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4551 | The paper introduces research on the image of “Persons in Higher Education” in Russian speakers' mind. Research is based on the method of dictionary defi nitions and free associative experiment. Keywords: free associative experiment, nuclear and peripheral areas | 1089 | |||||
4552 | The management of the innovation processes at the state level in the context of globalization is generally ineffective, as national borders are erased in the innovation process. Added value is placed where there local advantages are, generally in regions. Thus, the region objectively becomes the place of innovation processes implementation. Competition in this case unites participants in the region. Today the sources of growth of the regional economy are clusters. Keywords: regional economy, competitiveness, cluster, globalization | 1089 | |||||
4553 | The article deals with the problem of competence and competency. It considers concepts of these notions as general and professional issues on the basis of different sources. Professional competence and its constituent parts: classification, professionalism components, ways of improving professional competence is being analyzed. Keywords: competency, professional competency, competence, professional activity, teacher, personal characteristics, knowledge, abilities, skills | 1089 | |||||
4554 | The article deals with the procedure of complex comparative analysis of Russian and English term system “Tailing dams” with cognitive positions; this procedure allows to compare fragments of linguistic processing of scientific knowledge and trace the patterns of mental processes of different cultures’ representatives. Keywords: term system, the complex procedure, the comparison of term system, comparative science of terminology | 1089 | |||||
4555 | The article gives results of the experiment, aiming at comprehensive study of students’ perception features of journalistic texts in regional editions and revealing linguistic means that influence on the reader. Keywords: newspaper style, journalistic texts, analytical genres, text regularitivity, regularitivity lexical means | 1089 | |||||
4556 | Expansion of professional communication, business talks with foreign partners, work with the technical documentation in a foreign language, the importance of the traineeships abroad require more use of foreign language in the training of future engineers. Therefore, the subject “Foreign Language” has a special place, because it should provide not only the language itself, but the country’s culture and language, and by comparison it may overshadow the peculiarities of national culture and acquaint with universal values. In other words, foreign language should contribute to the education of students enrolled in non-language majors, in the context of intercultural dialogue. This, in its turn requires knowledge of norms and traditions of communication of people-native speakers, that is all that is meant by communication behavior as part of the national culture. Knowledge of the rules and traditions of communication allows the participants of the speech act, belonging to different national cultures, adequately perceive and understand each other, which contributes to intercultural communication. Keywords: language preparation, intercultural communications, culture of dialogue, national-cultural component | 1089 | |||||
4557 | The article examines teacher intellectuals of the Yenisei province in the XIX-XX centuries. The objective is to identify the population dynamics, social and right position, educational level, moral-ethical motivation of professional activities, cultural interests and political mood. The author states that the number of teachers in the province from 1897 to 1915 increased by 1.5 times, amounting in 1916 1148 man. The predominant age group was young people under 30, whose professional experience was less than 5 years. By 1915 74,6 % of teachers had primary and secondary special education. The vast majority of teachers came from the lower classes: petty bourgeois, peasants, Cossacks, village priests. The salary of rural teachers was slightly above the earnings of the wage worker in industry and ranged from 50 to 620 roubles a year. Higher social status had the teachers of the middle schools. Their salary 2-3,5 times was higher than that of the primary school teachers. In their cultural and educational practices teachers tried to adhere to the traditions of folk culture, which retained a strong religious colouring. The author claims that the the teachers, being the most massive professional group of provincial intellectuals, played a leading role in translating the achievements of cultural modernity into the mass consciousness of the Siberian society. Keywords: teacher intellectuals, socio-professional group, social and legal status, professional organizations, cultural modern | 1089 | |||||
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4561 | In this clause the urgent questions of global crisis of mankind XX of century and development of Christian pedagogic as a condition of its overcoming are considered (examined). Revival of Christian pedagogic, reference to experience of domestic and foreign formation, embodi¬ment in practice of historical experience Christian, proba¬bly, in opinion of the author through the system of forma¬tion as an institute of social formation of the man. | 1088 | |||||
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4563 | The urgent questions connected to organization of profile training at 10-11 classes of common school are considered. The system concept of natural science education for classes of a humanitarian structure basing on psychology - didactic approach in training is offered | 1088 | |||||
4564 | In the article «Ship of the Present» and Russian Postmodernism in the XXI century» Yu.V. Babicheva reveals in postmodernist prose by well-known Russian authors of the end of the last decade such as V. Makanin and A. Kabanov attempts to find for a new synthesis that bring them close to writers of the end of 19 and the beginning of 20 century. Keywords: Postmodernism, modernism, conceptual dominants, grotesque, anti-utopia, painful feeling of the end of the century. | 1088 | |||||
4565 | This article describes major tendencies of regional education policy in establishing a system for training of personnel for the development of regional innovative economy. The research shows the dynamics of changes in structure of educational programs aimed at the demands of modern economy. This article is based on the analysis of reports of universities of Tomsk in realization of innovative educational projects within the framework of national priority project “Education”. Keywords: innovative educational projects and programs, regional education system, human resources, innovative sector of economy, commercialization of innovative products | 1088 | |||||
4566 | The article, upon example of such conceptual dominants of the modern media discourse as crisis, glamour, oil, analyzes the role of verbal and cultural prototypes in the stylistic and discursive formation and development of media concepts. It is proved that force of world modeling potential of the media concept is caused by power of the information-interpretative impulses, broadcast its verbal and mental prototypes. Keywords: media concept, cultural and verbal prototypes, life cycle, world modeling potential | 1088 | |||||
4567 | General measures of regional policy in higher education are analyzed in the article. This policy is aimed on the forming of the world level training system as a key for development of science intensive economy. A consortium of universities and scientific organizations is studied as the cornerstone for the system. Keywords: innovative educational programs and projects, consolidation of resources, human resources, science intensive economy, networking. | 1088 | |||||
4568 | The article enlightens the peculiarities of creating a letter of confession in the virtual discourse, describes its linguistic and stylistic peculiarities. It is concluded that the major function of a letter of confession is the phatic one. Keywords: a letter of confession, virtual discourse, phatic communication | 1088 | |||||
4569 | In the article the author presented an analysis of the concept oil in the discourse of the oil mono-town journalist. The hyperbolization and an oil embodiment in texts by A.Shulbayeva, journalist of Strezhevoy (town in Tomsk region), lead to transformation of an oil image to the first-born substance myth. Keywords: media concept, world modelling potential, discourses of the journalist, regional picture of the world | 1088 | |||||
4570 | In the context of the modernization process in Germany the author deals with the change of social behaviour, including family relations. For this interpretation there was selected the scene of the Martin Luther’s marriage, who was the leader of the Reformation. Transformation of gender attitudes searched using polydiscipline analysis. Conclusion is about the forming of a new identity at the Early Modern Times. Keywords: polydiscipline analysis, modernization, identity, gender, Martin Luther | 1088 | |||||
4571 | The deals with the questions of the mutual influence of the nature the polymeric matrix and the type phosphor on luminescence properties of their compositions with homogeneous distribution of the phosphor. It presents data on the photochemical stability of two types phosphors in the polymers (polystyrene, polymethylmethacrylate), the intensity of luminescence. Keywords: luminescence, the polymer matrix, photochemical stability, organic phosphor, optical properties | 1088 | |||||
4572 | The work is accomplished in the framework of anthropological paradigm of modern linguistics, at the intersection of current trends of language science: functional linguistics, linguistic personology, contactology, neology, etc. The article is devoted to the functioning of contemporary loanwords in student speech, namely to the analysis of pragmatic functions of foreign novations in student discourse. Contemporary loanwords is the vocabulary borrowed from foreign languages, both assimilated and non-assimilated, which entered the Russian language beginning with 1990s. The youth newspapers, Internet websites of social communities, colloquial speech of students was chosen as the material for investigation. The foreign novations not included into the regular Russian language dictionaries are analysed. The particular features for foreign neologisms to realize the specific linguistic pragmatic functions are revealed. The functions are expressive (emotive and attractive), characterological, contact-setting, euphemistic, etc. Multifunctionality of contemporary loanwords as a particular feature of a speech portrait of higher education institution student is proved. Summing up the observations over the functional potential of contemporary loanwords in student discourse of the XXI century, the functional syncretism can be traced. Keywords: foreign lexis, newest borrowings, neologism, functionality, pragmatic functions, speech portrait | 1088 | |||||
4573 | Research of the notion “alter-globalization” in various fields of its use shows that alter-globalization is a phenomenon of social reality. Alter-globalization is the result of interaction between individuals. This interaction is based on the generally accepted principles, laws, and social representations, that dominant in society at a particular stage. It is a topical subject of researches in social philosophy. One of the possible analysis methods in the philosophy of alter-globalization is investigation of “superorganism”, or social units consisting of a set of collectively manageable agents acting in concert to achieve its goals. The study of alter-globalization as social reality can determine the degree of its interaction with different philosophical currents and ideas. Keywords: alter-globalization, globalization, social reality, protest movements, neoliberalism | 1088 | |||||
4574 | The paper deals with specific issues of applying e-learning technologies to the educational process. E-learning technologies are employed to enrich the content of classes in foreign language for technical students. The authors reveal the e-learning possibilities for providing conditions of enhancing efficiency in the ability of technical students to use their intercultural communicative professional competence. The paper shows the importance of students’ positive attitude towards the implementation of e-learning. The authors consider the ways of enhancing the effectiveness of organizing the process of learning a foreign language by involving modern computer technologies in teaching practice. Importance of modernization of the educational process in a technical higher school by means of introducing up-to-date information technologies is emphasized. Keywords: e-learning, technical students, information technologies, intercultural communicative professional competence, educational process | 1088 | |||||
4575 | The article deals with some aspects of scientific research activity management. The author defines specific features of scientific research activity management in a higher education institution. The author describes a model of teachers’ scientific research activity management in the pedagogical university, which includes the substantive, managerialexecutive and resulting components. The given structural-functional model vividly demonstrates the studied phenomenon, its inner organization and gives a whole picture of the process of teachers’ scientific research activity management in a higher education institution. Methodological basis of teachers’ scientific research activity readiness is the subject and systemic pragmatist approach. The emphasis is placed on the substantive component of the model, which is represented by the unity of management functions determined by the tasks and objectives as well as the content of the scientific research activity at all stages. The author singles out information-analytical, motivational-target, planned-prognostic, organizational-performing, control-diagnostic, and regulatory-corrective management functions in a higher education institution. The article also describes the principles of teachers’ scientific research activity management in a higher education institution such as scientific rigour, continuity and consistency, cooperation, unity of management and self-management, unity of command and team-spirit. The author defines organizational-pedagogical conditions of teachers’ scientific research activity management in a higher education institution: organization of teaching process aiming at increasing the level of research competence, system of teachers’ moral and material inducement summarizing the results of their research, effective cooperation between teachers in project groups. Keywords: management, scientific research activity management, model of teachers’ scientific research activity management in the pedagogical university, management functions | 1088 | |||||
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4577 | Some problems of a modern state of the theory of the molecule structures surveyed. The concepts about a method of molecular orbitals and most important parameters are given: electronic density, order of bonds, index of free valence. The possibilities of modern quantum-chemical calculations are shown. | 1087 | |||||
4578 | Studying creative processes has become of current importance as a result of introducing science organization and management principles to science and production. Creative tninking of a future engineer is develops most effectively through course and graduation work designing. Creative thinking of a personality arises from a problem solving or conflict settling situation. Keywords: creative thinking, coursework and graduation work designing, engineering | 1087 | |||||
4579 | The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the terminological preferences of the historians of the last Enlightenment. The author pays primary attention to the peculiarity of the usage of the terms «system» and «spirit» by the Anglo-Scottish and Russian historians from D. Hume to N. M. Karamzin. Keywords: system, spirit, last Enlightenment, historiographical tradition | 1087 | |||||
4580 | The presented results of the calculation water balance element for three represent water basin of big Vasyugan mires with a different degree of paludification on month interval for the period 1990–2009 years. There was analysed the perennial track records of the precipitation, evaporations and expenses of water, influence of the change the climate on hydrological marshes regimen. The correlations are estimated between elements of the water balances at different years. Keywords: paludification water basin, hydra-climatic facility, evaporation, run off water and heat exchange, wood-marsh zone, West Siberia, hydrological regimes, time dynamic | 1087 | |||||
4581 | In this article there is reflected the influence of education on the economic development bin the modern situations and efficacy of investations into the sphere of education. The theory and the main tendencies of development of human being conceptions. The principles of management of economic development of educational factors are summarized and perfected in this article. Keywords: educational complex, innovations, the innovational development of economy, educational approach, human capital, economic increase, educational process, labour resources | 1087 | |||||
4582 | The article focuses on the practice of using the on-line educational complex on module “Electric motors and drive” for senior non-linguistic students who study professional English. The article characterizes computer assisted tasks batch on module “Electric motor and drive”, that enables communicative competence improvement and successful aquisition of professional English. Keywords: computer assisted task batch, on-line educational complex, professional English for non-linguistic students, communicative competence | 1087 | |||||
4583 | The article presents the results of phenomenological and typological analysis of case-study technology influence on the quality of participants’ collaborative activity and their involvement in educational process. The relation between the involvement degree and the quality of communication of its participants has been revealed. The article is of interest to specialists in the field of psychology, pedagogy, methods of teaching professional foreign language. Keywords: case-study technology, personal, emotional, subject involvement, the quality of communication, collaborative activity | 1087 | |||||
4584 | The article pays attention to a psychological phenomenon of self-updating as to the highest level of motivation and harmony of the person with the own internal nature. Basic aspirations of the personality with which the set system of vital missions is connected are described. The results of empirical research of features of power of basic aspirations and extent of their realization are presented in the comparative plan in the conditions of various sociocultural settings of educational institutions: at students of professional college and comprehensive school. Keywords: motivational educations, self-updating, harmonization of the personality, power of basic aspirations, vital reference points, realization of internal and external opportunities | 1087 | |||||
4585 | The articles considers the essential characteristics of emotional concept as a didactic unit of the content of teaching a foreign language emotive communication. The article reveals the didactic potential of cognitive forms of representation of emotional concept in the formation and development of emotive competence at the lessons of foreign language. Keywords: emotional concept, emotional communication, emotional competence, emotional foreign world picture | 1087 | |||||
4586 | The article is devoted to the one of the last plays by E. L. Shvarts “A Story of a Young Couple”). It is devoted to the problem of mutual understanding of loving people, their readiness to build relationship in a family and accept a compromise. The motive “learner-teacher” plays an essential role in the logic of the play. This motive is developing during the act of the play and is linking plotlines of different characters. This motive is shown on several levels: verbal, situational and on the level of the system of characters. The author of the article has tried to analyse the semantic spectrum of the motive. In the post-war time the loss of kin relations is filled up with family creation that is with clan creation. It distinguishes the work of E. L. Shvarts from the Soviet literature representing a family as the state. An important psychological, social and ontological role is played in this case by “teachers” who are keepers and propagators of life values. The followers are represented by people of young generation who have already created families or who are on the way toward it. The teachers are people of older generation (tutors, fellow workers, casual acquaintances and also come to life toys, the appearance of which attaches fabulousness to the play. Keywords: drama, motive, act, dramaturgy of Shvarts, literature of XX century | 1087 | |||||
4587 | This talk provides a brief account of the construction of the 2n-extended supersphere S^( 3|4n), with n = 1, 2, . . . , as a homogeneous space of the three-dimensional Euclidean superconformal group OSp(2n|2, 2) such that its bosonic body is the three-sphere S^3. Keywords: superconformal group, N -extended super three-sphere | 1087 | |||||
4588 | Under conditions of up-to-date informational society, strengthening of the role of Internet and new computer technologies in our life a special role belongs to the analysis of the structure of modern media communication from the point of view of its field system, which allows to find out its principal and peripheral elements and to define the process of media communication. The article points to description of informational fields of different types from linguistic position. The author defined and examined informational fields of global network, mass media, informational and media personality and text. Media communication is presented as a continuously developing multilayer supercomlex structure of informational fields of different types, which forms hypertextual space. A special attention is paid to informational field of journalist’s language personality. In view of the information fields of the journalists’ language personality according to the types to their functions and communicative effect are detected: 1) mediator, moderator, amuser; 2) leading, driven. Detemines the connection of the information field of the language person with its idiostile. Keywords: media communication, informational fields of global network, mass media, informational and media personality, text, informational and media journalist’s personality, idiostyle | 1087 | |||||
4589 | The article examines the role of universal educational actions in the development of information culture of the individual student as a component of human culture as a whole, objectively characterize the level of ongoing information relations. Specifies various approaches to the phenomenon of information culture: information and logic, cultural and philosophical. From the standpoint of these approaches defined the understanding of the phenomenon of “information culture”. The author claims that the personal information culture has four major components: cognitive, emotional and evaluative, effective and practical, communicative. Details of each component are disclosed. Described universal educational actions as a set of actions of the student providing social competence, ability of independent mastering of new knowledge and skills, including organization of this process, cultural identity and tolerance, affecting the development of information culture of the student’s personality. Keywords: information culture, components of information culture, development of information culture, universal educational activities | 1087 | |||||
4590 | The article is devoted to the research of methods of creation of art space in S.K. Danilov’s story fairy tale. The real space representing a corner under the ladder of the old wooden house is transformed in the character’s imagination into the special fantastic world, in which the fragments of memoirs and unsystematized data on the world around are weaved. Adventures of the character are connected with movement in space, overcoming barriers, that is characteristic of the folklore fairy tale. The character seeks to order the surrounding chaos of the spatial objects which resist ordering: fantastic space is imitative, and its structurization is impossible by the principles of the real world. The space is directly connected with the character creating by means of her imagination of the whole world inhabited by magic beings and having recognizable fantastic topoi (kissel swamps, dairy rivers), realities of the modern world (an old shed, Tverskaya Street). In consciousness of the child they are allocated with fantastic functions. The space of the Country corresponds to archetypical models: the open space is opposed to the closed one. An important role in the spatial model carries out the opposition “top-bottom”. The plot of the magic fairy tale connected with an initiation ceremony receives reconsideration in S. K. Danilov’s fairy tale. Having found the sacral knowledge in a “dark-dark” corner under the ladder connecting different spatial levels, having in parallel experienced imaginary death – initiation in the Ragman’s shed, having received sacral knowledge in an underground cave of kigol, the character breaks a spatial impasse and cheerfully runs up, overcoming the hopelessness of the “lost” place. Keywords: S. K. Danilov, “Princess Agashka”, children’s literature, story-tale, literary regional studies | 1087 | |||||
4591 | The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of the dynamics of the formation of the indices of the students’ professional motivation in Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University. The first and the fourth-year students (2015-2016 academic year) and the first and the fifth-year students (2016-2017 academic year) of three departments (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences; Social and Humanities Faculty and Pedagogical Faculty) were examined. All the students are trained in three directions: 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, 44.03.04 Professional Training and 44.03.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education. According to the authors’ opinion training of highly qualified teachers is the consequence of the timely development of the mechanisms of the increase in the students’ interest in obtaining qualitative knowledge, the development of the necessary skills, which correspond to their professional competence. On the basis of the qualitative analysis of the results of diagnostic procedures (K. Zamfir’s technique «Motivation of professional activity» (A. Rean’s modification), T. N. Silchenkova’s technique «Studying the motives of the pedagogical profession» and V. A. Yadov’s technique «Studying the factors of the appeal of a profession» (I. Kuzmina and A. Rean’s modification) the authors developed some recommendations for the teachers of higher education institutions, that will make it possible to increase the level of the students’ professionally significant motives and will contribute to the acquisition of the motive, guiding and effective basis of the development of their professional motivation. Keywords: professional motivation, quality of education, university education | 1087 | |||||
4592 | The article discusses the establishment of students’ graduation projects based on real industry tasks in the Far Eastern State Transport University (former Khabarovsk State Railway University) as a progressive form of students’ scientific research at the end of the 50–80-ies of XX century. At first real-life graduation projects were introduced into educational process at the chair of “Railway operation” in 1958. The article presents a list of important students graduation projects of 1958–1960 completed for the Far Eastern Railway and the city of Khabarovsk. In addition, the stages of students’ the thesis design are analyzed, starting from information gathering to the presentation of projects to the examination committee. Also, the characteristics of real-life graduation projects are discussed such as the passthrough design (real and meaningful tasks of the industry were selected in the third year of the study, allowing students to do research in the format of coursework), group projects (the projects that require complex calculations were entrusted to a group of students), the use of computers for accurate design calculations. The author proves that students’ real-life projects were the most time-consuming form of research work as they were executed on the basis of real data; they were relevant, responsive and reliable and solved the tasks of the Far Eastern Railway and industries; they allowed students to be actively involved in the projects of industries, to adapt faster at the future workplace and have better career prospects. Keywords: students’ scientific research, real-life graduation projects, Far Eastern State Transport University | 1087 | |||||
4593 | Sannikova L. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 8-9 . | 1086 | |||||
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4595 | Klochkov V. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 47-48 . | 1086 | |||||
4596 | The article is devoted to the most complex period in the history of the development of the national school during the first years of the Soviet power and problems of creation of the system of training of teachers for these schools. | 1086 | |||||
4597 | Increasing efficacy of the educational process is one of the main problems for teachers. All educational methods are directed on its decision. Achievements of science and technology are used in most progressives of them. Com¬puter as an instrument of universal introduction and as an object of increased attention of youth can be used and must be broadly used in the pedagogical practice. Ability of computer to afford information to user in any of exist forms seems author as the most worthy attention. | 1086 | |||||
4598 | Combined, affect of microwaves and roenbgen rays induces damage effect to skin and spinal cord structures. | 1086 | |||||
4599 | During the experiment on white rats exposed to the inhalation influence of ultradispersed piezoceramics, the charateristics of blood serum and kidneys function were studied, the morphological explorations of the internal organs were carried out. The obtained results testify to the feebly marked toxic influence of ultradispersed piezoceramics on the morpho-functional condition of the explored organs and systems. | 1086 | |||||
4600 | The analysis of the current condition of the mar¬ket of house-public economy is represented in the work. A high monopolization of the producers of elect¬rical energy, hot water, services of litter utilization, doing one a turn of warmth supply, repair of the ha¬bitable fund is marked. It is underlined that, without demonopolization of subjects of the market of HPE, owners of the house will have to pay all the payments for the services. According to the theory of management and chan¬ges, the main directions and changes are substantia¬ted, the union of lodgers into association of owners of house is the determining part among them. The pro¬posal of creation of the center of assistance to the union of lodgers at the level of municipality is sub¬stantiated. | 1086 |