DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-129-133
The need for developing emotional responsiveness in preschool age is dictated not only by modern normative documents in the field of education, the sensitivity of preschool age, but also by the need of society in humane responsive people. By now pedagogical literature has sufficient theoretical prerequisites for studying the phenomenon of emotional responsiveness in preschool age. Pedagogical studies turned to various means for the development of emotional responsiveness in children, such as: theatrical activity, fiction, musical activity. Music is a unique and multifaceted means of pedagogical influence. The use of music as a means of developing emotional responsiveness in preschool children rests on the essential characteristics of music itself. Responding to psycho-physiological indicators of experiencing emotions (expressive movements (facial expressions, pantomime), breathing, intonation), music by its own means can model any expressive symptoms of emotional reactions. The use of music as a means of developing emotional responsiveness of preschool children should take into account the insufficient subject experience of children’s emotional feelings. Therefore, for the organization of classes on development of emotional responsiveness of preschool children, a step-by-step mechanism is proposed that takes into account the essential characteristics of music as a means, peculiar features of the age of children, and their musical preferences.
Keywords: emotional responsiveness, preschool age, preschool education, music, subject experience
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 129 — 133
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