DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-4-121-128
Introduction. The paper deals with the speech portrayal of a representative of the eastern branch of Russian emigration in Australia. Australia was one of the countries re-emigrated by Russian emigrants from China, particularly from Harbin, which was the center of Russian eastern emigration in the 1960s. The research was carried out within the framework of linguopersonology, a modern trend in linguistics, which studies the individual speech patterns of a linguistic personality. The purpose of this paper is to analyze both linguistic and sociolinguistic speech characteristics of a representative of the eastern branch of Russian emigration in Australia. Scientific relevance of the research results from the interest of modern anthropocentric linguistics in the linguistic personality phenomenon and in the language of the Russian emigration, which in the twentieth century existed in special linguistic conditions. Materials and research methods. The major method used in the paper is the method of speech portrayal. The research was based on the audio records of the speech of a representative of Russian emigration in Australia. These records are a valuable historical and linguistic source of information about the Russian eastern emigration in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Results and discussion. The speech of a representative of Russian eastern emigration is studied as a set of proper linguistic and sociolinguistic characteristics. His speech patterns are analyzed at different levels of the language system: phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical. The speech analysis of the Russian re-emigrant from China to Australia demonstrates a good preservation of the Russian mother tongue at different levels of the language system although throughout his life the linguistic personality existed in a foreign language environment. His speech is not influenced by the Chinese language, which he did not know, though he spent twenty years in China. There is not much interference from the English language except for some borrowings, though he has been living in the English speaking environment for fifty years and is fluent in English. Conclusion. The high level at which the Russian native language is preserved in the speech of Russian re-emigrants from Harbin to Australia is highly dependent on the subjective factors. It is an amazing linguistic phenomenon, demonstrating the preservation of the native Russian language as a means of national and cultural identification and the main attribute of national identity.
Keywords: the Russian language, the Russian language of emigration, the eastern branch of Russian emigration, linguopersonology, linguistic personality, speech portrait, linguistic characteristics, interference
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 121 — 128
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