DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-9-97-101
The content of the school curriculum of Computer Science and ICT is one of the most susceptible to change among all school subjects. Moreover, due to the spread of information technology of society as a whole, fundamental changes are taking place in the entire field of education. New information and communication technologies are being widely introduced into the learning process. This objectively increases the schooling requirements of the student in the field of Computer Science and ICT, and therefore to the substantive training of the future teacher. This article focuses on the substantive training of future teachers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. It is reasonable that quality substantive training is a necessary requirement for the teacher’s competence. An overview of the content of the most relevant subjects is provided. Particular attention is paid to the importance of shaping the algorithmic thinking of the future Computer Science teachers. The main tools to monitor learning outcomes are considered. In subject disciplines, it is useful to pay attention to how a student can better understand the subject, how one can motivate the student to learn a particular subject, and how the subject studying contributes to the creation of universal learning activities.
Keywords: teacher of informatics, pedagogical education, algorithmic thinking, subject preparation, evaluation tools
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Issue: 9, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 97 — 101
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