# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4551 | The article gives the versions and myths made by outstanding representatives of religious and philosophical thought and the poets of Silver Century about life and death of Lermontov; analyzes and systematizes their understanding of the tragedy – the death of the poet, identifies common places in their views on the poet (brevity of his life, incompleteness of literary fate and the uncertainty about the religious fate, hypothetical continuation of the poet’s life). A view on a duel as a suicide. The Silver Age of Russian literature is the religious quest, known as the “God-seeking”. Writers, thinkers and religious philosophers have argued individual's right to seek God, to “religious identity” (I. A. Ilyin). They talked in detail about the religious way of consciousness. For them an integral part of their religious understanding of life and the world became Lermontov, whose works gave answers to their excruciating questions. No less attractive and mysterious was the fate of the poet. Religious and philosophical themes of Lermontov’s works and their literary criticism of religious philosophers can serve as a methodological basis for the study of the value of religion in the artistic conception of the world of the poet and is of interest in the historical and functional aspects. This method is predominant in the article. | 1096 | |||||
4552 | The goal of this article is to reveal language formulas in the Khanty folklore on the basis of text analysis, to investigate the theory of formulas’ classification and to apply it to the described Khanty language formulas. The formulas may be considered a speech unit which is repeated in the same text or several different texts. In comparison with the fabulous formulas, the language formulas don’t depend on the folklore genre and can be found in different folklore texts. The investigation of these formulas allows obtaining the view of the language picture of the world and the archaic features of the Khanty mythology and religion preserved to the present. Keywords: Khanty, folklore, fairytale, language formulas | 1096 | |||||
4553 | The article discusses the historiography of the history of the development of cultural institutions of Russia as a whole and by selected region – Republic Buryatia. The time period 1985–2000-ies are characterized by changes in socio-economic and political spheres of life of Russian society. Similar changes underwent the socio-cultural activities of cultural and recreational institutions. Research in this area is relevant for scientists of different directions, as between 1985 and 2000-ies in the system of cultural and recreational institutions has changed the whole system of legislation, funding, personnel policy. Keywords: historiography, cultural and recreational institutions, regulatory legislation, the financing of culture, management of culture, personnel structure, material and technical base, “perestroika”. | 1096 | |||||
4554 | The article examines teacher intellectuals of the Yenisei province in the XIX-XX centuries. The objective is to identify the population dynamics, social and right position, educational level, moral-ethical motivation of professional activities, cultural interests and political mood. The author states that the number of teachers in the province from 1897 to 1915 increased by 1.5 times, amounting in 1916 1148 man. The predominant age group was young people under 30, whose professional experience was less than 5 years. By 1915 74,6 % of teachers had primary and secondary special education. The vast majority of teachers came from the lower classes: petty bourgeois, peasants, Cossacks, village priests. The salary of rural teachers was slightly above the earnings of the wage worker in industry and ranged from 50 to 620 roubles a year. Higher social status had the teachers of the middle schools. Their salary 2-3,5 times was higher than that of the primary school teachers. In their cultural and educational practices teachers tried to adhere to the traditions of folk culture, which retained a strong religious colouring. The author claims that the the teachers, being the most massive professional group of provincial intellectuals, played a leading role in translating the achievements of cultural modernity into the mass consciousness of the Siberian society. Keywords: teacher intellectuals, socio-professional group, social and legal status, professional organizations, cultural modern | 1096 | |||||
4555 | Combined, affect of microwaves and roenbgen rays induces damage effect to skin and spinal cord structures. | 1095 | |||||
4556 | In the article the analysis of the marketing commu¬nications' complex is given: advertising, public relations, personal contacts and sale's stimulation. The most important components of the communi¬cation's process at the educational services market are considered. A special attention is paid to the analysis of the edu¬cational services advertising as an effective means of marketing communications. The recommendations concerning the kinds and the content of advertising information about educational services are given in the article. | 1095 | |||||
4557 | The purpose of the article is to estimate advantages end disadvantages of selected ways of influence on economic development in Russia. The choice of well-balanced budget as the purposive orienting point demands a very accurate estimation, in spite of the evidence of the question. It is demented to reason how this policy of centralization of sources in the budget and providing its inefficiency is acceptable for deciding the problems of doubly the gross product and reducing the pace of inflation. | 1095 | |||||
4558 | The urgent questions connected to organization of profile training at 10-11 classes of common school are considered. The system concept of natural science education for classes of a humanitarian structure basing on psychology - didactic approach in training is offered | 1095 | |||||
4559 | At pedagogical universities prepare for the future teachers, and the rate of theoretical physics stated to him should possess the certain originality which imposes the special responsibility on teachers. In the paper are considered prominent features of a technique of training of theoretical physics at pedagogical university. The material of clause can be used at studying theoretical physics in pedagogical high schools | 1095 | |||||
4560 | Types and characteristic features of environmental rent payments connected with mining operations are determined in the article. It is made with the account of existing legislation of Russian Federation. The author pointed out the shortcomings of legal rent control in environment paying. Possible ways of improvement the system of payments in environmental rent are offered. | 1095 | |||||
4561 | The relative biomorphological diversity reflects the proportion of life forms and species in phytocenoses. In extreme conditions a decrease in species diversity of plants in phytocenoses can be partly compensated by their biomorphological varienty, which has a positive effect on their stability. Keywords: biodiversity, phytocenoses, species, life forms, biomorphs | 1095 | |||||
4562 | In the article questions of formation of moral reference points of the person of the students receiving initial vocational education are discussed. Unlike traditional use for this purpose of out-of-class work, opportunities of development of moral positions of the person at lessons of physics are considered in the article. Keywords: social competence, moral positions | 1095 | |||||
4563 | General measures of regional policy in higher education are analyzed in the article. This policy is aimed on the forming of the world level training system as a key for development of science intensive economy. A consortium of universities and scientific organizations is studied as the cornerstone for the system. Keywords: innovative educational programs and projects, consolidation of resources, human resources, science intensive economy, networking. | 1095 | |||||
4564 | In this article there is reflected the influence of education on the economic development bin the modern situations and efficacy of investations into the sphere of education. The theory and the main tendencies of development of human being conceptions. The principles of management of economic development of educational factors are summarized and perfected in this article. Keywords: educational complex, innovations, the innovational development of economy, educational approach, human capital, economic increase, educational process, labour resources | 1095 | |||||
4565 | The paper presents the theoretical justification of the pedagogical system model of professional reparative and preventive training for teachers of physical training. The implementation technology is disclosed in the selected five stages. The assessment of efficiency of the model and the technology is made in the following criteria: health saving; sport and athletic performance; formation of the value-building capacity; building motivation in sport and physical culture. Keywords: pedagogical system, professional reparative and preventive training, model, technology, assessment of efficiency | 1095 | |||||
4566 | The article discusses some of the problems of transformation of higher education that takes place in this country as a part of ideology of the competence approach. The ideas of this approach are analysed in a methodological perspective, in the aspects of personal focus, professionalism and subjective activation in education. It shows risks and positive opportunities of that direction of modernization of education, which is given by the ideology and can be traced in a number of practical amendments made in the life of higher school. Keywords: competence approach, modernization, personality, culture, professionalization, activating technology of training | 1095 | |||||
4567 | The article focuses on the practice of using the on-line educational complex on module “Electric motors and drive” for senior non-linguistic students who study professional English. The article characterizes computer assisted tasks batch on module “Electric motor and drive”, that enables communicative competence improvement and successful aquisition of professional English. Keywords: computer assisted task batch, on-line educational complex, professional English for non-linguistic students, communicative competence | 1095 | |||||
4568 | The article gives results of the experiment, aiming at comprehensive study of students’ perception features of journalistic texts in regional editions and revealing linguistic means that influence on the reader. Keywords: newspaper style, journalistic texts, analytical genres, text regularitivity, regularitivity lexical means | 1095 | |||||
4569 | Expansion of professional communication, business talks with foreign partners, work with the technical documentation in a foreign language, the importance of the traineeships abroad require more use of foreign language in the training of future engineers. Therefore, the subject “Foreign Language” has a special place, because it should provide not only the language itself, but the country’s culture and language, and by comparison it may overshadow the peculiarities of national culture and acquaint with universal values. In other words, foreign language should contribute to the education of students enrolled in non-language majors, in the context of intercultural dialogue. This, in its turn requires knowledge of norms and traditions of communication of people-native speakers, that is all that is meant by communication behavior as part of the national culture. Knowledge of the rules and traditions of communication allows the participants of the speech act, belonging to different national cultures, adequately perceive and understand each other, which contributes to intercultural communication. Keywords: language preparation, intercultural communications, culture of dialogue, national-cultural component | 1095 | |||||
4570 | The work is accomplished in the framework of anthropological paradigm of modern linguistics, at the intersection of current trends of language science: functional linguistics, linguistic personology, contactology, neology, etc. The article is devoted to the functioning of contemporary loanwords in student speech, namely to the analysis of pragmatic functions of foreign novations in student discourse. Contemporary loanwords is the vocabulary borrowed from foreign languages, both assimilated and non-assimilated, which entered the Russian language beginning with 1990s. The youth newspapers, Internet websites of social communities, colloquial speech of students was chosen as the material for investigation. The foreign novations not included into the regular Russian language dictionaries are analysed. The particular features for foreign neologisms to realize the specific linguistic pragmatic functions are revealed. The functions are expressive (emotive and attractive), characterological, contact-setting, euphemistic, etc. Multifunctionality of contemporary loanwords as a particular feature of a speech portrait of higher education institution student is proved. Summing up the observations over the functional potential of contemporary loanwords in student discourse of the XXI century, the functional syncretism can be traced. Keywords: foreign lexis, newest borrowings, neologism, functionality, pragmatic functions, speech portrait | 1095 | |||||
4571 | The article examines the role of universal educational actions in the development of information culture of the individual student as a component of human culture as a whole, objectively characterize the level of ongoing information relations. Specifies various approaches to the phenomenon of information culture: information and logic, cultural and philosophical. From the standpoint of these approaches defined the understanding of the phenomenon of “information culture”. The author claims that the personal information culture has four major components: cognitive, emotional and evaluative, effective and practical, communicative. Details of each component are disclosed. Described universal educational actions as a set of actions of the student providing social competence, ability of independent mastering of new knowledge and skills, including organization of this process, cultural identity and tolerance, affecting the development of information culture of the student’s personality. Keywords: information culture, components of information culture, development of information culture, universal educational activities | 1095 | |||||
4572 | As part of the creation of a fund of assessment tools for the discipline “Mathematical Analysis”, a test on “Indefinite Integral” is developed for monitoring of students’ knowledge. The test materials for full-time students of the profile faculty were placed and tested in the distance learning system “Open Educational Environment of TSPU”. The advantages of testing along with traditional forms of control are discussed. References to guideline documents regulating the content of the discipline, and consequently the content of the tests are listed. In addition, during the study of the discipline the formation of competence elements is proposed. The test discussed in the article is aimed at the development of one of them. Then the basic settings and characteristics of the test are described. It is noted that it is very important to determine correctly the total time for completing the test, judjing from the number of test questions and the estimated time allotted for each question in the test. The evaluation criteria were also defined. Particular attention is paid to various types of test questions, in addition to a brief description, examples of tasks from the test are given as an illustration. The conclusion about the effectiveness for the using of the test as a form of monitoring is made. Further plans for developing tests on other topics are described, with the prospect of including them in a general test for the final control on the discipline. Keywords: test tasks, indefinite integral, learning outcomes, professional competencies | 1095 | |||||
4573 | . | 1094 | |||||
4574 | Gamova L. G. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 1 (4). P. 49-50 . | 1094 | |||||
4575 | . | 1094 | |||||
4576 | Klochkov V. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 3 (12). P. 47-48 . | 1094 | |||||
4577 | Filimonov M. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 4 (13). P. 64-66 . | 1094 | |||||
4578 | Some problems of a modern state of the theory of the molecule structures surveyed. The concepts about a method of molecular orbitals and most important parameters are given: electronic density, order of bonds, index of free valence. The possibilities of modern quantum-chemical calculations are shown. | 1094 | |||||
4579 | In this clause the urgent questions of global crisis of mankind XX of century and development of Christian pedagogic as a condition of its overcoming are considered (examined). Revival of Christian pedagogic, reference to experience of domestic and foreign formation, embodi¬ment in practice of historical experience Christian, proba¬bly, in opinion of the author through the system of forma¬tion as an institute of social formation of the man. | 1094 | |||||
4580 | Increasing efficacy of the educational process is one of the main problems for teachers. All educational methods are directed on its decision. Achievements of science and technology are used in most progressives of them. Com¬puter as an instrument of universal introduction and as an object of increased attention of youth can be used and must be broadly used in the pedagogical practice. Ability of computer to afford information to user in any of exist forms seems author as the most worthy attention. | 1094 | |||||
4581 | In this paper the author analyses the cases of complete etymological explanation of Proto-Uralic, Proto-Finno-Ugric, Proto-Finno-Permic, Proto-Finno-Volgaic and Proto-Ugric words (morphological derivatives and compounds), grammatical and lexical doubleting, complicated doubleting, analogical grammatical derivation with etymological alternation of suffixes, as well as the cases of analogical semantic compoundes and morphological derivatives. The author established some regular correlations on the level of parallel protolanguage phonology. The author also makes some considerations about ancient Yenissei-Uralic protolanguage alliances. Keywords: etymology, doubleting, suffix alternation, protolanguage, parallel protolanguage, analogical wordbuilding, derivation | 1094 | |||||
4582 | The paper introduces research on the image of “Persons in Higher Education” in Russian speakers' mind. Research is based on the method of dictionary defi nitions and free associative experiment. Keywords: free associative experiment, nuclear and peripheral areas | 1094 | |||||
4583 | It emphasizes the importance of professionally oriented foreign language communication skills of future professionals and the value of effective didactic learning tools to develop these skills. It characterizes engineering thinking as a type of professional thinking, emphasizes main features of didactic supports and their classification, which generally allows us to speak about appropriateness of frame-based supports in the training of professionally directed foreign language communication of engineering students. Keywords: engineering thinking, professionally oriented foreign language communication, support as a methodical phenomenon, cognitive structures, self-learning of students, frame-based supports, frame script | 1094 | |||||
4584 | In the article the special features of physics as disciplines and special feature of its teaching and study are considered. There is traced the connection of physics with disciplines in the technical directions, the need for the introduction of new courses on the innovation directions of scientific studies. It is indicated that the weak training of school students in physics and mathematics does not make it possible to master the learning material of university courses. For formation of the competences of the graduates of technical institute of higher education in accordance with the needs of the labor market for technical universities it is necessary to attract different methods to raise the level of knowledge on these disciplines. Keywords: special feature of physics as disciplines, new courses, competences of graduates, need of the labour market | 1094 | |||||
4585 | In the article the concept “cognition of the world” in treatments of different authors is analysed. The article shows the components of this concept (sensation, perception, representations, thinking), their interaction and the role, which this complex psychological process in development of children of preschool age plays. The necessity of the professional help of the teacher is emphasized to correctly build the process of cogitative activity of the child. Keywords: knowledge of the world, sensual knowledge, rational knowledge, sensations, perception, representation, thinking | 1094 | |||||
4586 | In the context of the modernization process in Germany the author deals with the change of social behaviour, including family relations. For this interpretation there was selected the scene of the Martin Luther’s marriage, who was the leader of the Reformation. Transformation of gender attitudes searched using polydiscipline analysis. Conclusion is about the forming of a new identity at the Early Modern Times. Keywords: polydiscipline analysis, modernization, identity, gender, Martin Luther | 1094 | |||||
4587 | The article deals with the procedure of complex comparative analysis of Russian and English term system “Tailing dams” with cognitive positions; this procedure allows to compare fragments of linguistic processing of scientific knowledge and trace the patterns of mental processes of different cultures’ representatives. Keywords: term system, the complex procedure, the comparison of term system, comparative science of terminology | 1094 | |||||
4588 | The article opens the content of the concept “traditional ecological knowledgeо of the indigenous people that reflects the relation of the person to the nature. The main attention is focused on methodology of their inclusion in a context of ecological education of the higher school. Keywords: national and cultural traditions, traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous people, educational process | 1094 | |||||
4589 | The article for the first time deals with communicative structure of the Ket sentence, with the application of acoustic analysis, done with the help of Praat software. Keywords: the Ket language, communicative sentence structure, acoustic peak, lowering tone, rising tone, basic word order, SO inversion, V inversion | 1094 | |||||
4590 | The articles considers the essential characteristics of emotional concept as a didactic unit of the content of teaching a foreign language emotive communication. The article reveals the didactic potential of cognitive forms of representation of emotional concept in the formation and development of emotive competence at the lessons of foreign language. Keywords: emotional concept, emotional communication, emotional competence, emotional foreign world picture | 1094 | |||||
4591 | Modern conditions of market economy of Russia have a strong influence on the field of educational services. This particularly applies to the field of professional education. Russian institution of professional education, contrary to the basic principles of the market is still not focused on profit, and social support of trainees and their employment. In the article it clearly shows the years of experience of Tomsk school of social technologies with students with disabilities and persons with disabilities. It is for these categories of trainees created socially active environment to improve the quality of inclusive education and employment. Long experience of effective work with equipment to employ people with disabilities can be embedded in the practice of other educational institutions. Keywords: market economy, College, employment, disabilities, inclusive education, socially active environment | 1094 | |||||
4592 | The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of the dynamics of the formation of the indices of the students’ professional motivation in Ershov Ishim Teachers Training Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University. The first and the fourth-year students (2015-2016 academic year) and the first and the fifth-year students (2016-2017 academic year) of three departments (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences; Social and Humanities Faculty and Pedagogical Faculty) were examined. All the students are trained in three directions: 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, 44.03.04 Professional Training and 44.03.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education. According to the authors’ opinion training of highly qualified teachers is the consequence of the timely development of the mechanisms of the increase in the students’ interest in obtaining qualitative knowledge, the development of the necessary skills, which correspond to their professional competence. On the basis of the qualitative analysis of the results of diagnostic procedures (K. Zamfir’s technique «Motivation of professional activity» (A. Rean’s modification), T. N. Silchenkova’s technique «Studying the motives of the pedagogical profession» and V. A. Yadov’s technique «Studying the factors of the appeal of a profession» (I. Kuzmina and A. Rean’s modification) the authors developed some recommendations for the teachers of higher education institutions, that will make it possible to increase the level of the students’ professionally significant motives and will contribute to the acquisition of the motive, guiding and effective basis of the development of their professional motivation. Keywords: professional motivation, quality of education, university education | 1094 | |||||
4593 | The article deals with the problem of teaching foreign students of Russian scientific speech as the most important means of educational and professional communication in a Russian university. It points to the specifics of the training of foreign students of Russian scientific speech at the Pedagogical University. Attention is drawn to the problem of teaching Russian scientific speech of foreign students at the stage of pre-university training. The use of the adaptive potential of the method of teaching the scientific style of speech is suggested, the concept of «scientific speech of subject areas of pedagogy and subject methodology» is actualized. It is understood that the creation and use of an educational complex for teaching scientific speech in classes with foreign students of a pedagogical university helps to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. It is proposed to design a textbook on teaching of scientific speech for foreign students of a pedagogical university, the theoretical and practical educational material of which is set out in a modular format, supplemented with a set of workbooks. It is recommended to include the description of the lexical, morphological, syntactic, phonetic, structural and compositional features of modern Russian scientific speech in the educational material of the educational complex, adding practical tasks that fix the theoretical basis of the educational material and imply work in pairs and small groups. The recommended for design training complex for teaching of Russian scientific speech should contain guidance for teachers, basic guide to scientific speech, a set of workbooks, a collection of tests, dictionaries, reference materials, that must meet the current requirements of the educational literature. This training complex provides methodical and motivational support for the learning process and can contribute to improving the effectiveness of teaching. The article is of interest for teachers of Russian as a foreign language, working at preparatory departments of Russian universities, as well as for teachers of pedagogical universities working with foreign students. Keywords: scientific style of speech, Russian scientific speech, adaptive potential, method of teaching the scientific style of speech, educational complex | 1094 | |||||
4594 | Introduction. The digital platform for the organization of modern broadcasting significantly transforms the principles of information and communication with the addressee. Material and methods. The subject of discussion in this article is the communicative ways of implementing personal radio discourse. Results and discussion. The focus is on the image of the radio host, which is formed at the intersection of the strategies of self-presentation and advertising of the radio site as an information resource. The functional potential of the interaction of communicative strategies is manifested in how the author identifies himself through a set of roles of professional and personal orientation. The specificity of the author’s role realization is examined through the description of the macrotext structure – the sociocultural and genre features of the Internet blog, which serves as a precedent form of broadcasting organization. The social network principle of radio functioning determines the basic parameter of its picture of the world – the individualization of the process of interaction with the addressee, the organization of the psycho-emotional environment of identity formation. Conclusion. The complex of interacting communicative strategies becomes the discursive mechanism that determines the variability of the author’s role-playing behavior – a discursive personality that manifests itself in the process of interactive communication, in the process of forming a discursive picture of the world as a world shared with the addressee, a comfortable psycho-emotional interaction environment. Keywords: personal radio project, communicative strategies of self-presentation and advertising, contextual macrostructure, discursive worldview | 1094 | |||||
4595 | Pankin V. A. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1997. Issue 3 (3). P. 23-24 . | 1093 | |||||
4596 | Shirokova M. P. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1999. Issue 5 (14). P. 81-81 . | 1093 | |||||
4597 | . | 1093 | |||||
4598 | The article is devoted to the problem of rationality as one of theoretical instruments of studying customer behavior, company behavior, resource owners, from classical economics to modern developments. A. Smith's hypothesis of the economic man and the concept of rational behavior and rational expectations in the post-classical economic science are presented. | 1093 | |||||
4599 | The article contains the comparative analysis of the main tendencies in the development of modern Euro¬pean social democracy under the conditions of its po¬litical success, with social democracy which came to power in leading West European countries. The author analysis Russian social democracy and its failure. | 1093 | |||||
4600 | The author considers Russian processing of the popular subject circuit about the old man who concedes to the young beloved contender. The basic attention in the article is paid to the texts carrying the action in the national environment (I.S. Turgenev’s, N.S. Leskov’s, F.M. Dostoevsky’s, L.N. Tolstoy’s works etc.). Their sharp religious-ethical problematic contacts with spiritual traditions of national orthodoxy. | 1093 |