# | Article | Downloads | |||||
2451 | The article considers euristic possibilities of synerqetics in the analysis of the problem of objective premises of freedom. Nowadays the ideas and principles of synerqetics form the scientific and world outlook picture, where a subject is a basic element. The principle of freedom and the idea of the subject’s presence in this picture are used as methodological premises in the analysis of freedom problem in the context of universal self-organization mechanisms. | 1087 | |||||
2452 | The model of information-synergetic approach distinguishes stages of sign dynamics of myth. Revealing information character of sign dynamics permits to find out the specifics of “Pirth’s line” and of “Saussure’s line” in semiotic researches. Distinguished limits of interpretation give opportunities to determine (for instance, in collective myths) peculiarities of modern communicative situation. All the researches are supported by grant RFBR №04-06-80192 “Methodology modeling the nonlinear dynamics of education system”. | 1087 | |||||
2453 | Peat deposit of marsh ecosystem «Tagan» is characterized by presence of mani groups of soil microorganisms, which are able to convert different peat compounds. In upper lay of native soil of ecosystem ammonificative microorganisms with domination nonsporiferous forms are the most abundant, and in bottom lay organisms assimilating mineral forms of nitrogen are plentiful (that is coordinated with distribution N-NH3 on deep is deposits). Nitrifiers and cellulosedestroyers developing in nutrient medium are less active. Content of microorganisms in native soil is constant. Cultivation of permanent grasses during 18-20 years stimulated development of microflora on deep of relict peat. Content of all groups microorganisms including organisms assimilating mineral forms of nitrogen, bacillus, actinomycete, denitrifiers, nitrifiers was essentially increased. Increase in the number of these (and others) microorganisms can point out probability of destruction amplification of organic matter in recultivated part of soil | 1087 | |||||
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2455 | . Keywords: Peat, peatmaster, Leonid Apollonovich Sytin, the biography | 1087 | |||||
2456 | The article deals with the social-culture conditions women's activity as a teacher in town village, national schools of Siberia. The main features of the professional and social activity, conditions of life, wages, achievement and problems state about the great difficulties, which women are to get over to have the active social position and to master in their profession. Keywords: social activity, pedagogical activity, education, teacher, Siberia. | 1087 | |||||
2457 | In article is given the concept of an information-technological resource and its role of professional training for a specialist of public relations. Long-term experience of the author and the developer of an information-technological resource or image constructing of the future specialist is presented. The structure and the resource substance is considered. Keywords: information-technological resource, image of the public relations specialist | 1087 | |||||
2458 | The article deals with the use of proverbial and phraseological units. Although proverbs and phraseological units are lingual stereotypes originated in the course of long historical development, through their initial general semantics they can be easily adapted by means of transformations for designation of new objects and situations. Keywords: semantics, proverb, phraseological unit, stereotype, transformation, word-play | 1087 | |||||
2459 | This article covers the questions of the monitoring of students‘ knowledge results in teacher education in thecontext of reforming the system of Russian higher education. We give brief characteristics of modern examination system, show the problems related to the Russian practice of monitoring of students‘ knowledge and present some decisions of the allocated problems. Keywords: pedagogical education in higher school, quality of pedagogical education, monitoring of university students‘ knowledge of higher school | 1087 | |||||
2460 | The science-methodical competence of a foreign language teacher is characterized. The basics of formation of the competence during the period of professional development are described. Keywords: a foreign language teacher, science-methodical competence, methodical competence. | 1087 | |||||
2461 | The article is devoted to problems of the development of teachers’ qualification examination holding procedure instituted by 2011. Keywords: certification, qualification examination, holding procedure | 1087 | |||||
2462 | The modern structure of Russian economy is considered by institutional analysis. Evidences of key economic sectors slow development are distinguished in conditions of structural crisis continuing and business activity recession. It’s concluded of changing necessity in Russian economy institutional structure with the aim of raising productivity in large capital-intensive sectors of economy. Keywords: institutions, economic growth, market agents, labor productivity, institutional restrictions | 1087 | |||||
2463 | The author of the article presents her own vision of the biography of Ioannikiy (Pavlutsk) in the context of the Russian Orthodox Church in Siberia in the 18th century. The historiography and new sources are provided. Keywords: Ioannikiy (Pavlutski), history of the Russian Orthodox Church, history of Siberia in the 18th century, Tobol Eparch, Kiev-Mogilа Academy, historiography, source studies | 1087 | |||||
2464 | The article considers morphemically related words used in syntactically parallel structures observed in English works of fiction. The interrelation of morphemic repetition and syntactical parallelism manifests itself in different ways predetermined by the variety of morphemes and the diversity of parallel structures. The most important issue is the aesthetic aspect of the interrelation of the phenomena. It is realized in the interplay of the two mutually opposed basic principles, those of Apollonic order and Dionysian disorder, accordance and discordance, regulation and its violation. Keywords: morphemic repetition, syntactical parallelism, interrelation of morphemic and syntactical repetition, aesthetic aspect, Apollonic principle, Dionysian principle | 1087 | |||||
2465 | In the article the theoretical analysis of the problem studying protective mechanisms of the personality in national and international psychology and the analysis of influence of psychological protection on formation of adaptive behaviour of the personality is carried out. Keywords: protective mechanisms of behaviour, psychological protection, adaptation, behaviour, personality, unconscious | 1087 | |||||
2466 | The skills necessary for participation in a scientific dialogue grow out of a specially designed training activity. Formation of the dialogue culture as a means of cross-cultural communication in the science domain in the process of language learning is characterized by simultaneous solution of communicative and cognitive tasks. These exercises are both problem-centred and semantically oriented. Keywords: scientific dialogue, culture-oriented language learning, communicative and cognitive tasks as a type of exercise | 1087 | |||||
2467 | Modern approaches to formation of a professional orientation of future specialist of an education system are considered. On the basis of the analysis of features and synthesis of the data contained in pedagogical researches of the latest years, the author revealed and developed new approaches to formation of a professional orientation of the mathematics teacher. Features of vocational training are analyzed, perspective methodological approaches to training of future teacher are offered. Keywords: education, system, formation, teacher, professional orientation, development, interactive technologies | 1087 | |||||
2468 | In today’s social interaction it is widely represented the sphere of conflict communication, which is a reflection of the existence in the society of a stable tendency to understanding the aggression as the permissible norms of hostile demonstrations, potentially punishable act inappropriately interpreted the notions of freedom and personal responsibility. Careful attention of scientists focused on the study of network communication in various forms of embodiment of its genre, in particular, - the correspondence of many social network users. The article presents an analysis of the characteristics of communicative behavior of linguistic identity focused on the implementation of hostile manipulative strategies in relation to others in the network correspondence. Such linguistic identity is defined as the conflict on the basis of a number of parameters, of which the key factor is in favor of communicative intention. In particular, it comes to speech and means to achieve them in a communicative activity of a troll as a carrier of the type of conflict. The essence of trolling - communicative actions of a troll - consists in placing provocative messages on the network in order to create conflict situations. Trolling can have different manifestations, from a «harmless» for the participants in the communication of a verbal clash about certain events and / or individuals, to «hard» forms associated with causing moral harm to the interaction of participants. A motivating base of actions in the network can be the troll’s desire for emotional satisfaction from spilling out negative emotions against other communicators, aggressive and hostile manipulations, shocks. Troll promotes creation of provocation incitement in the communicative field by moving from discussion of social issues to personality of interaction participants. Such course of action, of course, entails a response. Troll can be seen in groups, discussing a variety of topics and issues and contemporary life. However, this discussion speaks only about the reason for a troll to «catch» and then, from the replica to the replica to deploy negative-emotional «onslaught» on the interlocutors. A natural result of becoming a failure in communication or its complete cessation. The specificity of the troll’s network behavior allows us to talk about its potential responsibility in the field of ethical and legal relations. This is facilitated by the factors: firstly, the deployment of manipulative trolling actions for specific network participants’ correspondence; secondly, active use in speech of stylistically reduced and obscene words, performing the function of invective. Given the above, it can be argued that the 6l. Keywords: linguistic personality of conflict type, electronic genre, electronic epistolary text, network correspondence, troll, trolling, verbal aggression | 1087 | |||||
2469 | Surovtsova M. N. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 19-23 | 1086 | |||||
2470 | The group of the authors proves the historical continuity of two Pedagogical educational institutions of Tomsk, reflects common features and tendencies in their development, marks the main stages in the formation of the TSPU. | 1086 | |||||
2471 | In the article the economic conditions of modernization of scientific-research cooperation as a form of organization of productive forces are investigated. The concepts of a final product of scientific-research cooperation and effectiveness of its functioning are explored. | 1086 | |||||
2472 | The article discloses the content and methods of economic education in a pedagogical university as a very important educational direction under modern conditions in Russia. | 1086 | |||||
2473 | In this article you will find the information about the matter of anthropological ideas in professional pedagogical education. Three aspects are under study: anthropological consciousness; anthropological technology and spiritual relationship in the system of teachers' training. Anthropological consciousness is based upon integral conceptual study of human nature. It arises either through the system of anthropology or through the process of modeling a human as integral formation. Integral study of human nature permits to understand the integral culture through studying the courses of a series «Study of Human Nature». This system is worked out by the author of this article and is defended in the author's thesis for a Doctor's degree «Theory and Practice of Courses of a Series» Study of Human Nature» in Pedagogical Education structure» (Yaroslavl - Tomsk, 1999). | 1086 | |||||
2474 | The article deals with the development of French university - the most democratic and dynamic structure of the country's educational system, which occupies the leading positions in the world education. It manages lo Keep centuries-old academic and cultural traditions as well. | 1086 | |||||
2475 | We review the several models of the dark energy, which may generate the accelerated expansion of the present universe. We also discuss the the Big Rip singularity, which may occur when the equation of the state parameter w is less than -1. We show that the quantum correction would be very important near the singularity. | 1086 | |||||
2476 | The school risk factors and the analysis of their influence on growth, development and a state of health of schoolboys revealed during researches carried out within the Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Open Society are considered in the article. According to it the author suggests the system of teachers’ training to health-developing activity within professional development. | 1086 | |||||
2477 | The content of the article points to explicite and implicite connection of a headline with a text on the material of B. Ahmadulina lyric poetry. There was given a description of means of connection’s realization, they are repetitions and notional lexical paradigms. Also the types of logical interrelationship which are recurring, parallel, inductive and deductive were revealed. We considered means of every type of a headline and text’s logical interrelationship according to organization of associative development of lyric poetry. | 1086 | |||||
2478 | This article deals with the description of a new object of pedagogical research - critical thinking in a system of higher legal education. The article presents the actual practice of critical thinking formation. The definition of critical thinking is given in the article | 1086 | |||||
2479 | In language two tendencies with different directions constantly take place: a tendency to destruction of homonym pairs and tendency to appearance of pairs. The process of appearance of homonyms seems to be accidental but the process of elimination of homonyms – regular. | 1086 | |||||
2480 | Resources of scientific potential concern to number of the major factors determining success of reforming of education. The scientific potential is formed with set of dissertations and the scientific staff of the top skills. Revealing of directions of development of resources, and accordingly process of reforming, is achievable on the basis of generalization of researches in the field of education. The estimation of reforming of an education system is possible with use of the offered methodology of generalizing research. Keywords: reforming of education, scientific and pedagogical activity, scientific potential, resources, the scientific schools, generalizing research, laws, methodology, the system approach, the multipleparameter information | 1086 | |||||
2481 | There has been tested the biological activity of growth stimulator TTS, obtained from peat. The considerable acceleration of alfalfa (Medicago varia) stalks and roots development in vitro has been shown. The effective concentrations (0.5-1 ml/l) have been determined for using TTS as microclonal propagation stimulator in alfalfa biotechnology. Keywords: growth stimulator, peat, biological activity, tissue culture, microclonal propagation, alfalfa, Medicago varia | 1086 | |||||
2482 | The paper characterizes natural landscape - the habitat of the Tomsk Tatars’. The author explores local geographical terms coding forestlands and their elements. Keywords: landscape, landscape lexicon, geographical terms, taiga forests | 1086 | |||||
2483 | This article is devoted to the description of some problems of training specialists in social work in Russia. The author made an attempt to compare some features of training specialists in social work in Russia and abroad. Also the ways of increasing the quality of training specialists in definite sphere of professional activity are pointed out in the article. Keywords: social work, practice, training, social worker, tutor, supervisor | 1086 | |||||
2484 | The article denotes the problem how to provide health protection of the preparatory process for high school students to a single state exam. The solution of the problem by implementing one of the pedagogical conditions health protecting of school students in preparation for the unified state exam. It describes the methodology, content and software psychological and pedagogical training sessions with high school students to create preparation for the unified state exam. Keywords: unified state examination, health protection of high school students, willingness to school protection, psychological and pedagogical training sessions, stress, reflection, and psychosomatic condition | 1086 | |||||
2485 | This paper presents the results of theoretical understanding of the problem of studying the symbol and the basic theory of characters that exist in the modern humanities. It also demonstrates the difference in terms: symbol, mark, image, an allegory. Keywords: symbol, visual image, sign, perception of symbol | 1086 | |||||
2486 | The paper defends the thesis that the philosophy of film allows to realize the analysis of the basic mechanism of transfer of ideological intentions in modern society. It is revealed that images which were presented at movies of a genre “horror” (in particular images of zombie) propose metaphorical ways of introduction an encryption and ideology interpretation (in particular ideologies of pleasure and consumption). It is maintained that philosophical reflection of films allow to transform ideology from means of manipulation with behavior of the person to the tool of awakening of his consciousness. As a result in Russia the ideology which allows the person to act freely can be developed, relying not on the blind desires, but on the conscious purposes and ideals. Keywords: ideology, philosophy of film, mechanisms of transfer of ideological intentions | 1086 | |||||
2487 | Kucherenko S. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 63-67 . | 1085 | |||||
2488 | The article considers the problems of the effective control over the technique of the moving actions in complicated exercises on parallel barrels. The time history of moments of muscle strength in joints of a sportsman is specified and also the main and correc¬tional movements as well as the muscular function modes are revealed. | 1085 | |||||
2489 | The article considers the influence of physical load on magnetic activity among sportsmen and people with low physical activity. According to the sensitivity to magnetic field people could be divided into three groups: persons with high sensitivity, low sensitivity and persons with average sensitivity. | 1085 | |||||
2490 | To the basis of the contemporary system of mastering physical raining values it is necessary to lay the theoretical conceptions that have been formed in the theory of physical training for the last decade. For that it is necessary to distinguish several innovation approaches defining substantial and pedagogical essence of preparation of physical training specialists. Managing of individual development process should be realized, and its content should spread within the frame of one and the same matrix of forming of abilities and virtues of subject-object of upbringing and training - the individual. Thus, taking into account and further development of innovation approaches and directions in physical training. in our opinions, is considered as very effective and perspective in the view of physical perfection of an individual, and, if viewed a bit narrower, - in the process of preparation of highly-qualified physical training specialists. | 1085 | |||||
2491 | The article shows one of the communicative stylistics trends of text study – the theory of regulatives. We examined some peculiarities of reflection of universe principles of lexical text structure organization in the book of B. Pasternak «My Sister is Life» by the example of devices usage. | 1085 | |||||
2492 | The author’s approach to definition of the notion «a model» is considered, in which we refuse from the requirement of analogy between a prototype and its image. Only structure of a model as a pair «interface component – prototyping object» is fixed. The level of likeness between a prototype and its image is estimated by a special notion «adequacy of a model». The notion «adequacy» is discussed in this paper. | 1085 | |||||
2493 | The tendency of decrease(reduction) was outlined in the maximum(supreme) pedagogical formation(education) аудиторной loadings on disciplines of a physical and mathematical structure. It demands development of new approaches to practice of training of students of pedagogical high school to carrying out of physical experiment. By application of traditional techniques of training this problem to solve it is impossible, therefore there was a necessity of development of new techniques of training to physical experiment which would allow to carry out within the framework of available fund of time educational activity of students in conditions of an optimum parity(ratio) of virtual and natural didactic means of training and to receive planned educational result. By the example of statement of physical experiment on research of discharge plasma it is shown, that the purpose of performance of a laboratory practical work will consist not only in purchase by students of skills of experimental studying, for example, properties of plasma and methods of its(her) diagnostics, but also in development of skills of the analysis of the received results on the basis of modern theoretical representations. The student should receive a subject lesson of application of the theory not only for an explanation, but also forecasting new (for trained) the phenomena, including plasma technologies specifying functionalities. The theory and experiment by a part physical and mathematical modelling, composite consideration of a problem is binding | 1085 | |||||
2494 | The article reflects philosophical, cultural and anthropological problems of the scientific investigations defended in dissertation committee D 212.266.02 at Tomsk State Pedagogical University (opened since 2003). The dissertation committee became the first regional scientific department which was authorized to hold scientific defeats for PhD in the following fields: 09.00.08 Philosophy of a science and technique (philosophical sciences) and 09.00.13 Religious studies, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture (philosophical sciences) | 1085 | |||||
2495 | In this article a new approach to folklore classification, based on action is applied towards four texts collected by Steinitz in 1936 and published in Russian translation by N.V. Lukina in 1990. Keywords: khanty, classification, folklore, plot, action, text | 1085 | |||||
2496 | The present article represents an overview of the data obtained by the authors as a result of a long-term microbiological research of different sorts of peat soils in Russian regions. There are the numerous microbiological indexes confirming the purposefulness of the inclusion of all peat layers in the definition “peat soil” irrespective of its depth Keywords: Peatland, marsh ground, Microbiologicai estimation, monitoring, microbial biomass, track record | 1085 | |||||
2497 | The article is devoted to study of correspondence of K. P. Pobedonostsev, famous statesman of the second half of the 19th century, with journalists. Correspondence is published and it is a great source on educational history, as K. P. Pobedonostsev was an attorney-general of Holy Synod and he was in charge of education in Russia since 1880 Keywords: education, educational history in Russia, history of the 19th century, K. P. Pobedonostsev | 1085 | |||||
2498 | A quantitative estimation of components of biological cycle is given. Identified reserves of phytomasse mortmass and net primary production of mountain fen Gorno-Altai in the Eshtykеl. Revealed the strong influence of permafrost on biological processes mountain fen. Stock vegetable substances either fen Altai close to stocks Tundra bogs. Reserve live phytomass is 4143 g/m2, and net primary production - 1285±142 g/m2 per year. Keywords: mountain fen, net primary production, stocks ofphytomass, mortmass, carbon cycle | 1085 | |||||
2499 | In the article necessary change of the paradigm in methodology of teaching foreign language from traditional approaches to development of foreign language communication skills on professional topics, conducting oral scientific discussions and making up in writing professional kinds of text, such as abstracts, reviews, scientific papers is considered. Keywords: social services commissioning, communicative principle, suggestive and demonstrative principles, communicative models. | 1085 | |||||
2500 | Based on modifications of the cluster model and the information process model semiotic components of modern management are established. A comparison of specific technologies of modern management with the stages of the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems is carried out. Philosophical-anthropological perspective of the analysis actualized the concepts of “symbolic economics” by A. Toffler, “revolution in the symbolism” by A. N. Whitehead, the theory of semiosis by C. S. Peirce and the theory of conflict by R. Dahrendorf. Potentials of manipulating people’s dream and memory used in modern management, which requires adequate humanitarian expertise, are established. Keywords: cluster model, a model of information processing, nonlinear dynamics, goal, purpose, attractors, modern management, the direction of semiotic processes | 1085 |