# | Article | Downloads | |||||
3601 | The article is dedicated to the methods of teaching of non-linguistic students oral and written communication. | 1118 | |||||
3602 | The paper treats the problem of necessity of development of such a property of mental operations, as systematization and its influence over the quality of math teaching on the example of the theme «Integers». Characteristics of the property of systematization as well as the types of the tasks favoring the development of systematization are suggested here. We present the results of the experiment of teaching mathematics on the basis of our special system of tasks. | 1118 | |||||
3603 | The article reflects the research and analyses of general questions of the Bolongnia Declaration which influence on the development of Russian pedagogical education. The main terms in this article are pedagogical education, future teacher and academic mobility. Authors consider that these problems are not covered enough in appropriate sources. Also authors make some conclusions about contradictions between demands of Bolongnia Declaration and the state of our pedagogical high educational establishments | 1118 | |||||
3604 | The article gives a description of the pedagogical model of future fire protection officers’ preparation for leadership. The model peculiarity is that the authors base on personality-oriented approach. In the model structure the following components are singled out: purposeful, pithy, procedural, assessment-resulting. The given model allows to solve successfully the tasks of purposeful interaction between a teacher and cadets in a military higher educational establishment. | 1118 | |||||
3605 | In the present work the morphologic-syntactical way of expressing possession category in the Khanty and the Tartar languages is studied on the examples when possessor is in the singular and plural forms and possessum is in the singular form | 1118 | |||||
3606 | The article is devoted to personal peculiarities of senior students having deviations in their educational activity and behaviour. Intellectual education is often more valuable for them than physical exercises and sports activity as their involving in physical training and sports is low | 1118 | |||||
3607 | By the example of HMD and JND, the article considers and analyzes social and economic interactions that occur in the process of development of oil-and-gas resources. The reasons of the present situation are analyzed and the ways of their solution are proposed | 1118 | |||||
3608 | In the article the authors show the problems of innovation setting formation in the pedagogical institution. They also reveal regional peculiarities of development of the system of general and pedagogical education. The basic directions of innovative development of the pedagogical institution are: development and introduction of the programme of continuous education with the intellectual potential of the institutions of general and professional education; development and approbation of the modern model of continuous professional training of teachers for small rural schools on the base of new pedagogical technologies; creation of multicultural educational setting for formation and support of national and multinational school; development of the basics of museum training and educational tourism as the form of teaching world standards in human rights, citizenship, patriotism; activation of the innovative activity of the pedagogical university graduates in the sphere of their professional activity | 1118 | |||||
3609 | The article deals with the problem of teenager personality formation in the children’s society. The development of teenager personality is connected with the transformation of activity object into activity subject. This process occurs like the process of formation and the transformation of personality according to its ability of reflexion. The children’s society «Children Science Foundation» is the example for the formation of reflexive abilities on different levels of teenager personality development. Keywords: personality, subject of activity, reflexion, children’s society, educational space, educational and social level of personality formation | 1118 | |||||
3610 | In work on example Telecky lake is analysed relationship hydrogeochemical features surface area of water with solar cycles. For the first time dependency of the number physico-chemical factors of water lake and its influx is shown from main parameter of the solar activity. Keywords: Telecky lake, hydrogeochemikal factors, solar activity | 1118 | |||||
3611 | The article devoted researching characteristic of peat. It have been cited result of getting and application products from peat for solving nature management problem. It have been displayed effictivine being obtained chemicals with oil pollution elimination. Keywords: peat, meliorant and sorbent based on peat, hydrocarbon-oxygenating microorganisms, petroleum, recultivated soils, biodegradation of oil, technological lands | 1118 | |||||
3612 | Theoretical and practical questions of forming of students’ graphical culture are discussed in the article. Opportunities of use of the computer technology for forming of students’ graphical culture by teaching such disciplines as descriptive geometry and engineering graphic are found. Keywords: adaptation, mentality, climatic factors, the geographical environment, national character. | 1118 | |||||
3613 | The article is devoted to consideration of the history of development of the health culture in Russia pedagogy. Its stated that health culture has been viewed from different aspects during historical periods, such as: hygiene, physical, mental, medical, pedagogic and others. The author concludes that the idea of local educators remains relevant in modern times and they are legacy for future teachers. Keywords: Health, health culture, physical culture, health life style, valueology | 1118 | |||||
3614 | The article introduced the analysis of existing computer aided tools and resources that are used in teaching foreign languages; their didactic capacity is defi ned; advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. Particular features of integration these tools in teaching foreign languages to technical students are described. Keywords: information technologies, information technologies in teaching foreign languages, computer aided tools, foreign language teaching to technical students | 1118 | |||||
3615 | The article presents the results of the special pedagogical study developing upon totals of more general studies in the field of reasons of the transformation of philosophical images of science. The author clears up features of method of formation of the image of science appearing under the influence of existentialist criticism of scientific discourse. It was offered some arguments of the author’s variant of the teaching the relations between scientism and anti-scientism within the framework of course of philosophy. That variant is supported by the competency-based approach to training of students in the direction “Pedagogical education”. Keywords: existentialism, transformation of philosophical image of science, method of formation of the image of science, scientific discourse, scientism, anti-scientism | 1118 | |||||
3616 | The article analyses the social contradictions as the causes and consequences of migration in the modern world, models of migration policy, features the policy of multiculturalism and political correctness in the EU and the U.S. that reduce the tolerance level in the society. The author concludes that the modern social contradictions of migration contributing to the formation extremism and terrorism based on fanaticism. Keywords: social contradictions, migration, fanaticism, economic crisis, multiculturalism, political correctness | 1118 | |||||
3617 | In the paper the essence and specific character of the notions of elite and elitarian are defined more precisely on the basis of the analysis of the key characteristics of the elite as a social stratum determining the vector of the spiritual and moral development of the society, and the use of an elite-pedagogical approach to the investigation of the practice of family upbringing. In this connection the essential and specific peculiarities of the elite, best, high-efficient patterns of education and upbringing in the family are revealed, and the conceptual ideas of an individual’s “elitization” in family upbringing are characterized. Keywords: elite, of elite, elitarian, family upbringing | 1118 | |||||
3618 | Some aspects of the interpretation of fiction associated with changes of cultural dominant are considered in the article; the author draws attention to what grounds laid down in the text of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “The Gambler” contributes to the emergence of new interpretation in the changed conditions; diachronic connection problem of interpretation fields is considered as a condition of preservation the integrity of culture. Keywords: image of the reader, interpretation, concept, cultural dominant | 1118 | |||||
3619 | The contradictions of the education system which have arisen in connection with transition to realization of new quality of education and competence-based model of the graduate are shown. Value of activity approach is for elimination of contradictions and a role of style of activity of the teacher as factor of formation of model of the graduate of school. The structure of style of teachers is characterized, two options of its manifestation and metaeffects which form various features of activity of pupils are shown. Keywords: new quality of education, style of pedagogical and educational activity, metaindividual effect of style of activity, metaeffects | 1118 | |||||
3620 | The article is devoted to the professional pedagogical and scientific work of the Honored cultural worker, Doctor of Philology Professor Valentina Yegorovna Golovchiner. We present the main areas of her work (theory and history of drama, history of Russian literature of 20th century). We reviewed the most important papers in the sphere of study of epic drama in Russian literature of 20th century; cover the research of the works of Alexander Pushkin, Maxim Gorky, Vladimir MayakovskiY, Yevgeny Shvarts, Nikolay Erdman and others. Also we bring out the articles on topical theoretical problems of contemporary study of literature. We mention the merits in the area of theatre critics and also the merits during the many years of teaching at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The authors of the article express their thanks the Professor for fruitful collaboration, guidance and friendly attitude to the colleagues and students. Keywords: anniversary, Doctor of Philology Professor Valentina Yegorovna Golovchiner, theatre critic, scientific works | 1118 | |||||
3621 | The article examines the role of explication of the evaluating attitude in the „star” interview. The evaluation category is an integral part of the linguistic view of the world. A man’s relation to the world and other people is the relation of active interaction with the world around and purposeful transformation of the world according to his values. The intentional features of “star” interview aimed at maximum disclosure of the interlocutor’s personality, as well as at the identification of his value conceptions are described in the work. The evaluation of the agent’s life experience and his social status form the basis for choosing value orientations – ideological, aesthetic, moral grounds for evaluating the world around. Therefore, it could be argued that the evaluation expresses the objective and subjective relation of the agent of speech to the designated one. The characteristic of structure and components of evaluation is given. The emotionalevaluative state of the agent requires special linguistic forms of his objectification. Examples of language verbalization of the evaluation in the “star” interview are given. The choice of the means depends on speaker’s interpretation of this or that fact and his evaluation of this or that object’s act. The research has shown that the modern language has a variety of phonetic, lexical, grammatical, phraseological means for adequate expression of the emotionally-valued relations to the agent of the utterance. As a rule, there is a close interaction of linguistic means of various levels. Keywords: “star” interview, evaluation, structure of evaluation, components of evaluation, the emotionalevaluative replies, language verbalization of the evaluation | 1118 | |||||
3622 | The article discusses the thematic range of V. S Solovyov’s lyrics. This issue is periodically raised in the Russian science about Solovyov, but the poetry of this lyric poet is analyzed either by thematic groups without specifying the subjects in them, or excluding some important layers of his creative work. Defining the nature of the Solovyov’s poetry as philosophical, the author emphasizes that it is impossible to ignore the fact that apart from the actual philosophical part, there is the so-called «comic» lyrics in his legacy, largely reflecting the specificity of ideology of the author, his aesthetic and artistic views. The author of the article analyzes Solovyov’s lyrical legacy in terms of the key themes and its changes in different periods of creativity, drawing as the material all diversity of art selfactualization of Solovyov-poet. The research was performed on the basis of the comparative-historical and typological methods. Stages of formation of the landscape, love, proper philosophical and humor lyrics of Solovyov are traced. The closeness of the themes of Solovyov’s poetry with Russian and Western European romantic lyrics (V. A. Zhukovsky, K. N. Batyushkov, M. Yu. Lermontov, G. Heine, A. Mickiewicz) on the one hand and philosophical lyrics of F. I. Tiutchev, on the other hand, is observed. In addition, there is a presence of the individual echoes of eastern gafiz and slavinofil poetic traditions. In addition, a presence of the separate echoes of the eastern, gafiz and slavophilic poetic traditions is observed. As a result of the research the conclusion about the breadth of the thematic range of the Solovyov’s lyrics is made. Frequence of the key themes of his poetry is not associated with the poverty of his lyrics, but with the author’s loyalty to his favorite poetic ideas, with the intense development and the constant deepening of them. Keywords: V. S. Solovyov, philosophical lyrics, landscape lyrics, love lyrics, comic lyrics, themes, transformation of theme, poetic tradition, motive, imagery, irony | 1118 | |||||
3623 | Meleshko T. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2000. Issue 6 (22). P. 35-39 . | 1117 | |||||
3624 | The necessity of studying of the personality theo¬ries for shaping effective systems of motivation and inducing at the plant is exhibited. The analysis of the different theories of the personality, of Russian and of foreign experience, and also registration of specificity of a modern stage allows to eliminate the one-sided approach to construction of motivation model. | 1117 | |||||
3625 | The paper presents four formalization levels for logical structure of mathematical material of secondary school. Didactic conditions of transition to each level are considered. The author proceeds from the criteria of methodical expediency and disengagement. The work is aimed at arrangement of conditions for more deliberate and in-depth study of the subject content. Besides, general logical skills of students are formed by means of educational area «Mathematics», and, thus, general- cultural potential of this educational area is realized more completely and effectively. | 1117 | |||||
3626 | Photosynthesising surface extension tendency is characteristic for the most of plants that determinates high rate of growth and space expansion. Such plants can be called «occupants», and their life forms considered as «open». At extreme environment conditions (deserts, high-mountains, polar biomes), not space occupation but homeostasis maintenance by the surface area restriction due to spherical, compact life forms development, became the priority strategy (cushion plants, cactuses, etc.). These plants are «limiters», and their life forms are «closed» | 1117 | |||||
3627 | Research of a phenomenon and diagnostics of existential crisis conditions is carried out; psychosocial and existential roots of crisis are revealed; psychological and psychotherapeutic aspects experience of existential crisis; principles and methods of the psychological help to the persons experiencing crisis are certain; the interrelation of existential crisis and suicide tendencies is established at a depressive background of mood; the role in overcoming crisis of personal resources and psychological is certain | 1117 | |||||
3628 | The article analyses the notion of different-age groups, methods of forming foreign education content in a different-age complement class. Keywords: different-age groups, complement classes, methods of forming foreign education content. | 1117 | |||||
3629 | The article presents the analysis of emotional colouring of urbanonyms (emporonyms) for what associative experiment and the phonosemantic analysis of names was conducted. As the result, words with the positive and negative connotation influencing perception of names by recipients-consumers have been revealed. Keywords: psycholinguistics, phonosemantics, emporonyms, associative experiment, connotative meaning | 1117 | |||||
3630 | The paragenetic structure of landscapes within physical-geographical (natural region) provinces of the plain part of Altay territory is described. The results of study of landscapes complexes view that it is characterized by paragenetic links between structures elements of landscapes causing by contrast of environments. Keywords: the principle of contrast, the type of terrain, paragenetic landscape | 1117 | |||||
3631 | The article deals with main aspects of analysis of the play “Mandate” by N. Erdman and the performance directed by V. Mejerhold by formal theatrical criticism in the 1920-s. We consider different estimations of the play and the performance. Keywords: formal theatrical criticism, “Mandate”, N. Erdman, V. Mejerhold, formal-content aspect of theatrical criticism | 1117 | |||||
3632 | . | 1117 | |||||
3633 | The article contains analysis of the concepts of scientifi c-technical creativity to identify them in the metaphors of biological birth. The author argues that in the concepts of scientifi c-technical creativity elements are borrowed from an archaic understanding of how new biological birth. He attributes these elements as heritability, properties responsible for the creation of the creator, the impact of sociality and the periodicity of the creative process. Keywords: scientifi c-technical creativity, metaphors, the birth process | 1117 | |||||
3634 | The article is devoted to the organization of work with gifted children in physics and mathematics at the Centre of additional education at the pedagogical university in Tomsk. There are principles of organization of the educational environment on the basis of the preliminary analysis of the features of gifted children. Keywords: talented children, additional education, educational environment, pedagogical university, physics and mathematics education | 1117 | |||||
3635 | For a long time modern linguistics has been taking a closer examination of the issues and facts related to endangered languages, i. e. languages which do not have the written form. In the given article we try to investigate the manifestation of the vowel and consonant phonemes in the Enets, the Nganasan and the Selkup languages on the basis of the audio-visual and experimental methods. We understand that current innovative linguistic research may bring about new results that will contribute to the better knowledge of these languages and their phonetic and phonological structures. Keywords: the aborigines of Siberia: the Enets, the Nganasans, the Selkups; the audio-visual method, the distributive method, a phoneme | 1117 | |||||
3636 | The article deals with the development of professionally important qualities of future civil engineers, that are formed during university studies. The author reveals the essence of the process, highlights key professional qualities engineer, justifies their development in training. Keywords: professionally important qualities, the process of development of professionally important qualities, mentally properties, functionally and operating machinery | 1117 | |||||
3637 | In the article the change of conditions of serving of punishments by prisoners in penitentiary establishments of Tomsk province in 1917 is considered, influence of regulatory legal acts of Provisional government on change of the condition of serving of punishments is analyzed, the volume of permissions and interdictions of prisoners is compared. Keywords: penal system, penitentiary establishments of Tomsk province, Provisional government regulatory legal acts, inmates, conditions of serving of punishments, volume of permissions and interdictions inmates | 1117 | |||||
3638 | In the Faddeev formulation of gravity, the metric is regarded as composite eld, bilinear of d = 10 4-vector fields. A unique feature is that this formulation admits the discontinuous elds. On the discrete level, when spacetime is decomposed into the elementary 4-simplices, this means that the 4-simplices may not coincide on their common faces, that is, be independent. We apply this to the particular problem of quantization of the surface regarded as that composed of virtually independent elementary pieces (2-simplices). We nd the area spectrum being proportional to the Barbero-Immirzi parameter y in the Faddeev gravity and described as a sum of spectra of separate areas. According to the known in the literature approach, we nd that exists ensuring Bekenstein-Hawking relation for the statistical black hole entropy for arbitrary d, in particular, y = 0:39... for genuine d = 10. Keywords: Faddeev gravity, piecewise at spacetime, connection, area spectrum | 1117 | |||||
3639 | The article discusses the features of the moral culture of the modern Russian society. The essence of the concept of nihilism, the understanding of this phenomenon is presented in the European and Russian reality. The author described manifestation of nihilism in students of secondary vocational school. The necessity of correcting nihilistic manifestations through education is proved. There was demonstrated the possibility of correcting the moral and ethical attitudes by means of cultural discussion. The author gives characteristics of the debate as a method of correcting the nihilistic attitudes in students. Keywords: ethical-cultural debate, moral values, morals, nihilistic, the moral and psychological attitudes | 1117 | |||||
3640 | In the article, on basis of the archive sources, the author studies different parts of the Tomsk Engineering and Building Institute (TEBI)’s Komsomol Organization within 1985–87 Anti-alcohol Campaign. A typical personal feature of Komsomol breakers is established by him. Social control measures by Komsomol in its youth work, and the external conditions that helped or disturb this is analyzed also. He justifies a social and scientific topicality of this problem study in the modern Russian terms. Keywords: students, Komsomol, Prohibition, punishment | 1117 | |||||
3641 | The problem of improvement of forms of diagnostics and control of knowledge, abilities, skills, practical experience of the students of specialised secondary educational institutions under the introduction of federal state educational standards in educational practice is considered. The propaedeutic flow chart developed by authors allows to carry out stage-by-stage tracking of the concrete achievements which are trained and to determine the level of formation of common cultural and professional competences of students on all the way of development of the maintenance of a subject. Schematically this technology represents a set of four stages of didactic process from initial perception of theoretical knowledge and before their practical application. Each stage is estimated on a mark scale. The maximum number of points which the student can get on the sum of all stages makes hundred. The peculiarity of the offered development work is that it contains the level and criteria monitoring system: in a projection to the component structure of professional competences revealed by authors (cognitive, activity, motivational and valuable, communicative) to each level (from the 1st to the 3rd) achievements of results of training there corresponds the developed parameter of estimation of structure and quality of the carried-out operations, their sensibleness, completeness and curtness. Thus, the process of step formation of professional competences of students from simple to the difficult – assumes improvement of quality of educational experience. Keywords: professional education, technological card, results of training, diagnostic tools | 1117 | |||||
3642 | The article is devoted to the research of the problem of studying of spiritual imperatives of art and publicistic works of F. M. Dostoyevsky at the lessons of literature considering priority tasks of national educational policy in the field of spiritual and moral education and education, setting for creation of students’ motivation for conscious moral behavior through acquaintance with classical works of the Russian literature of the 19th century. The study of the spiritual imperatives of creative work of Dostoyevsky can become the base of spiritual and moral education, forming of valuable structure of the personality in the situation of the accrescent challenges, loss of capability of cultural and world outlook self-identification. Acquaintance of students with the work of the writer shall begin in the advanced teenage age when the request for a conversation on values and meanings is personally staticized. The optimum form of the organization of the effective work on studying of spiritual imperatives of the art and publicistic works of Dostoyevsky is a dialogue, a discussion, the search by the teacher and the student of joint decisions, the aspiration for self-determination and self-analysis. In the work with personal value orientation of the teacher on creation of the serious substantial base of studying of the writer’s works the following aspects are important: knowledge of biographical context of Dostoyevsky’s life, idea of formation stages of valuable and world outlook features of the person, studying of conceptual contents of the writer’s works, knowledge of specifics of the Russian literature formation. Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, spiritual imperatives, spiritual and moral education, author, reader, Russian culture, Orthodoxy, work of art, axiology, morality, novels of the Pentateuch, “A Writer`s Dairy”, value-oriented training, motivation, dialogue | 1117 | |||||
3643 | The article considers the key features of communication as a tool of linguistic manipulation in advertising discourse. The aim of this study is to investigate the technologies of creating perlocutionary effect in American advertising communication. At the stage of the interpretation the vast majority of American advertising works consisting of few words are transformed into informative and pragmatic semiotic texts. Nowadays the US advertising shows a big variety of products with different degrees of verbal congestion. As a part of this study we have found a lot of advertising samples which include the minimum amount of verbal text: only the name brand or trade mark and single-phrase slogan. It should be noted that even the most minimum quantity of speech act expressed by the well-known and popular person lead to the greater intensity and immensity of its significance. Having analyzed the fragments of advertising texts we conclude that the informative congestion of communication is fundamental to its ability to persuade with the only proviso that by congestion we mean not the number of language units but the amount of their information content. The findings of the integrated and comprehensive study of the informative congestion of discourse and text can be used in pragmalinguistics, text linguistics, functional linguistics, theory of intercultural communication. Keywords: advertising discourse, informative congestion, communication, linguistic manipulation, language units | 1117 | |||||
3644 | The article deals with analysis of the professional language personality of Natalia O’Shea – a singer, musician, songwriter and leader of the rock-group “Mel’nitsa” (The Mill). The material of research is the texts of the interviews (2004–2017 years). The author of the article describes in detail the three levels of the artist’s professional language personality: 1) the level of professional consciousness; 2) the verbal level; 3) the motivating and pragmatical level. The texts of the interviews give knowledge about N. O’Shea’s views of nature of creative work, things which inspire the artist, her musical and general erudition. Natalia O’Shea considers her creative work as a complicated subjective process of connection of individual impressions and emotions with allusions to literary works, fairytales and myths. The artist compares songwriting with stained-glass window creation, cultivation of flower etc. She notes that her activity as a musician is tightly connected with her scientific interests in philology. Natalia O’Shea knows terminology of music very well. In her stories about songwriting and recording of songs, playing the musical instruments the artist uses not only professional lexis, but different expressive means of language. There are a lot of onyms and a number of citations in speech of the artist. This research is interesting for linguopersonology and communicative stylistics of text. Keywords: professional language personality of the artist, Natalia O’Shea, interview | 1117 | |||||
3645 | Rezun M. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 59-63 . | 1116 | |||||
3646 | Rachkovskiy V. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 22-23 . | 1116 | |||||
3647 | . | 1116 | |||||
3648 | Koryukina E. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 5 (8). P. 41-47 . | 1116 | |||||
3649 | The conception of competition ability is of great interest to modern science. This article deals with interaction and in-terconnection of competition abilities of firms and national economics. The idea is that every country can have competition ability on the national and foreign market if its firms and economy stands the competition. The factors of competition abilities of firms and national economics are different but interdependent. | 1116 | |||||
3650 | . | 1116 |