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5151 | The article is devoted to the investigation of the problem of psychological availability of the teacher to the constructive pedagogical communication, which is free of acting and tampering. The authors examined the components of psychological availability to the confrontation of tampering in the communication with teenagers (operative, motivational, cognitive and emotionally-determined) and described empirical discovered characteristics of their development and appearance in the teacher of modern school. Keywords: psychological availability, operative component, motivation component, motivational component, cognitive component, emotionally-determined component, tampering influence | 959 | |||||
5152 | The article discusses study migration as well as the topicality of the social adaptation of the students of the institutions of higher education as part of the transition of society to the post-industrial type of its socio-economical development. Special importance is now acquired by knowledge, information, scientific developments and trainings of world-class specialists. It provides the examples of adaptation mechanisms used by students of the institutions of higher education in Tomsk and Semipalatinsk and presents the investigation of the mechanisms used by the students for their adaptation to a different educational environment, in particular the creation of students’ organizations on a voluntary basis and other mechanisms, which create favorable psycho-emotional environment during the educational process. Keywords: study migration, postindustrial society, social adaptation, educational process | 959 | |||||
5153 | The first step of the problem solving process is problem identification and problem statement. Existing problem analysis models are overspecialized. The article substantiates the approach to building a universal analysis model of a wide range of problem situations, regardless of context and subject fields. The main approaches to the problem analyzing process are mapped; key factors related to the efficiency of the problem to task transformation are identified. It is shown that the model developed on the basis of cognitive approach meets the requirements for the design of a universal problem analysis model. The hypothesis of the research is that the use of this model will allow to develop a complete orientational basis of action of problem to task transformation, regardless of context of the original problem. Keywords: problem solving, problem situation, task, orientational basis of action, psychology of thinking | 959 | |||||
5154 | The article proves the necessity of monitoring the dynamics of the development of key competencies and education of students in ICT-based educational environment; proposes test materials for the diagnosis of maturity of metasubject competencies. Describes the system of assessment, evaluation criteria and the results of testing CMM. Presents the variants of tasks including the subject content of primary education (Russian language, literary reading, science). ICT tools are presented as a pedagogical tool of diagnostic ability of computer hardware and software to work with information. Provides the results of the solution of educational problems to assess the level of information activity of students’ procedural readiness for independent interaction with components of the environment. Keywords: ICT-based educational environment, ICT competence, universal educational competences development, diagnostic materials | 959 | |||||
5155 | Hypothesis is one of the most important forms of science development. At the present time the role of the hypothesis increases with the increase of theoretical knowledge and the initiation of young generation to scientific cognition methods at the University. Unfortunately, we can rarely come across the correct use of hypotheses in the educational process; its great importance in the development of students’ cognitive abilities and formation of their thinking is not always taken into account. The reason is that teachers often focus on educational issues, but overlooked the fact that problem solving proceeds by putting forward evidence and hypotheses. The article describes the logical nature of the hypothesis; determines the ways of its application in cognitive activity of students. It is emphasized, that on the one hand, the hypothesis is referred to logical forms of thinking, on the other hand – to the process of nomination, development and proof of new propositions and inferences itself. Meanwhile, the hypotheses can be performed on the basis of observations and experiments; by deductive reasoning deducing new knowledge from already known theories, and by deductive transfer of already known laws to new phenomena. Available ways of hypothesis applying to the students’ cognitive activity based on the years of experience are proposed in the article. Keywords: hypothesis, methods of cognitive activity, ways of hypothesise development, thinking, induction, deduction, analogy, intuition | 959 | |||||
5156 | In the twentieth century the literature for children creates its own tradition of using of crocodile image. Korney Chukovskiy pioneered the use of this image. His version of the character has become very well known, researchers have linked it with the manifestation of the spirit of St. Petersburg. In the second half of the century, the authors repeatedly use the image of crocodile. It makes sense to refer literary works that explore this type, such as a book by K. A. Bogdanov “About crocodiles in Russia. Sketches from the history of borrowing and exoticisms” (2006). This animalistic exoticism reflects the intention of poetry to express the absurd, paradoxicalness. The latest Siberian literature for children also uses this exotic image. We explore texts of poems by several autors of contemporary Siberian poetry for children such as Bergelson, Sirotin, Eroshin, Olear in order to illustrate changes in the mythology of crocodile, and in the deployment of this icon. Conflict of friend-or-foe is developing in the regional literature. Rare animal loses its naturalistic features. In poems this monster is able to evolve constantly. This paper presents the typology of the different animalistic signs, describes the process of image formation. It is an attempt to develop a theoretical basis for the perception of this image. The study concludes that the image of crocodile expresses many symbolic meanings of particularly convincing way, with preservation of artistic and emotional integrity. Keywords: contemporary poetry for children, Siberian poetry, animist traditions, image of crocodile | 959 | |||||
5157 | The article contains the analysis of the images of toys in the works of Siberian writers of the beginning of the XXI: the story-tale “Princess Agashka in the Land of Unknown Animals” by S. K. Danilov, “Pegasus” by V. V. Shkalikov, “The Year of the Princess Bukashka” by Yu. S. Burkin. A toy, which has the oldest origin and combined ritual sacral, playful, psychological functions, is one of the classic images of children’s literature. All these properties are reflected in different ways in the works of the Siberian authors. In the story-tale by S. K. Danilov the old toys serve as assistants, guides, custodians of knowledge, as a mirror image of the inner world of Agashka, and also personify the state of abandonment and desolation, thereby contributing to the formation of important personal qualities of the main character. Old dolls, personifying true values (kindness, friendship, charity) are contrasted with Cindy dolls, symbolizing the values of the era of consumption. Overcoming the temptations associated with the problem of choosing life ideals, Agashka leaves the Playground of the Land of Unknown Beasts and goes to the real world with a personality. In the “Pegasus” by V. V. Shkalikov in the image of a wooden saltcellar are found the oldest solar images-symbols (winged horse, bird), which have important cultural and historical significance. The act of creating a toy made of natural material leads to the awakening and, in a literal sense, the revitalization of inanimate material, becomes the impetus for inducing heroes to search for the meaning of existence. In the cycle of stories by Yu. S. Burkin “The Year of the Princess Bukashka” the toys perform an important function of the amulet. In addition, references to classical children’s literature-works by L. Carroll, S. K. Lewis, A. N. Tolstoy, Sasha Tcherny, A. Barto, etc. are found in the works of Siberian authors. Keywords: S. K. Danilov, V. V. Shkalikov, Yu. S. Burkin, “Princess Agashka in the Land of Unknown Animals”, “Pegasus”, “The Year of the Princess Bukashka”, children’s literature, images of toys | 959 | |||||
5158 | The issue of forming a dialogue in a consistent work, based on the construction of correctional programs in preschool educational establishments, is considered. In our content, the stages of dialog formation are carried out by means of the Lego constructor and simultaneous display of the positive and negative characters in comparison. Logopedic work includes a corrective stage, containing in its composition three blocks: motivational, lexicalgrammatical, dialogical. The criterion of the motivational block was dialogic skills: coming into contact with a familiar, unfamiliar person; overcoming a sense of insecurity; stable emotional contact. Criteria of dialogical skills of the lexico-grammatical block: the ability to select words, their variation (based on real actions, images – without support); the ability to ask questions (based on real actions, images – without support); the ability to quickly compose a phrase sentence; variations by them. Criteria of dialogical skills of the third block: the level of drawing up dialogues in various situations with the support of the formed skills: the ability to ask questions, to ask questions again; the level of initiative in communication (the ability to make decisions independently, to prove one’s point of view). Each block is disclosed by methods and techniques of working with this category of children. Keywords: dialogue, lexical and grammatical system of speech, motivation, delay of speech development, construction set Lego | 959 | |||||
5159 | The article is devoted to the study of the anthropomorphic components that could be found as compound elements of the proper names in some languages of Ob-Yenissey area. In folklore, proper names are closely connected with culture and traditional life; they can reveal the pre-scientific understanding of human society, philosophy and religion. A distinctive feature of the folklore of the indigenous peoples of Siberia is that such characteristics of humanity as anthropomorphism and gender are possessed not only by people, but also by animals, gods, spirits, which is primarily reflected in proper names. The study of Khanti folklore helped to reveal some repeated lexemes or parts of lexemes that could be called anthropomorphic markers. E.g. iki – is used to denote masculine, imi – is used to denote feminine. Such anthropomorphic components with the similar meaning are presented in the Selkup language: ira – means old man, kota – means old woman. In the Ket folklore one can find such lexems as: ket/get – human, deng – people, bat – old man, hun’ – daughter, hyp – son, am – mother, bam – woman and some others. The same lexemes were also found in some other Siberian languages, e.g. in Nganasan: Tәmuŋku – bәjkaa (mouse-oldman). The study of anthropomorphic components in the folklore makes it possible to show, that the anthropomorphism was common for native Siberian people. It was expressed in the transfer of physical properties and psychological qualities of a person, on the inanimate objects, as well as on living beings and supernatural creatures. Keywords: anthropomorphism, proper name, Siberian languages, folklore of Ob-Yenissey area | 959 | |||||
5160 | Introduction. A comparative study of the theory and practice of education in Finland is due to the natural interest of researchers in the experience of countries that hold leading positions in international educational monitoring, where the Finnish system shows consistently high results. The focus of the analysis is education implemented in rural areas, the features of the activity of a rural school, the specifics of the professional activity of a rural teacher. Materials and methods. The material for the analysis was the research of Finnish scientists and specialists in the field of education, the experience of international Russian-Finnish educational projects. Results and discussion. The theory and practice of the development of education in Finland is of interest for Russian scientists and practitioners, and for researchers of the Republic of Karelia, especially, since the similarity of both territories in terms of geographical, natural-climatic, ethnocultural, demographic and other indicators is obvious. In both territories, rural schools represent a significant part of the general education system. Conclusion. Analysis of the works of Finnish and Russian scientists made it possible to: fix the coincidence of the positions of researchers regarding the peculiarities of the rural school and the specifics of the work of a rural teacher, the relevance of the socio-cultural approach to the modernization of education in rural areas, as well as the need for targeted training and support for the professional formation and development of a rural teacher in the paradigm of lifelong education ; to identify common approaches to substantiating such ways of preserving and developing a small school such as creating a socio-cultural center, transforming a school into a service center for a rural settlement (according to E. Korpinen). Keywords: comparative research, rural school, rural teacher, sociocultural modernization of education | 959 | |||||
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5162 | Ivanova E. O. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 3-6 . | 958 | |||||
5163 | The author considers the history of 2 types of schools in the North of Siberia. Since the beginning of the XX century: parish and literacy schools. During the first years of the Soviet Power the development of national schools was widely prac-ticed, but later the needs of Northern peoples were of no importance. And nowadays there is only one national school in the village Ivankino. | 958 | |||||
5164 | The article is devoted to the problem of hermeneutics as method of scientific knowledge and to revealing of its features of application in a pedagogical science. Having perfomed comparative analysis for the purpose of formalization of hermeneutics a method of knowledge the author offers its own understanding of the essence of hermeneutics relating to educational system. The work gives the definition of hermeneutics technology of training. Keywords: hermeneutics, knowledge, subject, object, comparative, interpretation, hermeneutics triangle | 958 | |||||
5165 | The article analyses the specificity of Tomsk regional educational system – ungraded educational establishments and their infrastructural characteristics. Keywords: few complement schools, infrastructural characteristics of regional educational systems. | 958 | |||||
5166 | The article verifies the idea higher education has to be transformed. The requirements for professional skills of the teacher of higher school are justified. The relation of professional and personal qualities of higher school teacher is analyzed. Keywords: higher education, professional teacher’s qualities, feedback, personal qualities, interaction | 958 | |||||
5167 | The present article is about the social role of man in the modern world, and regularities of Russian development. Keywords: globalization, personality, anthropogenic culture, national character, new value system, picture of the world, spirituality, systematical crisis, developing system | 958 | |||||
5168 | This article deals with the features of the organization of the learning of solid geometry process in the classes of physics and mathematics profile. There were revealed the principles and forms of organization of the educational process, structuring the content, system tasks, assessment and recording of learning outcomes. Keywords: solid geometry, physical and mathematical profile, mathematical activity, mathematical thinking, modular training, the rating system | 958 | |||||
5169 | In the article we do the analysis of the quality management system. We show that the quality level is determined by managing actions upon the quality formation process. Besides, the continuum of the actions has quite a complicated structure. We work out the mathematical expressions that give the opportunity to describe these processes, to define the cumulative expenses structure when forming the managing actions, and also to classify the sources of their occurrence. The analysis of the sources of costs gives the opportunity to optimize the expenses in order to minimize them. Keywords: quality management, logistics, logistic analysis, continuum of managing actions, cumulative expenses | 958 | |||||
5170 | Changes and innovation that characterize current state of the education sector and deal with the development of new educational standards, learning technologies, searching for the better ways to implement the competency approach, also refer to issues of creativity not only in the context of psychology, but primarily in terms of pedagogy and methodology of teaching individual subjects. In the article the phenomenon of creativity in education in relation to teaching a foreign language is considered. The development of communicative competence is characterized by particularities concerning the content and student’s readiness. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the data contained in the studies the authors present the main obstacles to realization of the principle of creativity and one of the conditions for its successful realization. Keywords: principle, communicative competence, individual creative features, student’s readiness, skills | 958 | |||||
5171 | The peculiarities of communicative universals are examined on the basis of the two most prominent poets’ poetic discourse of the early XX century – symbolist K. D. Balmont and ego-futurist I. Severyanin. The communicative universals include the law of aesthetically orientated notional “excessiveness” and the law of aesthetically provided “economy” of language means. The correlation between these laws and lexical regulative actions is established, the latter being significant for the reader’s cognitive activity organization on the level of the utterance, utterance unit and the whole text. This correlation reflects the close interrelation of system, functional and system-language qualities of the belles-lettres text such as regulative, structural and expressive properties. The article reveals the cross points and differences in verbal and artistic structuring by the well-known wizards of artistic word who have a lot of common not only in their lives but also in the poetic but also in the poetic work. Keywords: poetic discourse, theory of regulativity, communicative universals, symbolism, ego-futurism | 958 | |||||
5172 | The article features the findings of the study dedicated to the implementation of the agricultural metaphor in the 1910s in the adamistic verse of Vladimir Narbut and Mikhail Zenkevich. In this period, the sowing and harvest-related images appeared to be particularly topical for the poets referred to the literary school of Adamism. The image of death – sowing – became highly significant. The human body dipped into soil becomes nutritious environment and obtains the qualities of a seed, from which a new world, the heaven on earth, is to grow. For both poets, it is typical to refer to such images as “Mother Earth” and the human plant; they also focus on subduing the human being by the chthonian powers. Keywords: Vladimir Narbut, Mikhail Zenkevich, adamism, acmeism, avant-garde, agricultural metaphor | 958 | |||||
5173 | The article discusses resources of verbal manipulation that are most often used in English advertising discourse. The most essential resources of verbal manipulation in outdoor advertisements seem to include language resources proper, resources of verbal manipulation through changing the structure of advertising discourse and cognitive resources of verbal manipulation. The results of the research of English outdoor advertisements show that all the resources of verbal manipulation are closely connected with each other in advertising discourse. The most effective resources of verbal manipulation in the discourse of English outdoor advertisements are reframing, the Imperative Mood, parallel constructions, rhyming, play of words and allusions. Keywords: verbal manipulation, advertising discourse, advertising text, outdoor advertising | 958 | |||||
5174 | Assessment of the quality of teacher education and professional development of the teacher is seen as the process of mastering the teaching activities and personal growth, which involves the study of methods of mastering the teaching activities and conditions of their development. Especially urgent this problem is for the graduates, as in this situation, many of them found the educational crisis of identity, doubts about the professional choice and the need of professional self-determination. According to the authors, the self-monitoring procedure can make a contribution to the practice of dialogue, subject-subject relations in the modern educational process, quality control of pedagogical knowledge through the development of professional self-determination of graduates. Self-monitoring models the reflection situation, allows to determine ist place and role in the work of the graduate on his teaching experience, to stimulate the development of his professional and psychological culture Keywords: education, management, quality of teaching, dialogue, teacher, graduate, self-monitoring | 958 | |||||
5175 | In the story by V. Lipatov “Village Detective” (1968) used the comic techniques dating back to the tradition of folk culture, especially folk farce performances. V. Lipatov uses theatrical techniques to visualize what is going to make it more clear and visible. The story is written by the laws of drama and the script with a carefully prescribed staging, replicas, author’s remarks. Some comic scenes are a cascade of tricks performed in accordance with the tradition of “clownish actions”. The story consists of comic scenes which represent the cascade of the tricks executed according to the tradition of a comic short story which prominent features are: use of colloquial lexicon, a combination of incongruous words and concepts; paradoxical logic; parodying of traditional detective clichés; theatrical gestures, facial expressions; everyday lowered situations. Keywords: V. Lipatov, “Village Detective”, popular culture, mass culture | 958 | |||||
5176 | The article describes actual approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language in China, formulated in the articles of the leading Chinese experts in this area. The review of the latest publications allowed to find out that most of the Chinese specialists in Russian philology, teachers and methodologists, write about the need of practice updating of language training. In particular, researchers note the strong influence of the Russian methodical innovations on the theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in China that is expressed in several features. Firstly, the levels of proficiency in Russian began to be considered in the aspect of formation of linguistic and communicative competence, but not only in a paradigm of knowledge in the field of vocabulary and grammar. Thereof it is necessary at the lessons to change a ratio of speech activity types, to focus on communicatively significant listening comprehension and speaking and to lower the load of the traditional grammatical focused forms of education. Secondly, in a translation practice from Russian to Chinese and vice versa it is necessary to develop skills of extensive reading, that is understanding and interpretation of the main information which is contained in the text, allocations of the text meaning and the authors idea. Thirdly, the training humanization which has to be shown in positive changes of the behavioral and emotional sphere of educational process is necessary, for example, it is important to induce to a dialogue and communicative interaction, the teachers should use new interactive or open methods of training. However the humanization, according to the Chinese researchers and methodologists, shouldn't significantly transform traditional directive and imperative model of training. Thus, the modern paradigm of training methods of Russian as foreign language in China assumes a harmonious combination of traditional approaches to teaching and new methods of training that more correspond to national and sociocultural peculiarities of the country. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language in China, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, open communicative method | 958 | |||||
5177 | The article discusses the formation of psychology of literary creative work, especially the initial stage. The formation is considered as an independent research area in Russian and international science. We show that the formation of psychology of creative work in Russia in the last third of 19th century – first half of 20th century was determined by major developments in such areas as theory of literature and scientific psychology. Additional cause of the formation was the specific status of Russian classical literature in social life. In addition, we represent a wide range of points of view, which reflect the dominant approaches to determination of the substantive aspect of the discussed phenomenon. The psychology of literary creative work is defined as a branch of scientific knowledge that studies the processes of the writer’s reflection of reality and the implementation of the processes in a specific art form. The psychology of literary creative work uses the methodological principles of either psychology or other related disciplines such as theory of literature, linguistics, aesthetics, and others. To sum up, the analytical review of articles, devoted to the issue, convincingly demonstrates that the formation of psychology of the literary creative work as a scientific field took place at the junction of various sciences and concerned studies of the creating subject and products of the subject’s activities. Keywords: creativity, literary creative work, theory of literature, art, writer, psychology, psychology of literary creation, psychoanalysis | 958 | |||||
5178 | The article considers the tasks and targets of the priority project “Development of the export potential of the Russian education system”. It analyzes the characteristics of the dynamics and world trends of higher education, the background and features of educational export in the USSR. Presents statistical data and a description of the most important statistical parameters of the development of educational exports in the new Russia. Describes features of attracting foreign students to Tomsk universities, educational and marketing tools that are used. Reveals the structural and organizational and social problems of adaptation of foreign students, analyses the proposed package of measures aimed at supporting and strengthening the streams of export of education to the system of higher education in Russia. Analyses positive experience of adaptation of foreign students in the large universities of Tomsk. It was concluded that the prospects for the development of Russian educational exports are high, the market itself is quite capacious, especially on the basis of the relatively low costs of foreign students for higher education in Russia; Siberia, despite its remoteness from the capitals, harsh climatic conditions and fame, remains one of the most attractive regions for foreign education, especially from Central and Southeast Asia. Keywords: education of foreigners, educational export, adaptation of foreign students, educational trajectories | 958 | |||||
5179 | Introduction. Considering the problems with graphical training and formation of graphical culture of secondary school students is timely and relevant due to reducing the number of teaching hours devoted to the study of graphic disciplines. In this regard, to search for new opportunities and develop educational-methodical support for improving the quality of graphics education of students in high school is of high interest now. The aim of this study is to identify the general level of students’ graphical culture, importance of the graphical training course in the secondary school, as well as to identify ways and means to enhance the graphic education of the students. Material and methods. Research materials, used in this study, are the data collected from the literature on graphic culture and graphical preparation of students, and education process in secondary school. In this study we used general scientific analysis methods: synthesis, comparison, surveillance and questioning, interrogating and performing graphic assignments by the students. Results and discussion. We defined the term “graphic culture” in the context of this study, determined the structural components of graphic culture, the stages of graphic education of high school students, examined the ways and means of improving the quality of graphic preparation, in particular, by studying the “Technology” course. We have provided detailed information on pedagogical and psychological counseling and the implementation of graphic assignments by students. Conclusion. We have proposed the following strategies for better accumulation of graphic knowledge and skills during secondary school studying. First, to use the structural-logical schema when studying different subjects. Second, to include the graphic disciplines to the list of complementary courses, elective courses, and as additional education of secondary school students. Third, to pay a special attention to graphic education at the classes on technology, purposefully forming students’ knowledge and skills in reading and making of drawings, sketches, diagrams, as well as of a general aesthetic perception of the objects of surrounding world. Keywords: graphic culture, graphical preparation of students, graphic disciplines, teaching-methodical maintenance, computer technology | 958 | |||||
5180 | Introduction. The multiethnic environment of the school can act, on the one hand, as the basis for the manifestation of tolerance, interethnic interaction, and on the other hand, a high degree of ethnic identity of students can cause interethnic conflicts and hostility to representatives of a different nationality. The formation of the personality of a younger student takes place in the context of socialization, which is characterized by a desire for success and social recognition, social activity, which are indicators of social success. Various kinds of contradictions arise between ethnicity and the achievement of the social success of elementary schoolchildren in multinational classes. The aim of the study was to study the features of social success of younger students of polyethnic classes. The objectives of the study were to determine the formation of components of social success of primary school students, to establish differences between the components of social success of the ethnic majority and minority, to identify the ratio of socially successful and socially unsuccessful students of polyethnic classes. The sample was made by primary school children of 2 and 3 classes with a multi-ethnic composition (n=182), which is represented by the main ethnic group – Russians and an ethnic minority consisting of students of different nationalities. Diagnosis of social success was carried out using the methodology of sociometry (J. Moreno), questionnaire of interpersonal relations “My class” (Yu. Z. Gil’bukh) testing motivators socio-psychological activity of a person (N. P. Fetiskin, V. V. Kozlov, G. M. Manuylov). The parametric student t-test was used to compare the social success of students of different ethnic groups. Results and discussion. Experimental research has established the levels of formation of the components of social success of elementary schoolchildren of multinational classes: the prevalence of favorable sociometric status (stars, the preferred), achievement of success, tendency for affiliation, the school life satisfaction, low conflict and lack of solidarity, mainly among representatives of the ethnic majority. The features of the social success of primary school students of multiethnic classes are the differences in conflict, solidarity, and the tendency to the affiliation of the ethnic majority and minorities. In the total sample of elementary schoolchildren of multinational classes, by the positive indicators of socially successful students, twice as many were identified as socially unsuccessful. Conclusion. It is emphasized that the social success of primary school students of multi-national classes is not due to national affiliation, but other social and personal characteristics. The study enriches and complements the pedagogy of primary school, the theory and methodology of education of younger students with new data on the socialization of the child’s personality in the system of interethnic interaction, the features of social success of students at the stage of primary education. The study of these aspects is necessary for primary school teachers working with a multi-ethnic composition of students to develop intercultural interaction and communication among younger students, the formation of a tolerant attitude to representatives of other ethnic groups, understanding ways and means of achieving social success. Keywords: primary school children; multi-national classes; success; social success; ethnic majority, ethnic minority | 958 | |||||
5181 | Shalamova N. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 56-61 . | 957 | |||||
5182 | Sayfullina M. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 32-34 . | 957 | |||||
5183 | On the basis of presented universal developed physics and mathematical model of internal chamber proc-esses a number of numerical researches concerning the analysis of particularities of the large - sized rocket motor transition to the steady - state regime was carried out. A number of significant SRM problems (such as optimization of large rocket motors start-up; gas dynamics of filling and ignition of elastic stagnation zones; ignition pressure transient in solid rockets initially filled with water and modeling of rocket motors packet transitions to the steady - state regime) were solved. Results of internal chamber modeling are pre¬sented, analyzed and discussed. | 957 | |||||
5184 | E.Y. Safronova finds out that F.M. Dostoyevsky in his novel «The Insulted and Injured discredits the state law institution*. This problem is solved by some kind of (-transposing* its func¬tions (surveillance, investigation, punishment, improvement, creation of social harmony) to the character-writer. | 957 | |||||
5185 | The article points to description of some methods of teaching students to textual activity including games with a word, creating texts, which show a content of linguistic terms; modeling of speech situations. The study shows advantages of these methods in teaching students to text generating. Keywords: language person, text, textual activity, text generating, games with a word, vodelling, speech situation. | 957 | |||||
5186 | The article deals with the level of oxidative modification of proteins (OMP) in the pool of molecules, the mass of media (MSM) to model biological systems, which have been selected as the yolk lipoproteins, bee products and blood serum of experimental animals (rats). It shows features of these model biological systems in terms of OMP in a spontaneous and Fe(II)-induced oxidation. The author proves reasonably of possible integrated use of the studied model for the study of biological systems at the level of the pool OMP MSM, one of which can serve as a model biological system of royal jelly with the addition of yolk lipoprotein, as well as with the addition of the blood serum of rats. Keywords: model biological systems, oxidative modification of proteins, the molecules of average weight | 957 | |||||
5187 | The article examines theoretical problems of material stimulating, correlation of economic and material stimulating, position of promotive funds of innovational enterprises in the system of economic stimulating. Keywords: economic stimulating, material stimulating, innovational activity, promotive funds | 957 | |||||
5188 | The examples of the drop of case markers mainly for direct cases are given and the the phenomenon of the drop of case markers in the Korean language is considered. Referential, communicative, and other pragmatic/ non-syntactical factors causing such drop are studied. These factors are not only valid for Korean but also for a big numer of typologicallly divergent languages. Keywords: case marker, drop, pragmatics, morphology, syntax, communicative structure | 957 | |||||
5189 | The article presents one of the types of communicative influence – the urge. The author highlights the means of decreased imperativeness (urgency) in the modern educational discource. The main ideas are supported by the examples from the educational text in German and in Russian. Keywords: discourse, pragmatic, communicative influence, urgency, stimulation | 957 | |||||
5190 | This article deals with the problem of information technology effective usage (in particular multimedia) at adult learners professionally oriented communication teaching as multimedia and information technologies universal distribution makes it necessary to search for any new and modern approaches of the teaching process organization in technical university, including creation of language environment via information technology, so a teacher has to apply effectively information and multimedia technologies while teaching professionally oriented language at high school. Information and multimedia technologies implementation in the high school educational process will allow correctly to supplement and combine traditional approaches to teaching to foreign professionally oriented communication with the most innovative ones, will apply an individual approach to each of the adult learners, objectively assessing the acquired knowledge and skills of an individual. Keywords: information technology, multimedia, adult learners, English language training, professional oriented communication | 957 | |||||
5191 | The article deals with peculiarities of discursive practice of informational and media language personalities of spectators (witnesses). Spectators (witnesses) are communicated persons who deal in network according to their subjective reasons and become witnesses or participants of events, which can be the informational reason for Internet communication. This type of language personality is free in choice of style, genre, means of communication, which are defined by its causes, common level of culture (it can be different) and thesaurus. Correlation of this type of language personality with the other closed types of Internet communication are examined. Some peculiarities of media discourse of the type of informational and media language personalities subject to subset are revealed. Comments on television broadcast “Perceptibly” and media texts of blog and interview from the site of radio station “Echo of Moscow” are the material of the research. Keywords: informational and media language personality, spectators (witness), media discourse, discursive practice, comment | 957 | |||||
5192 | The article is devoted to the problem of folklore motives and their language representation. In folklore studies the following motives are distinguished: birth and death, three kingdoms, big house, marriage, enchanted forest and magic escape. The latter is one of the most popular motives not only in folklore but also in literature. The author resorts to the classification of magic escape forms introduced by V. Propp: magic escape alongside with throwing things/objects, magic escape connected with transformations, magic escape and pursuit. Special attention is paid to metamorphosis due to which characters can transform into different animals or birds (a horse, a wolf, a swan, an eagle, a hawk, a loon, a bear, a ruff) or objects (a ring, a straw, a needle). The characters of a runaway (a young man) and pursuer (a witch, a sorcerer) are studied. The article makes distinction between fairy tale plots and compositions in Russian and Selkup folklore. Some common and peculiar features are found. Magic escape motive is regarded as one of the oldest, it dates back to ancient mythology and could be found in different folklore traditions. The author comes to the conclusion that different motives are interweaved in fairytale plots. Cultural and ethnographic background determines peculiarities of Selkup and Russian prose folklore. Keywords: magic escape motive, plot, composition, prose folklore, magic, character, Russian folk tales, Selkup fairy tales | 957 | |||||
5193 | The article is of great importance due to the increasing interest of modern linguistics to issues of conceptualizing time in general and in fact in the perception of representatives of different cultures. The research is conducted on the basis of the Ket language that is crucial due to the raising interest of linguists to the endangered languages. The Ket language is a unique archaic language without literacy, and the only one representing language of the Yenisey linguistic family. The goal of the research is to elicit basic cognitive metaphors of time in the Ket linguage. The research reveals crucial methods to form temporal concepts, universal biologically supported determinated features of temporal representation in the perception of a person. The research also studies occurrence of universal characteristics on the language level on the basis of the Ket language. The research studies the nouns naming time periods and components of its syntagmatic environment. On the basis of comparison of initial and resulting metaphoric meanings of lexical units, the main metaphoric models to percept time in the Ket language have been specified: dynamic language model and static language model. Dynamic language model reveals time as a space that a human passes through. In the work a model of time movement is considered as the basis for language perception because means of its expressions are frequent and regular. Statistic model is considered as less relevant because used only in literal metaphors. The main spatial time image is a straight line indicating back and forth direction. Keywords: concept, conceptualization of time, metaphors of time, the Ket language | 957 | |||||
5194 | In modern society, the social value and role of special libraries that fulfill information, cultural, educational and rehabilitation functions is increasing. The library organizes, stores, and provides users with the Fund, including electronic materials, tactile-audio-visual plan, and other documents intended for the blind and visually impaired. In addition, it provides easy access to information for people with disabilities through the use of adaptive technology and heat engineering funds, provides support for vocational training, socio-cultural, recreational activities of persons with disabilities, promoting their rehabilitation and socialization through books and reading. The article makes an attempt not just to consider the activities and role of special libraries in providing people with various forms of disabilities with free and equal access to information resources and services, but also to determine the model of the development of institutions of this type. The above mentioned aspects of the mission of the special libraries are aimed at providing easy access to library information and cultural services. A model for the development of special libraries has been developed, which is aimed at improving the conditions for creating an independent life of the disabled and the disabled population of the Russian Federation through unhindered access to information and library and socio-cultural resources and services. In addition, the main goals, objectives and content of the vectors of development of these libraries are formulated, which will allow them to become a regional multifunctional cultural and educational complex for people with disabilities. Keywords: special library, people with disabilities, inva-users, the direction of development, concept, model | 957 | |||||
5195 | The paper refers to the sphere of German studies, which is devoted to the language and culture of Russian Germans. The paper deals with anthroponymics – an understudied part of lexicon of the popular-spoken language of this ethnic community. The relevance of research topic is dictated by 1) urgent tasks of fixing, preserving and studying language and culture of Russian Germans as minority entities; 2) need to understand the linguo-cultural problems related to ethnoses and ethnic groups, with the use of still unused empirical materials, as well as testimony of metalanguage consciousness; 3) need for a detailed study of the nominal system of Russian Germans. The work was written due to the results of a fulltime audience survey of Russian Germans now living in Tomsk. It analyzes the names and demonstrations of metalanguage consciousness of representatives of this diasporic group. The names and demonstrations are represented in relation to proper names, which have German “color”. The aim of the paper is to determine whether Russian Germans’ proper names preserve the ethno-cultural connotation. The work results have both linguistic and historical-cultural significance. The combination of different ways of studying proper nouns of Russian Germans – revealing the procedural linguistic knowledge of subjects and referring to their declarative knowledge of German language allows to recreate links of anthroponymic system of this ethnic community. New lexical units,which clarify the notion of peculiarities of marks of Russian Germans are introduced into scientific usage. They can be used to compile anthroponymic dictionaries, a database of dying cultures. Keywords: sociolinguistic questioning, linguo-culture of Russian Germans, modern anthroponyms | 957 | |||||
5196 | The subject of study is the problem of forming skills of well-supported argumentation in the process of mastering German scientific discourse for advanced foreign language students. Being confident in the knowledge of norms and rules of written and oral communication behaviour appears to be a necessary basis for efficient integration of students into the world scientific community. In the opinion of both researchers and students, the phenomenon of Argumentation, which is the main element of the scientific style of communication, causes particular difficulties. Following the logic of the chosen focus, the following authentic German educational publications are analysed: 1) „Mittelpunkt neu C1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Fortgeschrittene“; 2) „Wissenschaftsdeutsch. Argumentationsstrukturen – Sprachhandlungen – Ausdruck von Emotionen“; 3) „Klipp und Klar: Übungsgrammatik für die Mittelstufe B2/C1“. The analysis reveals their methodological potential, the strong and weak sides of the methodological approaches. In the first two textbooks, there are signs of a certain superficiality and fragmentation in the presentation of the material. The educational publication „Klipp und Klar: Übungsgrammatik für die Mittelstufe B2/C1“ however is different from the first two as it presents a holistic view of the ways of structuring a reasoned statement in German, taking into account elements of all levels. Practical recommendations on the development of the argumentative competence on the productive and receptive levels of language proficiency are formulated. The problem of teaching written or oral well-supported argumentation within the framework of scientific discourse requires further study, especially in the context of mastering communication learning strategies for students at an advanced level of learning a foreign language in a situation of p rofessionally-oriented scientific dialogue. Keywords: scientific discourse, well-supported argumentation, German language teaching, linguistic means of argumentation | 957 | |||||
5197 | Introduction. This article considers lexical and semantic neologisms in socio-political texts and their semantic subgroups. The theoretical and practical significance of the research is presented. The purpose of the article is to analyze neologisms in socio-political texts, divide them into groups and subgroups; define the most widespread methods of neologisms formation in English. Material and methods. The research material was taken from American and British magazines and information sites: CNN, The Guardian, the Daily Beast, the Washington Post, NBC News, Chicago Tribune, The Independent, Forbes, the Sun, Spectator, NY Post. Results and discussion. The current types of neologisms in modern socio-political texts (lexical and semantic neologisms) are defined. Lexical neologisms are completely new words that were not used earlier in the language. Semantic neologisms are those words that previously existed in the language, but which have acquired new semes. They serve various stylistic purposes and their use depends on the functional style of speech and context. The analysis of practical examples reflects the relationship between these two types of neologisms. The most frequent group is lexical neologisms. Of the 60 identified neologisms, 76.6 % (46 lexical units) belonged to the first group and only 23.4% (14 lexical units) to the second. In the sphere of socio-political texts, 4 semantic subgroups are identified, in which lexical neologisms are most often used. The subgroup “Political relations” includes 16 neologisms, “Public relations” – 15, “Personal life and human life” – 12 neologisms, and the smallest number of neologisms found belongs to the group “Internet and technology” – only 3 analyzed neologisms. Neologisms of the second group can be attributed to gender neologisms, that is, reflecting the increased interest in gender studies, feminism and gender equality in recent years. Conclusion. Lexical neologisms predominate over semantic ones in socio-political texts (76.6 and 23.4 %, respectively), however, semantic neologisms predominate in socio-political texts. The main method of forming lexical neologisms is productive word-formation models (prefixal and suffixal methods). Lexical neologisms in the analyzed texts can be divided into 4 subgroups: “Political relations”, “Social relations/ ecology”, “Internet and technology”, “Personal life and everyday life of a person”. Most often, neologisms are used in the first and second subgroups. Keywords: neologism, socio-political text, classification, method of formation of neologisms, lexical and semantic neologisms | 957 | |||||
5198 | Kvesko R. B. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 34-37 . | 956 | |||||
5199 | Solodkov S. S. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 68-69 . | 956 | |||||
5200 | Kochetkov M. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 61-62 . | 956 |