# | Article | Downloads | |||||
4601 | The article is devoted to the problem of cognitive interest development among senior schoolchildren of nonhumanitarian classes during the English language acquisition at a secondary school. The author draws attention to the fact that the newly formed scientific branches provide the emergence of new professions, change the system of school education and increase the development of cognitive interest among schoolchildren. The main idea of the present article is to demonstrate the necessity of learning English for senior schoolchildren, whose profile subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics, as new professions actively come into modern life. Foreign language is considered to be polysubject and can enrich senior schoolchildren of non–humanitarian profile with knowledge on Natural Science and Mathematics and develop their cognitive interest. The interest to a foreign language as a subject, in recent times, is explained by it’s penetrating into different spheres and nonlinguistic professions. Actually, spheres of using a foreign language are extended. According to the “Atlas of new professions”, to 2025–2035 many new professions occur, many of them will need the knowledge of a foreign language. Intersubject relations come into modern school education and really extend the zone of subject knowledge on profile because of the interpenetration of knowledge of different subjects. Integration of a foreign language with Science subjects and Mathematics gives the opportunity for schoolchildren to get new knowledge on profile subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics and others) and increase the development of cognitive interest among senior schoolchildren. We consider that intersubject integration increases schoolchildren’s motivation to learning foreign languages, develops different kinds of thinking, forms the following abilities – to analyze, to generalize, to synthesize, to compare, make conclusions and others. Keywords: cognitive interest, cognitive motivation, intersubject, integration of humanitarian and natural science knowledge, new professions | 1074 | |||||
4602 | The influence of hypoxia and anoxia on protein metabolism in seedlings wheat and rice, which differ in steadiness to the studing factor, was analysed. Under anaerobic conditions the content of protein decreased. The effect of protein synthesis inhibitors (actinomycin D and cycloheximide) was investigated in aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The results of the proteins synthesis inhibitors experiments indicate that synthesis of some proteins takes place in conditions of transitory anoxia (1 day for wheat and 3 day for rice). | 1073 | |||||
4603 | North Carolina is home to the third largest biotechnology industry in the United States. With over 200 companies involved in manufacturing, research, testing or services and growing at a rate of 12 % per year, this North Carolina industry is aggressively expanding its biotechnology efforts in all domains: pharmaceuticals, agriculture, environment, foods and energy. The North Carolina Department of Commerce along with other state and regional entities are developing strategies to attract new companies into the state, especially its rural regions. In order to meet the workforce needs, the education sector is being funded and mobilized for development of new courses, programs and facilities. This paper will discuss comprehensive regional and statewide initiatives to increase biotechnology education at North Carolina secondary schools, community colleges and universities in order to meet the present and future needs of the North Carolina biotechnology sector | 1073 | |||||
4604 | The article demonstrates separate components of the concept of education of moral virtues at younger schoolgirls from positions of gender (female) education as innovative direction of the Russian school education. Working definition of concept of moral virtues at younger schoolgirls from positions of gender education and the modern theory of moral education is formulated. Their essence, the maintenance and classification are shown. Keywords: the concept, gender (female) education, moral education, essence and the maintenance of moral virtues at younger schoolgirls, classification of female moral virtues. | 1073 | |||||
4605 | On the basis of the study of ontogeny and ontomorphogeny characteristics of the shrubby liana Atragene sibirica L. possible ways of woody lianas transformation to herbage in evolution are exhibited. The obtained data confirm the conception of the two directions of lianas ways of transformation of woody plants to the herbage through the lianas life forms; both to the biomorphs with creepers and to the plants with orthotropic oblong rosellate bines. Keywords: ontogeny, ontomorphogeny, ontobiomorph, evolution of plant life form | 1073 | |||||
4606 | Innovative production should be considered in the unity of economic, legal, administrative and social measures. In this conception the emphasis is placed not only on the improvement of professional level of manual workers and specialists, but also on a stimulation of investment attractiveness of fields by means of administrative measures and innovative policy. Keywords: innovative production, investment policy, social partnership, regular potential, competitiveness | 1073 | |||||
4607 | The paper introduces research on the image of “Persons in Higher Education” in Russian speakers' mind. Research is based on the method of dictionary defi nitions and free associative experiment. Keywords: free associative experiment, nuclear and peripheral areas | 1073 | |||||
4608 | The problem of the relativistic theory of the electromagnetic orbital and spin angular momenta of the charge radiation is considered. It is obtained that the total power of the eld spin angular momentum radiation is proportional to the Thomas precession and corresponds to the force eld momentum of radiation. Keywords: electromagnetic eld, spin, angular momentum, radiation, torque | 1073 | |||||
4609 | In the article the author presented an analysis of the concept oil in the discourse of the oil mono-town journalist. The hyperbolization and an oil embodiment in texts by A.Shulbayeva, journalist of Strezhevoy (town in Tomsk region), lead to transformation of an oil image to the first-born substance myth. Keywords: media concept, world modelling potential, discourses of the journalist, regional picture of the world | 1073 | |||||
4610 | The article deals with the procedure of complex comparative analysis of Russian and English term system “Tailing dams” with cognitive positions; this procedure allows to compare fragments of linguistic processing of scientific knowledge and trace the patterns of mental processes of different cultures’ representatives. Keywords: term system, the complex procedure, the comparison of term system, comparative science of terminology | 1073 | |||||
4611 | The article contains the investigation of the Old Germanic concept “Fire” on the material of Old English and Old Norse. The theoretical basis of the study is the approach to the concept structure determination by means of analysing language unities which represent it. The core, segments, layers and periphery of the concept “Fire” are revealed in the process of studying a series of lexical units representing this concept in the context of Old English and Old Norse literature. Keywords: Old English, Old Norse, concept, concept structure, interpretative field, periphery, core, layers, segments | 1073 | |||||
4612 | The article analyzes the development of the theoretical foundations of the invariant model of personalized and individualized training of educators focused on new models of certification; regularities of its design and implementation are opened, the structure and contents are described. Keywords: personalized and individualized approach, patterns, structure and content of a model of personalized and individualized training of educators | 1073 | |||||
4613 | The article identifies the preconditions, leading destinations of the methodological base for creating a modern system of additional vocational teacher education in the emerging network society. Keywords: adult education, methodological approaches, pedagogical conditions of andragogical approach realization | 1073 | |||||
4614 | The article is devoted to the one of the last plays by E. L. Shvarts “A Story of a Young Couple”). It is devoted to the problem of mutual understanding of loving people, their readiness to build relationship in a family and accept a compromise. The motive “learner-teacher” plays an essential role in the logic of the play. This motive is developing during the act of the play and is linking plotlines of different characters. This motive is shown on several levels: verbal, situational and on the level of the system of characters. The author of the article has tried to analyse the semantic spectrum of the motive. In the post-war time the loss of kin relations is filled up with family creation that is with clan creation. It distinguishes the work of E. L. Shvarts from the Soviet literature representing a family as the state. An important psychological, social and ontological role is played in this case by “teachers” who are keepers and propagators of life values. The followers are represented by people of young generation who have already created families or who are on the way toward it. The teachers are people of older generation (tutors, fellow workers, casual acquaintances and also come to life toys, the appearance of which attaches fabulousness to the play. Keywords: drama, motive, act, dramaturgy of Shvarts, literature of XX century | 1073 | |||||
4615 | Brief Summary. The article deals with the necessity of the anthropological shift in linguistic methodology. Generalizes the results of the philosophical and anthropological foreign and domestic studies, and records those basic anthropological principles that now form the basis of pedagogical and anthropological vision of the educational process. Covers the spectrum of definitions of the object, method and objectives of educational anthropology. At the same time diagnostics of educational achievements of students should be transferred from the mere rationality to the sphere of lingual mentality where a growing person’s “experiential philosophy” is being developed. In this approach, students are active constructors of their own world, their own moral conception of the world and of man in it. Suggests one of the possible ways of scientific-theoretical and practical-technological solution to the problem of final exam in the Russian language on the basis of the lingual concept-centric pattern, when the diagnostics is shifting from pure rationality to the sphere of linguistic thought. Keywords: anthropological shift, anthropological methodology, linguo-conceptual framework, diagnostics and control | 1073 | |||||
4616 | The article describes two basic strategies of a man’s self-presentation in the virtual discourse: virtual reconstruction of social identity and virtual reconstruction of personal identity. The peculiarities of gaining identity and nomination strategies, as exemplified by open letters presented on special sites, are described. Despite the inherent anonymity and carnivalization of communication process in the virtual discourse allowing transformation using speech masks and visual images, authors of the open letters voluntary refuse anonymity and desire to exhibit “Real Self”, emphasize the value of individuality, save the unique face in the era of total globalization. It is explained by the fact that open letters are ego-texts, bound by the author “Self”, which acts as the center of generating ideas, feelings and actions. It is concluded that the leading strategy for the authors of the open letters in the virtual discourse is virtual reconstruction of personal identity. Keywords: self-identity, virtual reconstruction of social identity, virtual reconstruction of personal identity, open letter, anonymity, self-nomination | 1073 | |||||
4617 | Research of the notion “alter-globalization” in various fields of its use shows that alter-globalization is a phenomenon of social reality. Alter-globalization is the result of interaction between individuals. This interaction is based on the generally accepted principles, laws, and social representations, that dominant in society at a particular stage. It is a topical subject of researches in social philosophy. One of the possible analysis methods in the philosophy of alter-globalization is investigation of “superorganism”, or social units consisting of a set of collectively manageable agents acting in concert to achieve its goals. The study of alter-globalization as social reality can determine the degree of its interaction with different philosophical currents and ideas. Keywords: alter-globalization, globalization, social reality, protest movements, neoliberalism | 1073 | |||||
4618 | Modern conditions of market economy of Russia have a strong influence on the field of educational services. This particularly applies to the field of professional education. Russian institution of professional education, contrary to the basic principles of the market is still not focused on profit, and social support of trainees and their employment. In the article it clearly shows the years of experience of Tomsk school of social technologies with students with disabilities and persons with disabilities. It is for these categories of trainees created socially active environment to improve the quality of inclusive education and employment. Long experience of effective work with equipment to employ people with disabilities can be embedded in the practice of other educational institutions. Keywords: market economy, College, employment, disabilities, inclusive education, socially active environment | 1073 | |||||
4619 | The article contains the results of the ascertaining experiment aimed at studying the level of emotional stability of the children of the senior preschool age. The main methods to assess the emotional state of the child and to identify the particular manifestation of emotional stability were: the observation of children’s behavior in interaction with the tutor and peers, interviews with children and teachers, educators and parents questionnaires, projective tests. Defines the criteria and indicators of emotional stability of the children: the adequacy of the emotional response of the child in the interaction with the surrounding reality; the intensity of expression of emotions experienced; the stability characteristics of the emotional response. Analysis of experimental data allowed to identify three levels of manifestation of emotional stability of senior preschoolers (high, medium and low). Suggests the author ‘s definition of “emotional stability” in relation to pre-school children. Keywords: emotions, emotional stability, pre-school children, criteria and indicators of emotional stability, analysis of experimental data, the level of symptoms of emotional stability | 1073 | |||||
4620 | French perfumery art has centuries-old traditions and is the pride of the French nation. This article deals with the French perfumery discourse as one of the kinds of the institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized, multi – composition formation, an interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of the production and trade of perfume goods), advertising perfumery discourse, scientific perfumery discourse, academic (educational) discourse of the perfumery art, perfumery media art, commercial discourse. The leading role in the above group belongs to the perfumery proper discourse in the sphere of professional communication. Within the subgroup of the French perfumery discourse one can find the polyphonic inclusions of historical, art, medical, musical, culinary and other discourses. The complex discourse nature of the perfumery discourse has given rise to a variety of genre forms. Keywords: smell, fragrance, perfume, perfumery, perfumery discourse, speech genre, functional style, a unit of analysis | 1073 | |||||
4621 | The article presents the overview of resources in practical phonetics published in Russia over the period of sixteen years. In this study far from the critical review we conclude the main problems typical for Russian pronunciation training. We found the traditional ways of teaching phonetics and defined their advantages and drawbacks. The article is an attempt at taking a comparative look at the treatment of English tones in a sample of ten teaching resources through the time of sixteen years. The selection of English tones for the analyses is for their notoriety in the context of learning by Russians. After analyzing the teaching resources we found the balanced treatment of segments and suprasegments which is definitely a great advantage of time. Also a positive moment is an equal treatment of pronunciation together with grammar and lexis. However till present days we can state the over-use of drill-like pronunciation activities, where the repetitive and mechanical practice is still the weakness of the analyzed pronunciation materials. Traditional drill-based activities are so far fruitful but the modern way of education demands inclusion of communicative pronunciation-oriented activities in the learning practice. The occasional use of consciousness-raising and self-monitoring activities is still a typical feature of phonetic classes all over Russian universities. It is a strong call for incorporation of confidence building and reflective activities in the pronunciation training. Keywords: teaching resources, methods of teaching, practical phonetics of the English language, suprasegments, intonation, tone | 1073 | |||||
4622 | The paper discusses the conceptual framework and the nature of the educational environment, reveals four areas of motivating educational environment for mathematically gifted students – intellectual, communicative, cooperative and personal, determins the conditions of its formation and competence of a teacher working with gifted children. The authors have determined that the construction of the motivating educational environment for the development of school students gifted in mathematics is impossible without making the multilevel partnership, which implies the development of the network interaction. The network interaction is necessary for the development of the determined teachers’ competencies in work with gifted children. For the teachers to acquire the mentioned competences the conditions for their professional development are to be provided. As a part of the network interaction they could be created in the organizations of either higher education or supplementary professional one, where the work on the professional development of teachers can be performed. The analysis of the existing regional educational structures allowed to distinguish different types of the organizational structures for the work with children gifted in mathematics. Among the structures functioning as organizational cores of the work with such children are physical and mathematical schools, centers on the work with gifted children and other institutions. Keywords: mathematically gifted students, motivating learning environment, networking | 1073 | |||||
4623 | The article deals with some aspects of scientific research activity management. The author defines specific features of scientific research activity management in a higher education institution. The author describes a model of teachers’ scientific research activity management in the pedagogical university, which includes the substantive, managerialexecutive and resulting components. The given structural-functional model vividly demonstrates the studied phenomenon, its inner organization and gives a whole picture of the process of teachers’ scientific research activity management in a higher education institution. Methodological basis of teachers’ scientific research activity readiness is the subject and systemic pragmatist approach. The emphasis is placed on the substantive component of the model, which is represented by the unity of management functions determined by the tasks and objectives as well as the content of the scientific research activity at all stages. The author singles out information-analytical, motivational-target, planned-prognostic, organizational-performing, control-diagnostic, and regulatory-corrective management functions in a higher education institution. The article also describes the principles of teachers’ scientific research activity management in a higher education institution such as scientific rigour, continuity and consistency, cooperation, unity of management and self-management, unity of command and team-spirit. The author defines organizational-pedagogical conditions of teachers’ scientific research activity management in a higher education institution: organization of teaching process aiming at increasing the level of research competence, system of teachers’ moral and material inducement summarizing the results of their research, effective cooperation between teachers in project groups. Keywords: management, scientific research activity management, model of teachers’ scientific research activity management in the pedagogical university, management functions | 1073 | |||||
4624 | The article discusses the trends in information and communications technology that promote the formation of the open pedagogy, the subjects of which are not only teachers and students, but also other stakeholders (experts, consultants, Internet content curators, etc.). The possible ways to form the theoretical basis and the necessary institutional conditions for everyday educational activities of the pupils (students, working professionals, retirees) are determined. Offered a possible model of the open pedagogic environment related to social, technological and ecological environment. Highlighted the link between educational space, educational environment and personal educational spheres in global education space. The necessity of teaching evaluation for didactic characteristics of total mobile connectivity, hybrid (virtual and augmented) reality, "brain-computer interfaces" and other innovative technologies, and the impact of the digital reality on the identity of the person, to his way of thinking and lifestyle is showed. From the point of view of the open pedagogy-andragogy, the State should define the overall framework for educational space-regulation, level organization forms of institutional education, and professional standards. In this space can operate educational services providers of various ranks: normative authorized educational institutions (public and private schools, lyceums, colleges, institutes and universities) business (consulting, expert, training etc.) institutions, volunteer associations, professionally oriented hybrid organization types, accompanying public education. The necessity of pedagogical evaluation of not only didactic characteristics of total mobile connectivity, virtual and augmented reality, brain-computer interfaces and other innovative technologies, but also the influence of digital reality on personality, his thinking and way of life, is grounded. Keywords: lifelong learning, personalization of education, pedagogical system, open pedagogy | 1073 | |||||
4625 | The article gives an analysis of the poetic structure of space in Nabokov’s novel “Despair”. Close attention is paid to the motif of homelessness, not related to the external circumstances of life (the main character in the novel, Herman has an apartment), but to his inner sense about the meaning of existence. This key feature of the character determines his position – in motion. The temporary destinations of the character (the semantics of temporality, non-permanence: hotels, taverns, post offices), and the direction of Herman’s travel (closer to Russia or South-West Europe) are also important in understanding the concept of the novel. The spatial choice reflects also the inner turmoil of the character, his national belonging to two cultures (Russian and German). The character’s choices fluctuate, and this is reflected in his movements: he approaches Russia, then moves away. It is important to note that the specificity of the novel’s poetics of space is revealed in the comparison of forced and desired, real and imaginary moves of the character. Key scenes of the story are correlated with different countries: Herman discovers his twin in the Czech Republic, he commits murder in Germany, writes the text about the idea of murder and substitution (designed to prove his genius) in France, but he plans to transfer the manuscript to writer-emigrant from Russia and dreams that his novel will be known to carriers of Russian culture, including those in Soviet Russia. In addition to these countries, the field of the character’s consciousness the novel includes countries such as Italy and France. Accordingly, the article explores the ways of constructing the image of different countries, cities, some places and reveal how the space perception of the characters contributes to their disclosure. The space-related motif of movement allows us to distinguish the author’s position and the position of the unreliable narrator and specify the artistic methods of disclosure of the selfdetermination and self-identification problem created in the novel. Keywords: russian emigration literature, V. Nabokov, motif of movement, artistic space | 1073 | |||||
4626 | Introduction. The article describes the aspects of the metaphorical interpretation of the concept stone, presented in Russian linguistic culture and the system of figurative means of the Russian language. The relevance of the research is due to the scientific interest in the study of the metaphorical functioning of concepts and their figurative language representation in the perspective of the anthropocentric paradigm of linguistics. The aim of the work is to describe the metaphorization of various qualities and properties of a stone for the figurative description of objects of the surrounding reality and the inner world of a person, expressed in the semantics of language units and speech statements. Material and methods. The methodology of the work is based on cognitive, linguistic, cultural and system-structural approaches to the study of the figurative language and speech. The methods of structural-semantic, conceptual and contextual analysis, as well as field modeling and cultural linguistic commentary are used. Empirical material is represented by figurative words and expressions (about 200 units), as well as contexts that demonstrate their metaphorical functioning (about 850 contexts). The sources were the published explanatory and phraseological dictionaries of the modern Russian language and the text base of the National Corps of the Russian language. Results and discussion. As a result, the qualities and properties of the concept being studied were described, which served as the basis for metaphorical projections on figuratively named objects and situations; the lexical and phraseological field of the Russian language is characterized, represented by words and expressions, metaphorically motivated names with the semantics ‘stone’; cognitive models are revealed for which the Stone conceptual sphere is the initial one and serves as a source of the metaphorical characteristics of the phenomena of other conceptual target spheres. The concept of stone in its metaphorical functioning actualizes the following basic features: hardness, strength, heaviness, immobility, color. These qualities of a stone are metaphorically projected onto the properties of various material and non-material objects: objects (hard, lost softness), the human body (heavy, immovable), psychological states of a person (grief, anxiety, depression, torpor), moral qualities (indifference, willpower, responsiveness), mental and social activities (meaningful content, the beginning of activities). Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrate cognitively and axiologically significant fragment of the Russian language world view. The corpus research data testify active metaphoric functioning of the Stone concept in modern discursive practices. Keywords: cognitive metaphor, the concept of Stone, figurative vocabulary, phraseology, language picture of the world | 1073 | |||||
4627 | Zarubina O. V. . // Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 1998. Issue 3 (6). P. 30-34 . | 1072 | |||||
4628 | Theory of games is used in order to find mixed strategies for businessmen. | 1072 | |||||
4629 | At pedagogical universities prepare for the future teachers, and the rate of theoretical physics stated to him should possess the certain originality which imposes the special responsibility on teachers. In the paper are considered prominent features of a technique of training of theoretical physics at pedagogical university. The material of clause can be used at studying theoretical physics in pedagogical high schools | 1072 | |||||
4630 | Studying creative processes has become of current importance as a result of introducing science organization and management principles to science and production. Creative tninking of a future engineer is develops most effectively through course and graduation work designing. Creative thinking of a personality arises from a problem solving or conflict settling situation. Keywords: creative thinking, coursework and graduation work designing, engineering | 1072 | |||||
4631 | The article considers thesis researches of the last decade on the history of general and pedagogical education in Western Siberia from the late 19th century till the early 20th century. Keywords: history of education, history of general and pedagogical education, professional education, historiographical review, theses | 1072 | |||||
4632 | The article represents the methodological approach of system analysis of the current state of children-parental relations. The bilateral information of children-parental relationship is shown in the article on the example of pupils, whose individual features are taken into consideration. Possible ways of better relations based on the educational spheres integration efforts are proved. The role of additional education of children in outreach activities and personal self-realization is shown. The article can be useful for the education system experts. Keywords: educational potential of a family, realization level of educational potential, children-parental relations, educational activity, ability to live, additional education of children, integration of educational spheres | 1072 | |||||
4633 | Conceptual diagnostics version of socio-cultural systems in the spectrum of variations of the impacts of new technologies is presented. The models of information processes as methodological grounds of diagnosis are discussed. Keywords: the information-synergetic approach, models of information process, nonlinear dynamics, operator, occasion-in-actuality, occasion-in-reality | 1072 | |||||
4634 | The presented results of the calculation water balance element for three represent water basin of big Vasyugan mires with a different degree of paludification on month interval for the period 1990–2009 years. There was analysed the perennial track records of the precipitation, evaporations and expenses of water, influence of the change the climate on hydrological marshes regimen. The correlations are estimated between elements of the water balances at different years. Keywords: paludification water basin, hydra-climatic facility, evaporation, run off water and heat exchange, wood-marsh zone, West Siberia, hydrological regimes, time dynamic | 1072 | |||||
4635 | General measures of regional policy in higher education are analyzed in the article. This policy is aimed on the forming of the world level training system as a key for development of science intensive economy. A consortium of universities and scientific organizations is studied as the cornerstone for the system. Keywords: innovative educational programs and projects, consolidation of resources, human resources, science intensive economy, networking. | 1072 | |||||
4636 | The article is devoted to simulation of education settings learning. On the basis of historical and pedagogical analysis the authors suggest a model of the educational setting for the formation of the social competence of future teachers in rural schools. Keywords: modelling, educational environment, social competence, village school | 1072 | |||||
4637 | In this article we try to give a basis for structure originality of traditional Russian spiritual music in terms of music language understanding as meaning phenomenon for human spirit. This concept is given in contradiction with understanding of the music as language of feelings and emotions and orthodox music moves away from this prevailing assumption. Thereupon aesthetics of spiritual music is characterized by mystical Godhead energy via sensual acoustic phenomena. It also is shown by a variety of musical expressiveness ways which are limited for this kind of aesthetics. Keywords: sense, language of expression, spiritual music, tradition | 1072 | |||||
4638 | The article regards issues of building competences of a specialist with higher technical education majoring in physics (professional field 011200 “Physics”, specialisation “Condensed state physics”). Problems of forming competences and their solutions are considered for all stages of training for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The work presents examples of structuring lecture material and the scheme of models succession and links between separate units within the course of physics, as well as some ideas for assessing the university graduates’ competences. Keywords: syllabus, competence, competence building | 1072 | |||||
4639 | In the article the essence of concepts “speech creative activity”, “model speech creative activity development” has been analysed, as well as it presents the structural and functional components of the methodical model speech creative activity development of schoolchildren. Keywords: speech creative activity, model speech creative activity, structural and functional components of the methodical model | 1072 | |||||
4640 | The possibility of review of methodological approaches, which are an important basis in solving the problems of integration into the society, improving the quality of life of children with disabilities and their families. The main emphasis in managing disability and disability shifts to rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of the disabled is complex - a multidisciplinary approach to the recovery abilities to domestic, public and professional activities at a level appropriate to their physical, mental and social potential, allowing for the micro - and macro-environment. The various features of Communication Studies of disabled children with cerebral palsy and discusses their characteristics, where the center is the problem of the family as the most important institution of the primary socialization of the disabled child. Determination of performance criteria of psychological support families with a disabled child with cerebral palsy is based on the results of that psychologist in different directions of research practice support. Keywords: child disability, disability, integration, family, methodological problems, humanism, social adjustment, emotional adjustment, correction, cerebral palsy, integrated approach | 1072 | |||||
4641 | The article considers the specific character of code-switching as the key stage of translation process, explains the need to use the term “linguacultural switching” and gives its definition. The paper suggests that representations of extralinguistic situation and text type can act as cues for linguacultural switching and gives a list of mechanisms and skills needed for its effective operation. Keywords: code-switching, extralinguistic situation, text, didactics of translation | 1072 | |||||
4642 | The article outlines ancient word semantics as a part of morphemic structure of negative pronouns and negative particles. Negative pronouns were formed on the base of interrogative pronouns and depended on general negative sentence semantics. Names of unreal world objects served as a source of origin for negative particles. Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, semantics, historical word formation, negative pronoun, negative particle | 1072 | |||||
4643 | The work is accomplished in the framework of anthropological paradigm of modern linguistics, at the intersection of current trends of language science: functional linguistics, linguistic personology, contactology, neology, etc. The article is devoted to the functioning of contemporary loanwords in student speech, namely to the analysis of pragmatic functions of foreign novations in student discourse. Contemporary loanwords is the vocabulary borrowed from foreign languages, both assimilated and non-assimilated, which entered the Russian language beginning with 1990s. The youth newspapers, Internet websites of social communities, colloquial speech of students was chosen as the material for investigation. The foreign novations not included into the regular Russian language dictionaries are analysed. The particular features for foreign neologisms to realize the specific linguistic pragmatic functions are revealed. The functions are expressive (emotive and attractive), characterological, contact-setting, euphemistic, etc. Multifunctionality of contemporary loanwords as a particular feature of a speech portrait of higher education institution student is proved. Summing up the observations over the functional potential of contemporary loanwords in student discourse of the XXI century, the functional syncretism can be traced. Keywords: foreign lexis, newest borrowings, neologism, functionality, pragmatic functions, speech portrait | 1072 | |||||
4644 | Modern society is focused on improving the performance of both technical and humanitarian areas. Modern humanitarian technologies are used in the training, education, allowing you to optimize these processes. Research activities of the teacher is a necessary factor in his professional competence. This determines the need to improve this activity. The most successful methodological approach to solving this problem, the author believes praxiological, and one of the most important mechanisms visualization. These reserves were used by the author to develop and test educational course for master’s programs “Design and assessment of educational systems”. Visualization, a relatively new pedagogy methodology used in teaching undergraduates, allowed to achieve high performance training and trainees’ satisfaction. This methodological approach and visualization techniques can be used for other training courses. Keywords: research activities of the teacher, praxeological approach, visualization, educational program, result of research activity | 1072 | |||||
4645 | Development of the system of public service requires special attention to the problem of the morality of civil servants. Moral reliability and responsibility is a core of social and axiological potential of the civil servants. The effective instruments of development of moral culture of the civil servants are programs of additional professional education. The article submits the data of empirical researches of the author on the opportunities of additional professional education for realization of social and axiological potential of civil servants. The presented training program of civil servants “Ethics of public service” is modular in nature and in terms of methodology, based on the principle of polysubjectivity. Keywords: additional professional education, ethics of public service, moral culture of civil servants, responsibility, social and axiological potential, value orientations | 1072 | |||||
4646 | Introduction. The content of school subjects is the most important factor in the intellectual development of students. Accordingly, the question arises about the requirements for a modern textbook in the framework of the psychodidactic approach. The aim of the article is to develop a typology of developing educational texts aimed at enriching various forms of mental experience of students. Material and methods. The study was based on the analysis of the psychological characteristics of the intellectual education of students in the framework of the psychodidactic approach, based on the psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the polyfunctionality of modern educational mathematics materials. Results and discussion. The concept of developing educational text is introduced. The specificity of developing educational texts lies in the fact that they, being a projection of the structure of scientific mathematical knowledge, at the same time, firstly, ensure the formation of the main components of a student’s mental experience (including cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive and intentional experience) and, secondly, create conditions for the manifestation and formation of individual cognitive styles of students. Such an educational text should be built as some multidimensional semantic space (hypertext), its structure, along with its “core” (certain subject information), includes context and subtext. The typology of developing educational texts (the study of school mathematics) developed on the basis of the ontological theory of intelligence is presented. Examples of educational texts of different types in the course of mathematics of the basic school are given. Conclusion. The implementation of a complex of developing educational texts creates conditions for increasing the level of understanding of educational mathematical material and the growth of intellectual resources of students by enriching the main components of their mental (mental) experience – cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive, intentional (emotional-evaluative). Keywords: learning, school mathematics, psychodidactics, developing educational text, mental (cognitive, conceptual, metacognitive, intentional) experience, intellectual development | 1072 | |||||
4647 | . | 1071 | |||||
4648 | It was investigated the effect of hypobaric hypoxia on function of pentose phosphate pathway in wheat, rice and barley seedlings , which differ in steadiness to studing factor. Pentose phosphate pathway was intensified in green barley leaves on lidht and on darkness under hypobaric hypoxia (16 hours). Hypoxic incubation (72 hours) was resulted in increase enzymatic activity of glucose-6-phosphate degydrogenase in roots and leaves of steady plant (rice) only | 1071 | |||||
4649 | This article gives the short description of the general principles of the organization of the constructional activity of the physical technical circle. The psychological and pedagogical bases of the directions of the activity have been carried out. At the same time the basic stages of the teenagers and the teacher on the creation of the examples of the school apparatus for carrying out practical lessons have been briefly described | 1071 | |||||
4650 | This article examines some elements of methodology of object-subjects system of economic interconnections’ analysis in clusters. It shows social and economic advantages of clusters in regional economies. Defines aims objectives and principles of functioning cluster/ formations in regional enterprise. It shows structures of elements of forming clusters’ system. Keywords: object, subject, cluster, economic interconnection, cluster system, cluster advantages, structure of elements, multi functional system | 1071 |