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4551 | The article considers the results of the Round Table “The development of Russian national world-making in the space of intercultural dialogue: Russia and Germany”, held on December 2, 2013 in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. A brief review of the reports delivered, their relevance and scientific innovation are marked. Keywords: literary comparative studies, Russian-German literary and cultural interaction, national worldmaking, dialogue of cultures, gender identity, critical reception, author, imagology, translation studies, contact connections | 1076 | |||||
4552 | The article considers the disfunctional family relationships of patients with neurotic disorders in the context of the system of family psychology. Dysfunctional family relationships include: changing family structure, the wrong type of educational impact, intense interpersonal relationships in the family, alcoholism of parents, spouses, close relatives. The main laws in the system of family psychology are: the law of the hierarchy, law of the conditioning, law of the balance. Undeveloped or destructed emotional relationships with the closest family environment can be seen as mechanisms for the development of neurotic disorders. The basic principles in providing psychological care for patients with neurotic disorders and methodological approaches in their implementation are complex impact on different areas of the whole personality; strict individualization of each case; differentiated approach depending on the diagnosis of neurotic disorder. Keywords: neurotic disorders, system of relations, neurotic conflict, dysfunctional family relations, family law system, psychological help | 1076 | |||||
4553 | The article contains an overview of a number of books and articles on the life and works of S. Kovalevskaya: memories of A. Sh. Leffler, research works of P. Ya. Kochina and others. The materials under consideration not only characterize Sofya Kovalevskaya as a research worker, but also reflect the personality traits and the spiritual quest of this extraordinary woman. The review of publications gives an idea about the level and focus of research interest to the life and work of S. Kovalevskaya. Keywords: Sofia Kovalevskaya, Maxim Kovalevsky, Anne-Charlotte Leffler, memories, review, gender studies | 1076 | |||||
4554 | The so-called epoch of the Internet, which has replaced the epoch of book, change dramatically the Russian literary language. That is to say, the language of media obtained the leading position amongst other language variations. The language of media is becoming a model language of the society and reflecting the current language practice. The media language represents the city linguistic norms and is focused on modernization (literary linguistic norms, in particular). This article is to set the hypotheses that there are two main form of the national modern literary language, existing in the modern information society. They are: 1) the elite literary language; 2) the mass literary language (and its implementation in the media as an option, which we mean “media language”). In mass-media communication, focused on mass media mind, literary standards are on the periphery of media content. Standard standards are superseded by norms of media communication, which draw their resources from the mass language of the whole society and themselves form this mass language. The present hypothesis is based on three fundamental principles: 1) the change of social status of modern media; 2) the definition of mass media language as common national language; 3) the concept of mediatization, which we develop in correlation to mass media language. This article concludes that traditional language norms are challenged by new technologies and are not relevant to speaking practice of mass media. Keywords: media communication, media variation of the language, media norm, media mind, national language | 1076 | |||||
4555 | The article is devoted to the development of the concept of lexical regulative universal (LRU), which is in line with the communicative stylistics of the text, namely the theory of regulativity, taking into account the fundamental principles of cognitive linguistics – actively developing scientific direction. Under «universals» are understood not only universal laws and principles of structuring the text, but also «universal thinking». Lexical regulatory universal is considered in comparison with other notions of communicative stylistics: communicative universals, media communicative universals, cognitive style. Under the lexical regulatory universal is understood a verbal embodiment of the way of the author’s thinking and the way of his interactions with the addressee, in characteristic for the author means and methods of lexical regulativity. One of the key features of LRU is the choice of the author of the means and methods of regulativity from the point of view of manifestation of cognitive mechanisms that are universal for a specific poetic language personality, «standing» behind the text. Regulatory lexical universals reflect ways of knowing and interaction of the author with the surrounding world. Regulatory lexical universals can partly be changed / maintained over the entire work of the author, that allows to speak not only about the dynamics of his conceptual and poetic pictures of the world, but also about the development of his thinking. Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, regularity, universals, communicative universals, lexical regulatory universals (LRU), cognitive style, type of nomination | 1076 | |||||
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4558 | Karmanov A. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 53-55 . | 1075 | |||||
4559 | Kolov A. Yu. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 13-15 . | 1075 | |||||
4560 | The analysis of the current condition of the mar¬ket of house-public economy is represented in the work. A high monopolization of the producers of elect¬rical energy, hot water, services of litter utilization, doing one a turn of warmth supply, repair of the ha¬bitable fund is marked. It is underlined that, without demonopolization of subjects of the market of HPE, owners of the house will have to pay all the payments for the services. According to the theory of management and chan¬ges, the main directions and changes are substantia¬ted, the union of lodgers into association of owners of house is the determining part among them. The pro¬posal of creation of the center of assistance to the union of lodgers at the level of municipality is sub¬stantiated. | 1075 | |||||
4561 | The author considers Russian processing of the popular subject circuit about the old man who concedes to the young beloved contender. The basic attention in the article is paid to the texts carrying the action in the national environment (I.S. Turgenev’s, N.S. Leskov’s, F.M. Dostoevsky’s, L.N. Tolstoy’s works etc.). Their sharp religious-ethical problematic contacts with spiritual traditions of national orthodoxy. | 1075 | |||||
4562 | The properties of solutions for a kinetic equation, which describes the energy relaxation properties in dielectrics under the ultra-short excitation by the high-energy electrons’ beam are investigated. In the effective-short-wave phonon model the quasi-stationary solution in ionization-passive zone is elaborated. The region of applicability of this solution is discussed | 1075 | |||||
4563 | Values and contents of pedagogical communication as a factor of development of participants of educational process are discussed in the article. Value-meaning attitude of students and teachers towards various aspects of pedagogical communication is discovered on the basis of analysis of the empirical data. The problem of reduction of communication functions under real conditions of educational interaction is argued. Keywords: pedagogical communication, educational reality, interaction, functions of communication, valuemeaning attitude | 1075 | |||||
4564 | The article, upon example of such conceptual dominants of the modern media discourse as crisis, glamour, oil, analyzes the role of verbal and cultural prototypes in the stylistic and discursive formation and development of media concepts. It is proved that force of world modeling potential of the media concept is caused by power of the information-interpretative impulses, broadcast its verbal and mental prototypes. Keywords: media concept, cultural and verbal prototypes, life cycle, world modeling potential | 1075 | |||||
4565 | The relative biomorphological diversity reflects the proportion of life forms and species in phytocenoses. In extreme conditions a decrease in species diversity of plants in phytocenoses can be partly compensated by their biomorphological varienty, which has a positive effect on their stability. Keywords: biodiversity, phytocenoses, species, life forms, biomorphs | 1075 | |||||
4566 | In the article we determine the contents, place and role of logistic analysis in the system of economic and management analysis. On the ground of integration connections of logistic analysis with the basic kinds of management analysis on the enterprise, we show the pre-conditions for fulfilling the integration function by logistic analysis. These pre-conditions come out from analysis of decomposition of the enterprise as a complex economic system. Keywords: economic analysis, financial analysis, management analysis, logistics, logistic analysis | 1075 | |||||
4567 | The article deals with the meaning of scenic space of the tragicomedy of Komi playwright. The place of action of the play – mortuary, but with the development of the plot it gets features of others places – theatrical stage, mad house, sobering-up station, hostel. These spaces represent models of the world, characteristics of modern society. The allotment scenic space of tragicomedy by characteristics of various place allows to show absence at the modern man of the “protected space”. Keywords: tragicomedy, space, model of the world, allegory, protected space, “false house”, “antihouse”. | 1075 | |||||
4568 | It emphasizes the importance of professionally oriented foreign language communication skills of future professionals and the value of effective didactic learning tools to develop these skills. It characterizes engineering thinking as a type of professional thinking, emphasizes main features of didactic supports and their classification, which generally allows us to speak about appropriateness of frame-based supports in the training of professionally directed foreign language communication of engineering students. Keywords: engineering thinking, professionally oriented foreign language communication, support as a methodical phenomenon, cognitive structures, self-learning of students, frame-based supports, frame script | 1075 | |||||
4569 | The article deals with the analysis of regulative means and structures in a public discourse of A.A. Venedictov’s interview. The regulative means and structures correlate with communicative tactics and strategies in journalist’s discourse and also they compared with communicative roles of language person and his relation to communicative standard. Keywords: regulative means, regulative structures, communicative style, language personality | 1075 | |||||
4570 | The article deals with the main reasons for the need to change the organization and content of teacher training. The authors show correspondence of the problems of such training and the stages of the universal cycle of cognitive activity. The article analyzes problems of teacher education and discusses effective steps for their solution. Keywords: concept, education, cognitive activity, teacher training | 1075 | |||||
4571 | Mysterious figure of the Enlightenment famous adventurer Count Cagliostro (real name Giuseppe Balsamo) left mark in European culture, and became the basis for the “Cagliostro’s myth”. Reflections of this myth in Russian literature usually assigned to Count Cagliostro’s visit to Russia (1780). The article examines three works of Russian literature of the XX century, which connected the image of Cagliostro with a fable about a sorcerer and an enchanted beauty. In Russian tradition of this plot, which started by Pushkin's “Poltava” and N. V. Gogol’s “A Terrible Vengeance”, the heroine for the soul of whom are fighting the forces of good and evil, often becomes the personification of Russia. Comparison of stories of A.N. Tolstoy and I. S. Lukash (both are named after the famous adventurer and written in exile) with “comic fantasy” of G. I. Gorin “Formula of Love” reveals the originality of authors’ interpretations of the fable and their continuity. Keywords: Russian literature, mystical story, screenplay, international plots, national myths, intertextes relations | 1075 | |||||
4572 | The article discusses the historiography of the history of the development of cultural institutions of Russia as a whole and by selected region – Republic Buryatia. The time period 1985–2000-ies are characterized by changes in socio-economic and political spheres of life of Russian society. Similar changes underwent the socio-cultural activities of cultural and recreational institutions. Research in this area is relevant for scientists of different directions, as between 1985 and 2000-ies in the system of cultural and recreational institutions has changed the whole system of legislation, funding, personnel policy. Keywords: historiography, cultural and recreational institutions, regulatory legislation, the financing of culture, management of culture, personnel structure, material and technical base, “perestroika”. | 1075 | |||||
4573 | The article considers a mature student as the object of supplementary education at different establishments which offer language training. Based on Psychology and Linguodidactics researches, it analyses the characteristics of adult that are significant when studying a foreign language during a short-term study course. In order to acquire the knowledge of a foreign language one’s skills have to be trained and practiced regularly. Therefore, the article reminds the general principles of requiring a foreign language. Knowing the revealed peculiarities lets us form a clear understanding of who a mature student is, considering her both as a subject of study process in a whole and a subject of a foreign language learner in particular. Keywords: mature student, intensive learning, short-term course, supplementary education of adults, further self-development | 1075 | |||||
4574 | Based on the letters and memoirs of N. V. Shelgunov, V. O. Kovalevsky, N. G. Chernyshevsky and modern critical works, the phenomenon of emergence of marriage of convenience in Russia is considered. Untypical family models with a new attitude towards women are being investigated. The gender approach reveals a gradual change in the public consciousness of the role of women in the family and society. The article analyzes historical preconditions for the emergence of such a cultural phenomenon as marriage of convenience. The real implementation of the theory of “reasonable egoism”, proclaimed by N. G. Chernyshevsky in the novel “What Is to Be Done?”, is being studied. On the examples of family life of M. A. Obrucheva – P. I. Bokov, L. P. Mikhaelis – N. V. Shelgunov, S. V. Kovalevskaya – V. O. Kovalevsky and others, the fate of the participants of the love experiment can be traced. In the opinion of N. G. Chernyshevsky and his followers, a woman in marriage should not only obtain equal with a man rights, but also freedom. She can control her feelings. At the same time, men are liberators, by means of marriage helping a woman to avoid domestic despotism or giving an opportunity to get an education. In Russia the model of behavior of a noble man was conditioned by his desire to take responsibility for a woman, deprived of the civil rights by the society. N. G. Chernyshevsky showed what a decent person in Russia should do, without going beyond the framework of “reasonable egoism”. That is, in the conditions of social injustice, a man had to make up and give a woman what she did not receive from the society. The model of the noble altruistic behavior of a man firmly entered the consciousness and was developed by the part of the youth who shared the ideas of radicalism. Keywords: N. G. Chernyshevsky, the novel “What Is to Be Done?”, marriage of convenience, the Shelgunov family, memories, Sophia and Vladimir Kovalevsky, gender studies | 1075 | |||||
4575 | Kabanova T. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 27-28 . | 1074 | |||||
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4578 | The author regards the history of religions education since 1701 up to the XIX century, and underlines a serious contribution of religions schools to education of the inhabitants of Siberia. | 1074 | |||||
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4580 | The problem of the modern scientific education is first of all the problem of the preferment's in the content of the education. The decision of this problem depends on the effectual integration of the education and the science. | 1074 | |||||
4581 | The author of the article brings into a system and gives a detailed description of various types of regulative chains, based on repetition of identical lexical units widely used by K. Balmont to organize the cognitive activity of the reader on the level of an utterance. The presented type of lexical regulatives is considered as an important means of the cognition of the sense on the primary stage of the semantic development ofthe text as well as an ideostylistic peculiarity of the poet. | 1074 | |||||
4582 | The article raises the question about the specificity of intellectual efficiency at various levels of intellectual development. The psychological ambiguity of high and super-high values of IQ with the selection of factors promoting and handicapping the intellectual efficiency of the personality with a high level of development of psychometric intellect is shown. The peculiarities of the frame of intellect and creativity are defined at average, high and super-threshold values of IQ. | 1074 | |||||
4583 | In the present paper some algebraic sums including the binomial coefficients and leading to some new representation of the Stirling numbers of the second kind are investigated | 1074 | |||||
4584 | For effective solving ecological problems the author suggests the use of economic tools instead of widely spread administrative methods. The author points out that for the effective functioning of the systems of rational nature use it is necessary to single out into a separate subsystem the economic tools of environmental protection, the elements of which are to be formed by local authorities | 1074 | |||||
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4586 | The paper analyzes the specifics of rural education, historical and pedagogical trends in municipal educational systems of Russia, the direction and mechanisms for implementing the ideas of accessibility, quality and efficiency in the complex process of structural change in the years 2002-2009. Tendencies of the formation of networks of educational institutions in an integrated project modernization of education (on the example of Tomsk Oblast). Keywords: general historico-pedagogical tendencies in municipal educational systems development in Russia, rural educational systems specificity, tendencies of realization ofideas ofmodernization | 1074 | |||||
4587 | The profilisation of the educational environment is way of modernization of activity of educational institutes on a basis of the person-focused approach by change of structure and the maintenance of education, updating of bases of its organization, forms and methods of interaction of participants of educational process. In article the question of formation of readiness of the participants of pedagogical process to activity in conditions of the profilisation of the educational environment is considered. Levels preschool, the general and vocational training are analyzed. Keywords: the profilisation, the educational environment, formation of readiness, participants of pedagogical process, activity | 1074 | |||||
4588 | The article enlightens the peculiarities of creating a letter of confession in the virtual discourse, describes its linguistic and stylistic peculiarities. It is concluded that the major function of a letter of confession is the phatic one. Keywords: a letter of confession, virtual discourse, phatic communication | 1074 | |||||
4589 | The article describes the competence-based approach to scientific and methodological support of educator’s occupational health, allowing to organize preparation of the educator for activities in an uncertainty situation. Keywords: competence approach, scientific and methodological support, occupational health, occupational health of educator | 1074 | |||||
4590 | The article considers the issues of international cooperation between Russia and China in the field of higher education at the present stage. The factors, which influence the creation of the international multicultural educational region, were analysed. Particular attention is paid to the international educational work of Tomsk state pedagogical university, the cooperation with Chinese universities. Keywords: teacher education, the system of education, education in China, pedagogical institute, comparative characteristics of national and foreign experience | 1074 | |||||
4591 | The article focuses on the practice of using the on-line educational complex on module “Electric motors and drive” for senior non-linguistic students who study professional English. The article characterizes computer assisted tasks batch on module “Electric motor and drive”, that enables communicative competence improvement and successful aquisition of professional English. Keywords: computer assisted task batch, on-line educational complex, professional English for non-linguistic students, communicative competence | 1074 | |||||
4592 | The article is devoted to consideration of speech means expressions style association in epistolary texts by Аlexis ™. A starting point in the research is the thesis about that it is a lot of discourse of essence assembly of the letters, determining ability epistolary of the text to stylistic transformation acts. The author shows that the letters of the Russian patriarch unite in the stylistic characteristic colloquial, officially-business and church-religious components. Keywords: sphere of the communications, functional style, epistolary the text, epistolary discourse, style association, stylistic means | 1074 | |||||
4593 | The article gives results of the experiment, aiming at comprehensive study of students’ perception features of journalistic texts in regional editions and revealing linguistic means that influence on the reader. Keywords: newspaper style, journalistic texts, analytical genres, text regularitivity, regularitivity lexical means | 1074 | |||||
4594 | Professional competence of modern engineers suggests that they have a wide range of developed speech skills. Usually it is about the ability to read job-relevant texts. To enhance the multi-skill foreign language proficiency, it is essential to form and develop discourse and analytical skills, which play an important role in teaching a foreign language to students majoring in non-linguistic areas. Keywords: foreign language training, professionally oriented reading in a foreign language, discourse and analytical skills | 1074 | |||||
4595 | The paper considers pedagogical context of the problem of university teacher professional autonomy. Peculiarities of the investigation of university teacher professional autonomy within the context of Russian and foreign pedagogical science are analyzed. This teacher personality attribute is compared with the other phenomena characterizing different aspects of autonomy in teacher professional activity. The article reveals such aspects of autonomy in teaching as provided autonomy and perceived autonomy. Keywords: university teacher, professional autonomy, provided autonomy, perceived autonomy | 1074 | |||||
4596 | The description of human inner world is conditioned by special features of anthropic perception of the reality. In the language conceptualization of emotional states there is a special place for metaphorical representations based on sensory associations caused by one or another emotion. The image of any human emotion has a complex of multiple fold conceptual metaphors in its base. The category of emotional state of Disappointment is considered to be the part of semantic space of human inner world which is reflected in cognitive metaphors. The research task involves differentiation and description of specific types of the metaphorical models actualizing the emotional state of Disappointment in the English perception of the world. The analysis of empirical material enabled to distinguish four models: sensorial, anthropomorphous, zoomorphic and nature-morphic metaphorical models. It is stated that with a variety of conceptual features, the integrity of the image of disappointment is built up on the combination of different feelings. Keywords: cognitive modeling, cognitive model, conceptualization, metaphor, emotional state, disappointment | 1074 | |||||
4597 | The article deals with the peculiarities of rhyming compounds which are usually used as a means of speech expressiveness, but don’t belong to the system of rhyming slang. Rhyming compounds represent the group of minor types of word-formation in Modern English. The members of the group are less important in comparison with the other ways of replenishing the English vocabulary, but they play an important role in the field of expressive means of language. The meaning of rhyming compounds is diverse and often unpredictable; they usually denote quantity or intensity. Rhyming compounds are formed by repetition of roots with some changes in the vowels or/and consonants. The system of the word-formation type in question is rather stable and tends to increase. Keywords: word-formation, rhyming compound, expressiveness, colloquial speech, language and culture | 1074 | |||||
4598 | The article is devoted to the research of methods of creation of art space in S.K. Danilov’s story fairy tale. The real space representing a corner under the ladder of the old wooden house is transformed in the character’s imagination into the special fantastic world, in which the fragments of memoirs and unsystematized data on the world around are weaved. Adventures of the character are connected with movement in space, overcoming barriers, that is characteristic of the folklore fairy tale. The character seeks to order the surrounding chaos of the spatial objects which resist ordering: fantastic space is imitative, and its structurization is impossible by the principles of the real world. The space is directly connected with the character creating by means of her imagination of the whole world inhabited by magic beings and having recognizable fantastic topoi (kissel swamps, dairy rivers), realities of the modern world (an old shed, Tverskaya Street). In consciousness of the child they are allocated with fantastic functions. The space of the Country corresponds to archetypical models: the open space is opposed to the closed one. An important role in the spatial model carries out the opposition “top-bottom”. The plot of the magic fairy tale connected with an initiation ceremony receives reconsideration in S. K. Danilov’s fairy tale. Having found the sacral knowledge in a “dark-dark” corner under the ladder connecting different spatial levels, having in parallel experienced imaginary death – initiation in the Ragman’s shed, having received sacral knowledge in an underground cave of kigol, the character breaks a spatial impasse and cheerfully runs up, overcoming the hopelessness of the “lost” place. Keywords: S. K. Danilov, “Princess Agashka”, children’s literature, story-tale, literary regional studies | 1074 | |||||
4599 | The article examines the issue of reception and comprehension of Italian nature in the journey diaries and letters of S. P. Shevyrev, the author belonging to the group of the Lubomudry. Italy was an important part of Shevyrev’s life and creativity, therefore it became a particular imagological phenomenon in his texts. As a significant component of the image of Italy, nature expresses some features of the country in general and interacts with other aspects of its image: historical, aesthetical (for example, Italian literature and pictorial art), social ones. From the point of view of the Russian traveler, the national character of the Italians (their sincere belief in God, sense of beauty, carelessness) depends on the soft climate and picturesque landscapes. Texts created by Vergil, Petrarch, Tasso, Ariosto reflect Italian nature, and images of these authors are tied with it in Shevyrev’s creativity. Nature was highly important for the intensive development of Italy in the Roman Empire and the Renaissance epochs, which is obvious in Shevyrev’s diaries and letters. Besides, Italian nature (images of the Vesuvius, the island Ischia, the sea, etc.) is associated with ontological senses and remains the ideal of beauty and harmony. In Shevyrev’s diaries and letters, traditional romantic interpretation of Italy as of a cultural myth, an earthly paradise coexists with individual comprehension and philosophical accents. These features correspond to the specificity of the cultural dialogue between Russia and Italy in the creativity of the Lubomudry. Keywords: the Lubomudry, Russian romanticism, Italian text, landscape | 1074 | |||||
4600 | The paper looks at the “Campus courses of TSU” project and describes it as one of the methods for organizing selective courses for students. The project was developed by the project group of the Center of education quality development, including O. N. Kalachikova, P. Kiseleva , A. Morozova, A. Balabanova. It is implemented in the National Research Tomsk State University from the 2015 academic year. Unlike traditional elective courses, Campus courses mean having a general catalog of courses in different subjects, regardless of the student’s faculty and specialization. The paper presents the results of this survey-based analysis and show that most of the students lack the opportunity to develop their general cultural competences and communicative skills as well as artistic creativity, and all that serves as motivation to attend selective courses. It was established that most of the students make careful choice of courses. The variety of courses and activities allows students to fulfill their educational ambitions. It was revealed that the majority of students are satisfied with the quality of the courses, the form of conducting classes, the interaction with the teacher. Keywords: selective courses, Campus courses, personal educational ambitions, interaction | 1074 |