DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-1-81-89
Introduction. The issues of communication between the author, the character and the reader in the artistic world of this or that writer remain relevant. The scientific tradition of the study of narratives and the modern literary concepts that complement it (for example, the poetics of personalism) have established that the author is present in his work both narratively and structurally; The author is the creator of the artistic world and at the same time the narrator about it. The author’s subject is manifested through the subject organization of the work, as well as through a storytelling event. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to analyze the compositional speech structure of Svetlana Lavrova’s works addressed to a child reader, to consider the category of “author-hero-reader” categories, to establish the connection of the narrative structure with the author’s artistic world and axiology. Materials and research methods. It is revealed that in the artistic world of S. Lavrova various methods of narration and various forms of manifestation of the author’s subject are used: from a personality-neutral narrator to a personalized narrator. The complexity of the subject organization, the multiplicity of points of view in the artistic world of S. Lavrova are designed to create the most complete and accurate picture of reality. The saturation of the works of S. Lavrova with references, allusions, reminiscences to works included in the circle of children’s and youthful reading actualizes the mechanism of the language game and contributes to the formation of communication between the author and the reader. Results and discussion. As a result, it was found that the most important structural principle of the creation of the artistic world of S. Lavrova is the juxtaposition of outof-place things, the coexistence of the real and the fantastic, the rejection of credibility, but the desire for vitality. Emphasizing the conscious formation of the text by the author creates such a type of narration in which the boundaries between the world of the author and the world of characters, as well as between the world of characters and the world of the reader, are mobile and permeable. Metapathing creates the effect of complete creative freedom of the author, causes a feeling of inner unpredictability and contributes to the formation of game poetics. Conclusion. In the works of S. Lavrova, the world surrounding the child is depicted as internally coherent, harmonious, of absolute value, and the involvement of the child reader in it contributes to understanding oneself and one’s place in the world.
Keywords: literature of the region, literature for children and adolescents, literary narratives, author, hero, reader, narrator, point of view, subject organization of a literary work
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 81 — 89
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