# | Article | Downloads | |||||
751 | The article discusses the model of topic-oriented interaction in teaching communication in the German language using musical aids. Keywords: Foreign language communication, musical aids, authentic texts, aspect habits, the model of topic-oriented interaction, selection principles of musical production, aspects of language culture | 1322 | |||||
752 | The paper is based on comparative analysis of estimation and providing of specialist training quality from a perspective of psychology-pedagogical and competency building approaches. The conclusion made concerns the necessity of these approaches implementation for specialist training quality providing; their personal potential development in terms of secondary and higher vocational education. Keywords: specialist training quality, vocational education, comprehensive psychology-pedagogical and competency building approach | 1322 | |||||
753 | In article is considered the question about influence of the professional length of service on complacency by labour, which, with standpoint of the concepts of the professional formation of personality (Y.P. Povarenkov, 2002), is an important factor of professional identity. The different standpoint on term “complacency by labour” are analysed. They are discussed results of the study to complacency by labour on 180 chasubles with different length their professional activity and four stages of the professional formation of personality in this sphere of activity stand out on base of this analysis. | 1321 | |||||
754 | In the paper the author reveals the treatment of the term «the understanding mastering of the subject» He chooses such aspects of the category «meaning», which are used to teach pupils the mathematical notions. The stages of eliciting semantic contexts of the notion in the process of its forming are described; the conditions, assisting the understanding mastering of the subject are defined and grounded. | 1321 | |||||
755 | The article is dedicated to examination of the main peculiarities of O. Mandelshtam idiostyle and relates it to communicative stylistics. The specific character of the author idiostyle had been revealed by the complex analysis of textual associative connections and associating tendencies, which were stimulated with the help of lexical structure of the author poetic texts. | 1321 | |||||
756 | The author of the article finds the signs of an archaic snake in the image of a train in the Russian prose of 1920-1930s | 1321 | |||||
757 | The interactive teaching methods, learning activities and exercises used in the USA educational institutions are considered in the article. The potentials of the interactive teaching methods and the learning activities in the delivering four elements of the content of education are analysed. Keywords: the interactive teaching methods, the content of education, the learning activities, the exercises, teaching at a distance, the research method, the heuristic method | 1321 | |||||
758 | The organization and realization of the medical treatment of the West Siberian clearing hospitals is considered. The organization’s features of the medical treatment in the clearing hospitals in different regions are considered. The conclusion is that the medical treatment was organized on a quite high level. Keywords: health service, West Siberia, the Great Patriotic war, clearing hospitals (hospitals), the treatment of wounded people | 1321 | |||||
759 | The article proves the necessity of the development of the model of forming health saving competence of a teacher. The model of forming health saving competence of a teacher is shown as a pedagogic system including a number of interdependent components. The author describes the components of the model and characterizes each of them. The organization of the activity on the basis of this model will allow achieving the intended result: formed health saving competence of a teacher. Keywords: health saving competence of a teacher, a model of forming health saving competence of a teacher, components of the model | 1321 | |||||
760 | The article examines an experience of classical Russian literature interpretations in Italian cinema. The analysis is carried out in several directions. The chronological vector suggests an interest in Russian literature from a historical perspective, beginning with the 40s of the XX century. In these years, Italian cinema became a cultural phenomenon subject to censorship – using Russian literature in films was a way whereby productions could avoid censorship. We can assume that film adaptations of Russian literature had a significant impact upon Italian cinema of the time. Writers such as Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gogol, Bulgakov became very popular after WWII. The Paper aims at providing an overview of Italian cinema based on Russian literature, whereas the question of «success» or «failure» of film adaptations under consideration shall be left open. Keywords: Italian movie art, Russian literature, neo-realism, censorship, strategy of creative activity | 1321 | |||||
761 | The effects of a nonsimpiy connected spacetime with the topology of S1 x R3 in the vacua of QED and gauged-NJL theories are investigated. It is shown that the polarization effects of twisted and untwisted fermions in QED are equivalent, once the corresponding stable vacuum solution of each fermion class is taken into account. The photon propagation in QED is found to be anisotropic and characterized by several massive photon modes and a superluminal transverse mode. At small compactification radius the masses of the massive modes increase as the inverse of the radius, while the massless photon mode has a superluminal velocity that increases logarithmically with that distance. At low energies the photon masses lead to an effective confinement of the gauge fields into a (2+i)-dimensional manifold transverse to the compactified direction. In the gauged-NJL model, it is shown that for both twisted and untwisted fermions, the smaller the compactification radius, the larger the critical four-fermion coupling needed to generate a fermion-antifermion chiral symmetry breaking condensate. | 1320 | |||||
762 | The article investigates the semantics of the first-person narration (Ich-Erzahlung) in the novel «Golden Pattern» by B.K. Zaytsev. The analysis covers the problems of time in a person’s being and the problems of the difficulties met by an artistic person while looking for his route of Christianity | 1320 | |||||
763 | The article is devoted to the study of the regional identity formation process on the level of ethnic state areas of the Russian Federation in the frameworks of the issue of the ethno political and ethno social stability to be preserved. With the Republic of Khakassia (1990–2000) used as an example we identify the conditions and mechanisms of the regional identity formation and it shows how the ethnic nationhood factor affects this process. Keywords: regional identity, ethnic nationhood, ethno political and ethno social situation, Republic of Khakassia, Khakas ethnos | 1320 | |||||
764 | The article analyzes different approaches to possible ways of presenting stylistic information about accessory word within a dictionary entry: systems of traditional usage labels in Academy dictionaries, thesauri and specialized, accessory word – oriented dictionaries are being considered; modern lexicographic project are being assessed from the viewpoint of interpreting a stylistic parameter of particles description. Keywords: lexicographic description, stylistic parameters, usage labels, accessory words, particles | 1320 | |||||
765 | In the article the author considers characteristics of the public danger of illegal drug and psychotropic agent’ circulation crimes. Among them: 1) drug addict becoming of people living in certain areas, 2) harm for the health of a drug addict person, 3) destabilization of the economics and social life. | 1319 | |||||
766 | Pedagogy of continuous education is a direction in pedagogy about essence of development and formation of the person in the course of formation during entire life and working out on this basis of the theory and a technique of continuous formation. Pedagogy of continuous education develops in close interrelation with various sciences. Representatives of various pedagogical schools and directions stated and express various opinions on continuous education. Keywords: pedagogy of continuous education, a direction in education, development and formation of the person, theory and a technique of continuous education | 1319 | |||||
767 | This article presents the results of empiric research of coping behavior of men and women of different age groups. Specialties of coping with stress of people on different stage of age development are analyzed there. It shows that coping- behavior is not a permanent quantity, but it changes on different levels of life track. Style of coping form actively in youthful period and widens during the aging. Ability to anticipation of problems, adequacy of esteems, observing relation to life appears the model of «energy economy» forms in coping with stress Keywords: coping, coping strategies, stages ofaging development, gender differences | 1319 | |||||
768 | In the article the indications of the process of cooperation of all the participants of educational process are considered, the principles of cooperation are summarized, the criteria of the estimation of the effectiveness of the teenagers’ socialization on the basis of the cooperation of teachers, teenagers and parents are specified. Keywords: cooperation of all the participants of the educational process, the indications of the cooperation process, the principles of the cooperation, socialization, the criteria of the effectiveness of the teenagers’ socialization in the conditions of the cooper | 1319 | |||||
769 | The article describes the origin of extra-training education during the pre-revolutionary period. The text of this article is based on the analysis of the new archival materials, and that has allowed revealing regional aspects of Tomsk region extra-training education. It is proved that Tomsk region was one of the leading national centres of extra-training education in the end of 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries. Keywords: extra-training education, out-of-school work, Tomsk region, origin, pedagogic history, archival materials | 1319 | |||||
770 | In order to write documentary biography of children’s writer A.M. Volkov it is necessary to use different kinds of sources (documents, notes, diaries) and literature (reviews, comments) that supplement and examine each other. The use of this material in accordance with principles of historical methods and objectivism allow deciding one of the most complicated problems of scientific biographics. | 1318 | |||||
771 | The role of processes of supervision in knowledge Natural sciences Laws of a nature were theoretically investigated by a wide rejoin of the modern psychologists and pedagogical. The author of article, basing on theoretical development of the given question, experimentally carries out the given process at study of a rate “Natural sciences» in classes of a humanitarian structure. The analysis of results brought in the article, shows, that the correctly organized supervision of Natural sciences of processes, raises quality of knowledge about a structure of the environmental world | 1318 | |||||
772 | The author states new pedagogical professions in education – “humanity technician”, “kouch”, “projecters of individual educational programmes”, “manager in education”, “tiuter” and etc. They appear because the manner of philosophical mind, culture and model of profession are new to day. Keywords: humanity technician, kouch, projecters of individual educational programmes, manager in education, correctional pedagog, tiuter, teacher | 1318 | |||||
773 | Analysis experimental data of chemical composition waters bogs ecosystems region Turochak Republic Altay are presented. Keywords: peatbog, peat, water of peats, ash content in peats, chemical composition, humic and fulvic acids | 1318 | |||||
774 | This article is about the results of research of an self-image of teenagers who are brought up in a boarding school. The self-image of teenagers is considered as result of self-knowledge. Keywords: self-knowledge, an self-image, the teenagers who are brought up in a boarding school, social I, physical I, communicative I, perspective I, reflective I | 1318 | |||||
775 | The article explores English and Russian reduplication as nomination means in terms of its formative and functional peculiarities, as well as productivity in commercial and advertising discourses. Keywords: reduplication, onomastics, proprietary name, productivity, informative value | 1318 | |||||
776 | The article deals with the two approaches to the corporation’s nature research. It refers to the constrains of the shareholder theory and causes of the stakeholder theory evolution. Keywords: corporations, neo-institutionalism, stakeholder theory | 1318 | |||||
777 | In the article there considered premises of the appearance of additional education, reasons of its separation from general obligatory education. The author emphasized their differences, principle ways of development. In detail present-day problems of the development of additional education in Russia are studied, also the ways of their solution. There is also noted necessity, variants and prospects to increase qualification of educators, particularly managers. Keywords: additional formation, future specialists, conversion training, teachers, increasing of qualification, modernization | 1318 | |||||
778 | The paper presents some methodological techniques for working with text the use of Close-test, in the formulation and evaluation of textual competence of students. The article bases on authors investigations and teaching experience. Keywords: textual competence, the text, main features of the text, close-test | 1318 | |||||
779 | This article contains the results of the scientific research, which deals with the gender differences and family status as factors that influence the economic well-being of an individual. The research revealed specific features of subjective economic well-being of the people belonging to different socio-demographic groups. It has also been proved that subjective economic well-being depends on gender differences as well as on whether a family is childless or not. Keywords: subjective economic well-being, socio-demographic factors, gender differences, family status | 1318 | |||||
780 | A new interactive technology called "visual calculations" is presented. In this technology, the visual model of problem is created clearly showing the interdepend¬ence of graphic images of input and output data. The technology is based on finding and visualizing projec¬tions of multidimensional regions. Due to combining the power of computer and great intellectual abilities of hu¬man, it allows to essentially improve efficiency in solving various complicated computational problems. The paper focuses on solving two classes of problems with "visual" technology: finding multiple solutions of nonlinear systems of equations and multicriterion problems. | 1317 | |||||
781 | In the paper the author considers the organization of the understanding mastering of the material on the example of studying the topic «Logarithmic and exponential functions». The basic notion is the notion of the natural logarithmic function. We introduce it, using the integral with the variable upper limit. Such presentation allows students to understand the structural-object and logic-semiotic aspects of the meaning of the notion «the natural logarithmic function» more profoundly. | 1317 | |||||
782 | The basic question solved in the article is «How cognition of war and peace is possible?» To answer this question the concepts of «war» and «peace» are considered in the semantic space of philosophy formed by formal-logical, existential, ontological, axiological, praxeological and, at last, gnoseological aspects. On the basis of the done procedure the author comes to the conclusion, that war can be studied by the methods of empirical sciences, and peace can be seen as an object of philosophical gamble, or can be constructed by «social engineering». For effective construction of peace it is essential to research war. | 1317 | |||||
783 | This paper attempts to trace the development of the concept of peace in peace studies, by an examination of studies on the peace concept and definitions of peace by peace researchers, from two perspectives of peace value and peace sphere. It shows that the concept of peace employed in peace studies has been expanded both in peace value and peace sphere to include more than one peace value and peace sphere. | 1317 | |||||
784 | A historical and pedagogical analysis of formation of such notion as “professional qualifications of law teacher” is presented in this article. There are analyses of modern methods of specialist`s training process in the field of legal education. The author`s technique of formation of special professional qualifications of the teacher of law is described. It is done in the frame of the task`s technique with the use of information and communications technology. Keywords: professional pedagogical qualifications, professional qualifications of law teacher, author`s technique of formation of special professional qualifications of law teacher | 1317 | |||||
785 | The article deals with the question of ethnic and cultural background as psychological and pedagogical condition of ethnic and cultural preschool education in Child’s Art School. Ethnic and cultural background created on folk art culture facts of migrants of Siberia is affective condition for children’s introduction to the world of traditional culture, for creation the new psychological formations. These factors promote the development of child’s personality. Keywords: ethnic culture, ethnic and cultural background, folk art culture, ethnic and cultural preschool education | 1317 | |||||
786 | The article deals with the question of the formation of basis and main features of the theory of free education, which is gaining popularity in our days. Humanization of society, the need to create a person of a new formation evokes interest in this topic. This article provides a good look to historical change of the ideology, persons who worked hard to solve problems in sphere of education, the problems that the theory faced under the constant influence of the external, including educational environment. The article shows the interrelation of domestic philosophical thought and foreign theories. The theory of free education was born in the «natural education» of Rousseau, was picked up by many philosophers in Europe. A huge contribution to its development was made by the outstanding scholar and teacher, count L. N. Tolstoy. Similar ideas imbued with humanism expressed by E. Kay, J. Dewey and later Maria Montessori. An important point in the history of the formation of the ideas of free education were the works of K. N. Wentzel. The declaration of the rights of the child written by him outstripped, and, moreover, in future became the basis for writing of the UN Declaration of 1959 concluded the basic rights of children. The article also examines the main controversies of ideology. Criticism of individual authors about approaches to education is shown. Keywords: theory of free education, humanism in education, pedocentrism | 1317 | |||||
787 | The article represents well-grounded criteria, indexes, characteristics of the indexes, qualitative evaluation of structural components of professional rehabilitation activities and preventive measures of physical training teachers. | 1316 | |||||
788 | This article deals with peculiarity of cognitive semantics. Significance of the language correlates with the basic categories of cognitive linguistics: cognition, information, discourse, knowledge, consciousness. | 1316 | |||||
789 | It has been established that the course administration (5 days at a dose of 16 mg/kg per os) of extracts of Aralia mandshurica or Rhodiola rosea decreased the incidence of ischemic and reperfusion ventricular arrhythmias during a 10-min coronary artery occlusion and a 10-min reperfusion. Extracts of Eleutherococcus senticosus, Leuzea carthamoides and Panax ginseng had no effect on the incidence of ischemic and reperfusion arrhythmias. Chronic administration of Aralia, Rhodiola and Eleutherococcus increased the ventricular fibrillation threshold (VFT) value in rats with postinfarction cardiosclerosis. Ginseng and Leuzea did not affect the VFT in rats with postinfarction cardiosclerosis. Keywords: phytoadaptogenes, heart, ischemia, reperfusion, cardiosclerosis, arrhythmias | 1316 | |||||
790 | The article is dedicated to the analysis of the innovation forms museum-pedagogical activity on the example of the children Museum of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, which one is esteemed as an effective base site for the intrusion of interactive museum technologies. The basis of research is the concrete practical experience of implementation of the cultural-educational projects and programs in the TSPU children museum. Keywords: children museum, museum-pedagogical form, interactive technologies, cognitive-leisure activity. | 1316 | |||||
791 | In the article the role and value of speech situations reveals when training communication of younger school students. The author considered the psychological and methodical tasks, which performance is promoted by situational communication; work stages with a speech sample are allocated. The concept of subject and figurative presentation is also opened and concrete examples of speech situations with its use are given. Keywords: speech situation, speech model, subject and figurative presentation, doll-pappet, situational communication | 1316 | |||||
792 | Knyazkov A. S. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 11-13 | 1315 | |||||
793 | The article concludes that the factor of globaliza¬tion has an important meaning in the disclosure of cau¬ses and models of reginalization. It shows that the trend of globalization intensifies the transfer to the acknow¬ledgment of the principle of people sovereignity and security of nation and a citizen. States are trying to compensate negative conse¬quences of national economics openness and forming internal regional education. In western countries the search of combined solution of problems and forma¬tion of institutes that are adequate to the tendencies of globalization and regionalization is carried out. Regio¬nalism becomes a motive force in power institute ref¬ormation and the basic factor of federalization. For Rus¬sia where real federalism has not been formed yet, it is very important not to allow the transfer of regionaliza¬tion into regionalism that causes the phenomenon of separatism. The role of local government should be increased and equal social guarantees for people should be created. | 1315 | |||||
794 | The technique of development of working memory for the students experiencing objective difficulties in studying mathematical disciplines because of lack of working memory is offered. The technique is based on the computer trainers created by the author (http://mathtutor.narod.ru). Theoretical basis of the work is the theory of working memory of Alan Baddeley, and also data of empirical researches about high correlation between parameters of working memory and abilities to studying mathematics. Keywords: mathematical abilities, working memory, computer trainers | 1315 | |||||
795 | The fable enjoys striking popularity in England in Ѕ XVII - Ѕ XVIII centuries, during the Civil Wars and settling of the bourgeois society. Being never considered as a competent literary genre, the fable was generally used by authors as a function which let them announce their social and political views. Keywords: English fable, function, social and political regulation | 1315 | |||||
796 | The article is devoted to out-of-school activity organization on English language learning for children in the summertime. In this article the aims, objectives, principles of out-of-school activity organization and the author’s project are concerned. Keywords: out-of-school activity, principles of out-of-school activity organization, pilot projects, basic activity types. | 1315 | |||||
797 | The article is the research, which is devoted to delineation of contacts among separate provinces, cultures and the smaller communities of the Andronovsky world. These contacts are marked first of all by ceramic which is alien by the several signs to those complexes, where it was found. Determination of this signs was realized in the context of methods which were cultivated by the author. Keywords: territory of locality, archaeological cultures, local variants, internal contacts, ornamental indications | 1315 | |||||
798 | A new chemical-biological method of preventing soil erosion using cryogel in combination with perennial grasses is proposed. The cryogel proved no negative impact on aboriginal soil microflora. On the one hand the cryogel polymer matrix in the soil is strong enough to withstand the effects of erosion but on the other hand it is quite elastic, so it will not hinder plant growth. The seeds germinated through the cryogel layer form a stable green cover. Cryogels are harmless to humans and environmentally friendly. Keywords: Degradation of soils, cryogel, long-term herbares, microorganisms, intensity of photosynthesis | 1315 | |||||
799 | In the article there has been raised the issue of alteration of the component of competence as an integral part of the training system of specialists in the sphere of social and cultural communication and tourism (SCC & T) in the society of sustainable development. The author has given careful consideration to the notion ‘sustainable development’ as a system through emphasizing its functional and integrative aspects. There has been scrutinized a classification of social functions of tourism as a vital part of sustainable development. The author has elaborated certain thematic modules with a view to implement the categorical basis ‘sustainable development’ into the training system of SCC & T specialists. Some forms, methods and technologies of implementation of the personnel training programme of SCC & T specialists in the society of sustainable development has been suggested. Keywords: sustainable development, tourism as a phenomenon of sustainable development, sustainable nature management system, economic development, level of competence of a SCC & T specialist, public functions of tourism as a factor of sustainable development, new t | 1315 | |||||
800 | The article deals with actual question for communicative-discoursive direction in Russian philology about the specifics of the author’s television discourse in the modern system of mass communication. In view of the collective nature of television creativity the difficulty of defining the discursive boundaries of individual-author’s manifestations in television programs is substantiated. Author television programs, which represent particular interest in terms of communicative and pragmatic research, are defined as discursive practice, in which individual media discourse is organized by the author-presenter of the program as a reflection of his idiostyle. Reveals the following formal features of author television programs: 1) author of the program is its presenter; 2) “author” status is declared in the title of the program or in the definition of its genre / format; 3) the presenter of the program is self-positioned as its author; 4) the name of presenter is used as the name of the program. Keywords: media discourse, individual media discourse of a TV journalist, author’s TV program, communicative and pragmatic analysis | 1315 |