DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-24-27
The article represents the analysis of the nominations of the top and back of a head in the Selkup dialects. The research objective is to reveal the inner meanings of the studied lexemes and find out cultural value of the parts of the body that they denote. The object of the investigation is the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting top and back of a head in the Selkup language.The author has collected and classified the dialectal variants of the lexemes denoting the considered parts of the head in the Selkup language. The paper gives the etymological review of the somonyms ket. sumba ‘top of a head’, ‘back of a head’ and ket. nukku ‘back of a head’, whereas the somonym taz. par ‘back of a head’ was considered from semantic point of view. Linguistic analysis of ket. sumba and ket. nukku which both denote ‘back of a head’ revealed that they refer to different parts of the back of a head. Also the mythological materials describing the studied parts of the head were analyzed. The results show that the somonyms ket. sumba, ket. nukku and taz. par have different cultural meanings and value. The nomination taz. par integrates the idea of interconnection of physical and spiritual worlds, the terms ket. sumba and ket. nukku comprise information about the Selkups’ apprehension of the Universe.
Keywords: the Selkup language, dialect, somatic vocabulary, nominations of the top of the head, nominations of the back of the head, linguocultural analysis
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 24 — 27
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