DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-108-114
The problems of teaching modern schoolchildren in the conditions of introduction of a new state standard and the problems of the training of a modern teacher of Physics, which have arisen in connection with this, are pointed out. Currently, as indicated in many documents on higher education, in the country’s development program, there is a shortage of engineering personnel. This is due to the insufficient number of entrants for technical specialties and their weak motivation for training at university. These problems occur at school. These problems can only be solved by a teacher. In order to s olve this problem the author proposes a model of advanced training of bachelors of pedagogical education in Physics. For special training of bachelors a learning model is built that is implemented on the objects of a method ical orientation and based on considerable independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher. Preparation of students for the activation of Physics teaching and orientation of students for technical education is built in stages, with the distribution of study assignments for the fourth and fifth years of study. Students independently stu dy the literature recommended by the teacher, work together to develop materials for teaching students. This article presents samples of the developed materials for students in grades 7–9. All work with students is built on the basis of selected principles that theoretically justify the construction of the model training. The results of the pedagogical experiment are presented.
Keywords: motivation for teaching physics, focusing on technical education, home experiments, mini projects, practice-oriented projects
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 108 — 114
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