DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-144-148
The question of formation of professional competences of the teacher by means of network interaction within additional professional education of adults is considered. The results of the study of professional difficulties of teachers in the use of information and communication technologies and participation in network professional communities are presented. The characteristic of the formed professional competences and their connection with the professional standard of the teacher is given. The examples of tasks aimed at updating the network interaction of teachers with a focus on relevant professional skills are given: the need for interaction, communication with others; the need for self-realization, self-presentation. The learning management system (MOODLE), the organization of group work for the development and consolidation of skills in the use of information and communication technologies and project activities are described as tools for the training of teachers in the application of information and communication technologies. To assess the results, the methods of researching the professional competencies and ICT competencies of teachers was used to determine the level of the formation of the necessary qualities, which makes it possible to apply the opportunities of network communities for professional growth. Together with IT competences, the work describes the result of the formation of subject competence teachers in the competence of organizational activities, the competence of professional communication, the competence of mentoring.
Keywords: network interaction, professional competence of the teacher, professional standard of the teacher, ICT competence, solution of professional tasks, additional professional education
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 144 — 148
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