# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3501 | The results of the investigation of biological activity of eutrophic peat deposits Turochak bog are presented in the article. Microbial biomass and enzymes activity (catalase, invertase), which characterize the basic biochemical properties, are estimated. Concentration of microbial biomass was recorded to decrease as the degree of decomposition and reduce light-hydrolyzing substances. Peat deposit Turochak bog full-depth biological activity. Keywords: bog, peat deposit, biological activity, microbial biomass, enzymes, catalase, invertase | 1136 | |||||
3502 | The article deals with the questions about teacher-musicians training for scientific and research work at universities. The ideas of personal and creative approaches for scientific and research work of students and their cowork with teacher-musicians are stated. Peculiarities and opportunities of educational and scientific platform creation in the context of teacher-musicians practice are revealed. Keywords: art, music, professional competence, personality, education, music pedagogy | 1136 | |||||
3503 | In the article on the material of poetic discourse of I. Severianin, represented by a collection of poems “Gromokipyaschy Cup” (1913), the author describes types and kinds of lexical regulatory structures based on the stylistic devices of syntactic parallelism. General tendencies and idiostylistic peculiarities, which are used by the founder of egofuturism are observed. These regulative structures do not only provide connectivity of the text and its fragments but also are important for understanding of the meaning at these levels. Keywords: poetic text, egofuturism, regulativity, lexical regulative structures based on the stylistic device of syntactical parallelism | 1136 | |||||
3504 | Phraseological combinations, which have a rich variety of structure features are considered. As they consist of one, two or more components, the first can be in the different cases of the noun. In these expressions, the second component can be a noun and a verb. Furthermore, the second component has a primary use in the epos. The first component of the phraseology in the epos, mainly is a noun, but here and maybe use other parts of speech. Keywords: epos, two-component phraseological unit, «Koroghlu», verb, declension, abstraction | 1136 | |||||
3505 | The article deals with the condition for individual potential development in supplementary professional education system. Authors provide comparative analyses of educational environment approaches in domestic and foreign andragogy. Keywords: labour potential, supplementary education, supplementary professional education system, andragogy | 1136 | |||||
3506 | The problem of improvement of forms of diagnostics and control of knowledge, abilities, skills, practical experience of the students of specialised secondary educational institutions under the introduction of federal state educational standards in educational practice is considered. The propaedeutic flow chart developed by authors allows to carry out stage-by-stage tracking of the concrete achievements which are trained and to determine the level of formation of common cultural and professional competences of students on all the way of development of the maintenance of a subject. Schematically this technology represents a set of four stages of didactic process from initial perception of theoretical knowledge and before their practical application. Each stage is estimated on a mark scale. The maximum number of points which the student can get on the sum of all stages makes hundred. The peculiarity of the offered development work is that it contains the level and criteria monitoring system: in a projection to the component structure of professional competences revealed by authors (cognitive, activity, motivational and valuable, communicative) to each level (from the 1st to the 3rd) achievements of results of training there corresponds the developed parameter of estimation of structure and quality of the carried-out operations, their sensibleness, completeness and curtness. Thus, the process of step formation of professional competences of students from simple to the difficult – assumes improvement of quality of educational experience. Keywords: professional education, technological card, results of training, diagnostic tools | 1136 | |||||
3507 | The authors consider the problem of lack of teachers’ design competences in the design and organization of inclusive educational space. Scientists define the problem as the shortage of forms and techniques that allow the teacher to achieve positive outcomes in inclusive education. Within the anthropological approach by means of humanitarian studies, the authors attempt to understand the subjects of organization of joint activity of teacher and students in an inclusive process. The article considers pedagogical possibilities of the use of dialogue in inclusive education. The authors demonstrate the ability of this form of joint activities to help students be implemented in inclusive learning to be successful within their individual capabilities. The authors discuss dialogue in interaction with other forms of cooperative activities (lesson assignment, lessonproblematization), describe an educational precedent for the use of dialogue in inclusive educational space. The authors present the content of the pilot training project, characterize the system of lessons on the study of the novel of F. M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and punishment” in the tenth grade. The project recorded the special role of the teacher in the dialogue. He is also a partner and an organizer of joint activities: that is, occupies an ambivalent position. This position is organized through pedagogical techniques such as card primary meanings, keywords, and algorithms activities. The dialogue is organized through various technologies: multimedia, games and problem-based learning. Their use allows the teacher to update the individual meanings of participants in inclusive education. The criterion of successful participation in the educational project is the development of subjectivity of students. A similar development is recorded in the framework of individual standards for each student involved in the educational project. Keywords: dialogue, collaborative activity, inclusive education, the subjectivity of students | 1136 | |||||
3508 | The article considers the key features of communication as a tool of linguistic manipulation in advertising discourse. The aim of this study is to investigate the technologies of creating perlocutionary effect in American advertising communication. At the stage of the interpretation the vast majority of American advertising works consisting of few words are transformed into informative and pragmatic semiotic texts. Nowadays the US advertising shows a big variety of products with different degrees of verbal congestion. As a part of this study we have found a lot of advertising samples which include the minimum amount of verbal text: only the name brand or trade mark and single-phrase slogan. It should be noted that even the most minimum quantity of speech act expressed by the well-known and popular person lead to the greater intensity and immensity of its significance. Having analyzed the fragments of advertising texts we conclude that the informative congestion of communication is fundamental to its ability to persuade with the only proviso that by congestion we mean not the number of language units but the amount of their information content. The findings of the integrated and comprehensive study of the informative congestion of discourse and text can be used in pragmalinguistics, text linguistics, functional linguistics, theory of intercultural communication. Keywords: advertising discourse, informative congestion, communication, linguistic manipulation, language units | 1136 | |||||
3509 | The standard model of the program of the economical and social development of the subject of the Russian Federation was worked out by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation according to the instructions of the Russian government with an aim to improve the process of elaboration, confirmation and realization of the programs concerning the economical and social development of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The standard model has the form of a recommendation and it is built to provide the methodological unity of regional programs and their agreement with the state strategy of the economical and social development. | 1135 | |||||
3510 | In the present article the authors disclosing the genesis of the definitions «quality of education» and «educational techniques» lead the reader to the following final thesis: «the quality of education» as the quality of any other product can be planned. But only a thoroughly planned and strictly fol¬lowed educational technique can guarantee the achieve¬ment of this result. Keywords: - | 1135 | |||||
3511 | The authors of the article, basing on the expe¬rience of Polish educators (basic professional schools, lyceums, post-lyceum education) suggest the concrete recommendations to the solution of the problem of employment taking into consideration the modern de-mographical and socio-cuitural situation. | 1135 | |||||
3512 | The scholarly article deals with the problem of concealed meaning, one of the most important and complicated issues of the contemporary linguistic studies; the characteristic feature of the latter is reference of scholars to the hidden signifiers of connotative systems. The article treats a complicated problem of the concealed meanings typology. There are revealed means and ways of coding both rational and irrational subtexts. There is also described mechanism of the subtext actualization. | 1135 | |||||
3513 | The course «Recreation Use of Nature» intended for masters is considered in the paper. Arising questions and problems are discussed | 1135 | |||||
3514 | S.G. Komagina in N. Ostrovky's novel discovers the signs of the archaic serpent fighting motive represented on the level of plot collisions, character sketches and writer's narration, which enables the author to give additional explanation of the reasons become of which the novel "How the steel was tempered" influences the reader. | 1135 | |||||
3515 | The article is devoted to personal peculiarities of senior students having deviations in their educational activity and behaviour. Intellectual education is often more valuable for them than physical exercises and sports activity as their involving in physical training and sports is low | 1135 | |||||
3516 | The article characterizes the condition of West Siberian Teachers’ Institutes during the First World War. It shows the influence of The war on the inner life and order of these institutions and describes the process of crisis phenomenon intensification in the field of pedagogical education against the background of social and economic problems in wartime. Keywords: West Siberian Teachers Institutes, the First World War, pedagogical education | 1135 | |||||
3517 | The article is devoted to the use of specific conceptions «mentality» and «conservatism» in social and humanities sciences. The main idea is connected with sociocultural direction. The author describes the versions of discover of conservatives tendencies in Russian mentality. Keywords: mentality, conservatism, conservative mind, holism, concreteness, intuition | 1135 | |||||
3518 | The paper outlines the endangered Siberian language documentation and description program undertaken by the department of Siberian indigenous languages of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The project is aimed at developing the database of the endangered languages of Ob-Yenissei linguistic area and exemplifies theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects of the areal typological study of these languages, their culture and ethnography, and hypotheses of their contact interaction and mutual evolution. Keywords: endangered languages of Siberia, areal typology, language documentation | 1135 | |||||
3519 | The article deals with the characteristics of syntactic words. It describes peculiarities of conjunctions as a means of expressing causality. As an example, English conjunction “because” and the French one “parce que” are examined. The using of these conjunctions in sentences with causality is compared. The specifi c of the given conjunctions is expressed. Keywords: causation, composite sentence, syntactic word, conjunction, effect | 1135 | |||||
3520 | The article deals with the development of professionally important qualities of future civil engineers, that are formed during university studies. The author reveals the essence of the process, highlights key professional qualities engineer, justifies their development in training. Keywords: professionally important qualities, the process of development of professionally important qualities, mentally properties, functionally and operating machinery | 1135 | |||||
3521 | In the Faddeev formulation of gravity, the metric is regarded as composite eld, bilinear of d = 10 4-vector fields. A unique feature is that this formulation admits the discontinuous elds. On the discrete level, when spacetime is decomposed into the elementary 4-simplices, this means that the 4-simplices may not coincide on their common faces, that is, be independent. We apply this to the particular problem of quantization of the surface regarded as that composed of virtually independent elementary pieces (2-simplices). We nd the area spectrum being proportional to the Barbero-Immirzi parameter y in the Faddeev gravity and described as a sum of spectra of separate areas. According to the known in the literature approach, we nd that exists ensuring Bekenstein-Hawking relation for the statistical black hole entropy for arbitrary d, in particular, y = 0:39... for genuine d = 10. Keywords: Faddeev gravity, piecewise at spacetime, connection, area spectrum | 1135 | |||||
3522 | The article deals with training students of non-linguistic institution to academic norms of abstracting professionally oriented texts with the use of project method and e-learning. It is considered academic norms in abstracting in terms of author’s rights. It is described practical guidelines for abstracting skills development with help of project work. The article is also concerned with the use of electronic educational platform for project work organization as effective instrument to increase students’ motivation. Keywords: project work, abstracting, e-learning, foreign professionally-oriented texts, academic norms of writing | 1135 | |||||
3523 | A distinctive feature of contemporary linguistic research is its engagement with language actualization processes. This point finds its foundation in F. de Saussure’s conception distinguishing language, speech and speech activity which has given rise to various new trends with the purpose of exposing and examining the sense generating mechanisms of language in work. Analytical perspectives comprise a diversity of problems including the psychology of perception, interpretation and assessment of various phenomena, conventions of societal structures and communication modi. This originates a new interdisciplinary problem-solving plane with a new subject termed “discourse”. The phenomenon complexity and, consequently, the multiplicity of qualification and classification criteria bring forth a discord in the term (as well as the phenomenon) interpretation. There springs up a necessity to define its (the term and the phenomenon) status, correlations with other objects of linguistic analysis, such as text, genre, register. All these points, as well as the problem of term coinage and usage are in the focus of the article. Keywords: discourse, text, genre, style, register | 1135 | |||||
3524 | The article is devoted to the research of the problem of studying of spiritual imperatives of art and publicistic works of F. M. Dostoyevsky at the lessons of literature considering priority tasks of national educational policy in the field of spiritual and moral education and education, setting for creation of students’ motivation for conscious moral behavior through acquaintance with classical works of the Russian literature of the 19th century. The study of the spiritual imperatives of creative work of Dostoyevsky can become the base of spiritual and moral education, forming of valuable structure of the personality in the situation of the accrescent challenges, loss of capability of cultural and world outlook self-identification. Acquaintance of students with the work of the writer shall begin in the advanced teenage age when the request for a conversation on values and meanings is personally staticized. The optimum form of the organization of the effective work on studying of spiritual imperatives of the art and publicistic works of Dostoyevsky is a dialogue, a discussion, the search by the teacher and the student of joint decisions, the aspiration for self-determination and self-analysis. In the work with personal value orientation of the teacher on creation of the serious substantial base of studying of the writer’s works the following aspects are important: knowledge of biographical context of Dostoyevsky’s life, idea of formation stages of valuable and world outlook features of the person, studying of conceptual contents of the writer’s works, knowledge of specifics of the Russian literature formation. Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, spiritual imperatives, spiritual and moral education, author, reader, Russian culture, Orthodoxy, work of art, axiology, morality, novels of the Pentateuch, “A Writer`s Dairy”, value-oriented training, motivation, dialogue | 1135 | |||||
3525 | The article is devoted to precedent statements and peculiarities of their semantics and functioning in glossy press. The author gives the following definition of precedent statements: units of language known to the most members of a definite lingvocultural community. The following source domains of precedent statements are analyzed: cinema, literature, folklore, art, music, phraseology, proverbs and set expressions. Popular women glossy magazines such as Elle, Cosmopolitan, Vogue and Glamour proved to be a valuable language material. Precedent statements can occur in different sections of magazines: fashion, beauty, design, relations between men and women, travelling, health. The thorough analysis shows that cinema and literature are the most important and frequent source domains for precedent phenomena. Precedent statements could be transformed, especially in the headlines of the articles. The author distinguishes the following types of transformation peculiar to precedent units in glossy press: modification and addition of the component. The phenomenon of precedent sign is analyzed. Due to huge expansion of the Internet different computer, mathematical, graphic and commercial signs can function in precedent texts. Readers know such signs and recognize them easily. The comparative study of English and Russian precedent phenomena gives reliable linguistic data. The author concludes that understanding of precedent statements is extremely important for deciphering of the information contained in journalistic texts. Keywords: precedence, precedent statement, precedent sign, semantics, text, meaning, glossy press, source domain | 1135 | |||||
3526 | The play The Days of the Turbins is usually studied in view of author’s and his characters’ political standings in the situation of the extremely dramatic change of government in Russia. The article analyzes the poetical manner of the play and finds out that the author used a wide variety of the expressive means, not just comical, but even slapstick. These slapstick elements can be found on the different levels and stages of the action: the play starts with obviously comical Nikolka’s «cook song» and ends with exceedingly passionate and comical, yet somewhat lyrical speaches by Lariosik. There is a system in use of the slapstick expressive means in description of authorities running away: from the implicit ones (the discussion of tsar by the drunk friends, singing Pushkin’s poem The Song of the Wise Oleg, rumors from Shervinsky about tsar’s return) to the explicit climactic slapstick scene in hetman’s palace. In the system of characters with use of means of comic not only Lariosik and Shervinsky’s images, but also Talberg are allocated: this not comic character is presented in a farcical situation of delay, replacement with another, in dialogue with repetitions, in zoomorfny assessment. The comic travesty of serious things, slapstick and drama in different forms and scales are considered in this article on the poetic manner in the play The Days of the Turbins as coexisting, contrasting, outlining, rejecting each other. The authors of the article believe that system manifestation of the slapstick poetic manner by the author of The Days of the Turbins shows to M. Bulgakov’s participation in that direction of creative search of theatrical vanguard of the 1920th years which was expressed in Mayakovsky’s dramatic art, Erdman - authors by Vs. Meyerkhold. Keywords: M. Bulgakov, The Days of the Turbins (Dni Turbinykh), action, poetic manner, expressive means, comical, travesty, explicit and implicit slapstick comedy means | 1135 | |||||
3527 | The paper discusses the issue of the development of the English speaking communicative competence at a technical university, which is thought to have become one of the most essential skills of today’s university staff. Due to this, many of the Russian universities are now reconsidering professional requirements to the staff, believing that good knowledge of English could contribute to faster integration of their universities into global scientific community. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, has designed a number of professional training programmes for the English language acquisition tailored to the specific needs of the academics. The paper focuses on the course outline “English for Scientific and Academic Communicative Purposes” aimed to develop foreign language communicative competence for professional communication within academic society at the level B1/B2 (Independent User) of European communicative competences. During the course, which has been primarily created for the staff of a technical university, the major features of the academic style of communication, academic grammar and vocabulary as well as the structure of the presentation and the ways of presenting scientific contents are studied and practised. Consequently, upon completing the course, the university staff are able to share the results of their professional activity with their foreign colleagues. The learners are expected to obtain the skills of making and delivering a presentation on their professional profile, duties, and challenges, which appears to be one of the major outcomes of the programme. Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, professional communication, English for Scientific and Academic Communicative Purposes, presentation | 1135 | |||||
3528 | Introduction. The study of the literature for children is a topical direction of modern humanitarian thought, requiring an interdisciplinary approach, joint efforts of philologists, methodologists, librarians and teachers. Aim and objectives. The aim of the work is to analyse the methodical and methodological approaches, developed in different regions of Siberia and Ural, to the study the regional literature for children; to reveal problems and prospects in this area. Materials and research methods. Expert evaluation, expert analysis. Results and discussion. The analysis of the expert opinion on the developed practice literary study of local lore in different cities of Siberia and Ural has allowed us to select a number of pressing questions. These questions include: the criteria of regional (birthplace, temporary/constant residing place of the author, specific cultural code in the text specifying one or another region e.g. toponyms), quality evaluation of the artistic level and pedagogical potential of the works of the authors, the problem of the search and the assignment one or another region to the authors). A separate research problem is in the lack of printing editions of the texts of modern regional authors published on the Internet or on the contrary, in the lack of text-through versions of books on the Internet that complicates the research and educational literary regional study work. The consideration of the addressee (children) raises additional questions concerning not only regional but also the children’s literature as a whole (differentiation of the childhood and adolescence, a distinction of the children’s literature and the literature belonging to the children’s reading list). And it directly concerns techniques of studying of the Siberian and Ural literature (the criteria of selection of texts for studying at school, the choice of books for certain age, the development of methodological support and the assignments corresponding to the certain level of literary education of school children etc.). Conclusion. As an example of the positive experience of the solution of these issues, the methodological literature created on the basis of the scientific educational centres of pedagogical higher schools of Barnaul and Tomsk is given. Keywords: children’s and youth literature, literary history, literary study of local lore, teaching methods of the regional literature for children | 1135 | |||||
3529 | Lysenko G. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 29-35 . | 1134 | |||||
3530 | Zarubina O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 21-24 . | 1134 | |||||
3531 | The article «The Instability of the Gender Category in Kamchatsky dialects» presents the analysis of the gender category of general Russian and dialect nouns functionating in Kamchadals’ dialects. The aim of the article is to point out the differences in the distribution of the whole totality of the nouns marked in the dialects among gender classes. In this work the nouns are classified into four groups: I. General Russian words, the gender category of which is common in the dialect language and in the literary language (LL). II. General Russian words, the gender category of which doesn’t coincide with the LL and the dialects. III. General Russian words with the «roaming» gender category in the dialect speech. IV. The dialect nouns, the gender category of which differs from the LL. | 1134 | |||||
3532 | This research work is devoted to the problems of the prophylactic of the antisocial teens turning aside behavior. In this research work the condition and reason of teens’ disruptive behavior are under analysis. The foreign and native experience of the prophylactic of teens’ disruptive behavior is considered. The contemporary situation with teenagers is considered to take into consideration the essential changes of criminal arranging in the country and state-political conditions and social-economic reorganization in the last period. The matching of the resource and methods pedagogical modification of antisocial teens’ disruptive behavior was realized on the basis of leading up pedagogical investigations | 1134 | |||||
3533 | The article is devoted to the problem of formation of scientific and methodological competencies in students of pedagogical universities when studying natural sciences. The article defines the essence of the concepts of «competence» and «competence», reviewed the structure of the teacher competence model, stages of formation of scientific and methodological competencies of future teachers, as well as the analysis of self-formation of scientific and methodological skills in students of pedagogical universities. Keywords: scientific and methodical, research, competence, competence, students of pedagogical universities. | 1134 | |||||
3534 | Results of researches have shown that the presowing treatment of seeds with selenium ions (selenite and selenate ions) has a stimulating effect on elongation of the shoot structural elements of the plants Lactuca sativa L. as well as on the content of the chlorophylls sum. Specificity of the influence of different selenium ions consists in regulating the synthesis of biologically active substances and a dry biomass. Keywords: Lactuca sativa, selenium, morphogenesis, chlorophylls, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, anthocyans. | 1134 | |||||
3535 | The poetics of an image of the woman and functioning of it in narration is considered in the article. For understanding of the nature of the image in the article the wide cultural-historical context of the theme is given, the review of some key texts designing the image of the woman in a same key with V. Grossman is resulted. The chosen story is representative for early creativity of the writer; the analysis of a key image of the given product gives the fullest representation about author’s outlook of this period. Keywords: Vasily Grossman, the female commissioner, the house, a family, revolution | 1134 | |||||
3536 | The article considers the role of education for a person, shows the relationship between individuals and the interests of the state in educational sphere. The orientation of new knowledge, forming and values of human influence through the prism of the economic system is revealed and the matter of education in the process of the individual’s inclusion in the structure of economic relations is defined. Keywords: knowledge-based economy, personality, education, homo economicus, economic interests | 1134 | |||||
3537 | The structure of readiness for training at higher school is shown. There is an example of complex research during enrolment to military higher school. Keywords: readiness, readiness for the activity, professional psychological selection, educational standards, the two-bin system of instruction | 1134 | |||||
3538 | In the article some ways of semantic derivations due to which Selkup basic vocabulary formed and developed are presented. Abstract notions replace concrete symbols specific for mythological thinking. The period of grammaticalization of concrete meanings ended in change of content words into connective and substitutive ones. Keywords: Selkup, dialect, semantic derivation, regular sound correspondences | 1134 | |||||
3539 | The article discusses the features of the moral culture of the modern Russian society. The essence of the concept of nihilism, the understanding of this phenomenon is presented in the European and Russian reality. The author described manifestation of nihilism in students of secondary vocational school. The necessity of correcting nihilistic manifestations through education is proved. There was demonstrated the possibility of correcting the moral and ethical attitudes by means of cultural discussion. The author gives characteristics of the debate as a method of correcting the nihilistic attitudes in students. Keywords: ethical-cultural debate, moral values, morals, nihilistic, the moral and psychological attitudes | 1134 | |||||
3540 | In the paper the essence and specific character of the notions of elite and elitarian are defined more precisely on the basis of the analysis of the key characteristics of the elite as a social stratum determining the vector of the spiritual and moral development of the society, and the use of an elite-pedagogical approach to the investigation of the practice of family upbringing. In this connection the essential and specific peculiarities of the elite, best, high-efficient patterns of education and upbringing in the family are revealed, and the conceptual ideas of an individual’s “elitization” in family upbringing are characterized. Keywords: elite, of elite, elitarian, family upbringing | 1134 | |||||
3541 | Some aspects of the interpretation of fiction associated with changes of cultural dominant are considered in the article; the author draws attention to what grounds laid down in the text of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “The Gambler” contributes to the emergence of new interpretation in the changed conditions; diachronic connection problem of interpretation fields is considered as a condition of preservation the integrity of culture. Keywords: image of the reader, interpretation, concept, cultural dominant | 1134 | |||||
3542 | The contradictions of the education system which have arisen in connection with transition to realization of new quality of education and competence-based model of the graduate are shown. Value of activity approach is for elimination of contradictions and a role of style of activity of the teacher as factor of formation of model of the graduate of school. The structure of style of teachers is characterized, two options of its manifestation and metaeffects which form various features of activity of pupils are shown. Keywords: new quality of education, style of pedagogical and educational activity, metaindividual effect of style of activity, metaeffects | 1134 | |||||
3543 | The article considers the institutional design of social responsibility mechanism through the relationship between the institution and formal rules, as well as culture, traditions and values. It is ascertained that the institutional design “with the foundation” is the preferred strategy, because it allows using the evolutionary process of human and social development. Keywords: social responsibility, institution, institutional design | 1134 | |||||
3544 | The article presents the main concepts associated with transdisciplinarity objectivity in school education. Possibility of realization of transdisciplinary approach at a geography class by means of technology of development of critical thinking through reading and writing is shown. Keywords: transdisciplinarity objectivity, transdisciplinarity public work, transdisciplinarity knowledge, transdisciplinarity skills, transdisciplinarity results, technology of development of critical thinking through reading and writing | 1134 | |||||
3545 | Computer algebra systems are now ubiquitous in all areas of science and engineering. Mathcad is one of the most successeful and widely used mathematical package. The capabilities of the mathematical package Mathcad are used to compute approximate solutions of different kinds of equations from statistical physics and thermodynamics. Solved numerically the equations in which the unknown enters under the integral sign. The presented examples are of independent interest to the students and teachers that use numerical methods. The equation of heat balance is difficult to solve when the specific heat depends on temperature and this dependence is given in the form of a table. Spline interpolation is applied to solve the heat balance equation in such a case. Debay’s theory of heat capacity of crystals well describes the temperature dependence of specific heat capacities of some substances. The Debay’s theory is used to numerically solve the heat balance equation for aluminium and copper. Distribution Fermi–Dirac can be used for calculations if the chemical potential is known. The chemical potential implicitly depends on the concentration and temperature. It is shown how to numerically calculate the chemical potential. Shows how to solve numerically and graphically an equation arising in the derivation of the Wien’s shift law. With the help of Planck’s formula determines the temperature of the stars having a maximum proportion of radiation in the visible range. Provides the problems associated with the Maxwell distribution. Without the Boltzmann distribution the pressure of the isothermal atmosphere at a specified altitude is calculated. Keywords: computer mathematics systems, spline interpolation, numerical solution of equations, statistical distribution | 1134 | |||||
3546 | The relevance of the proposed project follows both from the importance and the role of the railways, which largely have decided the fate of the confrontation between the reds and the whites during the Civil War, and from extremely weak, often unilateral coverage in historical literature of the role of commissars in this confrontation. The paper deals with the formation and structure of system of railways management through commissars, with the role and importance of commissars activities in ensuring stable operation of the railways. The article discloses the activity of commissars to inform the centre on state of affairs on railways, to organize agitation-and-propaganda and cultural work on the railroads, to improve the living conditions of railwaymen and to strengthen their labour discipline. Considers the difficulties of commissars’ work, which are a result of both their insufficient educational and vocational level, and a fuzzy definition of their goals and functional duties by the Center. It is alleged that as a result of formation of commissar structure and its activity, the Soviet state was able to achieve stable operation of the railways in the difficult years of the Civil War, which was one of the main factors contributing to the victory of the reds. Keywords: civil war, railway transportation, National commissariat of railway transportation, bolshevists, commissars, railwaymen, sociocultural aspect, labour discipline, rallies, meetings | 1134 | |||||
3547 | The article focuses on the actual problem of programming training for students. A prerequisite for successful learning is the formation of algorithmic thinking. One of the necessary conditions for its formation is the independent solution of tasks of varying degrees of complexity, so during programming training it is important to pay special attention to the organization of independent study. Essential assistance in the organization of self-guided work within the programming training can be provided by the use of special software tools that allow to check the correctness of the developed program automatically. We propose an approach based on the use of the specialized system ‘Ejudge’, which allows to check the correctness of the training program. This system is networked, deployed on the server, work with the system, which is implemented via web interfaces, can be conducted both by the administrator and by users, in the role of which students and teachers act. This technology provides additional opportunities in the organization of training. On the one hand, the trainee can work with the system from any place in which access to the Internet is provided. At the same time, all actions of the trainee are recorded on the server, and are accessible to the teacher. The skills of working with such a system are also necessary for participation in academic competition on programming. Keywords: programming training, algorithmic thinking, testing systems, evaluation tools, olympiad problems | 1134 | |||||
3548 | . | 1133 | |||||
3549 | Fedorova E. V. // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 1 (17). P. 25-27 | 1133 | |||||
3550 | The modern requirements to the professional from the side of society and new technologies are considered in the article. The necessity of simple and accessible technologies which based on the methodology of creation is settled in the article. The criteria of creation and reproduction in the pedagogical process are suggested and its organization in the creative educational technology is based. | 1133 |