# | Article | Downloads | |||||
851 | In the article it is shown, that the civilization is a necessary, constant aspect of culture. Each culture, cultural – historical type represent objectivation and an explication of cultural and civilized values as actualizations of cultural and civilized aspects of a human nature. Cultural aspect of a human nature is represented by need for creativity, for sense of the existence, for belief, for service to idea etc.; civilized aspect such as need for safety, well-being, care of posterity etc. Then, cultural values – Real, True, the God etc.; civilized values – family, validity, a cosiness etc. | 1307 | |||||
852 | The content of the article points investigating the significance of inside form of a word in creating a fragment of linguistic picture of the world and relates it to comparative motivology. The research of inside form of the Russian and English motivated word allows to compare and discover bright and unexpected contrasts as well as determine definite tendencies connected with common associations of speakers. | 1307 | |||||
853 | The information about this can be useful when reading the lectures on the general physics and for the course «The Concept of modern natural sciences». In the article the nuclear reactions applied in neutron – capture therapies (NCT) for treatment are considered, and also the examples of hi-tech processes for manufacture of radioactive isotopes necessary for these purposes at factories of Russia are resulted. It is offered to use the given information for active studying of physics and solving basic contradiction of discrepancy, consciousness and recourses in pedagogical science. Keywords: the problem-focused approach, information-communication technologies in training physics, internet resources in training physics | 1307 | |||||
854 | Consider results of many years permanent tool observations after evaporation from swamp tract. This research demonstrated changing average of many years evaporation variable of oligotroph swamp zone from 178 to 420 mm, and their coefficient of variation from 0,1 to 0,3. Analysing mains conditionings factors of swamp evaporation process, as well as law changes monthly evaporation variable from certain microlandscape, and from certain microrelief forms. Keywords: evaporation, oligotroph swamp, vegetation period, solar radiation, complex microlandscape, nonoriented microrelief, swamp water level, statistics | 1306 | |||||
855 | The article considers social and psychological aspects of learning interaction forms to provide more efficient foreign language teaching to schoolchildren. Frontal teaching is focused on the teacher instead of a schoolchild personality and results in lack of cooperation between them. The paper reveals integrated frontal teaching, frontal teaching and frontal teaching to a big group of pupils. Interpersonal relations of different learning interaction forms are being analysed. Keywords: integrated frontal teaching, frontal teaching to a big group of pupils, dyads and triads as learning cooperation forms, small groups communication, discussion group | 1306 | |||||
856 | The article is devoted to the methodological problem of formation of historical linguistic competence of the foreigners studying the Russian language. The current researches on this issue are generalized. The work systematizes some main Pro and Contra factors of the inclusion, extent, methodological appropriateness of the historical linguistics lessons and tasks in the system of Russian training of foreign students. It represents the argumentation that the historical linguistic commentary is the optimal and the most effective form of teaching of the history of the Russian language for foreign audience. Some cases of its rational use are researched. In particular, one of these cases deals with the techniques of Russian words semantization. Etymological analysis is an effective method of semantization, which deals with the living connections of the word. Conscious awareness of the Russian language actualizes a conscious study of non-systemic facts of the Russian phonetics, grammar and spelling. Historical linguistic commentary for foreign audience also has great cultural potential. The internal form of the words allows understanding the Russian language consciousness and receiving objective information about Russian culture. Another actual problem is the adequate perception of authentic texts as products and representations of its era. The article results may be used in linguodidactics, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language and the practice of teaching the Russian language to foreign students. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, historical linguistic commentary, non-systemic facts of language, semantization of foreign words | 1306 | |||||
857 | Spain is different. An overview on Spanish traditional music Keywords: Spanish traditional music | 1305 | |||||
858 | This article is dedicated to the problem of status determination of the word classes that fulfill the function of the actant attribute in the Finnish, Hungarian, Udmurt, Komi and Mordvinian languages. The problem of determination of this class of words consists in the absence of their own categories, they always borrow these categories either from the nouns as in case of the Finnish language or they remain invariable as in case of the Hungarian, Udmurt, Komi and Mordvinian languages and then the difficulty emerges to distinguish, for example, the actant attribute and the predicate attribute. These facts do not allow us saying, as traditionally, about the independent part of speech – adjectives, only about the group of wordforms, formed of roots of quality meanings and united by the function of expressing of the attribute. | 1305 | |||||
859 | The aim of the paper is to ground egalitarism and social stratification as constructed social problems, through the application of communicative and phenomenological methods. The problem of egalitarism is considered in an outlook of symbolic interactionism and structural-functional theory of society. | 1305 | |||||
860 | In clause the ways of realization influencing of communicative strategy in modern epistolary the texts of advertising character are investigated. The texts of commercial, political and social advertising having a format of the electronic or printed letters are analyzed. Is judged a high degree of pragmatical potential of the given sort of the texts, which makes their genre-stylistic feature. Keywords: the communications, speech genre, pragmatical potential of the text, epistolary discurs, communicative installation, influencing communicative strategy of the text, influencing function of the text | 1305 | |||||
861 | Given article is devoted to development inclusive education as modern direction in pedagogy. The role of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission in the organization of training of children with the limited opportunities of health is analyzed. Experience of training children of preschool and school age with special educational needs is described. Keywords: inclusive education, limited opportunities of health, psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, special educational needs, rehabilitation, complex diagnostics | 1305 | |||||
862 | The article deals with the denominations of a bird cherry tree and a bird cherry in the selkup language. The linguistic analysis of the language data allows to consider to be a bird cherry tree on the one hand as a symbol of death and on the other hand as a symbol of revival. The meanings which deal with the denominations of a bird cherry permit to consider it to be the symbol of vitality. Keywords: lingual world picture, floral lexic, denominations bird cherry tree, meaning, symbol, selkup language | 1305 | |||||
863 | The paper describes the organization of the health-saving activity of the Social Work students. It is noted that the health-saving activity is important not only as being personality developing but also as a quasiprofessional one, preceding the similar professional activity. The article proves that the health-promoting environment of the educational institution favours the students involvement into the health-saving activity and serves as the base for the valeological competence of the social work specialist. Keywords: social specialists training, valeological competence, health-saving activity, personal experience, health-promoting environment | 1305 | |||||
864 | The article considers various methods to control the cognitive activities of the addressee in M. I. Veller’s interview at ‘Ekho Moskvy’ radio station. The research is based on regulativity theory methods developed in communicative stylistics of the text. Keywords: regulativity, regulativity methods, media discourse, interview, language personality | 1305 | |||||
865 | The article deals with the existing definitions of fluvioglacial deposits that are chiefly developed in the mountain lands. It also points out the main contradictions in field and laboratory diagnostics of fluvioglacial deposits contained in the fact that lithologic criteria for such diagnostics do not exist in the nature. It refers to all the facies of fluvioglacial deposits in the pre-glacial zone. The absence of lithologic criteria of distinguishing between the so-called fluvioglacial and mountainous alluvium is explained by the structure of all these deposits. It is conditioned by hydrodynamic peculiarities of the floods in which they are developed. Pre-glacial fluvial sediments undergo the process of laying many times both immediately by the glacier margin and under the glacier itself. Thus, it means that according to the well-spread classifications all the melt-water deposits (except pre-glacial lake deposits) should be called «alluvium». Besides, it often happens that some forms of a principally different genesis-diluvial origin-would be taken for the deposits of melt glacier water. The former it their turn have been formed by cataclysmic (i.e. - temporary) floods from ice-dammed lakes which outburst. Unclear diagnostics of water deposits leads to the difficulties in defining criteria to seek alluvial placers. The article shows the place of diluvial deposits in the row of other genetic types of loose sediments. The second part of the article deals with the energy essence of the diluvial morpholithogenesis from the points of natural risks. | 1304 | |||||
866 | The article is devoted to investigation of the basic stages of Christianization in Kamchatka, and some problems of study of Orthodoxy Church history in Kamchatka. | 1304 | |||||
867 | Process of methanogenesis in bogs, and also activity of process in a different environment are shown in the work Keywords: ligotrophic peat, Vasyugan bog, biochemical processes, dioxide of carbon, methane, emission | 1304 | |||||
868 | The article deals with the problems of personal development among pupils in elementary school. Different approaches to understanding moral development of this age are considered briefly. We also study the issues related to the moral self-rating formation of this age. We list the experimental observation results revealing the connection of concept of moral and moral self-rating of this age. Keywords: midchildhood, personality development, moral development, concept of morality, self-rating, moral self-rating | 1304 | |||||
869 | This article examines the impact of physical training and sports development upon the emotional sphere of teenagers’ personality. The possibility of overcoming anxiety, aggression involved in physical culture and sport; as well as the formation of well-being and activity of teenagers at the lessons and training. Keywords: emotional sphere of teenager’s personality, anxiety, aggression, mood | 1304 | |||||
870 | In this article, based on analysis of psychological and educational literature, there identified pedagogical conditions, contributing to the formation of information and mathematical competence of future teacher. Keywords: competence, information and mathematical competence | 1304 | |||||
871 | This article deals with the history of the adoption of the law on private education. There was marked the contributions to the development of the L. I. Lavrentyeva – trustee of the West Siberian educational district. The author presents the analysis of the activities of the Ministry of education and the State Duma of the third convocation in discussing the draft law on private education. Keywords: the rules about private education, Leonid Ivanovich Lavrentiev, the Ministry of national education, Third-Call State | 1304 | |||||
872 | The main principles and the development Periodic system of chemical elements have discussioned in the articles a sport description is given an some species Periodic table. The main attention is given the consideration of the best modern form Periodic system, which based on atomic ionization potential and atomic numbers of elements. The problems at the end number of elements at the Periodic table has been considerated. We cannot explain the phenomen today. The problem is suggested for discussion. | 1303 | |||||
873 | The article considers the necessity of consideration of text problems structure as study object in the course of Mathematics Didactics. The knowledge of text problems structure allows to determine: the construct order of text problems line in teaching mathematics; to organize of the solution search of text problems purposefully and be guided on one or few ways of solution; to carry out carry of dependence between text problem structure and the way of solution for other mathematical or not mathematical problem. Keywords: structure of the problem, the structure ofproblem decision, the line of text prob/em, methodological function of text problems | 1303 | |||||
874 | The article is about interdisciplinary science – emotive linguecology. The results of the linguistic analysis of emotional component of the texts in business communication are introduced. Speech interrupting is determined as a sign of nonecological business communication. Keywords: emotive linguecology, business communication, speech interrupting, nonecological communication | 1303 | |||||
875 | The article contains explanation of theoretical and practical importance of linguistic and cultural competence for generation of language person of a schoolchild in connection with competence approach to up-to-date teaching the Russian language. The connection of linguistic and cultural competence with communicative, linguistic and language competence with a glance of achievements in Russian, linguistic and cultural, cognitive linguistic and communicative stylistics of a text teaching is examined. Keywords: language teaching methodology, competence approach, language, culture, language person, text, linguistic and cultural competence | 1303 | |||||
876 | The demand of the state for the formation in children the sense of participation in the Russian history and culture is now solved by the system of education, including the Additional Education. As an effective form of extracurricular work, it is a favorable sphere for the co-creation of a child and a teacher in the formation of the culture of pupils. The culture of the Mezenskiy region and the struggle of the Russian people for the preservation of the originality of the painting of the North of Russia are considered. The role of traditional writing while studying the subjects of culture is noted as a way of understanding the art culture of the North of Russia, the way of transferring the national traditions to the next generations for the progress of human culture. The purpose of the complex of classes on “Mezenskaya Painting” is to develop the artistic culture among the students of the Children’s Art School. The tasks of the classes, the content of the study assignment, the results of mastering the knowledge of the students in the sections of the topic under consideration are presented. The activity aspect of studying a topic is considered as the basis for involvement of students in creativity, developmet of the ability to create compositions based on the Northern painting in question. The stages of comprehension by the students of the topic, the solution of teaching, developing and educating tasks are presented. The results of testing of the students at the beginning and the end of the study of the topic are presented. There is a dynamic in cognition, development of students. It is noted that the study of the topic promotes the development of the artistic culture of students. The fulfillment of the task of this topic also contributes to the formation of creative abilities, artistic taste of students and is a feasible contribution of the younger generation in preserving the traditions of the mezenskaya painting and its popularization. Keywords: development of artistic culture, additional education of children, continuity of generations, arts and crafts, students of the Children’s Art School, a set of practical exercises, a composition of the mezenskaya painting | 1303 | |||||
877 | The article considers the questions of activization of educational and cognitive activity of students of a military higher education institution as a condition for the formation of an innovative type of thinking for a young specialist. The necessity of introduction of interactive educational cognitive activity of students with the inclusion of information technologies in the educational process is proved. The characteristics and peculiarities of using information technologies for interactive training of military university students are disclosed, as well as the effectiveness of this process. The analysis carries out the content and the need to receive information and technological applications by the educational institution as the most effective way of improvement of training of future military specialist to professional activity for the purpose of providing them with the necessary knowledge, practical abilities, and faultless skills. The significance and functions of using information technologies in the process of professional training of future specialists are described. The definition of interac tive forms of teaching as a methodically directed interaction between the participants of the pedagogical process that allows developing creative and critical thinking of students of a military educational institution in the mode of dialogue, the ability of an analytical solution of problem situations in the professional sphere, is concretized. Keywords: information technologies, interactive training, introduction of information technologies in the educational process, educational process, activation of cognitive activity | 1303 | |||||
878 | The article analysis the accordance in Russian public idea with philosophy of culture of a holiday in the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century. Celebrations of this time are concluded to develop according to the historical Russian cultural tradition, the symbol, playing type of culture and behavior in the lyceum. It promoted the actuation of searching a new cognition by philosophical thought in the concrete historical situation. | 1302 | |||||
879 | The article deals with the problem of the art concept classification. Various types of the concept in the poetical texts are considered. | 1302 | |||||
880 | One of the modern translations of the drama by A.P. Chekhov « Three Sisters» made by Thomas Brasch to German is the object of the research. The article views the interpretation of the motives of the drama, where the translator ignores the innovatory principles of the Russian writer’s plays, thus returning the drama to the traditional scheme based on the characters’ relations, and accentuates its comedy-absurd re-understanding | 1301 | |||||
881 | This article is devoted to an actual problem of modern education – training schoolchildren to research, form competence. The authors analyze the problem and suggested solution as logical education to research activity at the lessons of physics. Keywords: research activity, the competency, cognitive activity, phased education, logic thinking, utterance of the hypothesis, research competency | 1301 | |||||
882 | The article is devoted to the problems of studying the basis of synergetic in the conditions of the school course of natural sciences. Didactic possibilities of given theory are considered in forming generalized scientific outlook of the schoolchildren. It indicates the integrating and educational functions of using the synergetic in the school course of natural sciences. Keywords: scientific, outlook, scientific map of the world, integration, synergetic (theory of self-organization), synergetic map of the world | 1301 | |||||
883 | In the article on the basis of the poetic discourse of acmeists, presented by the poetry collections “Strange Sky” (1912) by N. S. Gumilev, “Evening” (1912) by A. A. Akhmatova and “Stone” (1913) by O. E. Mandelstam, features of lexical regulativity are regarded on the level of an utterance. The general as well as the individual is revealed in organizing of cognitive activity of readers by different authors. Keywords: poetic discourse, acmeism, utterance, regulative chains based on the repetition of identical lexical units, regulative chains based on the semantic correlation of words | 1301 | |||||
884 | In this paper the authors based on the analysis of historical and pedagogical literature attempted to uncover the basic features of the organization of social education in Russia in the early twentieth century (in pre-revolutionary period and the period after the revolutionary events of 1917). Keywords: social education, social care training, children’s organizations, scouts, pioneers | 1301 | |||||
885 | In this article is dicussed the algorithm (succession) of stages and levels of moral development and their characteristics are presented in. The main stages are: moral development (influence) and self-upbringing. Moral development comprises the following levels: ethic, the level of politeness, breeding, morals. The stage of self-upbringing is introduced by the level of intelligence, culture, spiritual level. Attention is paid to the fact that moral development of a personality is a long-time, complicated, multilevel with a lot of aspects process. | 1300 | |||||
886 | The article is devoted to the problems of teaching English as a second foreign language (after German). It surveys the main principles of third-language teaching and discusses the possible ways of developing speaking skills. There has been an attempt in the technology to combine the two aspect sides of speech (fluency and accuracy) with the third one – pronunciation. The solution of the problem lies in the proper organization of the material, the item of which is a bilingual communicatively-intentional block, built around two texts: German and English. | 1300 | |||||
887 | Eight objects of peat with 38-453 years after drainage on the territory of Belarus Polesye were selected. In article are presented data of estimation their water-physical and biochemical characteristics, as well as factious composition of organic matter and of soil nitrogen forms of the peat soils on different stages of agricultural use after drainage. Examination these objects have shown that in process of agricultural use of the dranned peat soils their full degradation does not occur. The most active phase of peat organic matter mineralization stopped approximately after 50 years of the use, but after 200 years approaches the stabilization of the biochemical processes. Under correct and rational carry out of farm production (sparing processing of soil, optimal combination organic, macro- and micro-fertilizes, selecting the forage cultures) these lands possible to use indefinitely long. As a result on place of the dranned peat shaping barren soils and forecasts does not occur, predicted in a short time formation of semidesert on place all achieving worn-out peat, as minimum, exaggeration. Keywords: belarus polesye, peat and postpeat soils, fractional composition of organic matter, enzymatic activity, soil nitrogen fraction | 1300 | |||||
888 | Customarily one speaks of the influence that great Russian playwrights like Gogol, Sukhovo-Kobylin and Ostrovsky had on Nikolai Erdman. But it can be shown that Erdman also knew well the works of other classic writers, such as Fyodor Dostoevsky and Alexander Blok. This becomes clear when conducting even a simple analysis of Dostoevsky’s “The Devils,” Blok’s famous essays on revolution and Erdman’s “The Suicide.” Dostoevsky’s Kirillov and Erdman’s Podsekalnikov are both individuals that others seek to push into the act of committing suicide for the general good. By the same token, one can even find the germ of the basic plot complication in Erdman’s play in one of Blok’s essays. Any of Erdman’s characters who have a vested interest in Podsekalnikov’s death could easily have uttered this phrase from Blok: “How can I object to a person who has been driven to suicide by the demands of individualism, demonism, aesthetics or, finally, the most concrete, most banal need of despair and anguish?” The point, however, is not so much that we can find echoes reverberating among the works of Erdman, Dostoevsky and Blok, but rather that these echoes allow us to determine that Erdman’s task in writing “The Suicide” was far greater than just to write a satire. In “The Suicide” Erdman created his own artistic universe which embodies his own unique philosophical world view. Keywords: N. Erdmann, F. Dostoevsky, A. Blok, roll call, interpretation, unique of the philosophical world view. | 1300 | |||||
889 | This paper discusses innovative analytical tools of business: strategic competitive analysis. The author offers a number of sources of information, she describes their strengths and weaknesses, limitations in the application. Keywords: mega-competition, turbulence, geo-economic competition, strategic competitive analysis, strategic intelligence | 1300 | |||||
890 | The article considers one of the actual problems of modern school education – the formation of a graphic culture of teachers, which in modern conditions is the process of mastering the graphic language, the skills of operating graphic information and the ability to use graphic culture in different areas of educational activity. Different approaches of scientists and teachers to the problem are analyzed, the main contradictions confirming the formulation of the problem of the formation of graphic culture of schoolchildren are determined. The authors identify one of the ways to form the quality of the student under study – the use of art-technological design as a means of forming graphic culture of students. As the main activity, the project activity is considered as an innovative component that contributes to the accumulation of graphic information and the development of graphic skills of students. The article provides the analysis of the conceptual and terminological apparatus-the concepts of “project”, “design”, “project activity”, “creative activity”, “creative project”. The results of the initial survey actualizing the necessity of forming the studied quality are presented. Discusses the art-technological design, its nature, definition. The use of art technology in the educational space as a means of forming a graphic culture of schoolchildren is focused on expanding the level of cognitive activity, the development of creative abilities and awakening to in-depth study of subjects. Keywords: learning, technology, graphic culture, and graphic language, art technology, education, information culture, art and technological design of the art technology | 1300 | |||||
891 | The paper is dedicated to the investigation of the properties of associative reactions on the poetic text in the process of experiment. It is approached from the point of view of different aspects of author’s poetic picture of the world. | 1299 | |||||
892 | To form of general system knowledge of schoolchildren about reality is one of the basic functions of interdisciplinary links and to form complete scientific world view is to require taking into account interdisciplinary links. Complex approach in upbringing increases upbringing functions of interdisciplinary links in course of ecology and thus promotes to revelation the unity of nature – society – human. In this condition the links of ecology with other subjects of scientific and humanitarian courses became strong | 1299 | |||||
893 | The paper presents the results of the research conducted on the base of one corporate training centre. The model of the innovative corporate training centre is a result of integrating pedagogical innovations in the process of organizing the work in the training centre. Keywords: model of innovative corporate training centre, innovations in education and teaching | 1299 | |||||
894 | In the article the problem of legal security for information psychological safety of children is analyzed. The problem is considered in the context of adoption the federal statute “About Protection of Children against the Information Harming their Health and Development” from 29.12.2010, entering in validity since the fi rst of September 2012. The psychologicolegal substantiation of the destructive information is introduced. Finally, the author gives the offers on protection of the current legislation in the fi eld of the legal responsibility for distribution of the destructive information production. Keywords: safety of the person, destructive information, information infl uence, mental virus | 1299 | |||||
895 | The examination of different ideas and versions of salvation is found in a number of works by modern Russian writers, including Sorokin’s novel “Metel’” (Snowstorm) (2010). The central character doctor Garin realises his mission of the Savior. He is going in a place captured by epidemic of plague, which conditoins plot development. The allusion plan is important, since by building references to the Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries Sorokin rethinks the traditional for Russian culture questions: responsibility of intelligentsia to the people, possibilities of correction of low human nature (by divine effect or by following to ethics rules or a call of duty). Author’s understanding of soteriologic problematics is developed through motive of salvation and motives of futility, destruction, illness, entropy that are antonymous to it. The article analyses the images of characters and features of creative space of the novel “Snowstorm”. It is specified, that images of Garin and Perkhushin are referenced to traditional types of the Russian literature: a barin and a muzhik, an intellectual and a representative of the people, the God’s fool (blissful) and impious. The space of the novel is organised by opposition: home – homelessness (snowstorm). The home associates with paradise, safe existence, heat, and the snowstorm does with cold, death, lack of roads, potentially disastrous chaos of the life. The motive of a snowstorm is sent to archetipical (biblical) motive «storm in wilderness» that assumes tempting, moral test of the hero. In Sorokin’s novel Garin, who thinks of himself as a Savior, does not pass the test: he defects, isn’t ethically suitable for the high mission, cannot defeat human sinful nature. He is not capable to carry out the mission of the Savior without the assistant (an ordinary muzhik, carter Perhusha); and in the end he is protected from death by the price of the life of other man. The author ironically denied secular and Christian versions of salvation: neither the hope to God (Perhusha), nor the belief in the science and capabilities of a human (Garin) do not help to execute the rescue mission: Perhusha perishes, Garin expects a difficult life after his feet are frostbitten and he is found by Chinese. Keywords: modern Russian literature, Vladimir Sorokin, motive of salvation | 1299 | |||||
896 | The theme of love is analyzed in G. Shcherbakova’s school narrative «You would not even dream». The peculiarity of the author’s interpretation of love is revealed through the analysis of the organization of the plot, the system and images of characters, narration, allusions. The analysis of the personnosphere of the story allowed to distinguish the types of characters, depending on their understanding and attitude to love: pragmatists and romantics who sacrifice and selfishly demand reciprocity; disappointed and believing in the life-giving power of love. The semantics of love is revealed in character dialogs and includes such meanings as a disease that causes pain, destroying belief in reciprocity and into yourself, the fire that attracts and destroys people (Kostya, Zoya); epidemic / madness / natural disaster, the triumph of the natural-biological over the social (the school director), the manifestation of the socio-biological needs of people not to be lonely (Vera, Misha); exalted feeling, gift, meaning of existence (Tatiana, Romka, Julia). The plot lines of the characters demonstrate that the choice of the model of relationships and understanding of love is due to various factors, among which the presence / absence of experience (positive or traumatic), personal values. An essential role in revealing the theme of love is played by references to classical world literature: to William Shakespeare’s play «Romeo and Juliet», to Pushkin’s novel «Eugene Onegin» and Leo Tolstoy’s «Anna Karenina», and to Chekhov’s works. Correlating yourself or others with the characters of literature, and your life - with the plots of works becomes a way of self-reflection and self-determination. G. Shcherbakova avoids edification, but invites readers to dialogue and self-determination. But, ultimately, as the most appropriate to the concept of happiness described by mutual love, which is not reduced to sexual attraction and social need in the family. The author proves the unproductiveness of both pragmatic and idealistic understanding of love: the first deprives the life of the spiritual dimension, the second - does not allow reconciling dreams with reality, realizing themselves. Finally, G. Shcherbakova, making the final of the story open (we do not know whether the hero survived or not), rejects the identification of love and life peculiar to people at a young age (as modern Romeo and Juliet show). To find mutual love is a great success, but to keep it is everyday work, a greater feat than death (like Shakespearian lovers or Anna Karenina). Keywords: teenage literature of the second half of the twentieth century, G. Shcherbakova, school novel, theme of love | 1299 | |||||
897 | H. Tain is a famous representative of the philosophy of positivism. This article deals with Tain's point of view on the specifics of European historical process in the period between V-th-XVIII-th centuries. Tain's idea to investigate the history of development of the European civilization as an evolution of morals of European society was original and innovative in historiography of XIX century. Tain had enlisted the factors: longing to freedom, following the Christian laws, chevalry honesty and loyalty etc., which stimulated the development of moral evolution of the West from savage barbarian to civilized society. | 1298 | |||||
898 | The author of the article is analyzing images and motives of «The Poem without a Hero» and «The Prose about the Poem» by Anna Akhmatova. They trace to shaman myths and notions which underlie the legend about the mission of a singer, his poetical inspiration. They can be seen in the composition of the first part of «The Poem without a Hero» in traveling of the memory into the world of the dead, the presence of the images of dances, the motive of conjuring. It is known that Akhmatova had an idea of changing the poem into a kind of «dancing action with singing from behind the scene. All these made it possible for Anna Akhmatova to call her poem «shamanics». | 1298 | |||||
899 | The program of development of the pedagogical competence is the publication of Tazina Klarisa Alexandrovna, an English teacher of the highest qualification who has been working as a teacher at the secondary school for more than 25 years. The program contains theoretical problem of modern pedagogical competence and all Us distinguishing professional skills. One of the important features of the program is the determination of this very notion «pedagogical competence» from the standpoint of modem pedagogical science. Special attention is drawn to the question of analysis of the lessons. The program may be recommended to all teachers of the secondary school and students of pedagogical institutes. It may be used in every day pedagogical practice. | 1298 | |||||
900 | The article concerns the methodical analysis of the lingual material for active learning to form the skills of professional speaking special vocabulary and Latin word-building elements, one of the techniques of establishing the intersubjective connections while introducing the special vocabulary, namely the comparative analysis of the English and Latin lexical items. Keywords: professional vocabulary, lexical skills, intersubjective texts, professional speaking, intersubjective connections, comparative analysis, facilitation, introduction | 1298 |