DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-149-154
The authors analyze three possibilities of the organization of interactive training (the educational presentations, application of interactive boards and a video conferencing) when training bachelors of pedagogical education in the system of the higher education. The article substantiates the relevance of the interactive technologies in pedagogical education, allowing, along with the competences of vocational training of the future teacher to form students’ ICT competence and also readiness for professional activity in the conditions of the electronic information and education environment of an educational organization. Interactive technologies allow students and teachers to implement professional and quasi-professional kinds of activity both individually and in group. Such interactive technologies as electronic presentations, the possibility of using interactive boards, the organization of distance learning by means of video conferencing are considered in detail. The electronic interactive presentations give the chance to represent complex material with the use of a large number of data, to show the changes happening in the studied phenomena or processes which are difficult for describing by traditional methods. Interactive boards increase quality of perception of information, form the information culture of the teacher and students. Possibilities of a video conferencing allow to provide within distance learning interaction of educational subjects in real time. There are various options of use of technology of the organization of videoconferences in the course of training. The individual results of the introduction of interactive technologies in the educational process are presented.
Keywords: vocational training, pedagogical education, video conferencing, remote education, information technologies, interactive board
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 149 — 154
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