# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2251 | The Feuilleton as the small art-publicistic form, characteristic of periodicals and different for topical character of subjects, satirical focusing or humour, was extremely claimed in 1920s in the newspaper «Gudok». The journalism acted as a transitive step, «the border zone» separating (and connecting) journalism and fiction. In this journalistic genre the particular interest is given to the subject of reflection. Keywords: journalism, the feuilleton, a subject, event, process, a situation, the person | 1180 | |||||
2252 | The article focuses on the problem of creativity, university students, the methods of its development, the results of the experiment to test the effectiveness of educational conditions for the development of creativity of students of the university. Keywords: creativity, future designers, educators, development, problem learning, subject-subject relations, life experiences | 1180 | |||||
2253 | In article it is shown, that the methodology philosophical essencialism, which as reasoning starting point takes a human nature as an ontologic reality, and considers all phenomena of culture as a human nature objectivization, is immanent to philosophical thinking. Keywords: culture, civilization, philosophical essencialism, human nature | 1180 | |||||
2254 | Results of research of personal characteristics of psychological readiness for research activity at beginning scientists are shown. The qualities that are a reference point for professional and personal development of beginning scientists are revealed. The importance of distinctions between respondents with various degree of an involvement into research activities for such personal characteristics, as responsibility, accuracy, self-checking, persistence, foresight, sociability and emotional stability is empirically proved. Keywords: psychological readiness, research activity, self-assessment, personal features | 1180 | |||||
2255 | Despite the considerable number of works devoted to studying of problems of preschool education, the question of value-semantic content of the concept, its specificity and peculiarities of formation to date is poorly understood. Many scientists, researchers for a detailed description of the specifics, typical characteristics and indicate the semantic content of scientific concepts use the term «discourse». Based on the understanding that preschool education is one of the links in the structure of General education can be considered the preschool discourse as an integral part of the educational discourse. Тhe understanding that preschool education is one of the links in the structure of General education can be considered the preschool discourse as an integral part of the educational discourse. Indicated that participants in the contemporary process of preschool education of children with diverse social experience, can broadcast a meaningful value-semantic component of the pedagogical concept of «preschool education». As a result of communication the subject of communication can distort the meaning of scientific concepts. This provision defines the principle position of the author about the need to design pedagogical discourse of future specialists. The inclusion of students – future teachers in practical communicative environment of the subjects of preschool education with the help of quasiprofessional activity will help them identify value-semantic content of preschool education. Keywords: preschool education, pedagogical discourse, value-semantic content | 1180 | |||||
2256 | The article is dedicated to the analysis of the regulative potential of the precedent name in media discourse. This problem is relevant in modern linguistics and is studied in the framework of different directions. The article points to communicative stylistics of the text in the aspect of the regulative theory. Methods of actualizing the regulative function of the precedent name are described on the textual material of the corpus of modern newspapers of the Russian National Corpus. Mythonyms which are prominent regulatory means of attracting the attention of the addressee were analysed in the article. Thus, contexts analysis of a newspaper corpus mythonyms Zeus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Prometheus showed that in case of realization of mythonyms only the nominative function its regulative potential might be due to the invariant perception of a precedent text that is stored in the cognitive basis of the addressee and which is determined by its presuppositions. The factors influencing the degree of precedent onym’s regulativity in newspaper journalism, for instance, the use of situation-based illustrative context, the appeal to the source, the use of figurative means and transformed statements have been defined. Situational contexts that direct the recipient to the mythological stories serve as the actualizing mean of the relevant background information, its presuppositions. Mythonym in such a context is a strong regulatory tool, as not only appeals to the cultural memory of the audience, but fills in gaps in the information thesaurus. It is established that the regulative potential of precedent onyms is due to the implementation of cultural, educational and operating functions of the newspaper. Keywords: precedent name, mythonym, text communicative stylistics, regulative potential, regulative function | 1180 | |||||
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2258 | The Becke's hybrid method with the different correlation functionate has been used for the calculation of nuclear quadrupole coupling constants (NQCC) for the large number of molecules containing 9 various quadrupole nuclei. Electric field gradients were calculated at various ievels of DFT approach: B3LYP/ 6-31+G(df,pd), B3LYP/cc-pVTZ, BHandHLYP/aug-cc-pVTZ, B3LYP/3-21G(d). The nuclear quadrupole moments of oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, nitrogen, boron, aluminum, arsenic, niobium and antimony isotopes v/ere calibrated | 1179 | |||||
2259 | In the work the author suggests and justifies the new classification of the component content of technology and entrepreneurship teacher training, which includes combination of subject-cycle and concrete-special approaches. In the article the author demonstrates that the proposed structure excludes terminology divergences of the realization and terminological mechanism | 1179 | |||||
2260 | In the Randall-Sundrum scenario we consider exact 5-dimensional solutions with localized gravity which are associated with a well defined class of conformal bulk fields. We analyze tneir behaviour under radion field perturbations. We show that it the Randall-Sundrum exponential warp is the localizing metric function and the equation of state of the conformal fields is not changed by the radion perturbation then the 5-dimensional solutions are unstable. We present new stable solutions which describe on the brane the dynamics of inhoinoqeneous OUST, generalized dark radiation and homogeneous polytropic matter | 1179 | |||||
2261 | The persons of keen intellect are public and cultural property of society. The development and conservation of intelligence are chief task of university educationIs raised the question about specificity of intellectual efficiency at various levels of intellectual development. The psychological ambiguity of high and superhigh values IQ with selection of the factors promoting and handicapping intellectual efficiency of the persons with a high level of development of psychometric intellect is shown. | 1179 | |||||
2262 | In the article the author considers the system of psychological and pedagogical approach to an estimation of teachers’ training quality in high school and development of the concept for quality training of specialists in pedagogical high school. She describes technologies of quality providing training, and creation of the educational environment for develop¬ment of creative potential of the person. | 1179 | |||||
2263 | The substance of the normative financial education system of Tomsk region in 2004 is treated. With definition approaches in forming the methods estimate of standards the experience of the other territories, the legislative acts of the settings standards financial of some regions were discussed. | 1179 | |||||
2264 | The paper investigates a rare phenomenon of foreword in drama and its forms and functions at different stages of Russian Literature development (from XVIII to XX century). | 1179 | |||||
2265 | The article contents the biography of Valery Nikolaevich Sagatovsky – who is one of the founders of Tomsk philosophic school. The analysis of his philosophic ideas and their significance for human world understanding is also given in the item. | 1179 | |||||
2266 | The article studies the term of “archetype” which was introduced by Yung both with historical and cultural viewpoints. The author studies the function of archetype in musical culture as shorting natural things in social life. The musical and is been transfixed in individual composer's creative word | 1179 | |||||
2267 | The article is concerned to the problem of future primary school teachers professional training for museum and pedagogical activity. The preparedness forming model of future school teachers for using museum pedagogic means in primary school is present. The model basic substantial components were revealed. Keywords: museum pedagogy, primary school teacher, professional training, preparedness forming model, preparedness components | 1179 | |||||
2268 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the Siberian Constructional Democrats’ program positions evolution on the agrarian issue during the revolution and Civil War and the attempts of their practical achievements. Compromise content of the agrarian policy of the Constructional Democrats in the reviewed period, its motives, influence on the policy of A. V. Kolchak government and the reasons for the final failure was revealed on the materials of the Constructional Democrats party congresses and conferences, the Constructional Democrats periodical press and the archival documents. Keywords: Liberalism, Siberia, Revolution, Civil War | 1179 | |||||
2269 | At the system level the basic contradictions of open educational process of the basic training of engineers is described. The cause-effect relationships are analyzed and the key problem of raising the creative preparation of engineers and the quality of engineering education in general is identified. Keywords: development, education, creative activity, the contradiction, the key problem. | 1179 | |||||
2270 | Introduction competence approach in a modern Russian education in the conditions of a highly technological society dictates necessity of formation at studying youth of self-educational abilities, skills and the cores naturalscience competences. Keywords: the competence approach, competency and competence, self-educational skills, the basic naturalscience competence. | 1179 | |||||
2271 | The article presents characteristic of projecting of competent-oriented andragogy program, the principles of them realization. Didactic mechanisms, which are providing supply formation the position of employer as the subject of additional professional education, are discussed. The author shows specific character educational interaction in andragogy process using. Keywords: additional professional education, competence-oriented andragogycal program, educational interaction, polysubjekt, employer. | 1179 | |||||
2272 | The article describes the implementation of competence-based approach to industry solutions SAP HR. The material in this article is based on the analysis of inernational and national experience with different business models, taking into account industry-specific oil and gas companies such as Shell, ConocoPhillips, TNK-BP, ExxonMobil Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, OAO Tyumentransgas, OAO Surgutgazprom, TNK-BP Biznesservis. The ideas and materials of this article have found practical application in scientific research work in the direction of “intelligent information and communications monitoring and control systems” (2010). Keywords: SAP HR, expertise, business processes, ERP systems, functions, model, mechanism, management of personnel | 1179 | |||||
2273 | This article deals with the problem of natural monopolies on the example of the Russian gas industry. The first part of this paper is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of the phenomenon of commercial concession. In the second part of the paper the author analyzed the ways of introduction of the practice of franchising in Russia’s gas industry with its legal and economic features. Keywords: Franchising, commercial concession, natural monopoly, partial privatization, direct regulation of the industry | 1179 | |||||
2274 | The article discloses the concept and design techniques in the sphere of life safety during the period of preschool childhood. The algorithm of educational designing in the sphere of life safety among preschoolers includes the formation of educational aims in the sphere of life safety; modeling; construction of education in the sphere of life safety among preschoolers and identification of the technology in formation the culture of life safety among preschoolers. Designing educational environment life safety should ensure the interaction of the system, cultural, personal, action-reflexive approaches. Keywords: pedagogical designing, education in the sphere of life safety, design techniques of education during the period of preschool childhood, methods of approaching the educational designing in the sphere of life safety | 1179 | |||||
2275 | The paper presents a pedagogical model concerning formation of research competence in pupils of profile humanity classes of secondary schools, gives the characteristic features of its structure, and defines levels (scales) for evaluating the level of research competence development in secondary school pupils. Keywords: research competence, pedagogical model of developing research competence in pupils of profile humanity classes of secondary schools, research-developing environment | 1179 | |||||
2276 | In the article we discuss the problem of formation and evaluation of pedagogical competences in the field of preschool foreign language education. Modern educational companies are in need of flexible and constantly developing teachers. The technology of portfolio is shown as one of the effective technologies which allows us to collect and structure all the information about the development of pedagogical competences. The teacher’s portfolio consists of a teacher questionnaire, English placement test, individual plan, project, teacher’s characteristics and selfreflection. It also helps to evaluate a teacher at any period of her or his professional development. The sources of evaluation are supervisors’ feedback, parents’ feedback and self-reflection. We distinguish four main pedagogical competences in the field of preschool foreign language education. They are communicative competences, informative competences, organizational competences and creative activity. We also formulate the requirements according to the three-level system of formation of the main pedagogical competences and the criteria of evaluation for each of three levels. The level «I know» means teachers understand the importance of self-development and they learn new skills. The level «I can» means teachers practice new skills at their lessons. The level «I can teach» means teachers can share their experience with colleagues. Keywords: professional development, preschool education, competences, foreign language teacher, portfolio, training, supervision, self-reflection | 1179 | |||||
2277 | The article presents the experience of comparative analysis of phraseological units in the Russian and Chinese languages with the somatic component of the “tooth”. The research analyzed the position of the classic and modern linguistic studies, actualizing the cultural semantization of phraseological units. Analytically described the semantic nests of the collected fund of phraseological units with somatism “tooth” in the Chinese and Russian languages. Carried out a comparison of the shared and unique values of phraseological units. In the Chinese language there are idioms connected with speech activity, with the appearance and facial expressions of a person, reflecting the relationship between people, with a person describing the action of speaking, as well as the unique meanings associated with a book, an article, with durability. The following meanings are established in the Russian language: strength, food, experience, reflection of the person’s negative emotions (resentment, wrath, anger, hatred), the symbolic expression of aggression. It is found that somatism “tooth” in Chinese and Russian phraseological units symbolically replaces the individual elements of the surrounding reality, conditioned by the history of peoples, their religions, customs and traditions, the natural conditions and value systems of the people, and therefore can not be considered identically, which must be taken into account in the process of mastering the language, and in the process of translation. Keywords: phraseological units, somatism, semantization, comparative analysis | 1179 | |||||
2278 | The article treats ofthe formation of allusions in the process of cross-cuitural communication. The attention Is focused on some literary plots and characters of oriental civilization, which have become an integral part of English language and culture. | 1178 | |||||
2279 | The author of the paper analyzes Zhukovsky's latest publicism. The article states the problems of the first Rus¬sian romanticist in moral - aesthetical and religious -philosophical seeking. The prose works are considered in connection with the peculiarities of aesthetics and po¬etics of his prose. Its leading idea of synthesis organical¬ly stems from romantic philosophy of universalism. Zhu¬kovsky's articles are edited to both his general creative system and the formation process of the Russian prose. | 1178 | |||||
2280 | The paper touches upon the new problems in theory and practice of teaching the foreign languages in conformity with modern vital conditions. In such a context it is a matter of introducing a psychological component to the educational process to be aimed at optimization of foreign training at any stage of continuous education system as well as the improvement of communication teaching level. Application of up-to-date psychotechnologies in the process of foreign training seems to be within the capacity of the foreign lan¬guage teacher, as it does not require special psychothera-peutic knowledge. The present paper appears to be an ef¬fort to observe the opportunities of using neurolinguistics programming (NLP) strategics in practice of teaching the foreign languages at a non-linguistic higher educational in¬stitution which allow the teacher to reveal the students' style and apply the methods to be the most suitable for the present student or the given group. In this interpretation the NLP approach should be consid¬ered as one of the innovatory forms of educational and out-of-lecture teacher's activities within the bounds of possible spending of time, as a stimulus to the creative potential devel¬opment of students and, first of all, not as a principal method of teaching the foreign languages but as an additional technology to improve the foreign language educational process and make it more effective, easy and pleasurable for mastering. Keywords: - | 1178 | |||||
2281 | Review of methods, allowing to increase the efficiency of linear systems solving by iterative methods is given. Method of matrix-vector multiplication with use of fast Fourier transform (FFT) and Schenhage-Schtrassen method, accelerating large linear systems solving are presented. Results of comparison of matrix-vector multi¬plication with FFT use and of traditional method of ma¬trix-vector multiplication are shown. | 1178 | |||||
2282 | The article is dedicated to studying the peculiarities of human behavior in dangerous situation as well as to analysis of ethical estimation of this behavior, which are reflected in the meaning of the Russian derivatives, phraseological units and proverbs. The research of appraisal reasons stated in the meanings of lexical units allowed finding out and describing the Russian speakers’ conceptions of optimal forms of behavior in dangerous situation as a standard, which has a definite structure and typical national specificity. | 1178 | |||||
2283 | The article considers the possible ways of improving technological development of energetic sector of Russia. It also analyzes the advantages of application of innovatory technologies of horizontal and ramificated-harzontal tore-holes to the vertical ones | 1178 | |||||
2284 | Are given new experimental data on biological productivity and decomposition of plant matter in communities of oligotrophic bogs of the middle taiga. Are adduced quantitative assessments of phytomass, mortmass, production and decay rate of main peat plant species. The plants are divided on five groups by decay rate. It is found the dependence of the decay rate of plant matter and net primary production. It is shown that in the ecosystems of oligotrophic bog with increasing of the production, increases the rate of decomposition. Keywords: bog, phytomass, biological production, decomposition plant | 1178 | |||||
2285 | The article offers experimental consideration of interrelations between the emotional, volitional and intellectual qualities of the younger teenagers. The factorial analysis of the received psychodiagnostic results is presented. The dynamics of the boys and girls of 3–5 classes emotionally-volitional and intellectual qualities development are analyzed. The author selects a set of the psychological qualities which are responsible for gender features of the younger teenagers emotionally-volitional and intellectual qualities. Keywords: emotionally-volitional, intellectual qualities, dynamics of development, factorial analysis, gender features, schoolchildren of 9–11 years old | 1178 | |||||
2286 | The article taking as a basis integration of philosophical psychological and pedagogical approaches reveals the essence of problem of education of valuable attitude of person to the world. The author analyses different researches and gives her own interpretation of conception «valuable attitude», reveals structural components of it, proves a necessity of integrated approach to their realization in educational process and also the author suggests an experimental approach to the education of valuable attitude to the world from the children of preschool age. | 1178 | |||||
2287 | The author investigates the problem of the social information context of the junior schoolchildren, the reason of problems of information culture and the role of school information circles influencing development of the child. Keywords: information context, information environment, information culture, educational value of a cultural context of circles and organizations of the information profile. | 1178 | |||||
2288 | The article handles the notion of diversification in education, the essence of resource approach to the activity of modern higher institutions targeted at the formation of pedagogical human resource, and reviews the conditions contributing to the effectiveness of the activity. Keywords: diversification of education, resource approach, pedagogical human resource | 1178 | |||||
2289 | The article deals with the peculiarities of informative speech genres in discourse of ordinary personality. The main arts of messages are defined, which convert the gist of these genres. The generalization of signs of use of informative genres in the text body of German language personality is given. Keywords: German folk-spoken discourse, ordinary language personality, informative speech genres. | 1178 | |||||
2290 | The article reports on the results of experimental research of accentual structure characteristics in English, Russian and Spanish. On the grounds of comparative analyses examples of positive transfer of accentuation rules into non-native speech as well as negative effect of the native language upon experiment participants’ sentence nucleus choice are considered. Keywords: accentual sentence structure, sentence nucleus, positive transfer, non-native speech, language interference | 1178 | |||||
2291 | The paper analyzes the two main approaches to the phenomenon of systems diversity: diversity as defect that must be eliminated by specialization and diversity as a merit, providing systems’ sustainability and flexibility. The size of single-purpose systems is constrained by market size only, a broad specialization objectively prevents the system from being small. It is shown that for any system organizing diversity in networks is more preferred strategy than strict implementing of comparative advantages within the hierarchies. Keywords: comparative advantages, networks, hierarchies, firms, diversification | 1178 | |||||
2292 | The article presents the analysis of one of aspects of formation of existential consciousness of F. M. Dostoyevsky – the influences of axiological systems of sentimentalism and romanticism on formation of an art method of the writer. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, author, existential consciousness, sentimentalism, romanticism, art method, “fantastic realism”, axiology, reflection, V. A. Zhukovsky, “Crime and punishment” | 1178 | |||||
2293 | . | 1177 | |||||
2294 | Prozumentov L. M. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 25-29 . | 1177 | |||||
2295 | Gorbunova N. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 31-33 . | 1177 | |||||
2296 | . | 1177 | |||||
2297 | The article is devoted to the studying of seasonal conditions that have their own instruments of control¬ling company profit and one of them is controlling the price of producing goods in accordance with changes of demand on it. Keywords: price, demand, seasonal variations, pro¬fit, goods store. | 1177 | |||||
2298 | This article is devoted to the analysis of labor-market and market of educational services. In order that the budgetary means, spent on the preparation of specialists with the framework of state order, would be spent for their proper purpose, we suggest using the mechanism of introducing purposeful educational subsidies only for specialists, which educated on the base of the «purposeful admission» | 1177 | |||||
2299 | The article describes place and role of farmers of the US Midwest and pripisnoi (bonded) peasantry class of Kolyvano-Voskresenskiy (Altai) region in the first half of the XIXth century. The politics of the government and Cabinet towards farmers and peasants households is analyzed. The author points out behavior stereotypes of the agrarians of the both countries and relates the given case to a comparative study of American farmers and Altai peasantry class tactics and adaptive behaviors for households in comparable surroundings founded on fundamental characteristics of agricultural households – justice, labor and worthy life. | 1177 | |||||
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