DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-177-183
The results of the analytical work on revealing of the necessity of development of the labour supervision practice during temporary employment of underage children as an urgent direction of scientific and pedagogical research are presented. The paper discloses normative and legal aspects of arrangement of temporary employment of underage children at regional and municipal levels. The materials of the theoretical analysis of labour supervision as sociopedagogical phenomenon are adduced. The paper suggests grounded and elaborated by the authors approaches for designing survey materials (interviewing and questionnaire poll), providing the opportunity for the considered practice as an urgent direction of applied scientific and pedagogical research. The authors’ diagnostic materials including the examples of their fragments are presented. The paper provides guidance for target and organizing guidelines for conducting scientific-pedagogical research connected with the development of practice of student youth labour supervision in relation to underage children in the system of students building parties. The data of the empirical survey of the employees of the Center for Employment of Population and local self-government bodies of Tomsk and Tomsk district and local authorities specialists on revealing the problems of temporary employment of the underage children are given. Urgent scientific and pedagogical issues in the sphere of development of student youth labour supervision in relation to underage children in the process of their temporary employment by means of involvement in students building parties labor activity are identified.
Keywords: labour education, temporary employment of underage children, labour supervision, labour socialization
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 177 — 183
Downloads: 864