DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-49-55
The topicality of this research is determined by anthropocentrism of modern humanities knowledge, compliance with the new cognitive-discursive paradigm, insufficient knowledge on poetic worldview of O. E. Mandelstam in the course of his creativity. Conceptual analysis makes it possible to make out subtle details in the author’s works that have not been studied before. Also, the analysis allows us to describe peculiarities of the poet’s perception of the world in this or that period of his work; to reveal features and means of representation of the key concepts in his poetic worldview. The aim of the article is to examine one of the key concepts of the works of O. E. Mandelstam – the concept “music”. Based upon M. L. Gasparov’s periodization of the poet’s creative work, the poetic texts of the early period of the author’s creative work (collection “The Stone” (1913)) are analysed. The choice of this concept is determined by its significance and a major role in the poet’s life. Results. As a result of the conducted research it was revealed that verbalization of the concept of “music” in Mandelstam’s early creative work has an individual author’s character. This statement has been proved thanks to the following procedures: – comparison of the usual meaning of the lexeme “music” that is shown in dictionaries (definition and associative ones) with that of the author. As a result, it has been revealed that there is a broadening of the basic, usual meaning in the author’s worldview by means of building-up of new senses (music not only has the sound incarnation; the absence of sound or silence is also a kind of music that can only be heard by a person with a special mindset); – highlighting several directions of associating (music – silence – sleep; music – the fundamental principle; music – hope for salvation) and their detailed analysis based on the most typical poems of the early period Mandelstam’s creative work and included in the poet’s first collection of works “The Stone”. – the analysis of the lexical structure of the author’s poetic texts in which the concept is reflected (highlighting of the main means of representation of the concept “music” and the text paradigms that are part of the association area of the analysed unit of the author’s sphere of concepts). Conclusion. The conducted research is significant in terms of concretization of the author’s individual style and his poetic worldview.
Keywords: concept, typology of concepts, method of conceptual analysis of a text, lexical structure of a text, poetic worldview, O. E. Mandelstam
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 49 — 55
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