DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-21-30
Introduction. Well-reasoned discourse is still one of the most widespread in up-to-date media sphere. It is conditional on peculiarities of modern social and historical age context and necessity to prove different viewpoints on current events. That is why study of types and means of argumentation is one of the topical task in different spheres of knowledge. The aim of the article is the detection of idiostyle peculiarities of media discourse of a public language personality abreast of argumentation’s types in the sphere of different informational reasons that are used by this person. Methods of research are based on discursive, semantic and stylistic analysis usage supported by regulative theory as one of the directions of the communicative stylistics of the text. Results and discussion. Dependence of types of argumentation that were used by public media persons on objective factors (informational reason, theme, speech genre) and subjective (goal-setting, communicative and cognitive, cultural and speech author’s peculiarities) is determined. Common and individual regulative means, structures and ways, which are typical for argued discourse and for analyzed individual discursive practices, are revealed in the article. The typical regulative structures and means of regulation are the following: usage of opponent’s quotations with further denial; reference to opponent and appeal to him that is attended by direct or indirect characteristic; reference to facts and quantitative data, usage of comparison of similar signs for proof, intensification of expression and polemic excitement at level of language means. Individual peculiarities of argumentation are the following: difference of author’s intentions, scale of informational reasons for counter-argumentation; choice of argumentation type subject to personality’s idiostle including his cultural and speech, cognitive and communicative styles, availability of author’s regulative means of logical and/or rhetorical argumentation in media discourse. Conclusion. The introduced approach to the study of argumentative discourse from the point of view of the idiostyle manifestation of a public language personality, revealed the difference between argumentation types according to the aim, means and effect of influence, which is caused not only by objective factors, but author’s individual peculiarities and information field of media text authors. These findings are of interest for media linguistics, theory of speech influence, speech conflict study, communicative stylistics of text.
Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, regulative theory, argumentative discourse, types of argumentation, idiostyle, public informational and media language personality, informational field of language personality
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 21 — 30
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