DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-41-48
Introduction. The concept volya (will) has often become the object of the linguists’ scientific research being one of the most important notions which characterize both the Russian character and the national mentality. The purpose of the article is to explore the peculiarity of the concept volya (will) in K. D. Balmont’s (1867–1942) artistic picture of the world on the basis of the poetry collections “Burning Buildings” (1900), “Only Love” (1903). Material and methods. The research is carried out from the point of view of the communicative stylistics of the text which studies the text both as the form of communication and the individual style. While discussing the peculiarities of the concept volya (will) in K. D. Balmont’s artistic picture of the world the position of V. I. Karasik was taken into account who differentiates the figurative, notional and evaluative components in the structure of such multidimensional body as concept. Results and discussion. It was stated that the concept volya (will) is explicitly represented by such lexical items as will and free and by the lexical item captivity which foregrounds the similarly-named concept under study. The dynamics of the notional component of the concept volya (will) was revealed. Whereas in the poetry collection “Burning Buildings” (1900) the lexical unit volya (will) which nominates the similarly-named concept has the frequent meaning ‘freedom’, in the poetry collection “Only Love” (1903) the lexical unit volya (will) has the frequent meaning ‘wish/volition’. According to O. I. Mitrophanova, in A. S. Pushkin’s poetry the lexical unit volya (will) apart from other meanings is used in the meaning of ‘free state’. This fact lets us come to the conclusion about partial similarity of the notional component of the concept volya (will) in the poetry writing of A. S. Pushkin and K. D. Balmont. It was shown that the regulative units of different types (lexical regulative chains of various kinds, the regulative frame with the syntactic parallelism as an instance of repetition at the basis) play a great role in the formation of the concept volya (will). The participation of these lexical regulative units in the formation of the concepts «life» and «solitude» lets us presuppose that they realize not only regulative but also concept-building function. The connection of the concept volya (will) with the concepts «creativity» and «beauty» was mentioned. Conclusion. The analysis which was carried out lets us make a conclusion that the concept «volya» (will) bears value for K. D. Balmont and takes one of the most prominent places in the artistic picture of the symbolist poet.
Keywords: concept «volya» (will), lexical regulative unit, world picture, K. D. Balmont
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 41 — 48
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