DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-17-23
The article deals with the problem of education of humane relations among children of the senior preschool age in the conditions of inclusive education. In psychological and educational literature, the concept of “humane relations” is viewed from different angles, as a form of interpersonal relations based on the principles of humanity; as a set of harmonious relations of the subject with the world, other people and themselves. Humane relations manifest themselves in attitudes, beliefs, tastes, emotional experiences, motivations and aspirations to act and the actions themselves. Humane relations include the following symptoms: kindness, compassion, care, caring justice. The article deals with the content of humane relations, the specifics of their development in preschool age in the conditions of inclusive education. Inclusive education is one of the most humane educational solutions for children with disabilities and normally developing children. In the pre-school educational institution children learn to interact with each other, to build equal relations. One of the most organic tools for the development of humane relations among preschoolers is a game activity. The use of specially selected methods and techniques in the course of the game contributes to the effective development of humane relations among the children of preschool age. In the formation of the children ideas about the humane treatment of children with disabilities it is important to use a variety of fiction (fairy tales, legends, stories, poems), problem situations, special talks, pedagogical situations, game activity, as they allow the child to express his subjectivity, stimulate the expression of humanity. It is believed that the development of humane feelings in children of preschool age ensures equal interaction with children with disabilities.
Keywords: humane relations, humanistic orientation of behavior, children of preschool age, moral behavior, inclusive education, game activity
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 17 — 23
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