DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-110-113
The article considers intercultural interaction as the order of modern communities, and the goal of the professional educational space - to develop highly efficient tools and techniques that contribute to their development - is relevant and in demand. The role of the foreign language as a means of intercultural communication is undeniable. But it is not sufficient to have just speaking skills on household topics in foreign language for successful communication on professional issues. The key point in the preparation of a professional is the formation of vocabulary system in a certain area in the target language. The article covers the widespread ways of automating the development and use of terminological dictionaries in future engineers foreign language teaching. Creating automated electronic dictionaries and terminology data banks allows you to receive the necessary information about the terms and concepts referred to them with the help of computers, in other words certain specific areas or activities are displayed in a systematic form that helps extracting accurate and adequate information from comprehension of the actual information through the reading of original texts in the professional field. The analysis of literature on the creation of educational terminological dictionaries has identified features which could have pedagogical value in the future engineers foreign language teaching, for example, dictionary creator’s collective activity, the aim and the result (training trilingual glossary of terms), and it can be used as a means of students’ reading skills verification.
Keywords: foreign language, mobile dictionary, terminology, engineering education students, professionallyoriented language
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 110 — 113
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