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3201 | The article presents features of functioning and development of bilingualism in the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania. It shows the differentiation of the language situation in urban and rural areas based on the pilot study summarizes the various approaches to Ossetian speaking in bilingualism. Keywords: bilingualism, language environment, Ossetian language, especially in speaking, English-language situation, Ossetian bilingualism | 1054 | |||||
3202 | This article introduces the conditions and character of maximum and minimum runoff formations from frost mound bogs, based on the results of long-term expeditionary studies carried out by the State Hydrological Institute. Keywords: frost mound bog, snow cover, maximum runoff, minimum runoff, swamp microtopes, permafrost zone, mounds, frost mounds, intermound depressions | 1054 | |||||
3203 | We review the background eld method for three-dimensional Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons models in N = 2 superspace. The background eld method and heat kernel techniques are applied for evaluating the low-energy effective actions in N = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons models as well as in N = 4 and N = 8 SYM theories. Keywords: superspace, effective action, super Yang-Mills, super Chern-Simons models | 1054 | |||||
3204 | The article deals with the first novel of the contemporary Russian writer Vladimir Sharov’s “Walk in the Tracks” (1991). Creating a fictional chronicle of four generations of Kreutzwald and entering his fate for the Russian history of the twentieth century, the author investigates the mechanisms of movement and repetition of history. In this article the author’s strategy is to detect and analyse the texts of the genus Kreutzwald. The author realizes the only way to gain immortality of the individual and the species by restoring the memory of the descendants of the ancestors. Keywords: V. Sharov, chronical, Russian history, pseudo-history, texts, memory | 1054 | |||||
3205 | The article deals with various aspects of a person harmonious living in the environment. It is noted it should be considered as a set of architectural spaces: natural and artificial objects and subjects being in close interaction with each other. The modern technologies allow shaping environmental objects not spontaneously but reasonably. These technologies include UV printing. The suggested approach allows making one more step towards this goal. Keywords: environment, UV printing, harmony, architecture, decorative and artistic design, restoration, images | 1054 | |||||
3206 | The article gives the description of the preconditions of development and implementation of health saving technology of rehabilitation and prevention of individuals with cardiovascular diseases. It deals with the set of pedagogical and psychological tools and the content of health saving technology. It presents the efficiency of the developed health saving technology. Keywords: theoretical and pedagogical preconditions, health saving technology, holistic educational process, elements of technology | 1054 | |||||
3207 | Use of the method of motivational interviewing for dental examination can reduce the fear and anxiety of patients during several visits to 33,7 % ± 0,18, which can significantly reduce the risk of emergency conditions during the interventions and commitment form in patients dental treatment. Keywords: motivational interviewing, emotional strain before dental appointment, situational uneasiness | 1054 | |||||
3208 | The article tells about particular features of social-cultural transformation of the contemporaries. A large role of informational condition of civilization at present is outlined, which allows to tell about trends of establishing the open society as a type of the society which follows the industrial one. The genesis of the idea of the open society and particular principles of its culture are examined. | 1053 | |||||
3209 | The article reveals the actual problems of high qualification specialists (doctors of sciences) training. The author of the ar¬ticle sees the main reason of complication of the analyzed prob¬lem in reducing the amount of state expenses on science de¬velopment with the result of «brain drain» out of Russia. At the same time the article notes such tendencies of high qualification specialists training as an increasing number of doctors and professors in the filed of physical-mathemat¬ical, psychological-pedagogical and humanitarian sciences; rejuvenation and feminization of new doctors of sciences. The article emphasizes the necessity of further improve¬ment of financial and social positions of scientists. Keywords: - | 1053 | |||||
3210 | The paper is dedicated to the investigation of linguistic mechanisms of forming trends of association in Mandel’shtam’s lyric poetry. The analysis of means of forming associations in the texts allowed to find important peculiarities of the poetic ideostyle. | 1053 | |||||
3211 | The article analyses a possibility to use the stem-building suffix -ein- in the function of the definite article in the gothic language. This suffix is based on the Indo-European pronominal root that used to have a demonstrative meaning (Jener-Deixis). Further use of the suffix -n- as a marker of relation to something resulted in its development into a marker of a constant, typical feature of a thing or a being that made them definite. The meaning of definiteness expressed by the suffix is revealed if one compares the use of abstract nouns derived from the same root and belonging to different declension types in the gothic language. | 1053 | |||||
3212 | In the article on the basis of the analysis of archival sources and historical literature the measures of the Soviet bodies of authority 1920–1930 on preparation of the pedagogical staff for the Altai national schools are shown. The questions of organization of teacher’s rates, opening of a technical school, national faculties of workers are considered. The materials about training of the representetives of Gorno Altai in universities of the country are given. | 1053 | |||||
3213 | Multi-purpose computer class in specialized school for deaf and deaf-mute children is an independent sub-program. Its purpose is to build pedagogical and educational process on the basis of new information technologies using domestic and international experience. This task includes development of conceptual framework of modern computers and information technologies use, as well as organization of pedagogical and educational process | 1053 | |||||
3214 | The article is devoted to the question of the composition teacher-specialist’s model taking into consideration modern requirements of higher education. The author presents the main positions of the problem researched by such well-known scientists as: V.A. Slastenin, E.I. Issaev, G.B. Skok | 1053 | |||||
3215 | The subject of the article is the problem of developing of communicative culture among students of philological departments of pedagogical universities by means of work with the discourse of drama. The author characterizes the experimental technique of forming the instrumental knowledge about the rhetorical ideal of the еpoque as a combination of communicatively-ethic concepts of the modern man. This article reflects the essential moments of teaching process, describes the didactical basis, presents the types of communicative tasks and points out main communicative skills which can be formed Keywords: discourse, discourse of drama, rhetorical ideal, communication culture, developing the communicative skills | 1053 | |||||
3216 | This article is devoted to the analysis of pedagogical reasons of the modern cultural and civilization crisis, which reveals a loss of immanent values of life. It is proved that modern pedagogy tends to entire perception of person and includes confessional systems, including orthodox. Orthodox system tends to self-perfection, self-organization, selfdetermination of personality. As an example in the article the experience of the centre working with drug addicts and their families is shown. Keywords: spiritual, cultural and historical situation, orthodox pedagogy, humanism, rehabilitation of drug addicts, program of spiritual and moral upbringing | 1053 | |||||
3217 | The paper shows cultural and historical mentality type determines the whole variety of cultural phenomena from the point of view of quality, quantity and genetics. Keywords: cultural historic type, mentality of culture, coherent determination | 1053 | |||||
3218 | In this article the teaching personnel among ethnic Belarusians and descendants from Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic who worked in Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute (TSPI) in 1930-ies – 1950-ies are being characterized according to the archives records. Their personal information and the number of teachers, their positions and departments they worked in are being determined; their professional occupation in TSPI is being described as well. Some brief biographical information is provided in the article. Keywords: Belarusians, higher education teaching personnel, Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, history of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, records of TSPU archives | 1053 | |||||
3219 | The article is devoted to the analysis of experience of constitutional construction in the Republic of Tyva in 1990–2000-ies. The author presents various approaches to the use of the term “constitutional construction by scholars. From the perspective of systems analysis the author evaluates the activities of the main actors of the constitutional reform in the Tyva Republic, highlights its stages and factors shaping the process of constitutional development. Keywords: constitutional construction, Republic of Tyva, the Constitution of the Republic of Tyva, constitutional reform, political and legal system | 1053 | |||||
3220 | The article deals with the problem of the development of a new generation of e-books – the mental textbooks. This technology is based on the information model of thinking. Keywords: mental textbook, e-textbook, the information model of thinking | 1053 | |||||
3221 | Methods of oil-associated gas utilization important for oil producing companies in Russia are being examined in this article. Methods of application and product usage efficiency are analyzed. The performed analysis allowed to outline the main benefits and drawbacks of introduced methods and determine the most attractive way of utilization depending on various characteristics and certain conditions of oil fields (the size, the remoteness of the field, the depth of bedding, the level of infrustructure etc.). The usage of new methods of oil-associated gas utilization analysed in this article allows to increase oil production output much faster, solves the problem of effective CO2 usage at oil fields, which is highly important in modern conditions of oil and oil-associated gas production and usage. Keywords: oil field, oil-associated gas, utilization methods, production output | 1053 | |||||
3222 | Teaching of mathematical disciplines in Russian universities has traditionally been based largely on the classic teaching methods (explanatory-illustrative and instructive-reproductive). Of course, the design of programmed instruction, as well as development of simulated and game methods of training is a very time consuming process. However, these training methods can dramatically improve the cognitive interest of students, their responsibility for the result, contribute to the development of skills both individual and collective work. (When using the programmed instruction the pace of learning is individual; in conducting the educational and business games we can develop the ability to act as a team). The effectiveness of innovative interactive methods (programmed instruction, “mathematical fights” and business games) requires not only logical basis, but also the statistical verification. The article studies the effect of the application of some interactive teaching technologies at the results of the students mastering the course of probability theory and mathematical statistics. The pedagogical experiment contained a comparison between one control group and two experimental groups in which these learning technologies were applied. The analysis was based on statistical hypothesis testing using t-test and Wilcoxon criterion. A marked increase in the knowledge quality associated with the use of innovative teaching methods and identified through the use of module-rating system, finds its confirmation in the results of the interim tests and final exam grade. The average exam score (on a 5-point scale) was as follows: 3.3 points for the control group and 3.45–3.6 points for the experimental groups. Keywords: interactive learning technology, module-rating system, control and evaluation activities, pedagogical experiment, statistical hypothesis testing | 1053 | |||||
3223 | The relevance of the proposed project follows both from the importance and the role of the railways, which largely have decided the fate of the confrontation between the reds and the whites during the Civil War, and from extremely weak, often unilateral coverage in historical literature of the role of commissars in this confrontation. The paper deals with the formation and structure of system of railways management through commissars, with the role and importance of commissars activities in ensuring stable operation of the railways. The article discloses the activity of commissars to inform the centre on state of affairs on railways, to organize agitation-and-propaganda and cultural work on the railroads, to improve the living conditions of railwaymen and to strengthen their labour discipline. Considers the difficulties of commissars’ work, which are a result of both their insufficient educational and vocational level, and a fuzzy definition of their goals and functional duties by the Center. It is alleged that as a result of formation of commissar structure and its activity, the Soviet state was able to achieve stable operation of the railways in the difficult years of the Civil War, which was one of the main factors contributing to the victory of the reds. Keywords: civil war, railway transportation, National commissariat of railway transportation, bolshevists, commissars, railwaymen, sociocultural aspect, labour discipline, rallies, meetings | 1053 | |||||
3224 | Mastering the skills of proper, meaningful, logical, rich and expressive speech is fundamental to the child’s personality formation and its development has its own arsenal of methodological means used in elementary school, where the most important is learning to write essays. This type of work is aimed at improving monologue speech of children, enrichment of practical experience of their speech activity and formation on this basis of communicative-speech skills. The article reveals the peculiarities of work on various types of essays, which are widespread in the practice of primary school teachers. These are the essays on paintings, on personal observations, on the books read. The methodical aspects of working on a narrative composition on a series of paintings and one picture, as well as a description of a landscape picture, are presented. The characteristic is given of the activities of the teachers on the organization of observations of primary school children with the purpose of accumulation and selection of material for the subsequent writing of essays. The types of exercises that you can use when preparing children to write essays based on personal observations are listed. Specificity of learning to write reviews about a book you’ve read, and the features of work on types of feedback in primary school is given. The sequence of the work on writing the essays in the second and third classes is characterized. This article is addressed to primary school teachers and can also be useful to teachers of higher educational institutions and educational organizations of additional professional education, students of pedagogical universities, methodologists of primary education. Keywords: composition, types of essays, primary school teacher, junior schoolchild | 1053 | |||||
3225 | Rezun M. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 59-63 . | 1052 | |||||
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3227 | Girivenko A. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 80-83 . | 1052 | |||||
3228 | This article represents by itself the historical survey of the Russian liberal phenomenon. The main author's thought is contained in that during all the times of the lib¬eral ideas existence in Russia, they penetrated in a kind of philosophic and religion discourse of intellectuals only. Thus the liberal traditions appeared in the narrow layer of Russian society. | 1052 | |||||
3229 | The evolution of anthropological sights of I. Annensky is traced in the article on the material of his dramatic art and criticism («the Book of reflections»). In critical works of the poet the specificity of an embodiment such as «the person of decadence» comes to light, the ways of its overcoming planned by Annensky are analyzed. Annensky’s dramatic art is considered as a variant of overcoming of cultural crisis of «transitive epoch» as a result of actualization of valuable system of antique tragedy of the pre-Euripi’s period. | 1052 | |||||
3230 | The hybrid Baker’s method together with the cor-relative functional by Lee, Young and Parr was used for constants calculation of the quadric field interaction of the compound sets of cooper, silver and gold. The results were compared with the data of microwave spectroscopy in the gas phase. The authors analyzed the quality of calculation with the use of pseudo-potential and widened basis conditions for cooper compounds. On the base of Messebauer spectroscopy and the aforementioned calculation of the input of the atom orbit of gold and the importance of Messenbauer chemical shift | 1052 | |||||
3231 | The article gives a description of the pedagogical model of future fire protection officers’ preparation for leadership. The model peculiarity is that the authors base on personality-oriented approach. In the model structure the following components are singled out: purposeful, pithy, procedural, assessment-resulting. The given model allows to solve successfully the tasks of purposeful interaction between a teacher and cadets in a military higher educational establishment. | 1052 | |||||
3232 | The article analyses the notion of different-age groups, methods of forming foreign education content in a different-age complement class. Keywords: different-age groups, complement classes, methods of forming foreign education content. | 1052 | |||||
3233 | This article discusses the problem of moral education of children, in the context of modern educational system and the various scientific and methodological approaches to the issues of morality. Keywords: moral, breeding, methodological approach, humanity, paradigm of education. | 1052 | |||||
3234 | The article is the result of theoretical study of testing development. We consider testing stages suggested by Russian and international researchers, and various approaches to language testing. Keywords: testing, testing periodization, approaches to language testing, the essay-translation approach, the structuralist approach, the integrative approach, the communicative approach | 1052 | |||||
3235 | In this article there is an analyses of the components and the functioning process of social control’s normativesanctional mechanism. Taking into account the character of different social control forms it is viewed a specifi city of normative-sanctional mechanism functioning of comparative individual actions. The conclusion has information about the necessity of complex discount of viewed mechanism elements. Keywords: social control, social norm, sanction, normative-sanctional mechanism | 1052 | |||||
3236 | This article discusses multicultural developing environment of the museum of a kindergarten on the basis of the spiritual culture of his people and cultures of ethnic group of children as a condition of social and cultural development of pre-school age children. Keywords: environment, developing environment, multicultural – developing environment, multicultural developing environment of the museum of a kindergarten, museum education, socio-cultural development of children under school age. | 1052 | |||||
3237 | Cultural changes lead to the change “Knowledge” to an integral education, incorporates the activity-practical skills-competence. It is important not only to model professional environment but also address the definition of objectives in education policy in the country and the region, to ensure the formation of a student competence of the various activities. In the field of educational activities undergraduates must be able to identify and exploit the opportunities of regional cultural educational environment for the organization of cultural and educational activities. Keywords: education, culture, competence, music, integration, regional policy, cultural and educational activities | 1052 | |||||
3238 | The article examines the branding of tourism recreation clusters, the importance of creation of the Tourism information centers and the role of them in forming of regional clusters development. Keywords: Tourism information centers, place branding, tourism recreation clusters, tourism recreation cluster | 1052 | |||||
3239 | The article shows the specifics of the functioning of economic concepts of the media, carried out by an intermediary between reality as a mass audience and as a powerful tool for influencing readers’ minds. Mass-media not only inform readers, but frequently refract, transform events and facts, allocate with their varied assessments, impose this or that vector of their perception and interpretation. One of the ways of similar transformation of validity in mediadiscourse is metaphor. The object of the research is one of the most meaningful concepts of economic area – concept «inflation», the subject – a specific character of its metaphorical representation in the Russian mediadiscourse of XXI century. As the material of mediatexts’ research (2000-2015), presented in newspaper subcorpus the National corpus of Russian Language have served. During the analysis anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, naturemorphic, military, sports, mechanistic metaphorical models were revealed and described, their role in creation of an image of inflation in consciousness of ordinary native speakers was established, the pragmatic potential of the given models was established, the assessments of inflation shaped by mass-media are revealed. The analysis has shown, that at the given economic stage inflation in Russia is estimated by national massmedia mainly negatively, confirming this metaphorical representation of this concept, as well as its contextual environment. Inflation is metaphorically characterized as a certain subject or object, impeding to normal functioning of a society. It may be a gluttonous essence, «eating» savings of citizens with extreme speed, an invincible soldier beating the poor, a sprinter who starts at high speed and carries away behind itself the prices, a dispersed mechanism which is practically not responding to levers constraining it, destructive elements. Thus, such properties of inflation as uncontrolled, destructive influence on economy, are underlined by the need for serious economic transformations to overcome inflation. Keywords: conceptual metaphor, metaphorical model, concept, media discourse, inflation | 1052 | |||||
3240 | The article analyzes the reasons for the shortage of highly-qualified specialists with high saturation of higher school graduates. The issue of the need to teach young people the ability to learn throughout their lives is dealt with. On the one hand higher education is viewed as one of the most important levels of a unified education system developing students’ thinking, and on the other - as a part of a serious business. The mechanism of interrelation of economy and production with education and science is formulated, which makes it possible to form “human capital”. The main trends of innovative activity in the university are singled out. It is emphasized that the teaching process should reflect the scientific theory on the one side, and on the other side, it should enable teaching the student to think and gain knowledge on his own. Widespread use of interpersonal communication in the group form of learning is considered by the author as one of the ways to activate students’ cognitive activity and develop their leadership qualities which are necessary for the leaders of science-driven productions. Possible approaches to the organization of students’ training in the university which can be implemented in the conditions of the new Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ are presented. The possible variant of introduction of innovation in the system of evaluating students’ learning activity in the form of a “quality loop” is described. The need for the professional teacher training and the development of teachers of higher education is being raised. Keywords: approaches to the organization of student training in the university, teaching the ability to learn, teaching the ability to think, quality loop | 1052 | |||||
3241 | Svistunov V. N. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 1 (1). P. 76-78 . | 1051 | |||||
3242 | The article is dedicated to the development of experimental methods of finding out text units, expressing the author's strategy of communication. The status and borders of informemes are defined as those of the elements of the informative semantic level of a poetic text. The research has been carried out on the basis of M.I. Tsvetaeva s poems. | 1051 | |||||
3243 | Gas flow through porous media is characterized by large vortex structures and large friction coefficients, resulting in an extensive momentum and interphase energy exchange between gas and the solid phase. The model used for flow in porous regions is at once both a generalization of the Navier-Stokes equations and of Darcy's law commonly used for flows in porous regions. The model retains both advection and diffusion terms and so can be used where such effects are important. In deriving the continium equations, it assumed that 'infinitecimal' control volumes and surfaces are large relative to the interstitutal spacing of the porous medium, through small relative to the scales that we wish to resolve. Thus, given control cells and control surfaces are assumed to contain both solid and gas regions. Based on this model, an efficient numerical technique has been developed and a numerical algorithm has been produced to study the processes in the porous medium channel. | 1051 | |||||
3244 | This research sets the task of analysis the «onto-logical» and «temporal» turn, which take place in 20th century philosophy. The central figure in this «turn» is M. Heidegger, who‘s fundamental works are explicated the relation between time and being. The article show two Heidegger’s research programs and its methods. Our general strategy consist in clarification of the relationships between time and ontology and in explication of the fundamental ontological status of time. | 1051 | |||||
3245 | S.G. Komagina in N. Ostrovky's novel discovers the signs of the archaic serpent fighting motive represented on the level of plot collisions, character sketches and writer's narration, which enables the author to give additional explanation of the reasons become of which the novel "How the steel was tempered" influences the reader. | 1051 | |||||
3246 | The technological education of the junior schoolchildren with the speech pathology is analyzed in the article. The theoretical statements and the results of the research confirm the influence of the technological education on the development of the functional abilities of the children. The research reveals the essence of the concept «compensation», its kinds and the necessity of the programme «Technology» for the junior schoolchildren with the speech defects. | 1051 | |||||
3247 | The article is about country stewards – a middle class of the local administration of Kolyvano-Voskresenskiy (Altai) mountain district. Their participation in organization of factory work of pripisnoi (bonded) peasants is investigated.. It is shown how country stewards watched by volostnoi government in time of composing preliminary appointment for peasants with factory duties and how they provided peasants’ dispatch for working according to this appointment. It is established that during peasants’ dispatch stewards took into account time and climatic factors as well as they took charge of the progress of peasants’ factory work. The cases of country stewards’ personal participation in mobilization of pripisnoi (bonded) peasantry class for factory work as well as a degree of their responsibility in this business are considered. | 1051 | |||||
3248 | In the article the importance and the sense of using the notion «productivity» in modern psychological and pedagogical discourse is elaborated. The most semantic importance of the most wide-spread variant of these notions are discovered, their uncontradiction, stability, spreading is analyzed; the most undeveloped areas of expertise about production is installed with the help of the content-analysis of the encyclopedic text | 1051 | |||||
3249 | The article reveals the peculiarities of pedagogical potential development of a family in the aspect of a teenager‘s self-realization through the parents including in the active forms of interaction with an educational institution. Keywords: a pedagogical potential, the interaction of family and school, the work with the parents, the teenager upbringing, the self-realization of personality | 1051 | |||||
3250 | The author of the article undertakes at attempt of empirical check of hypotheses about the presence of pronounced interhemispheric asymmetry and optico-vestibular deficits as the reasons underlying the occurrence of scoliosis deformation of a backbone. Keywords: scoliosis, spinal compression fracture, interhemispheric asymmetry, spatial imagination | 1051 |