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4701 | The article examines the role of universal educational actions in the development of information culture of the individual student as a component of human culture as a whole, objectively characterize the level of ongoing information relations. Specifies various approaches to the phenomenon of information culture: information and logic, cultural and philosophical. From the standpoint of these approaches defined the understanding of the phenomenon of “information culture”. The author claims that the personal information culture has four major components: cognitive, emotional and evaluative, effective and practical, communicative. Details of each component are disclosed. Described universal educational actions as a set of actions of the student providing social competence, ability of independent mastering of new knowledge and skills, including organization of this process, cultural identity and tolerance, affecting the development of information culture of the student’s personality. Keywords: information culture, components of information culture, development of information culture, universal educational activities | 1069 | |||||
4702 | The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of the dynamics of the formation of the indices of the students’ professional motivation in Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University. The first and the fourth-year students (2015-2016 academic year) and the first and the fifth-year students (2016-2017 academic year) of three departments (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences; Social and Humanities Faculty and Pedagogical Faculty) were examined. All the students are trained in three directions: 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, 44.03.04 Professional Training and 44.03.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education. According to the authors’ opinion training of highly qualified teachers is the consequence of the timely development of the mechanisms of the increase in the students’ interest in obtaining qualitative knowledge, the development of the necessary skills, which correspond to their professional competence. On the basis of the qualitative analysis of the results of diagnostic procedures (K. Zamfir’s technique «Motivation of professional activity» (A. Rean’s modification), T. N. Silchenkova’s technique «Studying the motives of the pedagogical profession» and V. A. Yadov’s technique «Studying the factors of the appeal of a profession» (I. Kuzmina and A. Rean’s modification) the authors developed some recommendations for the teachers of higher education institutions, that will make it possible to increase the level of the students’ professionally significant motives and will contribute to the acquisition of the motive, guiding and effective basis of the development of their professional motivation. Keywords: professional motivation, quality of education, university education | 1069 | |||||
4703 | The article deals with the problem of teaching foreign students of Russian scientific speech as the most important means of educational and professional communication in a Russian university. It points to the specifics of the training of foreign students of Russian scientific speech at the Pedagogical University. Attention is drawn to the problem of teaching Russian scientific speech of foreign students at the stage of pre-university training. The use of the adaptive potential of the method of teaching the scientific style of speech is suggested, the concept of «scientific speech of subject areas of pedagogy and subject methodology» is actualized. It is understood that the creation and use of an educational complex for teaching scientific speech in classes with foreign students of a pedagogical university helps to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. It is proposed to design a textbook on teaching of scientific speech for foreign students of a pedagogical university, the theoretical and practical educational material of which is set out in a modular format, supplemented with a set of workbooks. It is recommended to include the description of the lexical, morphological, syntactic, phonetic, structural and compositional features of modern Russian scientific speech in the educational material of the educational complex, adding practical tasks that fix the theoretical basis of the educational material and imply work in pairs and small groups. The recommended for design training complex for teaching of Russian scientific speech should contain guidance for teachers, basic guide to scientific speech, a set of workbooks, a collection of tests, dictionaries, reference materials, that must meet the current requirements of the educational literature. This training complex provides methodical and motivational support for the learning process and can contribute to improving the effectiveness of teaching. The article is of interest for teachers of Russian as a foreign language, working at preparatory departments of Russian universities, as well as for teachers of pedagogical universities working with foreign students. Keywords: scientific style of speech, Russian scientific speech, adaptive potential, method of teaching the scientific style of speech, educational complex | 1069 | |||||
4704 | Introduction. The practice of segmentation of vocabulary is traditionally based either on a certain (situational) set of criteria for this procedure, or on a larger methodological basis for example the apparatus of a separate linguistic discipline, which often defaults to lexicology as a science about the lexical structure of the language. Being limited to the object of observation, lexicology is hardly capable of independently solving the question posed for the entire linguistic science or, at least, for such a macroscopic discipline as stylistics that urgently needs a reliable criteria base, despite their various functional specialization: stylistics studies the expressive, whereas lexicology the nominative function of language. The aim of the paper is to propose segmentation of the vocabulary fund of the German literary language through the prism of the environmental approach. Material and methods. The implementation of the epistemological (rational-empirical) framework of the environmental approach, which far exceeds not only the limits of the science of language, but also humanitarian knowledge in general, is determined by the specifics of being and development of the language itself as an anthropological phenomenon (loquens), erroneously attributed by poststructuralists exclusively to man. The basis of the environmental approach is the thesis about the environmental origin of the human language and the impossibility of its existence outside the Herder environment. Language exists in the “nutrient solution” of culture and acts as a connecting element of the social interaction of all individuals inhabiting this artificial world. The environmental approach is a capacious epistemological platform that is used to account for the various functional varieties of the language that serve as the basis for its vocabulary segmentation. Results and discussion. The following criteria have been developed for more weighted and general linguistic segmentation of a vocabulary on the example of the German literary language: a) selectivity, b) naturalness, c) reproducibility, d) temporality, e) age. The lexical system of the German language is taken as a model not by chance: the hybrid nature of this language idiom and the high heterogeneity (hybridity) of its resources correlating with it are an advantageous dialectical field of observing the phenomenon of a lexical system functional stratification. The apparatus of the environmental approach is formed by extensive interdisciplinary data that have become commonplace clichés in scientific use and help to obtain interdisciplinary meaningful and objective segmentation of the German literary language vocabulary. The scientific novelty is determined by the implementation of a fundamentally new set of criteria for identifying the components of the vocabulary system of the specified language based on the enlarged epistemological basis of the analysis. Conclusion. The proposed segmentation is intended to expand the boundaries of the lexicology apparatus of the German language, the ideas about the heterogeneity of its lexical system and its evolutionary laws. The data obtained can be used as a material for theoretical courses in lexicology and stylistics when training specialists in the field of German linguistics at all educational levels. Keywords: German literary language, vocabulary, segmentation, heterogeneity, strata, environmental approach | 1069 | |||||
4705 | Introduction. The words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) have become a kind of indicators of social, economic and political changes, which had a great impact on language personality of the Russian native speaker. The aim of the article is to research into the dynamics of thesaurus fragment, which is verbalized with words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar). The analysis is based on lexicographical and corpus data. Methods and material. The main material used for analysis is: data taken from explanatory dictionaries published from XVIII to XXI century, associative fields mined from associative dictionaries, and text fragments extracted with the help of The Russian National Corpus. These materials make juxtaposition analysis of lexical semantics dynamic processes possible. Results and discussion. Juxtaposition of explanatory dictionaries materials as well as “Russian Associative Dictionary” shows that ‘the mirror of associative dictionary’ is indispensable for studying particular fragments of reality. Interconnection between associative fields and systemic lexical semantics fields is obvious. The study directed from system to text shows the gradual changes in semantics structure of two synonyms. The research traces the establishment of their axiological specialization. The word rynok (market) develops a new meaning over time – “sphere of commodity exchange”, which is further reflected in the expansion of its lexical compatibility. Since the semantic component “noise” actualizes, the figurative meaning of word bazar (bazaar) emerges – “loud conversation”. Bazar (bazaar) in the native speaker’s mind is a space where one can be easily deceived. Rynok (market) on the value scale of everyday consciousness is also associated with theft, high cost and chaos, which is largely due to the influence of socio-economic factors on the language consciousness. Semantic differences between two synonyms and contamination of different meanings become the basis for creating language game. Conclusion. The meaning of words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) verbalize the crucial for person’s life fragment of reality. Throughout the long history of functioning, their semantics underwent significant transformation that can be revealed at various levels: structure of the meanings fixed by lexicography, associative and verbal level of language personality. The observations show that in the semantics structure of word rynok (market) the new meaning (‘system of exchange relations’) tends to prevail over the traditional one (‘place for trade’). Lexical unit bazar (bazaar) contains connotations in all meanings. Keywords: lexicography, lexical semantics, associative field, connotations, synonymy | 1069 | |||||
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4707 | Borshchevskiy A. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 2 (11). P. 69-71 . | 1068 | |||||
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4709 | Smirnov V. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2002. Issue 2 (30). P. 126-130 . | 1068 | |||||
4710 | The paper deals with actual philosophic problems, connected with existence of ideal in modern cultural areal. Fantasy is appreciated and looked upon as basic phenomenon of human existence. The stages of studying fantasy in the history of philosophy are pointed out as well as tne perspectives of future investigations of fantasy. | 1068 | |||||
4711 | The mathematical model of the membrane concentration process of multistage mounting of a continuous working on the basis of Markov chains is presented. The model allows defining the efficiency indexes of this process | 1068 | |||||
4712 | Authors of this article study the relationship between concentration rate and efficiency of business companies. Structural changes in the Russian manufacturing cause growth of concentration rates. The reasons for that growth are mostly practical and economical. Market results such as prices, costs, profits are affected by concentration rate. Quantitative studies of the Russian industries have indicated that profitability correlates with company size. High profit is based on scale saving effect or monopoly, that is the reason for companies and market share growth. Concentrated industries have better performance as large companies are more innovative and productive then smaller ones | 1068 | |||||
4713 | The article provides analysis of the process of realizing the leading ideas of modernization of education in rural schools: improving access, efficiency, quality of education. Keywords: principles of accessibility, efficiency, quality education, modernization of rural schools. | 1068 | |||||
4714 | The article is devoted to formation of technological culture of pupils in rural ungraded schools. Keywords: culture, technological culture, competence, creative skills, technologies of training. | 1068 | |||||
4715 | In the article the structure and functions of headings of the various publications in Tomsk periodical press, which took place in the 60-s of the twentieth century, are considered. The research is based on the materials of the newspapers «The Krasnoe Znamya», «The Molodoj Leninec», «The Pravda Ilicha». Keywords: headings, structure of headings, functions of headlines, regulative force of headings | 1068 | |||||
4716 | In this paper we construct the explicit form of the nilpotent BRST-charge for specific quadratic nonlinear superalgebras where a commutator (in terms of Poisson superbrackets) of the generators is a quadratic polynomial of the generators. Keywords: BRST-symmetry, supersymmetry, superalgebras | 1068 | |||||
4717 | We consider models of massless p-ranks antisymmetric tensor fields (p-forms) in arbitrary D-dimensional curved space-time (p d D). Quantization of these models has been performed. We evaluate the effective actions of these models. The result is presented in terms of d`Alembertians acting on p-forms. Keywords: quantum fields in curved space-time, antisymmetric tensor fields, p-forms, gauge field theories, effective action | 1068 | |||||
4718 | The article deals with the mechanisms of formation, the analysis of the essential characteristics and methods of explication epistolary dialogism as an integral part of the poetics of epistolary texts, taking into account the complex extra linguistic factors and the specifi c implementation of the communicative-pragmatic axis “author – the destination”. The letters by V. S. Vysotsky served as research material. Keywords: dialogue, dialogism as a text category, epistolary text, epistolary dialogism, epistolary communication universals | 1068 | |||||
4719 | l-conformal Galilei algebra is considered. N = 2 supersymmetric extension of this algebra is constructed. A relation between its representations in at spacetime and in Newton-Hooke spacetime is discussed. Keywords: conformal Galilei algebra, supersymmetry | 1068 | |||||
4720 | In the article the special features of physics as disciplines and special feature of its teaching and study are considered. There is traced the connection of physics with disciplines in the technical directions, the need for the introduction of new courses on the innovation directions of scientific studies. It is indicated that the weak training of school students in physics and mathematics does not make it possible to master the learning material of university courses. For formation of the competences of the graduates of technical institute of higher education in accordance with the needs of the labor market for technical universities it is necessary to attract different methods to raise the level of knowledge on these disciplines. Keywords: special feature of physics as disciplines, new courses, competences of graduates, need of the labour market | 1068 | |||||
4721 | The article is devoted to the study of axiological problems in the philosophy of Baden School of neokantianism. The idea of philosophy as a theory of values is considers. The author demonstrates transcendent nature of the values, analyses the correlation of the values, benefits and valuation’s acts. The dichotomy of objective reality and values is solved by the category of sense. The article explains the role of values and normative premises in the process of cognitive activity. Keywords: Baden School of philosophy, Wilhelm Windelband, Heinrich Rickert, value, normative base of knowledge, the concept of philosophy | 1068 | |||||
4722 | The article deals with the translation of professional texts, in particular, the translation of the French fashion catalogue into Russian. The fashion catalogue is the part of national culture. The characteristic features of its translation are associated with the translation of the realities, the terms and the colour terms. Keywords: translation, fashion, catalogue, professional text, reality, term, colour term | 1068 | |||||
4723 | The article analyses the formulation of the problem of the subject of interdisciplinary research elaborated by G. P. Shchedrovitsky and his main idea of solving it. The author of the article makes an attempt to develop the methodology of structural solution of this problem by adding a conceptual approach based on the usage of a holistic philosophical and anthropological concept of human existence. This combined approach leads to a holistic understanding of both the nature of culture itself and ways of its comprehension, which helps man to find his spiritual identity in culture. Keywords: subject of interdisciplinary research, structural model-configurator, holistic concept of man, holistic understanding of culture, spiritual identity in culture | 1068 | |||||
4724 | The article describes the analysis of the survey that was conducted among foreign language teachers at the leading Tomsk universities. It shows the teachers’ opinion to the interactive teaching of the English language. Keywords: interactive learning, interactive methods, interactive learning understanding | 1068 | |||||
4725 | The article deals with an important issue in the sphere of teaching foreign languages – the problem of controlling in the system of foreign language education in high school. Having examined traditional forms of control we offer an alternative – pedagogical monitoring, that enables a teacher to get up to date information, to adjust the learning activities of students, to develop their independence and autonomy. Multifunctional nature of the pedagogical monitoring was highlighted, it was suggested that monitoring is not just a way to test and measure educational progress, but one of the efficient ways to organize the learning process. Keywords: pedagogical control, traditional means of control, pedagogical monitoring, modern information technologies | 1068 | |||||
4726 | The article analyzes the semantic complexes connected with the representation of the Vologda region in the novel by L. Ulitskaya “Green tent”. Having studied all mentions of the region in the text the author draws to conclusion that the image of the Vologda region accumulates the traditional understanding of the province as a field of resistance and inertness, preserving underlying national traits and implementing patriarchal-family basis. The Vologda region serves as a place of exile or escape from prospective danger; the personification of family which guarantees safety and transfer the national traits of the character; it is the area of the gradual decay of the countryside world, embodiment of the Russian North in general with its “intact timid nature”. This peripheral area from the chronological point of view is interpreted as the past. Arriving from the center (Moscow) at the Vologda region looks like the descent, decline in not only patriarchal existence, but also in the history of own family. The Vologda region is a wordly projection of the “green tent”, the territory of family peace, realizing your roots and through them returning to yourself. Keywords: postmodernism, chronotope, province, motives, theme, geoethnic panorama, the Vologda region, the Russian North | 1068 | |||||
4727 | The article describes a new experimental procedure for the preparation of personal, metasubject and subject results at computer science lessons in the process of group collaboration on technology tools web 2.0. Gives pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of this technique. Selects a component activities affecting the receipt of personal, metasubject and subject results in the framework of such organization of educational cooperation. Formulates indicators for assessing the quality of students’ activity during group work based on web 2.0. In conclusion, the results of the experiment, confirming the receipt of the students personality, metasubject and subject results registered in the new federal educational standards. Keywords: Web 2.0, Internet technologies, cooperation of students, personality, subject and meta-subject results of teaching | 1068 | |||||
4728 | This article refers to the analysis of precedence as a means of naming and characteristic of a special anthroponym group, the names of writers, in German newspaper and magazine texts. During the study there were found several models that include precedent names (both proper and generic names). These models are being described according to their structure and semantics. The phenomenon of precedence is being analyzed in relation to the newspaper functional style with its special aims and goals. Precedent names are being studied in connection to the source and level of precedence. Functions of using precedent names for naming famous writers are also being discussed in this article. Keywords: precedence, precedent names, naming, anthroponym, newspaper functional style | 1068 | |||||
4729 | Based on archival materials the process of preparation and celebration in the Far East of the USSR in the 1930s of one of the main Soviet holidays - the Great October Socialist Revolution is considered. The Soviet authorities actively used the traditions of holidays and festive rites as one of the important aspects of political, ideological and psychological treatment of the population. In the 1930s. this holiday in its political and ideological aspect was aimed not so much to revive the events of the recent past, as to draw public attention to the pressing state tasks and to stimulate labor and patriotic impulses of the masses in both central regions of the country and in the provinces. The Far East did not stay away from the all-Union festive tradition. The local party and economic authorities through the creation of festive commissions conducted a broad political and ideological (talks, newspaper readings, meetings with participants in revolutionary events, the publications of the festive issues of newspapers, festive broadcasts on radio, etc.), mass organizational and preparatory (cleaning and decoration of streets, squares, buildings of settlements, decoration of columns of demonstrations, replenishment of stores with goods and products, timely payment of salaries, bonuses of the best workers) work on the eve of and during the holiday. Reporting documentation of the Soviet economic authorities clearly demonstrates the successes and omissions in the celebration of the Great October Revolution in the region in the 1930s. Keywords: Far East of the USSR, holiday of the Great October Revolution, political and ideological, mass explanatory work, demonstration, agitation | 1068 | |||||
4730 | Gorbunova N. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 21-23 . | 1067 | |||||
4731 | Zotkin A. O. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 49-45 . | 1067 | |||||
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4735 | The article treats the process of professlcnalisation as a sequence of internal (subjective) crises. Passing these crises consequently leads a specialist to the need to reassess the role of personal particularities in the prospect of professionalization. The personal and social maturity of a doctor serves as a basis for his full fledged professional development, rather than «the humanitarian supplements that could be neglected. | 1067 | |||||
4736 | In the article the analysis of the marketing commu¬nications' complex is given: advertising, public relations, personal contacts and sale's stimulation. The most important components of the communi¬cation's process at the educational services market are considered. A special attention is paid to the analysis of the edu¬cational services advertising as an effective means of marketing communications. The recommendations concerning the kinds and the content of advertising information about educational services are given in the article. | 1067 | |||||
4737 | The article determines the contents of the educa¬tional complex, presents main theoretical approaches to the definition of its functions. It also considers cha¬racteristics of the educational complex in Russian eco¬nomy and emphasizes economic interests of the edu¬cational complex of subjects, their attitude to the ne¬cessity of performing the reforms in the educational system. | 1067 | |||||
4738 | The article discusses the content and methods of training students of pedagogical specializations in teaching the elements of the History of Science in the school course of Physics. The programmer of the educational module «Teaching the history of physic by means of information and communicative technologies» in the framework of the «Theory and methods of teaching Physics» course is proposed Keywords: the history of scientific experiment, educational module, theory and methods of teaching Physics, information and communicative technologies | 1067 | |||||
4739 | In this article main directions of the research which is held in the laboratory of endangered Siberian languages are illuminated. They concern the analysis of calendar systems and calendar vocabulary of some nations which can be found on the territory of Siberia and also their comparative analysis. Keywords: calendar system, calendar’s vocabulary, months’ names, life support systems | 1067 | |||||
4740 | The problems of Master’s Degree Programme development as a new degree of University education in Russian practice are considered in this article on the date of a survey conducted in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: Bachelor’s Degree Programme, Master’s Degree Programme, Postgraduate Study Programme, teachers of high qualification, lecture, independent work of students | 1067 | |||||
4741 | We consider and analyze the effectiveness of psychological correction work with the family of a disabled child with cerebral palsy. Keywords: psychological and pedagogical support, disabled child, family, parent, empathy, cooperation, correction, efficiency. | 1067 | |||||
4742 | In the present article the author considers essence of the factor driver as component of the innovative field of realization of innovation potential, it develops understanding of the phenomenon the factor driver as external initiating and motivating components in relation to the innovative system. The author created ideas of critical mass of influence the driver of factors and its dimension, positions and structure the driver of factors of innovative activity are determined. Keywords: innovations, driver factors, innovative potential, innovative infrastructure | 1067 | |||||
4743 | The existence of K-instantons on a cylinder M7 = Rт x K/H over a homogeneous nearly Kahler 6-manifold K/H requires a conformally parallel or a cocalibrated G2-structure on M7. The generalized anti-self-duality onM7 implies a Chern-Simons ow on K/H which runs between instantons on the coset. For K-equivariant connections, the torsionful Yang-Mills equation reduces to a particular quartic dynamics for a Newtonian particle on C. We obtain kink- or bounce-type solutions for generic values of the torsion. When the latter corresponds to the conformally parallel or cocalibrated G2-structure on M7, the dynamics follows from a gradient or hamiltonian ow, respectively, and we encounter Yang-Mills instantons. Keywords: instantons, Chern-Simons ow, special geometry, G-structures, nearly-Kahler manifolds. | 1067 | |||||
4744 | The article is devoted to the etymologic and semantic analysis of the word ‘heart’ in Selkup, along with the wordformation capability of the word. Keywords: Selkup, somatic vocabulary, denomination of heart | 1067 | |||||
4745 | The article proves that a teacher, able to organize and carry out investigation, comes to the fore in the conditions of federal state educational standards of common education. The author defines “teacher’s research potential”, “development of teacher’s research potential”. Special attention is paid to methods of development of teacher’s research potential at the system of an additional vocational education. Keywords: teacher’s research potential, development of teacher’s research potential, methodology, system of additional vocational education | 1067 | |||||
4746 | The article reviews the issue of developing the contents of a Business English course for technical learners. The author reveals the problem of the didactic potential and the adequate planning of the curriculum for the purpose of the successful integration of a prospective graduate into the business environment. Keywords: business English, communicative competence, cross-cultural competence, background knowledge, cognitive skills, organizational skills, curriculum planning | 1067 | |||||
4747 | The article pays attention to a psychological phenomenon of self-updating as to the highest level of motivation and harmony of the person with the own internal nature. Basic aspirations of the personality with which the set system of vital missions is connected are described. The results of empirical research of features of power of basic aspirations and extent of their realization are presented in the comparative plan in the conditions of various sociocultural settings of educational institutions: at students of professional college and comprehensive school. Keywords: motivational educations, self-updating, harmonization of the personality, power of basic aspirations, vital reference points, realization of internal and external opportunities | 1067 | |||||
4748 | The article offers an approach to knowledge control in a virtual educational environment, which differs from the known methods of a weighted sum of time costs when students passing of control tests and received successful response. The article gives the algorithm to the control of knowledge, showing the success of learning within the discipline which is being studied. Keywords: educational process, the virtual educational environment, the control of knowledge | 1067 | |||||
4749 | This article describes the stages of the methodical complete set for organization and conducting of the practical work. The classification of educational devices and laboratory chemical ware is given. Keywords: methodical complete set, technological card, design stages, chemical experiment, educational devices | 1067 | |||||
4750 | The present paper deals with studying theoretical and methodical background of the concept of blended learning, which is a major didactic tool of the modern ways of foreign languages teaching. It also considers the principles of integrating blended learning into the system of teaching foreign languages in engineering institutions. The basics of educational modeling used for developing a model of integrating blended learning in the process of foreign language teaching are defined. The schematic model representation is given and the way of implementing the described model into the educational process is shown via the example of the lesson on “Cohesive devices”. Keywords: blended learning, electronic resource, education process, Bologna process, educational modeling | 1067 |