DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-45-48
The article deals with the question of communicative difficulties arising while a foreign language training of primary schoolers with special needs. One of the main objectives of foreign language learning is communicative skills training and development. In consequence of cognitive disorder children with disabilities encounter serious obstacles in communicative and play activities. The article describes communicative difficulties as barriers that destroy effective and comfortable socialization and interaction between interlocutors in foreign language. It indicates the groups of communicative problems and characterizes physiological and psychological reasons of communicative obstacles. The research shows, that children with disabilities are under constant stress. The article presents recommendations on how to overcome the given problems. Therefore, the authors emphasize the necessity of lessening the influence of psychophysical disorders, the significance of motivational aspect, and demonstrate possible activities, tasks that encourage pupils in studying a foreign language. The article defines a foreign language learning at the initial stage as a tool for children development, and offers to integrate natural inherent process of a pupil with the learning one. The described in the article results of the research can be used during the educational process by teachers of foreign languages, education psychologists, counselors, class teachers. Particularly the results may help teachers to develop individual educational course of foreign language learning.
Keywords: foreign language learning, primary school age students, special needs, communicative difficulties, mainstreaming
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 45 — 48
Downloads: 919