DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-138-141
The paper is devoted to the analysis of the linguo-cognitive and cultural characteristics of the opposition representation “intelligence-silliness” on the basis of the Russian and English folk tales. The underlying premises worked out in the framework of the linguistic conceptology serve as the theoretical foundation of the research. The linguistic conceptology is viewed as a branch of modern cognitive linguistics and it often focuses on the comparative analysis of these or those concepts. Folk talk as a genre reflects the reality and interprets it from a certain perspective. Moreover, folk tale can be considered as an axiogenic event which in its turn functions as a kind of an axiogenic situation. The opposition “intelligence-silliness” is analysed from the point of view of lexical explication, gender peculiarities and social status of the tales’ heroes. The conclusion is made that the English and Russian languages differ in terms of estimating and presenting intelligent and silly people. But at the same time intelligence in both linguo-cultures is associated with mental power, common sense, experience. Silliness always means lack of innate intelligence, wit and is even equal to greediness and laziness. The perspectives of the study are outlined. The representation of the opposition “intelligence- silliness” may be studied in the common language consciousness.
Keywords: intelligence, silliness, folk tale, genre, linguistic conceptology
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 138 — 141
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