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4101 | The possibilities of humanitarian management of educational innovation as condition of teacher competence are considered. There was shown the administrative mechanisms in the organization of innovative educational activities at elementary school. Keywords: the liberal governance, the innovative educational program, the portable pedagogic action | 1020 | |||||
4102 | The article deals with the national specifics of language space models and its significance in comparative Russian-Slovak aspect. Special attention is paid to the factor of geographical determinism and its role in the forming of national specific cognitive dominants of Russian and Slovak worldview. Above mentioned is illustrated with Russian and Slovak phraseology. Keywords: space models, linguistic worldview, cognitive dominant, conceptualization, categorization, Russian, Slovak | 1020 | |||||
4103 | In the article by V.V. Nevolina and V.N. Kazancheev the research of the influence of shadow economy (black market) on the regional interest is presented. The existence of the regional peculiarities of the shadow (black market) processes, their complicated influence on the economic interest of the region is stressed. The authors come to the conclusion that in the light of the struggle against shadow economy (black market) one cannot use only the possibilities of the given region. Keywords: shadow economy/ black market, regional economic interest, industrial approach, economic isolation, victimless crime | 1020 | |||||
4104 | The article deals with the investigation of the problem of precompetitive training of young athletes practicing Wushu as an element of the system of sport training. It gives the description of the program of the training process of the young athletes practicing Wushu in precompetitive monocycle, which is developed by the authors and based on computer technology. Keywords: system, system of sport training, precompetitive monocycle, young athletes, wushu | 1020 | |||||
4105 | The analysis of the problems concerning the scientific approaches to the typology of educational systems is presented in the article. In accordance with the obtained results the most important approaches are singled out. Special attention is paid to the approaches related to the typology of educational systems. The differences and similarities in the definitions and application of these approaches in pedagogy, economics, management, general systems theory, and in other fields of science are determined. Keywords: educational systems, typology of educational systems, scientific approaches to the typology | 1020 | |||||
4106 | The article focuses on the possibility of implementing multisubject approach in pre-school education. The author draws attention to the fact that multisubject interaction can ensure the development of the personality of each child and development of his/her personality in the organized interaction in the educational process. Keywords: pre-school education, multisubject approach, subjectivity, dialogue subjects, interaction | 1020 | |||||
4107 | The main kind of activity deals with the prevention of professional burning out of the teachers who work in orphanage are presented in the article. They are the ability to project own further pedagogical development; using of ways of personal self-expression and self-development and means of opposition of professional deformation of the personality; the increase of professional competence. Keywords: professional competence, personal self-development, professional burning out, prevention | 1020 | |||||
4108 | The article is devoted to the detecting of the influence of family life and political image of the Russian ruling dinasty in the XVI–XVII centuries on maintaining of autocracy and weakening of kinship ties within Russian family. Keywords: Russian state, ruling dinasty, patriarchal type of family, evolution of marriage and family relations | 1020 | |||||
4109 | In the article it is investigated the little-studied side of church and social activity of Lev Tikhomirov, namely, his views on reforms of Russian parish in the beginning of XX century. The results of the research provide deeper understanding of church and social opinion of this thinker and give necessary material for comprehensive study of his works. Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, parish reform, Pre-Council Committee | 1020 | |||||
4110 | The article presents and describes the experience of using different types of case-method (the opinion poll with elements of case-study; independent modeling and resolving the case-situations by students; case-test) in the competency building approach within “History of Pedagogics and Education” discipline for future Bachelor’s degree holders. The article also substantiates the opportunity of translation of most of the historical and pedagogical topics into the language of case-method. The article includes the examples of case-tests and cases described by Bachelor’s degree holders which contributed to the case bank of the discipline. The practice of different forms of the indicated interactive learning approach considering its own principles and teaching principles developed by pedagogics made it possible to solve the following problems that can be faced in the conditions of reduced classroom load: failure to make conclusions on the basis of existing knowledge, failure to establish the connection between the material that is studied at the moment and material studied previously and the interdisciplinary cause-and-effect relationships. Keywords: case-study, case-method, case-situations, opinion poll, competence, case-test | 1020 | |||||
4111 | Nowadays language education is undergoing serious anthropocentric transformations. Teachers, who creatively process foreign experience, conduct a deep search for activity-oriented methodologies, including a maximum of interactive forms of instruction in the lesson. One of the most effective among them is theatricality. We view theatricality as a highly effective pedagogical resource that generates the communicative and discursive multicompetences, motivating students, fomenting their socialization and increasing the attractiveness for them of a foreign language lesson. Dramatizing practice implements pedagogical activity approach. Theatrical episode is a kind of public speaking, which develops various subspecies of human intellect. In theatre plays, everything is important: words, voice, speech tempo, timbre, pause, glance, gesture, movement, body language. It is very important working with gestures, obligatory in theatre situation, because traditional lesson blocks gestures’ aspect. The student learns to impress play-partners and feel this impact as some kind of a psychological victory over oneself. A specific contact with others on professional subjects occurs. Students see themselves forced to develop certain proper tactics contacting and influencing the others. It is very necessary in life and profession. Students learn to control mood and attitude among classmates, overcoming their fears; train spontaneity and ease in speech; acquire skill of public speaking and critical skills verbal interaction. Keywords: competence approach, theatricality, dramatization, personal formation, pedagogical interaction, socialization, professional communication | 1020 | |||||
4112 | The urgency of establishing the essence of the term “competence-oriented task” is determined by the orientation toward achieving substantive, meta-subject and personal results of education in the secondary school educational practice. This category, widely used in pedagogical science and educational practice, does not quite justifiably relate to the concept of a task of a practical nature. The establishment of the specificity of competence-oriented tasks is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the positions of different authors, not only in understanding this category, but also in the semantically close to it concepts of “contextual task” and “situational task”, and also in connection with the modern interpretation of the learning task as a means of forming integrated educational result. The conclusion is drawn on the understanding of competence-oriented tasks as the tasks that, along with the formation of the subject competences of the student, determine the development of such qualities that determine the ability and readiness for independent cognitive activity, that is, the qualities whose totality determines the concept of cognitive competence. Examples of competence-oriented tasks are considered. Requirements to competency-oriented tasks in teaching mathematics are formulated. Proceeding from the structural and content features of cognitive competence as a significant component of an integral system of personality characteristics of a school graduate, the requirements that must be met in competence-oriented problems of school mathematics are established. Keywords: competence-oriented task, contextual task, situational task, learning task, cognitive competence of the learner | 1020 | |||||
4113 | Introduction. In this article on the example of football discourse texts, we look at the role of contextual synonymy in processes of conceptualization and language actualization. We analyze plurality of nominations at the intersection of theory of nomination, cognitive linguistics, discourse analysis, semantics and lexicology. The purpose of the study is to identify the role of contextual synonyms (CC) in the actualization and conceptualization of football concepts, with the COP being the main source of diversity in football nominations. Material and methods. Context in its broad meaning as a situation of communication, as well as in its narrow understanding as immediate surroundings of a word, largely determines the choice of lexical units and their semantics. Therefore, it makes it impossible to study plurality of nominations outside of context without overlooking or misrepresenting some significant information. That is why in this article we use the method of contextual-semantic analysis of nominations. Results and discussion. Language nominations show the way the author of an utterance conceptualizes a certain notion. These lexical variants in their turn, being «voiced» to the recipient, cause certain changes in the structure of recipient’s concepts, enriching them with new ideas, associations and connotations. Contextual synonyms serve as the main source of plurality of nominations, hence play an important part in language actualization of concepts and conceptualization itself. Applying contextual-semantic analysis to football nominations we discovered the following contextual synonyms of popular football concepts: to score (a goal) – to head (in/home), to fire, to net, to complete, to turn (home), to force, to slot, to slam, to smash, to shoot, to finish); a goal – home, the bottom corner, the net, the side netting, target; a goal (as a score/point) – an opener, the equalizer, the winner, a brace, a second, a finish, a stunner, a triumph, a free-kick, an effort; football/ball – danger, diamond, fruit. The variety of lexical actualizations is an indication of semantic richness of conceptualized units, and their importance to communicants. Culture and language specific features of football concepts represent the prospects of further research. Keywords: contextual synonymy, contextual synonyms, nomination, invariant, concept, contextual-semantic analysis, conceptualization, language actualization | 1020 | |||||
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4115 | Sukhotin A. K. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 2 (5). P. 21-28 . | 1019 | |||||
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4117 | Milevskiy O. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 1 (10). P. 55-57 . | 1019 | |||||
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4120 | Kozlova A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 6 (15). P. 3-6 . | 1019 | |||||
4121 | Theory of games is used in order to find mixed strategies for businessmen. | 1019 | |||||
4122 | Today the necessity of changes in the field education is recognized. They include, first of all. changes in the value system and objectives of education, the content of which is being oriented from the sphere of subject knowledge towards the sphere of ways, forms, methods, values and goals of its formation. This paper presents the analysis of valuable changes which occur in public conscience. The theoretical material is supplemented with the analysis of sociological inquiries of the students studying at Tomsk Polytechnic University. The problem of contemporary situation in higher education is pointed out which is characterized by internal conflict. Orientation on educational services leads to more professionalzed education. Higher education faces difficult choice of finding out optimal ways of its further development: to teach students to learn or to provide them with full information on knowledge, facts or theories. Theoretically, this problem is decided, the practical decision is being still awaited, and teacher will play here the most important part. | 1019 | |||||
4123 | The tendency of world progress leads to only for¬mation of innovation economy. It can be the best de¬velopment way for Russia. As the priority heading, scientific-educational complex formed on an innova¬tion inlands is realization this model and the most cardinal factors of economic growth and regional de¬velopment. One of these years underrating this condition can result in displacing of Russia from high-technological products market and impossibility of rise in the life le¬vel above the contemporary standards and ensuring of state security. | 1019 | |||||
4124 | The article investigates the contents and mechanism of rational combination of public and collective interests in the sphere of science-innovation activity. | 1019 | |||||
4125 | This article contents the description of innovation aspect in Russian high education, the goals and ways of its realization. | 1019 | |||||
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4127 | In article given the problem of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of mathematical abilities of pupils in a context of its formation in conditions of in qualification improvement system of professional skills is considered, the tasks of course preparation within the limits of which the teacher creatively realizes the potential and solves problems of professional development are defined. The basic directions and the factors influencing on the condition of readiness of the teacher for activity on development of pupils abilities are analyzed and the structurization of system of readiness elements is offered | 1019 | |||||
4128 | The article is devoted to release the expressive potential of adjectives in attributive regulative structures epithets type, which used in poetry of M.I. Tsvetaeva. Are revealed regulative features of the given structures of function of adjectives depending on type of epithets and their place within the limits of attributive regulative structures. Keywords: an adjective, an epithet, attributive regulative structure | 1019 | |||||
4129 | Article reveals the history of an investigation of the atmospheric electricity in Tomsk. We review first presentation of native people in Siberia about lightning, first scientific investigations of atmospheric electricity in Tomsk State University. We describe modern investigations of thunderstorm activity in Tomsk Polytechnic University and Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: atmospheric electricity, thunderstorm activity, lightning flash counters | 1019 | |||||
4130 | The paper outlines the endangered Siberian language documentation and description program undertaken by the department of Siberian indigenous languages of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Based on the experience of the Ob-Yenissei linguistic area documentation project, particularly in documentation of the middle Ob area of Tomsk region, the main theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects of the areal study are exemplified. The discussion outlines some of factors affecting the development of local languages and cultures, assessing key hypotheses of their contact interaction and mutual evolution. Keywords: endangered languages of Siberia, areal typology, language documentation | 1019 | |||||
4131 | Basic properties of radiation of the atomic chains excited by a channeling particle are considered. Using a very simple two-dimensional model of a crystal lattice we have shown that the main part of this radiation is generated on the frequency of oscillations of a channeling particle between the crystal planes, shifted by the Doppler effect. Angular distribution of the radiation of the chain of oscillating atoms is sharply peaked in the direction of the velocity of channeling particle because of coherence of the fields, produced by individual atoms. Keywords: radiation, channeling particle, crystal lattice, angular distribution, coherence | 1019 | |||||
4132 | In the article the connection of names of Selkup kins with names of mythical ancestors is presented. It is found out that a name of a mythical ancestor becomes a centre of a semantic group of words to the extent of which semantic derivations occur. The connection of a kin with its mythical ancestor is kept; by means of the name of a kin it is given to a representative of a flora or fauna and continues its existence as a totem. Keywords: the Selkup language, genonymum, mythical ancestor, semantic derivation, tatoo. | 1019 | |||||
4133 | In this article we represent the results of the investigation, aimed at the development of “self-estimation” of the 9-th grade students in the process of reviewing the paragraph “Function”. The authors worked out a special system of tasks teaching students to plan, anticipate and control their activity at the stage of reviewing. Keywords: universal studying activity, self-regulation, metacognitive experience, self-estimation, reviewing. | 1019 | |||||
4134 | The article is based on the archive material dated as back as 1920–1930s. The central point of attention is the mechanisms of the cultural change among Selkup people at the critical time for the Russian economy. It was found out that the fi shing traditions and customs of the Selkup population underwent material change because of the new social and economic relations that appeared at the time. As a result of the changes the Selkup economy integrated greatly in the economy of the Soviet society. | 1019 | |||||
4135 | This article discusses the requirements for professional competence of graduates in the English-speaking countries and in Russia. The basic competence of masters in the direction 011200 Physics and Program for Master's “Condensed Matter Physics” are listed in the article. Keywords: professional and universal competences, technical education, a master's degree | 1019 | |||||
4136 | The article examines the reader’s reception in the literary communication (“author – a literary work – the reader”) and educational communication (“a literary work – a teacher – a reader-student”). Accounting of the specifics of the perception of artistic information and realization of the principle of dialogism are considered as the moments that combine these levels and determine their effectiveness. Keywords: art information, addressee, fictional world of art, imaginary reader, the naive realist perception, the subject – subject teaching | 1019 | |||||
4137 | In the article there are analysed two allied cultures of the II millennium B. C. The attention is paid to the qualities of “the action” and “the statics” in the ornamental design of these cultures. These qualities determined the measure of the similarity and of the distinction between researching archaeological cultures. The basic method in this research is the method of symmetrometria. Keywords: Alakul culture, Fyodorovo culture, ornamental design, “the action”, “the statics”, symmetrometria, chronology, territory | 1019 | |||||
4138 | The deals with the questions of the mutual influence of the nature the polymeric matrix and the type phosphor on luminescence properties of their compositions with homogeneous distribution of the phosphor. It presents data on the photochemical stability of two types phosphors in the polymers (polystyrene, polymethylmethacrylate), the intensity of luminescence. Keywords: luminescence, the polymer matrix, photochemical stability, organic phosphor, optical properties | 1019 | |||||
4139 | The methodology of parameters determination of оrietation of a human body inertia ellipsoid main central axis during posture changing on a non-supзort position has elaborated. This data can be used on astronautics, biomechanics and sports sciences. Keywords: non support position (weightlessness), human body mathematical model, inertia central ellipsoid, main central axis, plane of symmetry | 1019 | |||||
4140 | The article deals with the conception of intertextuality as a category of the text and as a method of the violation of its structure. The paper analyzes the peculiarities and the causes of usage of this stylistic device in the artistic text by the example of the novel by A. Dцblin “Berlin Alexanderplatz”. The key role of intertextuality in the montage technique is elicited and proved in works by authors of the postmodernism period. In the present article it is also taken an attempt to give a clear definition of this linguistic phenomenon and related terms, to mark forms of expression and degrees of markedness of intertextuality on different levels. It is proved that its identification and understanding in the text depends on the background knowledge of the reader. Keywords: intertextuality, artistic text, violation of the structure, stylistic device, montage | 1019 | |||||
4141 | Three-dimensional acceleration in general relativity can be defined so that spinless particle in the process of evolution in an external gravitational field can not exceed the speed of light. We ask what happens if a spinless particle is replaced by test-particle with spin one-half. Inclusion of spin-gravitational interaction gives generalized Papapetrou equations with modified metric along the world-line. The modified metric should be used to calculate the acceleration of spinning particles. Inclusion of spin-electromagnetic interaction in flat space gives generalized Frenkel equations, where an effective metric along world-line arises for the particle with anomalous magnetic moment. This implies that intervals of time (and distance) probed by such particle in the presence of electromagnetic field slightly differ from those in empty space. Keywords: ultra-relativistic spinning particle, Frenkel equation, BMT equation, Papapetrou equation | 1019 | |||||
4142 | The problem of speech influence of public language personality on media sphere is examined on the example of media discourse of M. A. Zakharov, who took part in the programme “Difiramb” and “Razbor polyotov” on radio “Echo of Moscow” in 2011–2015. The research is done on the material of media texts, which were put on the Internet. Speech behavior of language personality, comments and questions of Internet users and radio “Echo of Moscow” listeners are analyzed in the article. Dynamics in character of rating and comments in programmes of 2011–2015 with participation of M. A. Zakharov is revealed. The problem of public language personality’s influence in media communication is examined in view on mass addressee (with a glance to responses of radio listeners and Internet users) and individual addressee (anchor). A special attention is payed to regulative strategies in media discourse of public language personality. Keywords: public language personality, speech behavior, regulative strategy, speech influence, media environment | 1019 | |||||
4143 | The article considers the formation of “professional competence” term. Corresponding psychological and pedagogical literature was reviewed, correlative terms were analyzed. On the basis of information received the correlation between terms “professionalism”, “professional readiness” and “professional competency” was revealed and presented. Also, scheme presenting correlation of above mentioned terms was introduced. Specific features of professional competency of teachers working with disabled children were considered and analyzed. The structure of professional competency of such teachers was determined and presented in tabular form. Major components of professional competency revealing through three aspects: cognitive, practical and personal were identified and presented. Relation of these components formation ensures professional readiness of a teacher who works with disabled children. Keywords: professionalism, pedagogical excellence, professional readiness, professional competency, children with disabilities | 1019 | |||||
4144 | In conditions of modern civilization with its characteristic trends towards globalization and informatization the sufficient level of native, non-native and foreign languages is required for the implementation of the important tasks of life (educational, professional, etc.). It is obvious that the media should be ready for appropriate and effective use of the resources of natural language, taking into account its linguocultural specificity. The solution of this task is subject to language training – carried out in the education system set of measures aimed at the development and improvement of language competence as a component of communicative competence of students, representing the level of development of their cognitive abilities and cultural content of the thesaurus. Language training usually begins with studying the development of norms, rules, grammatical structure of the native language, the formation of the skill of expression by means of oral and written language code, the ability to work with the text. Along with the improvement of linguistic competence in the use of the native language, further language training can be focused on the development of one or more foreign languages. The latter need to explain the requirements of the time, including the expansion of the social, economic and cultural contacts between the two countries, the inclusion of carriers in the global Internet communications. The article deals with the modern teaching technologies used in the practice of language training in order to increase the efficiency of formation and improvement of linguistic competence of both the Russian native speakers, and the inofons. The article presents the systematization and generalization of experience of professional activity of specialists – teachers, trainers and teachers of secondary and higher education, engaged in the teaching of the Russian language as a native, non-native and foreign language, as well as foreign languages in the regional educational institutions. As the material for the analysis mainly served the articles of the specified number of persons, published in the journal “Pedagogical Review” in 2013–2016. Keywords: language training, language competence, pedagogical technology, the technological aspect of the methods of teaching, methods of teaching Russian as a native language, second language and foreign language, methods of teaching a foreign language | 1019 | |||||
4145 | The article represents the analysis of the nominations of the top and back of a head in the Selkup dialects. The research objective is to reveal the inner meanings of the studied lexemes and find out cultural value of the parts of the body that they denote. The object of the investigation is the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting top and back of a head in the Selkup language.The author has collected and classified the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting the considered parts of the head in the Selkup language. The paper gives the etymological review of the somonyms ket. sumba ‘top of a head’, ‘back of a head’ and ket. nukku ‘back of a head’, whereas the somonym taz. par ‘back of a head’ was considered from semantic point of view. Linguistic analysis of ket. sumba and ket. nukku which both denote ‘back of a head’ revealed that they refer to different parts of the back of a head. Also the mythological materials describing the studied parts of the head were analyzed. The results show that the somonyms ket. sumba, ket. nukku and taz. par have different cultural meanings and value. The nomination taz. par integrates the idea of interconnection of physical and spiritual worlds, the terms ket. sumba and ket. nukku comprise information about the Selkups’ apprehension of the Universe. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, nominations of the top of the head, nominations of the back of the head, linguocultural analysis | 1019 | |||||
4146 | The paper presents the results of involvement of future mathematics and physics teachers in independent scientific research activity in conditions of realization of competence approach. In the case of such approach the competence is a general capability which is checked and created in activities. It is based on knowledge and allows the person to establish connection between the system of actions for successful problem solution. During the educational process, the formation of elements of competencies at implementation of curriculum is carried out by means of maintenance of the studied subject. The course of the differential equations has great opportunities for forming of professional competencies of future teachers of mathematics and physics, however the existing education guidance, according to the theory of differential equations, are obviously not oriented to form the competencies. Besides modern development of technology, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, economics and other sciences is impossible without the use of differential equations. The solutions of Clairaut-type equations with a special right-hand part found in the paper are a new result in the theory of partial differential equations. In turn the organization of independent scientific research in the framework of the course of differential equations promotes the main goal of professional competencies of future mathematics and physics teachers, namely forming the professional competencies being ready to use theoretical and practical knowledge in science and education. Keywords: differential equations, professional competencies | 1019 | |||||
4147 | The article presents the results of research and scientific-methodical work of the professional-pedagogical community of Tomsk State Pedagogical University in designing the modular educational programs for training bachelors of pedagogical education on the basis of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ through coordination of the FSES and professional standards. The authors suggest approaches to designing the structure of modular educational programs for training teachers at the University at the undergraduate level and determine the grounds for the allocation of their modules with the designation of the invariant and variable component. The didactic features of modular educational programs – from goal-setting to the final evaluation of their effectiveness are substantiated. The results of designing the list of professional competencies of bachelor graduates for the modular educational program 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training) (bachelor level) and the description of the content and organizational characteristics of such a modular educational program are presented. The materials of the article can be used by the heads of the main educational programs and administrative and management teams of Russia’s pedagogical universities in the context of transferring students to BEP (basic educational program) mastering created in accordance with the requirements of FSES HE 3 ++ in conjunction with professional standards of pedagogical activity. The content of the article is based on the use of the method of theoretical analysis, expert method, focus group method, pedagogical design methods. Author’s scientific and methodological developments of TSPU specialists are a means of implementing innovative transformations of bachelor’s practices of training a teacher in a university. Keywords: pedagogical education, professional standard of the teacher, the main educational program for bachelor training, professional competences, professional educational module, demonstration exam | 1019 | |||||
4148 | The article is devoted to the problem of rationality as one of theoretical instruments of studying customer behavior, company behavior, resource owners, from classical economics to modern developments. A. Smith's hypothesis of the economic man and the concept of rational behavior and rational expectations in the post-classical economic science are presented. | 1018 | |||||
4149 | The methodological bases of technologies for innovative designing (the system approach, a dialectic method of knowledge, the objective law of systems development, TSIT – the theory for solution of inventive tasks, VA – value engineering) are considered in the article. The author presumes that implementation of it within the educational process provides training of the future engineers for creative activity. | 1018 | |||||
4150 | One of the most significant factors of conservation and quality improvement in Banking System of the Russian Federation is an existence of statistics of financial and credit relationships, which corresponds to present economic terms and requirements in international practice. Current reporting needs to be totally changed due to the redundancy on the one hand and lack of several important evaluative indexes on the other hand. It must be organized with consideration of growth of supervision efficiency of Bank of Russia and efficiency of other commercial banks in general. It is recommended to build the new system of statistical indexes of credit institutions on the base of methods of International Standards Principles of Financial Reporting, which will lead to reduction of amount of statistical supervision forms, improvement of information types, their composition and period of their presentation. | 1018 |