DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-103-107
The issue of training cadets of military higher educational institutions for the Olympiad in Informatics is under consideration. The nominations of the Olympiad are described and the methodical aspects of training cadets for one of the topics of the first round are described in detail – the use of the MS Word application in solving military-applied problems. Based on the analysis of the Olympiad assignments on computer science of the past years, a classification of tasks has been performed on this topic. The following types of tasks are identified: working with text; work with objects that are not text; execution of the document; automation of mailing; creation of macros and electronic forms. The method of teaching the solution of the selected types of Olympiad problems is described with the help of a set of different levels of difficulty in the exercises. Each subsequent exercise should either be based on the previous one, or repeat the sequence of actions formed in the previous tasks, which allows you to consolidate the result of the previous work. At the same time, in each subsequent exercise, a new action (or several actions united by one group of teams) must necessarily be added, which accentuates the attention of the cadet, thereby contributing to a more meaningful assimilation. Expansion and gradual complication of the set of exercises or the creation of a new sequence of similar tasks allows you to gradually master all the necessary material. A generalization of methodological provisions is made on the basis of which the method of preparing cadets for the speech at the Olympiad in the first round is proposed: it is necessary first to classify tasks for each topic of the tour, then to develop a set of exercises that form the cadet’s free operation with the actions necessary to solve problems of each type.
Keywords: olympiad in informatics, methods of training, classification of tasks, set of exercises, formation of actions
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 103 — 107
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