DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-22-28
Identified causes of mental retardation in primary school children, including organic deficiency of the nervous system. Identifies the main contradiction proving the statement of the problem of formation of logical skills in primary school children with disabilities (for example, mental retardation) when learning math in elementary school. Groups of general logical skills: feature extraction, mathematical objects and their usage; classification; construction definitions; simple reasoning and evidence. Difficulties in constructing simple reasoning in solving mathematical problems by junior schoolchildren are analyzed. For example, the methods of work on the classification of expressions according to arithmetic action. Through modification the main educational objectives of students formed the ability to analyze, compare, allocate the basis for the classification, sharing many classes. A brief characteristic of the formation of logical skills in children with mental retardation, the diagnostic results of their formation at the ascertaining stage, and their qualitative analysis are given. Psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the optimal formation of logical skills in primary schoolchildren with mental retardation are singled out and justified. The results of the control diagnostics of logical skills’ development are given, allowing to judge the effectiveness of the selected conditions and the experimental work. Practical recommendations for the formation of logical skills of junior schoolchildren with mental retardation are formulated.
Keywords: logical abilities, junior schoolchildren, disabilities, mental retardation, learning Mathematics, psychological and pedagogical conditions
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 22 — 28
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