DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-1-27-37
Introduction. V. Mayakovsky always willingly turned to the development of the expressive potential of the ancient genres. He used anthem, march, mystery, ode, message, conversation, etc. in his own way. The author for the first time presents transformations of the vision in the texts of the key importance for the understanding of Mayakovsky’s works of the Soviet era. The objective is to identify the genesis of the vision, to clarify the forms of its implementation in the works of V. Mayakovsky. Methodology and research methods. The study is based on the historical poetics methodology. Results. As a result of the work done, the vision is discovered in the form of an ancient proto-plot (a situation of appearing of the infernal person to the heroes of the Old Testament); in the form of the expanded story in Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid (in the stories of the main characters about their descending into the realm of Hades, searching for the shadow of a person, getting the necessary information). The vision is best known as a genre of religious culture of the Middle Ages with a topic developed for the solution of didactic tasks. Finally, at the time of weakening of the religious feelings and the destruction of the genre, the expressive potential of the vision is preserved in the form of the particular artistic devices (“Prophet” by A. S. Pushkin). The central event of the vision in its various variants is an explicit or a virtual contact of a person with a representative of another world. In the lyrical plots of Mayakovsky’s poems - in “Extraordinary Adventure that Happened to Vladimir Mayakovsky at the Dacha”, “Jubilee”, “To Comrade Nette - a Steamer and a Man”, the expressive possibilities of the two sides communicating in the traditions of the ancient plot as the components of vision are revealed. The article examines their implementation in the poetics of Chapter 18 of the poem “Good” and the poem “Conversation with Comrade Lenin”. In the texts with the poetics of the vision preceding the poem “Good”, the initiator of the dialogue with the departed (with Pushkin in “Jubilee”, with Theodore Nette) was the clearly recognizable poet Mayakovsky. In the second half of Chapter 18 of the poem “Good” (1927), for the first time, the initiative passed to the comrades buried near the Kremlin wall, and the poet had nothing to say in an answer to their questions about the state of the country. In “Conversation with Comrade Lenin” (1929), both the dialogue with the leader who had died five years ago, and the report to him about the country’s victories failed. Had “to report not by service, but by liking” about “the work of hell” (here is referring to Dante’s “Comedy”), about the many who interfere with working and living, about the bastards who “tread the ground and around”. After this poem the poet did not have to live long. Conclusion. As a summing up of the 20 years of poetic work, was written the poem “At the Top of My Voice” in which the voice of the poet in the traditions of the vision sounded already from the distance of times ... And this is the last text in the lyrics of Mayakovsky of the 1920s with visual expressiveness in the logic of the through plot of Mayakovsky of the 1920s.
Keywords: Mayakovsky, through plot of Mayakovsky’s lyrics of 1920s, vision, transformation of its components, their functions in the poetics of a lyrical plot, interpretation
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 27 — 37
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