DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-121-125
The authors specify the methodology of system analysis of author’s TV program presenter’s individual media discourse, taking into account understanding of individual media discourse as the representation form of his information field. Author-presenter’s professional speech behavior organizes his individual media discourse, determining the holistic well-known journalist’s image in circumstances of current discursive practice. At the same time specific peculiarities of his informational and media language personality’s idiostyle reflect in television journalists’s individual media discourse. Information field of media person is the space of communication which is organized in the process of different discoursive practices in media communication. The authors consider separately such components of media personality information field as: 1) reputation and authority; 2) citation (publicity, prominence); 3) thesaurus, view of the world and system of values. Authority of TV presenter is strongly correlated with reputation of program. Citation of TV journalist is the main indicator of his effective professional activity. Thesaurus, picture of the world and system of values of TV journalist reflects features of idiostyle of his media personality. This features are directly reflected in the individual media discourse. As the example, the authors analyze some peculiarities of television journalist and author’s TV program “Vesti nedeli” on TV channel “Rossiya 1” presenter D. Kiselev’s language personality information field.
Keywords: media discourse, individual media discourse of a TV journalist, informational field of personality, informational and media language personality, author’s TV program
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 121 — 125
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