DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-1-38-48
Introduction. The comic aphorism is usually considered in the framework of parody forms, although its genre potential is much wider. Comic aphorism as a genre form is one of the super-small genres, widely spread in satirical and comic journals and play important role in periods of mass interest in publications of this type. Aim and objectives. The purpose of this work is to determine the place and functions of aphorism in the Russian satire of 1905-1907, to identify poetics and typology of aphorisms in this period, which allows us to make theoretical and historical-literary conclusions concerning comic aphorism as a genre form. Material and research methods are based on a frontal study of the available corpus of sources, including satirical-humorous Russian magazines of 1905-1907. The article explores the comic aphorism as a genre, as separate text written with the corresponding author’s intention. The historical-typological and historical-functional approach and the structural analysis provide an opportunity to identify the role of context in the poetics of satirical aphorism and the main models of construction of aphorism and cycles of aphorisms. Results and discussion. Comic aphorism is included into the system of comic genres both functionally and conceptually. The opinion expressed in the form of aphorism is dictated as authoritative and rational. Aphorism allows to achieve the highest possible level of generalization and satirical typing by minimal means: at the potention of the genre form and its conventional perception. Context plays an important role: the author’s intention requires an appropriate reader’s reception. In most cases, the genre form of aphorisms in magazines of 1905-1907 was clearly marked: the genre setting was expressed in the definition given by the author or the editor, which set the appropriate reader’s perception. Another form of fixation is the declared connection with the corresponding literary tradition (K. Prutkov). Conclusion. The main intention in aphorisms of 1905-1907 is not parody (like Prutkov) but satirical. Among the subjects of satirical aphorisms are almost all spheres of the state and social order. Aphorisms also concern persons and situations that had a great resonance. The subject of the statement can become the object of satirical image: most often, such comic aphorism is created as a direct speech. Theoretical contribution. The research proves that comic aphorism as a genre must not be considered as only a parody form. It is one of the ultra-small genres that are widely used in satirical and humorous magazines in Russia and play a particularly important role in the periods of mass interest in publications of this type. The wide spread of comic satirical aphorism in 1905-1907 is determined both by the formal structure of satirical magazines, which widely used ultra-small genres, and by the genre possibilities of satirical aphorism, which acquires a bright, sharp and universal character. The content of the statement combines accusatory pathos, comic intention, a high degree of generalization and the associated axiomatic categoricity. Self-incriminating statements are put into the mouths of real public figures who become the target of satire. Practical significance. The results of the work would be used in the studying of Russian literature of the 20th century, Russian satire and in lecture courses on the theory and history of satire and aphorism as genre.
Keywords: aphorism, satire, sarcasm, satirical magazines, the First Russian revolution, comic, Kozma Prutkov, P. Potemkin
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 38 — 48
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