DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-28-33
The article deals with problems of cognitive linguistics. The fundamental concepts comprising world language picture is the centre of attention. The article traces the verbalization of the concept of “bread” in the Russian language, using materials from the academic dictionary that contain some phraseological units with component “bread”, each of which implements one of the main cognitive features of this concept. On the basis of the examples given, it is shown that the degree of phraseologization of these units is different, but nevertheless all of them retain a connection with the original denotate. This circumstance contributes to the preservation of positive connotations in this phraseological paradigm. The analysis of cognitive signs to identify the scope of the concept of “bread” in the language picture of the world of the Russian people is carried out. The question of the original meaning, which forms the main nominative meaning of the word “bread” in Russian, which is present in the semantic structure of all derivatives, regardless of the degree of their distance from the creation of a semantic base, is considered. For the bulk identification of the concepts of “bread” in the linguistic picture of the world of Russian people, an analysis was conducted on the basis of cognitive signs. The fundamental nature of the concept “bread” in a language picture of the world of the Russian people with all evidence is shown at all levels. A complete idea of the scope of this concept can be created only with regard to folklore material. However, the system of the most important cognitive signs is successfully traced on the material of lexical, phraseological and paremiological units. We have been collecting the corresponding materials from dictionaries of V. I. Dal, V. M. Ogoltsev, D. N. Ushakov, M. Fasmer, and the four-volume academic dictionary of Russian (the Small Academic dictionary). The task of cognitive or linguistic-cognitive analysis is to analyze language units, focused on identifying cognitive signs that represent this concept in the structure of a particular character. The research shows that cognitive characteristics realized by the concept “bread” embrace the image of bread in the national thinking of Russian nation.
Keywords: concept, bread, world picture, cognitive sign, verbalization
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 28 — 33
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