DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-1-58-66
Introduction. The article deals with the theme of childhood in the lyrics of Georgy Ivanov, according to the testimony of many, the best poet of Russian émigré, belonging to the generation of the first wave of emigration. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the study is to trace the theme of childhood on the material of the whole corpus of G. Ivanov’s lyrics, taking into account the influence of the poet’s acmeistic attitudes, as well as the formation of an existential worldview in his late work, and to trace the evolution of the poet’s children’s theme from the idyllic image of children in the context of the pastoral complex, typical for his early poetry, to the existential inherent in his mature work. Materials and research methods. The research methodology is based on the interpretation of literary texts based on theoretical and literary concepts (acmeism, literary tradition, poetry of the diaspora and metropolis, etc.). A comparative historical method was also applied to the analysis of texts that are typologically close, but have a temporal distance. Results and discussion. We examined the evolution of the children’s theme in the poet in connection with the acmeistic views of the author, identified the metamorphosis of the theme in connection with the appearance in the lyrics of nostalgic and existential themes related to emigration. Conclusion. The lyrical embodiment of the childhood theme of the early G. Ivanov is connected with his acmeistic attitudes, the images of children have the appearance of a “cultural cliché” (cupids, angels, peasant girls) and are written in the common pastoral modus. Childhood, in accordance with N. Gumilev’s geosophical attitudes, whose circle included the poet, is perceived by G. Ivanov as the beginning of a cultural journey, therefore the juvenile subject is accompanied by a large number of literary and culturological allusions. In the emigrant lyrics, the theme of childhood turns out to be inextricably linked with the mortal theme, which corresponds to the general mood of the latest collections of the poet. The image of childhood is distorted, sometimes beyond recognition, in the general mood of hopelessness, nostalgia and émigré longing.
Keywords: Georgy Ivanov, the poetry of the first wave of Russian emigration, the theme of childhood, pastoral motifs, ecphrasis, allusion, acmeistic traditions, existential motives
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 58 — 66
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