DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-117-122
The history of the Edinoverie parish, discovered in the Elanskaya volost of Tyukalinsky district of the Tobolsk province at the beginning of the 20th century, is analyzed. The previously unknown archival documents, stored in the State archives of the Omsk region, revealing features of the inner life of the youngest in Western Siberia Edinoverie Parish. In the historical period under review, its territory was located at the junction of the Tobolsk and Tomsk provinces and dioceses, in the conditions of an ethno-confessional intersection. Relations between Orthodox, cobelievers and old believers are considered. The theoretical significance of studying this problem is important in the conditions of the revival of the Old Believer parishes within the framework of the Russian Orthodox Church. The practical importance of the study is determined by the high interest of Russians and residents of other countries to identify their ancestors, compile genealogical trees and family histories. The main attention in the work is given to the analysis of the metric books of this parish, comparison of the tasks of the existence of the same faith and real practice on the example of particular parish. The facts and conclusions reflected in the article are a part of the work already carried out by the author on the integration of the data of Edinoverie, Orthodox and Jewish registers relating to the territory of the Elanskaya volost.
Keywords: Edinoverie, Old Belief, Orthodoxy, parish registers, rituals, baptism, wedding, guidance, genealogy, Siberia, Tobolsk province, Omsk diocese, anti-schismian mission
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 117 — 122
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