DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-129-134
The article deals with some aspects of scientific research activity management. The author defines specific features of scientific research activity management in a higher education institution. The author describes a model of teachers’ scientific research activity management in the pedagogical university, which includes the substantive, managerialexecutive and resulting components. The given structural-functional model vividly demonstrates the studied phenomenon, its inner organization and gives a whole picture of the process of teachers’ scientific research activity management in a higher education institution. Methodological basis of teachers’ scientific research activity readiness is the subject and systemic pragmatist approach. The emphasis is placed on the substantive component of the model, which is represented by the unity of management functions determined by the tasks and objectives as well as the content of the scientific research activity at all stages. The author singles out information-analytical, motivational-target, planned-prognostic, organizational-performing, control-diagnostic, and regulatory-corrective management functions in a higher education institution. The article also describes the principles of teachers’ scientific research activity management in a higher education institution such as scientific rigour, continuity and consistency, cooperation, unity of management and self-management, unity of command and team-spirit. The author defines organizational-pedagogical conditions of teachers’ scientific research activity management in a higher education institution: organization of teaching process aiming at increasing the level of research competence, system of teachers’ moral and material inducement summarizing the results of their research, effective cooperation between teachers in project groups.
Keywords: management, scientific research activity management, model of teachers’ scientific research activity management in the pedagogical university, management functions
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 129 — 134
Downloads: 916