DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-1-17-26
Introduction. This article reviews the personality of Lermontov and his works by criticism of Russian religious philosophers, especially by V.S. Solovyov. History and criticism of literature have а lot of researches, which analyze works of different writers by literary criticism of philosophers. Most often, they simply state one or another thought of philosophers without any assumption that it can be used as an instrument to analyze a piece of art. Materials and research methods. There is an attempt to use literary criticism of Russian religious philosophers as a methodology within analyzing religious-philosophy subject of the artistic literature, in this case by learning life and art of Lermontov in the article. Results and discussion. There is an analysis of literary-critical and some philosophical works of Solovyov in the article, as well as identification of his approaches to creativity and the fate of Lermontov. Special attention is given to the reception of the poem «Demon» and to the demonic theme in the works of the poet in general, confirms the assumptions about deeply personal attitude of the philosopher to the poet’s fate, and interprets the certain similarity between them. Attention is drawn to Solovyov’s selectivity of Lermontov’s texts, designed not only to understand the work of the poet, but rather to illustrate his ideas, which owned the philosopher at the end of his life. The analysis of numerous texts of Lermontov with angelic and demonic themes, which not perceived by the religious philosopher is given. Conclusion. The use of literary critics of the philosophers as methodology allowed us to conclude that the distortion of Lermontov’s demon theme made by Solovyev was explained by completely opposite historiosophical views, different «conceptions of knowledge»: Lermontov tried to explore the beginning of evil and wrote about the first-born of creation, Demon, “the spirit of knowledge”, turning the poem into the gnosiological poem, while Solovyev tried to understand the ultimate fate of human history and wrote the «Short story about the Antichrist» by formulating his eschatological views.
Keywords: Demonic theme, philosophical ideas of Solovyov, «Demon» – the gnosiological poem, angels and demons at the beginning of the creation, eschatology, a search of salvation, mysticism and metaphysics
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 17 — 26
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