DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-92-99
The task of this work is to identify the features of foreign inclusions in the letters of the Romantic poets. Foreign inclusions in their correspondence are an important characteristic of poetics, which until now has not attracted special attention of researchers. The purpose of the paper is to identify and compare foreign inclusions in the epistolary prose of Vasily Zhukovsky and Konstantin Batuyshkov in the context of biography and literary creativity of the authors. It is concluded that Batuyshkov uses primarily Latin and Italian inclusions to incorporate intertexts of Romance culture, for self-identification and authentication of the correspondence partner; in the dialogue of the poet with Nikolay Gnedich these inclusions form a special communicative code. In the ego-documents of Vasily Zhukovsky German inclusions predominate and play a similar role, expressing the most important philosophical and aesthetic concepts of the Romanticism. The analysis of foreign inclusions in the epistle of Batyushkov and Zhukovsky allows expanding significantly the notion of the language biography of these authors. The results confirm the hypothesis that a particular author prefers certain foreign literature. Batyushkov’s letters represent full type of foreign inclusions, Zhukovsky’s letters represent full and partial types, he tends to fix foreign words on the derivational model of the Russian language, or to combine the graphics of the source language and Russian. Some types of foreign inclusions, used by both authors, fit into the poetics of the epistolary tradition of the Arzamas society.
Keywords: foreign inclusions, ego-documents, letters, Konstantin Batuyshkov, Vasily Zhukovsky, multilingualism of Russian literature
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 92 — 99
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