DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-7-71-77
The article is devoted to one of the modern aspects of the Russian-Chinese linguistic interaction – Chinese advertising signs in the Russian language, a common border with Russia in northeastern China, in Heihe. The article presents a linguistic analysis of Chinese advertising signs in the Russian language, developed by native Chinese speakers, for their conformity to lexical-semantic norms. The purpose of this article is the interpretation of lexical interference as a cause of a violation of the lexical norms of the Russian language in the texts of Chinese signage in Russian. Thus, on all levels of the language system of the Russian and Chinese languages in their interaction in the texts of advertising signs of the border city of Heihe there were observed interlingual, and in some cases intralingual interference, reflecting a typological distinction of the interacting languages. The interference leads to a linguistic mixture of different elements (phonetic, lexical, grammatical) in the texts of advertising signs in the Russian language, which illustrates the «Chinese Russian language». Considering interlanguage and intralanguage interference in the texts of Chinese signage in the Russian language, we are attracted to study both forms of the contact languages explaining interference phenomena introduction as Chinese and Russian. Thus, the phenomenon of lexical interference in texts of advertising signs on the territory of the Chinese border city of Heihe, is largely the result of the interaction of contacting languages (Russian and Chinese), resulting in disturbances of lexical norms of the Russian language in them.
Keywords: linguistic interaction, Chinese advertising signs in the Russian language, lexical and semantic errors, interlingual interference, lexical interference
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Issue: 7, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 71 — 77
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