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3301 | In terms of transformation of Russian economy the scientific view of investment sphere process has been changing. The requirements for fixed assets renovation has been changing too. There is a direct connection between investments and qualitative changes of means of productions, between the growth of Russian firms competitiveness, overcoming the crisis processes and the beginning of a new stage in its development. That’s why the leading place in the research of fixed assets renovation should be taken by figuring out of its peculiarities, describing the content and its subject and object as well. Keywords: economy, subjects, relations, renovation, fixed assets | 1049 | |||||
3302 | The article considers the model and method of formation of the technical univetsity student’ methodologically motivated and oriented interest in learning physics. On the basis of the examples of solving problems in electromagnetism and the application of its basic laws the article analyses the opportunities for the development of innovative thinking as a means to complete the objective types of training and engineering activity of students. Various options were considered and discussed problematic issues of its creation The scheme of the unipolar motor, developed by students and its various schemes are given and the problematic issues of its creation are discussed. Keywords: teaching physics, innovative thinking, scheme of students’ survey, problems of electromagnetism | 1049 | |||||
3303 | The article is devoted to the problems of the educational process and the formation of ethnic identity of students. It emphasizes the important role of the school as an organic part of the social life of a multi-ethnic society, which aims to balance the educational interests of the individual, nation and society. The article identifies and justifies the leading pedagogical conditions of formation of ethnic identity: familiarizing students to the national culture, taking into account their age characteristics and need-motivational sphere, the integration of academic and extracurricular activities; creation of ethnic and cultural environment conducive to immersion students in their native culture; systematic and continuity of joint activity of the family, school and society. It is shown that the learning content to be as accurate as possible to reflect the life experience that students will need in their future activities in a multiethnic society. Keywords: ethnic identity, pedagogical conditions, multiethnic society, integration, need-motivational sphere | 1049 | |||||
3304 | The article deals with the problems of 10–11 graders preparation for the unified state exam in physics. The paper analyses the question of methodological and psycho-didactic basics development and the technique of preparing for the unified state exam in physics. The article presents the results of approbation of such methodology elements of preparation for the unified state exam as additional classes in the form of a test-class and the use of systematic monitoring of the students’ level of mastering subject knowledge in physics.Using of this technique in the process of the 10–11 graders preparation of the physical and mathematical structure fosters an elevation of their subject knowledge, academic achievement, increase the average score on the unified state physics exam. Keywords: unified state exam, physics, preparation for the unified state exam in physics, physical and mathematical grade, level of learning, technique, rating, Spearman coefficient, Student’s coefficient | 1049 | |||||
3305 | This article is devoted to investigating the images of grain and bread, which happen to be universally shared among agricultural-based cultures, as they are metaphorized by means of verbalized forms in Russian, English and Italian languages. We will present the common cross-cultural substantial context that lies at the basis of figurative reelaboration of source concepts and describe lexico-phraseological units embodying the images of grain and bread as part of motivational-figurative paradigms. An analysis of metaphoric models reflecting projections of these images in various conceptual spheres pertaining the material and non-material world is provided. The linguistic representation of cognitive metaphoric models is realized by means of figurative words and expressions. They include: metaphors (grain ‘very small and round shaped particle’), metaphoric derivatives (breadwinner ‘a person supporting a family with his or her earnings’), phraseological combinations (take the bread out of the mouths ‘deprive someone of his or her livelihood’), proverbs, sayings, and catchphrases (bread and circuses!). Our analysis will show a shared process of metaphorization in the languages under examination. On the one hand, the image of grain serves as a mean of metaphoric representation for 1) small and round shaped objects, 2) small parts of a whole (a structure or a surface), 3) a little or insignificant amount of something; 4) the source or the central part of something. On the other hand, the image of bread is used metaphorically to indicate 1) means of subsistence, 2) work or its results, 3) prosperity, 4) misery, 5) food in general, 6) positive moral characteristics of an individual. We can observe that in Russian, English, and Italian the figurative and symbolic semantics of grain and bread correspond. Such consistency is due, firstly, to similarities in food preferences among agricultural-based cultures, and, secondly, to the influence of pre-Christian and Christian traditions. Keywords: figurative lexis, phraseology, cognitive metaphor, metaphoric model, Cultural Linguistics | 1049 | |||||
3306 | The article is devoted to the problem of socialization of children with complex structure violations. Changing in legislation and the increase in the number of this category of children determines the need for the development and testing of new adapted methods and techniques of working with them. Many researchers indicate that in the cases of impaired development, above all, suffers communication process, determined by the ability of children with complex structure of socialization. Children with a complex structure of defect, have serious violations and require the search for alternative methods of correction. Alternative communication as one of the adaptive means determines the further development of the child with a complex structure violations. The authors propose to use adapted tools of Russian sign language as an alternative communication. The article presents the advantages and the algorithm of this direction of alternative communication for children with complex structure violations. Presents the system of correctional work on the selection and adaptation of alternative communication in children with complex structure violations on the basis of complex inspection of means of communication. The algorithm of formation of alternative means of communication, possible special actions of specialists at the preparatory and main stage of work with children with a complex structure of the violation are analyzed. Keywords: alternative communication, children with autism spectrum disorders, children with Down syndrome, additional and supporting communication, gestures, complex structure of the disorder, means of the Russian sign language | 1049 | |||||
3307 | The authors analyze three possibilities of the organization of interactive training (the educational presentations, application of interactive boards and a video conferencing) when training bachelors of pedagogical education in the system of the higher education. The article substantiates the relevance of the interactive technologies in pedagogical education, allowing, along with the competences of vocational training of the future teacher to form students’ ICT competence and also readiness for professional activity in the conditions of the electronic information and education environment of an educational organization. Interactive technologies allow students and teachers to implement professional and quasi-professional kinds of activity both individually and in group. Such interactive technologies as electronic presentations, the possibility of using interactive boards, the organization of distance learning by means of video conferencing are considered in detail. The electronic interactive presentations give the chance to represent complex material with the use of a large number of data, to show the changes happening in the studied phenomena or processes which are difficult for describing by traditional methods. Interactive boards increase quality of perception of information, form the information culture of the teacher and students. Possibilities of a video conferencing allow to provide within distance learning interaction of educational subjects in real time. There are various options of use of technology of the organization of videoconferences in the course of training. The individual results of the introduction of interactive technologies in the educational process are presented. Keywords: vocational training, pedagogical education, video conferencing, remote education, information technologies, interactive board | 1049 | |||||
3308 | Introduction. The purpose of the article is the analysis of verbalization of maidenhood concepts in traditional culture. The materials of the study are dialect dictionaries, as well as the materials of dialectological expeditions conducted by Tomsk State University linguists from 1947 to nowadays in the dialects distribution territory of the Middle Ob Region. The use of this material allows us to explore the concept of maidenhood, taking into account the changes taking place in the dialect culture and caused by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. Results. Concepts of maidenhood are objectified in the lexical and phraseological dialect units, nominating maidens and characterizing their behavior. In peasant culture, marriage was considered as the fulfillment of the main female life purpose. Therefore, society demonstrated the importance attached to the preservation of maiden honor. It was reflected in a number of stable combinations that denominate a virgin. Noncompliance with this form was a great disgrace for a girl and her parents. The loss of virginity and the birth of a child before marriage are characterized by units containing seme `shame‘. Zoomorphic metaphors are also used in dialect speech, indicating the comparison of extramarital relations with the animal world, in which the rules of human society do not operate. Marriage for a girl in traditional culture is perceived as a necessity, this fact is evidenced by the analysis of ritual lyrics. In dialectal folklore ditties are recorded with the intention of warning or recommendations not to marry. The use of a large number of verbs, the grammatical form of which reflects the lack of participation of the girl in the decision to marry is also characteristic. The analysis of the units nominating wedding ceremonies confirms the idea that marriage was economically beneficial and did not depend on emotional attachment. The wedding is treated as a ritual transition, initiating a girl to the status of a woman. At the same time, the transformation of the concept of maidenhood is shown due to social, historical and economic factors. Dialect speakers note a change of social norms. They condemn the behavior of modern girls, in relationships with the opposite sex before marriage, and the lack of a sense of shame for that matter. Dialect speakers also mention the disappearance or simplification of the wedding rite and the absence of legal relations between the spouses. Keywords: maidenhood, dialect, traditional culture | 1049 | |||||
3309 | Introduction. The novella by Evgeni Vodolazkin “Close Friends» hasn’t yet attracted close attention of literary critics. In our opinion, an important role in the novella is played by the historic, literary and culturological context which has not become an object of special research. The analysis of intertextuality will allow us to reveal a wider problematics of the work than that shown in plot logic. The aim of the work is to investigate the artistic and thematic originality of the novella “Close Friends”. Material and methods. The paper uses comparative, contrastive, historical and cultural methods. As a theoretical base, works of Russian and foreign literary critics were used. Results and discussion. Intertextuality and historical and cultural context are the basic ways of disclosing the problematics of the novella. The works mentioned in the text (“Death in Venice” by T. Mann, “The Sorrows of Young Werther” by J. W. Goethe, etc.), elements of ceremonial games (initiation) help to understand what is happening in the consciousness of the hero and which experiences become defining for him. Allusion plan of the novella allows us to find deeper sense and to correlate the problematics of “Close Friends” with a certain literary context in the everyday actions of characters. Conclusion. In the work, we can define several levels of narration: symbolical, historical and that of everyday. At the everyday level, Ernestina’s behaviour and actions are illogical and inconsistent: while demanding to keep the oath from the friends, she breaks it, being guided by the not realised desires and physiological requirements. At the symbolical level, Ernestina is the carrier of secret knowledge, and her actions are dictated by the aspiration to preserve the family, procreate, which turns her into the embodiment of creating forces of nature. Ralf is a carrier of historical knowledge and, consequently, comprehension of historical guilt of Germany towards Russian people. The fulfilment of the childhood oath protects him from the chaos of life, fills the life with sense. The final reunion of the dead and alive on the cemetery – on the locus of the sharpest historical and cultural experiences – symbolises the unity and continuity of the generations resisting to the disaster of separation, and, consequently – overcoming the disintegration, destruction. Keywords: the novella story “Close friends”, Evgeny Vodolazkin, modern Russian literature, literary context | 1049 | |||||
3310 | Pankin V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 39-39 . | 1048 | |||||
3311 | Obukhova E. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 40-41 . | 1048 | |||||
3312 | Within the framework of the development of the ultradispersed piezoceramic powder safety level, the research of the quantity of the peripheral blood was carried out both experimentally and in the conditions of the working area. In addition workers and employees involved in the production underwent ECG-test-ing, the results showing the dynamics of the twoyears' observations. The discovered derangements have revesible character and testify to inessential morpho-functional shifts in the explored organs and systems. | 1048 | |||||
3313 | The article is devoted to the conversion of the urban and working consumer cooperation of Siberia into the voluntary membership. This conversion restored the clas sical principles of functioning of the cooperation that were widely spread in pre-revolutional Russia and other countries of the world. | 1048 | |||||
3314 | The article considers the problems of training load classification while doing physical exercises and its kinds on the basis of studied literature. It also presents recommendations for optimal load regimes depending on the physical condition. | 1048 | |||||
3315 | The analysis of an electronic structure of the boron and aluminum halogenide complexes was carried out on the basis of the density functional theory. The parameters of NQR spectra calculated with use all electronic basic set compared with the experimental values. Is found out, that NQCC of the quadrupole atoms calculated on the base of the extended basic set is in an insignificant deviation from the experimental values. The bonding of an element - chlorine and element - ligand in complexes with use natural orbital bond was analyzed | 1048 | |||||
3316 | According to the requirements for the selection of the contents of abolitional professional education, the technology of educational programmes projecting for improving of qualification of the directors of educational institutions has been composed. In the article you can find the description of three main stages of educational programmes projecting: preparing the order for projecting, making the programmes and their evaluation. | 1048 | |||||
3317 | The question about significance of correspondence between Elagina and Zhukovsky for understanding of development patterns of moral, philosophical and aesthetic thought of the first half of 19th century and peculiarities of Zhukovsky's romanticism is put on a new archival material. The problem of a spatial conception in letters by Elagina is viewed in philosophical and aesthetic aspects. | 1048 | |||||
3318 | Research of a phenomenon and diagnostics of existential crisis conditions is carried out; psychosocial and existential roots of crisis are revealed; psychological and psychotherapeutic aspects experience of existential crisis; principles and methods of the psychological help to the persons experiencing crisis are certain; the interrelation of existential crisis and suicide tendencies is established at a depressive background of mood; the role in overcoming crisis of personal resources and psychological is certain | 1048 | |||||
3319 | The article is devoted to the use of specific conceptions «mentality» and «conservatism» in social and humanities sciences. The main idea is connected with sociocultural direction. The author describes the versions of discover of conservatives tendencies in Russian mentality. Keywords: mentality, conservatism, conservative mind, holism, concreteness, intuition | 1048 | |||||
3320 | Theoretical and practical questions of forming of students’ graphical culture are discussed in the article. Opportunities of use of the computer technology for forming of students’ graphical culture by teaching such disciplines as descriptive geometry and engineering graphic are found. Keywords: adaptation, mentality, climatic factors, the geographical environment, national character. | 1048 | |||||
3321 | One of the most interesting phenomena in the Russian literature in the beginning of the new millennium – the “padonki” (riff-raff) literature and aesthetics – is analyzed in the article, particularly in the aspect of the transformation of the classical models of the comical issues. Considering several texts that are most characteristic for this literature project the author shows the way the notion of the comical has changed for the “padonki” generation, reasons and originality of the “padonki” literature hooliganism, its genesis and perspectives. Keywords: the comical, humour, irony, axiology, the “padonki-style”, life creation. | 1048 | |||||
3322 | The article analyzes the basic concepts related to quality management: customer satisfaction and product quality of the educational services. It is proposed a model to analyze the output of the activity of the institution, which can be classified as follows: Performance, Unsatisfied quality, Formal quality, Non-formal quality, Unsatisfied specifications, Unsatisfied needs, Waste. Keywords: quality, quality management, standards, customer satisfaction, educational services | 1048 | |||||
3323 | The article is the result of lichens researches at carrying out of ecological monitoring of specially protected territories of Kemerovo region. Keywords: monitoring, specially protected territories, lichenoindication | 1048 | |||||
3324 | In the article presents one of the ways of problem solving of junior schoolchildren’s personality development in terms of the new educational standard on the base of author’s conceptions and teaching aids. Keywords: personality development, formation of personality qualities, forming education, psychological training, lessons of self-perfection | 1048 | |||||
3325 | In the article the author analyzes code-switching and code-mixing in the Ket and the Evenk texts. Several structural types of bilingual code-switching are distinguished. The researcher hypothesizes about communicative and psycholinguistic nature of the phenomena. Keywords: Ket, Evenk, bilingualism, code-switching, code-mixing, morphosintax | 1048 | |||||
3326 | This paper describes the results of the comprehensive analysis of the essential characteristics of self-education in various periods of development of science, including in the information society. Keywords: self-education, the genesis of science development | 1048 | |||||
3327 | In the article the author investigates the role of information technologies in the system management of knowledge and innovations, considers types of the technologies providing functional decisions in the field of management of innovations, corporate network heterogeneous information system as the instrument of management of innovations. Keywords: management of innovations, information technologies, information retrieval systems, system of support of decision-making | 1048 | |||||
3328 | Introduction. The group of stories in which the scene is the center of the artistic model of the world, and the distinctive features – the transformation and interpenetration of real and virtual spaces. Aim and objectives. The article deals with the strategy of playing with the reader in “theater” stories of E. Zamyatin. Materials and research methods. Material of a research are stories by E. Zamyatin E. Zamyatin “The Ten Minute Drama”, “Meeting”, “Lion”. The reader is in a situation of uncertainty, which is due to the fact that he can not distinguish the real space from the virtual (“Meeting”), is forced to respond to the effect of changing masks. Thus, in the story “The Ten Minute Drama,” he finds himself in the role of a spectator, an odd man out in an imaginary play. The author also changes the mask, turning into a director, screenwriter, character of the “drama”, played out in the tram. The change of masks creates the illusion of a theatrical play. Results and discussion. The article proves the position that a special type of relations between the author and the reader and, consequently, the strategies of the game with the reader are set by the modernist paradigm. The second important factor in determining the specifics of the game strategies, is the special nature of synthetism of E. Zamyatin, which has predetermined properties such properties of his prose as the stage charisma and the cinematography. The staginess is associated with the visualization of the text, the brightness of spatial images, the effect of staging, the significance of the details, the cinematography of the text is determined by the implementation of the principle of montage. Conclusion. The analysis of “theatrical” stories allows you to detect game practices which are peculiar to the post-modern paradigm, for example, focus on game interaction with the reader, performativity, autocommentary, the creation of the text by analogy with the dramatic piece or a movie script, the fixation of the unreliability of the narrative. Units of divisions of such a text are the episodes, the appropriate personnel and scenes. Thus, the transformation of the reader into an aesthetic subject involved in the creation of a work or observing this process is carried out. The models of the world created in the stories do not draw reality as a space of simulacra, it would be impossible within the framework of the system, which E. Zamyatin defined as neo-realism. Keywords: play with the reader, modernism, stage, theatricality, synthetism, neorealism, literary cinematography | 1048 | |||||
3329 | Introduction. At the present stage of the development of linguistics as a science, no common criteria have been developed that would be applicable to all the languages in order to distinguish the periods of their historical development. This is due to the significant differences between literary languages at all, as well as the lack of a common opinion of researchers on this issue. The development of a certain periodization is intended to regulate the accumulated theoretical knowledge of the changes that occurred at different stages of the formation of a literary language. English literary language has the status of a language of international communication and is heterogeneous in its nature. In its vocabulary there are layers of borrowings from many other languages. The borrowing process, in turn, is ambiguous, and also needs a detailed description. Speaking about the layer of Chinese borrowings in the system of the English language, it should be noted that this structural part of the language system has its peculiar features determined by fundamental sociocultural differences between the European countries as a whole and the countries of Asia. The peculiarities of Chinese borrowings are closely connected with the evolution of the recipient language, therefore it is important to consider the periodization of the borrowing process in the context of the two cultures’ interaction. The aim of the paper is to suggest a certain periodization of the borrowing process of lexical units of Chinese origin in the system of the English literary language, taking into account the system and historical parameters of this borrowing layer. Material and methods. The borrowing process is the result of the interaction of languages over a definite period of time. Today, the number of languages that are not affected by foreign influence is minimal. On this basis, borrowing process seems to be one of the inherent phenomena peculiar to the language system at various points of its historical development. The evolution of the language, in turn, is determined by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The latter are the socio-cultural basis, which, in many respects, determines the linguistic side of the changes occurring in the language in different time intervals. By its nature, language is a social phenomenon; therefore, the description of its system requires an approach that is able to fully reflect the characteristic features of the various stages, which also includes an understanding of the cultural and historical environment of language functioning. Results and discussion. The existing periodization of the English literary language is considered. The correlation between the temporal division of the language history into stages and the language situation typical for each of them is revealed. The criteria for distinguishing periods in the process of borrowing lexical units of Chinese origin in the system of the English literary language have been developed: 1. language situation, 2. type of borrowing, 3. diversity of intermediate languages, 4. equivalence. Based on these criteria, the periodization of the borrowing process of lexical units from Chinese is proposed: Chinese borrowings of the Early period (XVII-XVIII centuries), Chinese borrowings of the Middle period (XIX century up to 1978) and Chinese borrowings of the Modern period (1978 – present time). Within the three periods listed above, the scientific novelty is represented by the development of a new set of criteria determining the periodization of the borrowing process for lexical units of Chinese origin. The description of borrowings in the system of the English literary language in the role of a recipient language is given considering the language situation as a significant factor for the development along with the traditionally accepted temporal criterion. Conclusion. The developed periodization allows structuring the layer of borrowed lexical units of Chinese origin in accordance with the peculiarities of the English literary language (recipient language) at different stages of its historical development. Taking the sociocultural factor into account contributes to creating a more complete picture of the language system evolution. The materials of the current research have both theoretical and practical value and can be applied to developing university courses and teaching such disciplines as English grammar, phonetics, stylistics, lexicology, sociolinguistics, history of English, intercultural communication, also in teaching theory and practice of translation. Keywords: English literary language, vocabulary, periodization, Chinese borrowings, language situation | 1048 | |||||
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3332 | The article is devoted to the problems of the development of arts and crafts of the region. Here have been described different kinds of artistic handicraft in their temporary development and the correlation of artistic-subject world with aesthetic education. In the article there are conclusions that teaching of the arts and crafts basis at school and higher educational establishments will allow to unite broken links of cultural experience of generations, to create the world picture of the world in the world outlook of the rising generation, thus giving possibility to their spiritual development, the ability to make, to create according to the laws of beauty. | 1047 | |||||
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3334 | The results obtained in the course of a series of experiments with young basketball players allow to assert that the mobility of the wrist joint, namely the angle of the wrist back withdrawing is the most signi¬ficant anthropometrical factor which favours the suc¬cessful throwing of the ball in a long-distance jump. | 1047 | |||||
3335 | The article considers peculiarities of objectivation of one of universal concepts – the concept «Own/Strange» in Selkup culture in comparison with Indo-European and, particularly, Russian culture. | 1047 | |||||
3336 | Diagrams of heneycosan-palmitin acid and heneycosan-stearin acid systems are investigated using differential scanning calorymetry. Phase equilibrium diagrams are discussed | 1047 | |||||
3337 | The article deals with the research of the influence of gender socialization in the higher school on the formation of professional orientation of students. The peculiarities of professional orientation of students of humanities and of technical students are investigated in the framework of the research. | 1047 | |||||
3338 | The author considers the problem training as the most important in the system of school ecological training and emphasizes its essential components: problem situations, cognitive objectives, game situations, plays. The problems, which appear and prompt to cognitive action, are not only the methods to stir up thinking, but often define the development of person’s inclinations and abilities. Ecological objectives and plays provoke huge interests, make auspicious emotional conditions, and promote stirring up of schoolchildren thinking, develop logic and cognitive self-dependence. | 1047 | |||||
3339 | The article is devoted to the estimation of USSR’ economics by the American press in the final period of the World War II. The reasons of American mass media increased interest in Soviet economics are under consideration, estimations of losses level and rates of industry reconstruction proposed by the columnists of different ideological and political directions are revealed. Besides, the positions of several issues about prospects of American-Soviet two-way relationships are considered. | 1047 | |||||
3340 | In the article the necessity and opportunity of purposeful formation of scientific outlook at lessons of physics are shown. The complex of methodical approaches to formation of scientific and moral components of modern scientific outlook is offered. Keywords: outlook, moral component, lesson of physics, electromagnetic treatment, personal-significant attitude | 1047 | |||||
3341 | In this article is analysed one of the first German translations of the drama by A. P. Chekhov «Three sisters» that was done in 1902 by Heinrich Styumcke. This translation is considered with the point of view of the realization of stage and reflection of national-cultural realities. Keywords: drama, A. P. Chekhov, translation, interpretation, Germany | 1047 | |||||
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3343 | In this paper there is presented from the epistemic approach point of view an interpretation of some ideas of T. Hobbes, P. Golbach, N. Malebranche and G. Hegel on certain questions of cognition, and also the steps of content mastering of studied material offered by W. Rein. Given concepts of a set and a relation of sets of epistemes allow the author to look in a new way at the analysis of a number of cognition questions and steps of content mastering, to give some of their characteristics by means of the episteme concept. Keywords: cognition, education, methods, steps, epistemes, relations on the sets of epistemes | 1047 | |||||
3344 | The article considers the conception of actualization of students’ and teachers’ creative potential and explains the way of its implementation in education at the teacher training university and in the system of professional teachers’ development. The author presents diagnostic, educational and recourse system components of actualization of creative potential and analyzes the psychoeducational teachers’ difficulties in the development of creativity and innovation. Keywords: actualization, creativity, psychoeducational difficulties, conditions of actualization of creative potential. | 1047 | |||||
3345 | The article is the result of theoretical study of project financing mechanism in power projects. We consider the project financing mechanism, its participants and indications, outlined differences from other source of investments, given risk distribution between project finance’s participants. Keywords: project financing, power industry reform, risks distribution | 1047 | |||||
3346 | The article tells about educational adaptively-developmental environment, which contains the process of student development and there defined the concept of the environment, principles of its development and key approaches for its formation. The article examines the modern Western psychological and educational literature on this issue, it studies the effect of the educational climate on psychological and educational characteristics of students, the article examines the educational climate in terms of students, teachers and parents. The analysis suggests that the organization of educational, adaptive-developing environment includes a variety of forms and activities. Keywords: adaptive-developmental environment, levels of the environment’s formation, criteria and indicators for its formation | 1047 | |||||
3347 | In Yeniseic linguistics, there is a lack of research approaching the Ket syntax from functional and communicative perspective. Language data collected in the second half of the 20th and early 21st century offers an opportunity not only for the synchronic description of Ket syntax, but also for comparative-historical analysis of the changes underway in the syntactic structure of the Ket sentence. Keywords: кетский язык, коммуникативная структуры предложения, базовый порядок слов, двусоставные и включенно-личные предложения, инверсия дополнения относительно подлежащего, инверсия сказуемого относительно дополнения и подлежащего | 1047 | |||||
3348 | Тhe law in the artistic consciousness of F. M. Dostoevsky is considered in the article the as phenomenon. The author distinguished four aspects of it: 1) construction-functional; 2) content or informative; 3) active-psychological; 4) programmative. Keywords: artistic consciousness, the legal consciousness, the law concept sphere, the paralleliam of criminal episodes, main oppositions, failure to report about crime | 1047 | |||||
3349 | Science, as result (actual opportunities of knowledge) and as process (scientifi c search) is studied in philosophical paradigm of the world of potential and actual opportunities. The problems of attitude, comprehension of the world, world outlook and assimilating of development of the cultural world correspond, according to the author's concept of sense formations, to four parameters N, B, G, A sense defi nitions. Essence of scientifi c object is the true knowledge, and the cultural world of science – system: the cultural of the scientifi c of search + culture of knowledge + assimilating of development. Keywords: science, knowledge, the cultural world, culture of science, sense of scientifi c of search, potential and actual opportunities | 1047 | |||||
3350 | The problem of intonation, style and understanding of leading a meaningful intonation is impotent in musicology, performance, teaching practice. Harmony, rhythmic figuration, all right, shape up intonation semantics in music, a symbol of the musical intonation of speech, symbols of national musical culture are the main carrier of the expression of meaning. Awareness of the author explains the role of intonation hearing approaches in teaching courses “Theory and History of Music Education”, “Music psychology and psychology of music education”, “Accompaniment class”, “Musical culture of Khakassia” by Bachelor of Music in N. F. Katanov Khakassia State University. Keywords: intonation, poetics, music, musical language, musical speech, communication, education, competences | 1047 |