regime is shown as materially advantageous, but amoral (Senya); keeping everything as it was in Old Russia is shown as a dead-end (Pavel Fyodorovich, guests of the Travin’s house in Paris). The path of Sonya the Accompanist, devoid of creativity and human understanding, lacking self-determination, full of hatred and envy, is shown as self-destructive. Keywords: Russian émigré literature, short prose of Nina Berberova, system of personages | 1062 | |||||
4848 | The article deals with the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages at technical faculties. It demonstrates the results of studying the issue of communicative asymmetry. The theoretical aspects focus on productive communicative skills. This approach takes into account a variety of exercises associated with creative interpretation and responses of students. Authentic texts take priority. Alternative methods promote to model situations on real communication. It defines comfortable interaction of students: pair work, group work, class work. Group participation is a contemporary and adequate form of collaboration. This kind of activities enables the students to interact with other members and also develops a sense of mutual responsibility and team spirit. Linguistic and functional schemes can be used in order to achieve productive speaking. Selected conversation patterns are very significant in organizing and running discussions: expressing conviction, interrupting, agreeing or disagreeing. The structure includes topic sentences, supporting reasons, concluding re-statements. The article presents the examples of tasks produced according to cognitive interests, individual characteristics of participants. Motivation ranks high. The main purpose of teachers is to inspire. It provides abilities to discuss problems, points of view and advance arguments. This model is proved as the most effective way to improve the current level of speaking skills. It results in creative statements of students and enhances the capability to co-operate and communicate. It brings together perspectives from linguistics, discourse analysis research. Keywords: foreign language communication, communicative skills, functional schemes, interpretation, creative statements | 1062 | |||||
4849 | Introduction. The study focuses on news discourse and on its persuasive dimension in particular. News discourse has a number of standard strategies to promote the persuasive process for assertions. If propositions are to be accepted as true or plausible, there must be special means to enhance their appearance of truth and plausibility. Material and methods. The theoretical perspective of the paper is the critical epistemic discourse analysis proposed by T. A. van Dijk. The paper considers mental representation of the event nominated in British and American mass media as RUSSIAN SPY POISONING. Results and discussion. The study highlights the evasion strategy as a form of discourse-based mental influence in news discourse. From a pragmatic approach evasion is viewed as violation of one of the conversational maxims formulated by P. Grice which requires contributions to conversations to be truthful. The author claims that the aim of the evasion strategy in representing news is to discursively emphasize those properties of mental models that are consistent with the interests of the dominant social groups and discursively deemphasize those properties that are inconsistent with their interests. Consequently, evasion strategy results in partial, incomplete or biased understanding of the news story in the interests of a dominant social group. Evasion presupposes formulation of meanings in such a way that they are not merely understood but also accepted as the truth or at least as a possible truth. The article discusses strategic devices of evasion like hedging, referential vagueness, focus shift, selective use of evidential and epistemic markers, half truth. Conclusion. The author comes to the conclusion that evasion strategy contributes to the formation or reactivation of preferred mental models and may thus be used in manipulative discourse use. Keywords: evasion strategy, news discourse, vagueness, hedging, foregrounding, focus shift, manipulation | 1062 | |||||
4850 | Suprygina G. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 27-31 . | 1061 |