DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-14-20
Being a universal means of communication, search, storage and transmission of information, the Internet has become an integral element of our lives. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in modern linguistics the texts of Internet communication attract much attention of scientists. The Internet culture is closely connected with the implementation of various humorous intentions, and the success of virtual (informal) communication depends on the comic component. The article concerns the role of self-presentation at the forming of virtual personality during Internet communication. The object of study is the mechanism for creating negative self-presentation with the help of humorous means. The authors aim to systemize the present approaches to the strategy of self-presentation. The importance of humoristic means in the realization of intentions of different kinds at the virtual communication is stressed. Humor is a kind of non-stereotyped cognitive processing of the perception of the incongruous and absurd things in the surrounding reality. This is an attempt to break the dogmatism of the template way of reflecting the surrounding world order, emphasizing its inconsistency and absurdity. The author also analyzes effective means of actualization of negative self-presentation in the virtual environment such as trolling, Internet jargon, mems and taboos. The authors stress global scope, anonymousness and indirect communication in the virtual world providing new prospects for the personal self-presentation. The material from this article can be used in teaching the following disciplines: lexicology, stylistics, pragmalinguistics, discourse theory, text linguistics.
Keywords: self-presentation, concepts of self-presentation, Internet environment, functions of humor, trolling, mems, taboos
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 14 — 20
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