DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-52-58
The article considers the didactic essence of mobile teaching aids in foreign language education. Despite a number of impressive studies on the use of mobile technologies for foreign language teaching, there are few questions and problems that require detailed study for more effective implementation of these tools in the practice of language education. The term «mobile technologies» should be understood as portable devices with mobile applications and the ability to access the Internet. The didactic essence of these teaching aids application is the creation of multi-sensory learning systems complexes that are aimed at the interactive nature of learning, taking into account the personal characteristics of the students. Mobile learning is very closely related to the electronic and distance education, which is connected with any portable device, so that training does not have a rigid binding to the location of the trainee. In other words, mobile learning technologies reduce the restrictions of education. Using specialized capabilities of Pads and mobile phones will allow not only to increase the students’ interest in learning languages, but also significantly expand the technical possibilities of disciplines teaching in the field of information technology. So mobile devices contain a huge didactic potential for their application in teaching a foreign language in the university educational process, which undoubtedly requires further study, including the development of software and methodological support.
Keywords: foreign language, mobile learning tools, professionally oriented foreign language, Web Quest technology
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 52 — 58
Downloads: 1039