DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-114-118
The article examines teaching methods aimed at developing students’ intercultural communicative competence whilst studying interpretation using collaborative activity pedagogy developed by G. N. Prozumentova. A special attention is paid to description of three collaborative activity organization models (authoritative, leadership, partnership). Authoritative model corresponds to closed collaborative activity which depends solely on the educator without any go-aheadedness of the learner; leadership model corresponds to “adressed” collaborative activity which implies a certain dialog between the educator and the learner, thus a certain independence of the learner; partnership model is associated with open collaborative activity involving a full-scale dialog between two equal partners - the learner and the educator. The partnership model is presumed as the most effective way of forming students’ intercultural communicative competence since it allows the partners to develop their own meanings, to grow personally and to encourage mutual personal enrichment. The educational experiment designed to develop intercultural communicative competence included different types of translation and interpretation exercices. These learning tasks were classified as either reproductive, constructive or creative which corresponds to three collaborative activity model types. The research has proved that the co-organisation of all three models with an emphasis laid to open (partnership) model has found to be the most effective way of developing students’ intercultural communicative competence as well as their interpretation skills.
Keywords: intercultural communicative competence, interpretation, translation, translation pedagogy, collaborative activity pedagogy, collaborative activity model
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 114 — 118
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