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3451 | In the article the rendering of the possible way of pronominal system formation in the Selkup language is offered. Interrogative pronouns were historically the names of mythical ancestors. Tabooing of the names caused the use of allegories in form of interrogative, indefi nite, negative pronouns. The substitutes of the names became the key elements of word formation: kaj “duck” (totem); kaj “who”, “what”, “what”; kajdo “why”, “what for”; kajne “nothing”. Keywords: Selkup language, pronoun, euphemism, spiritual culture | 1125 | |||||
3452 | The structure of readiness for training at higher school is shown. There is an example of complex research during enrolment to military higher school. Keywords: readiness, readiness for the activity, professional psychological selection, educational standards, the two-bin system of instruction | 1125 | |||||
3453 | The article actualizes the problem of implementation of innovative strategies for creative self-development of Russian and foreign students in vocational education, presents the content of the phenomena of «innovation strategy», «creative self-development», «vocational education», reveales modern trends of the Russian professional education, the importance and relevance of the innovation strategy in the process of modernization of Russian education based on priority documents of Russian education development. Considers the components of the innovation strategy: the implementation of the concepts and pedagogical technology of the formation of value orientations for creative selfdevelopment, expanding educational space, implementing different areas and forms of cooperation. The authors reveal the system of valuable and semantic orientations which includes: humane and moral values (internal harmony, altruism, tolerance, wisdom, emotionally positive attitude towards people and the world), cooperation values (aspiration to personal and professional self-development, ability of creation of a scientific project, training in the new strategy of behavior, aspiration to the maximum creative realization in educational and extracurricular activities, improvisation, intuition and openness to communication), values of orientation to creativity (the strategy of creative self-development, ability to generate the new ideas, the value for creative self-development, internal motivation on creative selfdevelopment, creativity, commitment, autonomy of thinking, behavior and activity, high intellectual level, experience of the solution of creative and research tasks), social values (health, freedom as a possibility of choice, aspiration to selfdevelopment, aspiration to self-determination, ability to overcome difficulties, leadership). The results of implementation of innovation strategies of Russian and foreign participants on creative self-development are provided. Keywords: innovation strategy, innovative strategy, creative self-development, professional education | 1125 | |||||
3454 | The relevance of the study is determined by several areas. First, the languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia belong to the category of endangered languages lacking an ancient written tradition, thus enhancing the value of the folklore of these peoples as a primary resource allowing us to obtain important linguistic data, as well as to draw significant conclusions regarding the specific features of the genesis of the linguistic and cultural processes of the respective ethnic groups. Secondly, there has emerged a recent particular increase in the interest of researchers in the study of lexical systems of aboriginal languages of Siberia in connection with typological problems. However, up to the present time, no attempts have been made to separately study the system of color markings of the Selkup language. On the material of prosaic folklore texts, as well as lexicographical works on the Taz dialect, an attempt was made to describe the semantic zone “white”. With the aim of studying folklore and lexicographic materials from the point of view of the semantic features of color markings in the context of modern priorities of linguistic research, a set of lexemes with the value of “white” in a corresponding dialect is defined as a result of the work. Their semantic structure is described. A strategy for their representation in lexicographic material is proposed. In addition, symbolic patterns in “white” are observed in Selkup beliefs and shamanic practices. Keywords: color terms, the Selkup language, lexicon, semantics, Taz dialect | 1125 | |||||
3455 | The urgency of establishing the essence of the term “competence-oriented task” is determined by the orientation toward achieving substantive, meta-subject and personal results of education in the secondary school educational practice. This category, widely used in pedagogical science and educational practice, does not quite justifiably relate to the concept of a task of a practical nature. The establishment of the specificity of competence-oriented tasks is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the positions of different authors, not only in understanding this category, but also in the semantically close to it concepts of “contextual task” and “situational task”, and also in connection with the modern interpretation of the learning task as a means of forming integrated educational result. The conclusion is drawn on the understanding of competence-oriented tasks as the tasks that, along with the formation of the subject competences of the student, determine the development of such qualities that determine the ability and readiness for independent cognitive activity, that is, the qualities whose totality determines the concept of cognitive competence. Examples of competence-oriented tasks are considered. Requirements to competency-oriented tasks in teaching mathematics are formulated. Proceeding from the structural and content features of cognitive competence as a significant component of an integral system of personality characteristics of a school graduate, the requirements that must be met in competence-oriented problems of school mathematics are established. Keywords: competence-oriented task, contextual task, situational task, learning task, cognitive competence of the learner | 1125 | |||||
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3458 | This article represents by itself the historical survey of the Russian liberal phenomenon. The main author's thought is contained in that during all the times of the lib¬eral ideas existence in Russia, they penetrated in a kind of philosophic and religion discourse of intellectuals only. Thus the liberal traditions appeared in the narrow layer of Russian society. | 1124 | |||||
3459 | We present the results of theoretical investigation of record and readout of holographic reflection gratings in absorbent photopolymers with dye sensitizer with taking into consideration of high order spatial harmonics and self-diffraction. The analytical model for description of time-spatial field of holographic grating during record process with taking into account of absorption and diffu¬sion processes has been created. | 1124 | |||||
3460 | The article deals with the research of the influence of gender socialization in the higher school on the formation of professional orientation of students. The peculiarities of professional orientation of students of humanities and of technical students are investigated in the framework of the research. | 1124 | |||||
3461 | The article «The Instability of the Gender Category in Kamchatsky dialects» presents the analysis of the gender category of general Russian and dialect nouns functionating in Kamchadals’ dialects. The aim of the article is to point out the differences in the distribution of the whole totality of the nouns marked in the dialects among gender classes. In this work the nouns are classified into four groups: I. General Russian words, the gender category of which is common in the dialect language and in the literary language (LL). II. General Russian words, the gender category of which doesn’t coincide with the LL and the dialects. III. General Russian words with the «roaming» gender category in the dialect speech. IV. The dialect nouns, the gender category of which differs from the LL. | 1124 | |||||
3462 | The article considers the peculiarities of the regional food-market development, the role of the renewable nature resources. It analyzes the formation of the system of renewable resources management among the subjects of the Russian Federation. The directions of increasing the efficiency of the system are figured out | 1124 | |||||
3463 | In the article the topical problem of formation of gender culture at pupils of children’s home is considered. The collective of authors studying a gender problematic is presented, and also the concept of gender culture its psychological and pedagogical components are determined. On each component techniques, criteria and levels are certain, the analysis of the done work is presented. Keywords: gender, gender culture, education, formation of bases of gender culture, components, social determination, pupils of children’s home | 1124 | |||||
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3465 | The article considers the opportunity to institute independant education by the designing of external education pedagogical system. The author describes the technology of external teaching a separate subject which is the procedural subsystem of such a system realized in practice. Keywords: independant education, external education, the elements of external education, technology of education | 1124 | |||||
3466 | The article analyzes the basic concepts related to quality management: customer satisfaction and product quality of the educational services. It is proposed a model to analyze the output of the activity of the institution, which can be classified as follows: Performance, Unsatisfied quality, Formal quality, Non-formal quality, Unsatisfied specifications, Unsatisfied needs, Waste. Keywords: quality, quality management, standards, customer satisfaction, educational services | 1124 | |||||
3467 | In the present paper problems of interconnection of the contents of the foundation of exact sciences with the contents of the future occupational teaching are regarded , based on the material of the Phisycs course in the process of pre-profile preparation and profile instruction. An algorythm of selecting information of industrial character , its systematization and inclusion of it into the contents of the school subject as an example of the operation of the scientific laws is provided. Keywords: profile instruction, contents of a school subject, information concerning production, their interconnection in the teaching process | 1124 | |||||
3468 | The paper argues in favour of the development of the research skills in students of the profi led classes, reviews the notions of “environment” and “cultural environment”, and analyzes the establishment, constitution and functional features of the cultural creative environment in the context of humanitarian gymnasium. Keywords: environment, cultural creative environment, terms of formation and functioning of cultural creative environment, forming the readiness of profi le students for scientifi c activity. | 1124 | |||||
3469 | Methodological questions of thermokarst lakes landscape dynamics in West Siberian permafrost territory based on remote sensing data and GIS-tools are considered. The data about relative change of thermokarst lake total area are given for 35-year period in different landscape zones and subzones. Possible factors of thermokarst lake areas change are discussed. Keywords: Changes climatic, permafrost, thermokarst lake landscapes, space shots | 1124 | |||||
3470 | The article is devoted to the study of ancient literature in odorologic aspect. The author focuses on examples of verbalization in the stench of ancient texts. Observed overall incidence and dynamics of these episodes, interpreted the chronological transformation of the negative meanings olfactory. Keywords: olfactory, odorologics, poetics odors, old Russian literature | 1124 | |||||
3471 | The problem of intonation, style and understanding of leading a meaningful intonation is impotent in musicology, performance, teaching practice. Harmony, rhythmic figuration, all right, shape up intonation semantics in music, a symbol of the musical intonation of speech, symbols of national musical culture are the main carrier of the expression of meaning. Awareness of the author explains the role of intonation hearing approaches in teaching courses “Theory and History of Music Education”, “Music psychology and psychology of music education”, “Accompaniment class”, “Musical culture of Khakassia” by Bachelor of Music in N. F. Katanov Khakassia State University. Keywords: intonation, poetics, music, musical language, musical speech, communication, education, competences | 1124 | |||||
3472 | The focus of the article is on the analysis of the credibility of the technology with a number of phenomena of joint activities, in particular psychological atmosphere in the workplace of several industrial enterprises. This article proves that with a low level of confidence in the technology the psychological stress increases, which affects the psychological climate. Keywords: social-psychological attitude to work, the phenomenon of trust, confidence in the technology, the psychological climate, individual and group activities, the subject of labour, safety equipment | 1124 | |||||
3473 | The article provides information on the current species composition and distribution of freshwater mussels in the waters of different altitudinal zones of the Sayan mountain system. Keywords: freshwater molluscs, habitat, distribution, malakofaunistichesky complex | 1124 | |||||
3474 | The article deals with training students of non-linguistic institution to academic norms of abstracting professionally oriented texts with the use of project method and e-learning. It is considered academic norms in abstracting in terms of author’s rights. It is described practical guidelines for abstracting skills development with help of project work. The article is also concerned with the use of electronic educational platform for project work organization as effective instrument to increase students’ motivation. Keywords: project work, abstracting, e-learning, foreign professionally-oriented texts, academic norms of writing | 1124 | |||||
3475 | Article is dedicated to the problem of development of music education in Tauride province in late XIX – early XX century. Based on the analysis of archival documents, programs of private institutions the development of the content and form of musical education in private schools in the Tauride province is analyzed. Keywords: music education, private schools, Taurian province | 1124 | |||||
3476 | This article is based on the theoretic ideas of Kazan linguistic school about syntagmatic relations and describes the syntagmatic relationships of the lexemes meaning “morality” contained in the novels of one of the most shocking and replicable modern writers Sergei Minaev. The main result is that the analysis of syntagmatic relations of words with moral content in the works of this author suggests the emergence of alternative ethical system in the consciousness of a native Russian speaker. In the framework of this system becomes a frequent characteristic to change positive connotation value involved in the correlation of lexemes to a negative one. In addition, under the influence of the text environment occasional syntagmatic relation of lexemes with moral value can cause the formation of new lexical meaning of the words-representatives of category “morality”. Keywords: morality, Kazan linguistic school, vocabulary, lexeme, syntagmatic relations, meaning, connotation, context, semantic shift | 1124 | |||||
3477 | The article points to a notion of “intellectual substyle” of language personality on the basis of linguistic approach with the use of different types of dictionaries which fix the image of this phenomena on the basis of usage and collective language consciousness information. Its peculiarities with a glance to psychologists’ opinion and works of specialists in linguopersonology are defined in the article. Intellectual substyle is examined in trend of communicative stylistics of text as a component of cognitive style of language personality along with mental-psychological substyle which includes sphere of its emotional and intellectual motivation and psychological peculiarities; it also goes along with thesaurus substyle which reflects specificity of informational thesaurus of personality, its simplicity/complexity, measure, intensity, width, variety and originality of associations; at last it goes along with epistemic substyle which reflects support of object and practical experience either theory and logic, or figurative sense of reality in cognitive activity of language personality. From the view point of linguistics and with support of dictionaries intellectual substyle is defined by the author as typical for language personality intellectual peculiarities which are reflected into discursive practices and are estimated in positive or negative way in society, and are presented as distinctive features from the birth or in the process of education. These intellectual peculiarities include possibility of effective intellectual and creative activity which are expressed into remake of different information (complicated, abstract and daily), its analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization, getting new information, possibility of providence, availability of knowledge, intellectual interest and achievements in intellectual sphere, quickness at situations comprehension and reactions on it, importance and measure of thoughts, subtext and mood feeling skill, possibility of its usage for certain aims. Keywords: idiostyle, communicative stylistics, intellectual substyle, cognitive style, language personality, lexicographic sources | 1124 | |||||
3478 | This article reveals the meaning and the intercommunication of the personal oriented and the competence approaches to the speech creation forming of the preschool age children taking into account the features of their development. According to the researches, the psycholinguistic, psychological and psycho physiological features of the child development are the base of the speech creation mastering of the preschool age children. The preschool educational organization is the social institute for the each child individuality opening, that’s why the teachers have to adapt the competitions of the education for the children. The term “adaptability” of the educational process opens this position. For the first time the term “adaptability of the educational system” appeared in the Law of the Russian Federation “About the education” as the principle of the state politics in the educational area and it means the adaptation of the educational system for the training level and the development features of the children. As the result, the necessity of the realization of the adaptive educational activity for the speech creation forming of the preschool age children taken into account their development features appears. And the personal oriented and the competence approaches to its realization suppose the adherence to the requirements to the educational activity in the kindergarten. The results of the established stage of the research are adduced. The goal, tasks and the hypothesis of the forming stage of the research are indicated. Keywords: adaptive educational activity, base of the speech creation, development features of the preschool age children, personal oriented approach, competence approach, technology, research stages | 1124 | |||||
3479 | The main strategic objective of advertising is to increase sales of a particular company. There is no doubt that the consumer knows about this problem and about the various methods of advertising impact. Some of these methods seem to be quite complex, and some clear and simple. The relevance of the study due to the fact that the effectiveness of traditional promotional tools, such as direct advertising and public relations, goes down each year. Marketers develop alternative ways of influencing consumer. This article discusses the non-standard forms of advertising and promotion: ambient marketing, product placement, creating intrigue in the advertising message, flashmobs and other. Keywords: marketing tools to promote products and services, the efficiency of instruments of promotion, nonstandard forms of advertising promotion | 1124 | |||||
3480 | The article reviews the empirical studies of the process of socialization of young children (from birth to three years) under the conditions of inclusive group. Presents the results of the correction of psycho-pedagogical work with normally developing children and children with disabilities in co-education and development. Shows features of programs of psychological support in combination parent-child groups of early development, based on the purposeful formation of a situational-business communication of normative children and children with disabilities with adults, as well as on the gradual inclusion of the child in joint activities with their peers. It was found that the social development of young children with disabilities most successfully runs in group inclusion. The results of the empirical research suggests that the social development of children with disabilities is clearly inferior to normally developing children. Interviews with parents, undertaken at the final stage of study to assess the extent to which their expectations of work groups inclusive and to what extent they are satisfied with its results, show that the condition of these groups have contributed to positive change in view of parents as to the purpose and methods of psychological support and social opportunities for the child at an early age. Keywords: socialization, early socialization, young children, disabled children, inclusive group, parent-child group of early development | 1124 | |||||
3481 | The article focuses on the actual problem of programming training for students. A prerequisite for successful learning is the formation of algorithmic thinking. One of the necessary conditions for its formation is the independent solution of tasks of varying degrees of complexity, so during programming training it is important to pay special attention to the organization of independent study. Essential assistance in the organization of self-guided work within the programming training can be provided by the use of special software tools that allow to check the correctness of the developed program automatically. We propose an approach based on the use of the specialized system ‘Ejudge’, which allows to check the correctness of the training program. This system is networked, deployed on the server, work with the system, which is implemented via web interfaces, can be conducted both by the administrator and by users, in the role of which students and teachers act. This technology provides additional opportunities in the organization of training. On the one hand, the trainee can work with the system from any place in which access to the Internet is provided. At the same time, all actions of the trainee are recorded on the server, and are accessible to the teacher. The skills of working with such a system are also necessary for participation in academic competition on programming. Keywords: programming training, algorithmic thinking, testing systems, evaluation tools, olympiad problems | 1124 | |||||
3482 | Beginning with a brief survey of the latest developments in the field of phonosemantics the article looks into psychological basis of sound iconism by investigating the reactions of Russian speakers to English sound-iconic words. The experiment with the use of the Lexical Decision method is described and the results are tabled. The subjects – 90 Russian learners of English at different proficiency levels – were asked to identify as words or non-words stimuli of three types: a) sound-iconic English words, b) non-iconic (neutral) English words and c) quasi-words. All stimuli were presented visually in random sequences in a compressed time frame. The criteria for selecting the stimuli were thoroughly elaborated. The results of the experiment show a statistically veritable delay in identifying the sound-iconic stimuli as words. It remained constant, regardless of the English language proficiency level of the participants. Presumably, the cognitive complexity of the task increased because of a certain interference between the two ways of information processing: abstract-conceptual and sensory-symbolic. This influenced the speed and accuracy of word recognition. Another factor leading to errors might stem from the fact that the sound forms of the English visual stimuli, as they were reproduced by the subjects in their inner speech, did not coincide with their associations in Russian, which made them «think twice» before answering. Keywords: sound-iconism, lexical decision, psychosemantics, phonosemantics, Russian-English bilinguals, visual perception | 1124 | |||||
3483 | Introduction. The purpose of the article is the analysis of verbalization of maidenhood concepts in traditional culture. The materials of the study are dialect dictionaries, as well as the materials of dialectological expeditions conducted by Tomsk State University linguists from 1947 to nowadays in the dialects distribution territory of the Middle Ob Region. The use of this material allows us to explore the concept of maidenhood, taking into account the changes taking place in the dialect culture and caused by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors. Results. Concepts of maidenhood are objectified in the lexical and phraseological dialect units, nominating maidens and characterizing their behavior. In peasant culture, marriage was considered as the fulfillment of the main female life purpose. Therefore, society demonstrated the importance attached to the preservation of maiden honor. It was reflected in a number of stable combinations that denominate a virgin. Noncompliance with this form was a great disgrace for a girl and her parents. The loss of virginity and the birth of a child before marriage are characterized by units containing seme `shame‘. Zoomorphic metaphors are also used in dialect speech, indicating the comparison of extramarital relations with the animal world, in which the rules of human society do not operate. Marriage for a girl in traditional culture is perceived as a necessity, this fact is evidenced by the analysis of ritual lyrics. In dialectal folklore ditties are recorded with the intention of warning or recommendations not to marry. The use of a large number of verbs, the grammatical form of which reflects the lack of participation of the girl in the decision to marry is also characteristic. The analysis of the units nominating wedding ceremonies confirms the idea that marriage was economically beneficial and did not depend on emotional attachment. The wedding is treated as a ritual transition, initiating a girl to the status of a woman. At the same time, the transformation of the concept of maidenhood is shown due to social, historical and economic factors. Dialect speakers note a change of social norms. They condemn the behavior of modern girls, in relationships with the opposite sex before marriage, and the lack of a sense of shame for that matter. Dialect speakers also mention the disappearance or simplification of the wedding rite and the absence of legal relations between the spouses. Keywords: maidenhood, dialect, traditional culture | 1124 | |||||
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3486 | Economy of different ways of mechanical processing the stocking up in modern machine building depends on the rational choice of stocking up and optimum mode of cutting. Economic accuracy of processing results from requirements to the final product and technical possibilities of equipment, which locates an enterprise, releasing given product. Than above accuracy of processing the details, that above their prime cost, so accuracy of processing it is necessary to set up economic practicability with the account of. Economic accuracy define by collations of prime cost of processes, giving required degree of accuracy. | 1123 | |||||
3487 | In the present article the authors disclosing the genesis of the definitions «quality of education» and «educational techniques» lead the reader to the following final thesis: «the quality of education» as the quality of any other product can be planned. But only a thoroughly planned and strictly fol¬lowed educational technique can guarantee the achieve¬ment of this result. Keywords: - | 1123 | |||||
3488 | The obtained results of investigations showed that presented methodic of training with the using of fitness aerobics and the elements of callithenics give positing results not only in keeping body from gifting into the state of lowered resistance of girls 10-11 years but makes a great contribution to the correction of heir psychioemotional sentiment and morpohofunctional condition and all-round development psychological process and motor fitness. | 1123 | |||||
3489 | This research sets the task of analysis the «onto-logical» and «temporal» turn, which take place in 20th century philosophy. The central figure in this «turn» is M. Heidegger, who‘s fundamental works are explicated the relation between time and being. The article show two Heidegger’s research programs and its methods. Our general strategy consist in clarification of the relationships between time and ontology and in explication of the fundamental ontological status of time. | 1123 | |||||
3490 | The Work of Pedagogical Dissertation Board | 1123 | |||||
3491 | The article is devoted to the unsufficiently studied problem in German linguistics related to the choice of syntactic subordination in the quantitative word combinations with the second component expanded by an adjective (participle) Nquant+AdjN and eine Art +AdjN. The material analysed has shown that despite recommendations of classic grammar reference books to choose co-ordination as a type of subordination for the syntactic structure of these constructions, the genitive and prepositional subordination still exists and is the most widely used one. Moreover, the hypothesis that the syntactic organization of these constructions is determined by the grammatical characteristics of their components has been confirmed. | 1123 | |||||
3492 | The main ideas and problems of the present situation with the Russian classical literature in teachers and students consciousness are emphasized on the questionnaire materials. Opinions of respondents are viewed against a background of the modern educational reform and recent changes taking place in Russia's society. | 1123 | |||||
3493 | The article is devoted to the actual problem – training of professionally competent specialists for the penal system. The author discloses the specifics of activities of the leaders of the penal system, considers the issues of professional competency of the educators who train personnel for the penal system. | 1123 | |||||
3494 | The role of musical culture as an element of the public mode of life, gradual, step-by-step, non-linear dissemination of different levels of musical culture in the cities of West Siberia from the second half of the XIXth century up to the beginning of the XIXth century are analyzed in this article. The article also discloses dynamics and peculiarities of West Siberian citizens’ access to this kind of art. | 1123 | |||||
3495 | The article reveals the mechanism of action of an extract of Siberian fir in nurture of quails. The authors show that the use of extract of Siberian fir (CSE) stimulates the adrenal cortex, the selectionof thyroid hormones in the blood . This helps to increase resistance of birds, to raise their productivity traits (egg-laying qualities, reproduction). Keywords: coefficient of resistance, the quail, vegetable extracts, hormonal system, bloodformation, productivity | 1123 | |||||
3496 | In the article we consider questions which arise in organization of level preprofile training of schoolchildren. This training is necessary for providing children with self-determination process which helps them find their own trajectories of education. Three levels of trial are described here: trial actions, profile trial and profession trial. We define the concept of «profile trial», study organisational and pedagogical requirements for implementing profile trial of schoolchildren in the process of secondary school and higher school interaction. Keywords: levels of preprofile training, trial actions, profile trial, profession trial; meaning of trial: trialexperience, trial-experiment, trial-test; secondary school-higher school, educational field. | 1123 | |||||
3497 | In Yeniseic linguistics, there is a lack of research approaching the Ket syntax from functional and communicative perspective. Language data collected in the second half of the 20th and early 21st century offers an opportunity not only for the synchronic description of Ket syntax, but also for comparative-historical analysis of the changes underway in the syntactic structure of the Ket sentence. Keywords: кетский язык, коммуникативная структуры предложения, базовый порядок слов, двусоставные и включенно-личные предложения, инверсия дополнения относительно подлежащего, инверсия сказуемого относительно дополнения и подлежащего | 1123 | |||||
3498 | The article contains the analysis of concepts of scientific and technical creativity in order to find out its connection with magic. The author comes to the conclusion that magical and scientific-technical creativity processes have cultural-historical, linguistic and semantic-containing connections. Keywords: scientific-technical creativity, magic, theurgy | 1123 | |||||
3499 | The perception of visual information is analyzed on the example of the transformation of the museum, caused by socio-cultural transformations and memory-turn. The methodology of the information-synergistic approach makes it possible to classify the theories of perception visual information and the definition the applicability limits for each approach. It presented some results of the project no. 6.1879.2011. Keywords: visual information, perception of visual information, museum transformation, memory, history, memory-turn, temporal turn, information-synergetic approach | 1123 | |||||
3500 | The article reflects the results of studies of emotional intelligence (EI), coping strategies and behavior patterns of students of secondary school aged 14–15. The highest prevalence is low emotional intelligence – 51.4 % of respondents, and only 6.7 % of students – high. There is the relationship between the components of EI and the patterns of impaired functioning. Low level of empathy increases the likelihood of social problems. The higher is the level of emotional intelligence and its indicators, the lower is the risk of manifestations and problems in emotional and behavioral areas. Highlight the links between the applied coping strategies and components of EI. Students with high and average EI increasingly choose adaptive coping mechanisms, in contrast to the group with low levels of EI, using increasingly less effective strategy. The lower is the level of EI, the less frequently are used coping strategies in a stressful situation, both adaptive and non-adaptive, and consequently, the higher is the risk / manifestations of behavioral and emotional problems. Keywords: emotional intelligence, coping strategies, emotions, patterns of behavior, secondary school students | 1123 |