DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-83-89
The paper deals with the student youth physical education in conditions of internationalization of educational environment of Russian higher school. The relevance and necessity of searching new approaches to the student youth physical education of Russian higher schools in conditions of internationalization are presented. The purpose of empirical research is to reveal the peculiarities of students physical education in conditions of internationalization of educational environment of Russian higher school. Data of the empirical research are adduced. The paper presents the results and conclusions of conducted research in two directions: 1) revelation of the urgent objectives of professional development of high school teacher of physical education as the subject of international educational interaction; 2) revelation of the urgent directions of students physical education in the international educational environment of Russian higher school and identifying the most productive forms, methods and tools of physical education in the conditions of internationalization. The research has been conducted on the basis of two Tomsk higher schools by means of the following methods: survey (structured interviewing, questionnaire poll), involved observation and the expert method. The paper suggests scientifically grounded organizational and pedagogical solutions, which ensure integration of physical and international education of students in Russian higher school.
Keywords: higher school, internationalization of educational environment, physical education, foreign student, higher school teacher of physical education, educational interaction
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 83 — 89
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