DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-45-51
The article reveals one of the key requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard to the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general and secondary general education - the formation of communicative competence of students. As mandatory skills that ensure the communicative nature of the individual, the FSES emphasizes the ability to consciously use speech tools in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs, to plan and regulate their activities; ability to use oral and written speech, monologic contextual speech. The content of communicative competence is the ability to set and solve a certain type of communicative tasks that is the use of the acquired knowledge, skills, and skills of speech activity in practice. The importance of development of communicative skills and abilities for successful socialization, adaptation and self-realization in the society is noted. The notions “communicative actions”, “communicative abilities and skills”, “communicative competence” are specified. The necessity of teaching the genre composition in view of the FSES requirements to the formation of the communicative competence of the students is substantiated. The results of experimental work on the formation of genre-communicative skills of students on the example of teaching essays as a genre of writing are presented. Teaching essays is chosen as a key to provide a modern man with necessary skills in his speech practice. The presented method of teaching essay is built on the activation of the personal experience of students. In the learning process, spe cial methods for the development of associative thinking, traditional and non-standard methods of developing communicative abilities and skills are used. The developed and tested technique allowed to get a high level of communication abilities and skills of high school students.
Keywords: communicative actions, communicative abilities and skills, communicative competence, genre composition, essay
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 45 — 51
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